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<br />_ �-H�n; .. g��. ����'� . .
<br /> ����
<br /> ��r���.�r.q DEED OF'�I�UST WITH�UTURE AOVANC�S =
<br /> .:�; — c�
<br /> THIS OE�D OF YRUBT,le mede ee of the_Q5Ll�duy of ���� .iv_au.uy 6iiG fiii�vi'nj .�
<br /> �, � �
<br />�-`�1'����r s Me Tru�tor. , `
<br /> ' �„ -.
<br /> _�„��,�,� 110 Solar St Alda �ereln"Tru�Y;�l�6'i`�or more�, -�
<br /> _ ,��� whoae maUinp addteas Is
<br /> � _
<br /> -. -:.;r _ . _
<br /> u�.a.;��,� tha Truates� `:
<br /> `-�,���i. whoae maillrtg addreaa!a P•0. Box 1307 Grand Ieland. HE 68802 (hereln'Truatea'�,end w
<br /> _=--y�`" the Beneficiary, Five Pointo 8ank � _
<br /> ��
<br /> f � ^ n whosemaliingaddrosala ?t�i5 N Broadrell GrnnA tA�a.,d c�E 69802-1�07 (heretn"Lende��. -
<br /> .�ti�� � .
<br /> �.1�5.1'�� c
<br /> :.:Ls;a�,.�_ FOR VALUABLE CONSIDEFiAT10N,inotuding Lender's extenalon of credit IdenUBed hereln to
<br /> L;�r; _
<br />.-:''�:�;�� ', Darbara E Wi�e (herein"8onower".whether one or more)and the truat herein created,
<br /> c;:rs the�ecelpt of whlah Is hereby eaknowledged,Truator hereby Irrevacabiy grante,tra�sfere.conveys and assigns W Trustea.iN
<br />-`�� TRUST.WRH POWER OF 9AI.E.tor the berrefit artd eeaudty ot Lender,urtderand subJeattotheterms and condidons ha�elnafter set
<br /> - forth,the�eal properly.deacdbed ea foltowa
<br /> --=��
<br />---;.�.��
<br />-'"""'�'`� Topether with a8 bulldings. Impeovemente,fixWros,streets,etieys,passageways.eesements,righte.privitegea and appurte-
<br /> -- nances Iocated thereon or In anywlse pertaining thereto,and the rents,isauas and profne,reversiona and remalndero thereof,end
<br /> -, -�.�� auoh personal property thet le attaohed to Me{mprovements sa ea to aoms114ute a 4�tu►e,Including,but not Iimited to,headng and
<br /> .� cooiing equipmenfi artd togeiher with the homestead or marital interests,i4 any,which 4ntereste are hereby reteased and weived;a11
<br /> ��.� oi which,inciuding replacemontsartd addiUone thereto,is hereby deciared to be a pa�¢�f the real estate seaured by the Ilen of thla
<br />___,,�.�.-� Dead of T�ust and e�t of the toregoing being reterred w herein as the"Properiy".
<br /> °=-��'T� Thta Oesd of Trust ahall e�cure(a)the payment of the prinoipsl sum and Interest evldenced by a promisaory n4te ororedlt _
<br /> --���� agreement da4t�9 Ju1y Stn 1995 ,hevirtg a maturity date ot Nov�erth r 1Q�h�(�Z , -
<br />--�•�_�� in the odginul principal amount of�_.Z9•020.50 ,artd any end ell modiflcadona,extensioirs snd renewale
<br /> - thereot or thereto and eny and all future advances and�eadvancea to 8orrower(or any ot them If more thclr►ona)hereundar
<br /> __� purouant to one or more promisaory notea or credR ag�eementa(herein Galled"Noto'�:(b)the payment ot other eurna a�dvenoe.d by
<br /> - Lender to protoct the aecudty of the Note;(a)the pedormanca of ali covenaMs and agre�menta ot Trustor aettorth hereln;and(t�ell
<br /> -'��! preaent and tuture indebtednass and obllyaUona of Borrower(or any ot thsm it mare than o�e)to Lender whethev dlreat.indtrect,
<br /> �� abaoluts or coMtnpen!end whelher adainp by noto,guaronty,overdraft oe otherwieo.The Note,this Deed ot Trust.pnd any and Ap
<br /> - otherdoeuenlsthatsecuretheNoteorotherwiaeexeautedinconneatlontherewith,IncludlrtgwlthoutlimitaSongua�anteea,aeaudry
<br /> _= agreementa artd sasig�mems of leasea and renta,shali be reterced to herein as the"Loen Documents".
<br /> = Ttustor covenants and apr�oa with Lender as btlow�
<br /> ���:� t.Parmrr►t o/ired�bt�dn�.All irtdebtadnesa seaured hereby ahali ba pafd when due.
<br /> 2.YiW.TNStot la the owner of the Property.has the right and authority to convey the Property,and warrants that ehe Ilen
<br /> " created hereby ia a flrst and prior Ilen on the Property,except for itens and encumlarences set forth by Trustor in writing end
<br /> �° detivered to Lendm betore execu�on of thle Oeed of Truat.and the executlon and deilvery ot thla Deed ot Trust does not vlolate any
<br /> -�� contrect or other obH�aUon to whtch Trustor la aubject
<br /> - 3.Tiuc�,Ats�m�n�.To pay before delirtquenay aIi taxes,specfal assessments and ell other chargas ageinn the Propedy
<br /> - now or hereaflsr levted.
