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� -• nr�n't . .wn-• _•v/Y�j�-I � <br /> `..f�pfS� il l,.a. • '' 7T-i- � . � .... .�1 C . <br /> 1 . <br /> - .�8�'..�19,.'{:?.-._: <br /> �. .'y�r 'i4'7>'v�����u��y r1 `� ' , .� . , ( .-_ _ -__ _. <br /> , y�. .y[. �.rG.. ...._ �.'__1..�.__._.._..__ T ....... (a '--- —'_. <br /> ._ . �:l1iG_.:w"[ai�w..._[uLLLZLT--� —_—__. <br />.:�y ' � --. <br />�:--��--- � 9�' 1045�9 . �. <br /> s �... <br /> TOGETHEFi WITH all the impY�ovemen�s now or here�fter ereated o� �,_ <br /> the property, inaluding any welis, pumps and motors, and all •--_ <br /> easemants, rights, appurtenanaea, rents, royalties, mineral, oil �_ <br />-`