<br /> 4.Inwral�e�e.To koepthe Property I�aured a�ainatdamape by flre,haisrdaincludeEwlttNn tf�e Wrm"exte�ded coverapd'.ond
<br /> suah otltar ht�zerds as LsrMer may require,in amounta and with comparttes accepteb�e to 6.�ender,namin9 Lende►eb an additianat
<br /> �_� named�naured,with loss payable to the Lender.ln oaae of loss undsr euch poltcies,the lender ta authorized W adJuat,colJ@Ct�nd
<br /> -- compromtae.aU clalms thereurtder and shalf havo the opUon ot epplying elt or pert otthe Inaurance proceeds(�to any indabbednese _.
<br /> seaured hereby and In such orderas Lender may determirte,(II)to the Trusto�to be us�dtor the repalror restoratianot the Praperty
<br /> _- or(8i)fo►anyotharpurposeorobjectaetlafeclorytoLenderwlthoutatfectinpthetienofthlaDeedofTn+stforthetullamouMeecared =.
<br /> —� hereb�►belure auch paymsM cvcr tcak plas�•�lnY ap�►fcfltlon ot procaeda to tndeb�dneaa ahail no!extend or postpone NB due _
<br /> - - - dat�ot any psyments under tha Note,or oura any detautt thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> -- 6.F.�erow.Upoc�wdtten derr�nd by Lender.Truator nhail pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may designats,sufftcfent
<br /> ° sums 4o enable Lender to pay as they become due�ne or more ot the fotlowirtg:(i)ell ffixe�,aasemsmenta and oU+er�ahargea egeinat -
<br /> _�'- the PropeAy.pl)the pr�miuma on the properiy Insuranae�aquired hereunder.and(iih ihe premluma on any moTlgdpe inaurance -
<br /> = roqutred ty Lender.
<br /> _� 8.M�inbnancR,R�patre and Complttnc�with tawa.T�uatar eh�ft keep the Property in good condition and repair ehatl
<br /> -""_--=� promptq►ropatr.or repiace any improvement whiah may be damagerl or deatroyed:ahall not commit or permk aml weate a►
<br />_- - -- dete�toraUon of the Propert�;ehall not�emove,demolish or eubataMlalry eltsr any ot the impravemente on the Prope�ty:shall not
<br /> cammit,autter or permitam►act to be done In ar upon the P�operly tn vio�aUon of any Iaw.ordinance,o�regulation and ahali pay end -
<br /> --�:_�:� �,rompHy diacharpe at Truators coat and expense all tiena enoumbrances and charges tevied.lmposed or sasessed asainst the
<br /> _ ���=:°�:�: PropaAy or e�ny paR ther6ot -
<br />__��--A�'��� 7. LcNnad Domain.Lender ia hereby esalgned etl compenaa8on,ewarda,damspes and other paymenta or►eitet(heroinnRer -
<br /> ,;�,�;...,,- -
<br />_:-�:�.�,
<br /> � �•�� "Proeee�s'�In conrteatfon with condemnatlmn or other taking of the Properry or pa�lthereof.crior conveyance In�teu oi condemne- _
<br /> n tlon Lender shatl ba emitled at Ita opUon to commence,appear in an6 prosecute In its own name any actlon or proceedlnpa.and
<br /> _' '" �� shull atso be entiUed W make any compromise or Bettiement In conneatlon wNh such leking a damage.!n the event any portton of '
<br /> ,�= Me Properyr la ao taken or damaged,Londc�r ehal{have the option.in iffi sole artd absolute dlsaretton,to epply a�l eucA Proceed�.
<br /> ° ntrnr d.d„ctlnn theretrom all costs and exoen3es Inauned by It in conneoUon with such Proceads,upon any tndebLed�oas eecure�
<br /> � .�;=�. hereby end In eueh order ae Lender may determine.or to appty atl auch Proeseda,atter euch deduetlona,to tne�astotatton ot cte -
<br /> _ � Properi�l upon euch coadiUons as Lender may determine.Any appltcaUoa o}Proceeda to Indebt0dness Mall rtot outend or pastpona _
<br />'-��'�?�:'r�"s�� the due date of eny paymenta under tho Note,or cure any detault thereunder o�hereunQer.Any unapplted tunda ahall be paid to
<br /> �`�'��"-`�--., Truator.
<br /> ��F`���� a 8. P�rto�martc�by L�nder.Upon the oaourrence of an Event of Qelautt hereunder,or If any act te ffiken or tegal pro6eedln� -
<br /> - � ���j�r!!�. eommeneed whiah matertalh afteate LeadePs IM�ereat in the Property,Lender may In ILe own disereflori,but without obiipaUan todn
<br /> • � so,and wtthout nottce to or demartd upon Trueto�and without reteseinp Tivator trom any obllaaUon.do any eot whlch Ttu�oa hes
<br />�' �' . apread but talla to 0o and may ateo da eny other aCt It deema neceaaary to protect the aecutlty hensof.Tirustor sAatl.Imm�dialety �
<br /> upon demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender ati c�ate and expenaes irtcurred and sums expendad by Lender in connecUon wNt�
<br /> � ,,, , the exarctse by Lertder of Ne foreQolnp�iphta,together with Interoat thereon ettttedefault►ete provtded in the Na�,whic0 ehall be
<br /> �
<br /> � : � edded ta the Indebiedrteas secured heroby.Lende�ehntl not Irtaur any Itability beeause of anythlrtg It may do or omft to do
<br /> _-a�f��.� hereurtder.
<br /> ,.�__�`a.;,: ,, � • .
<br />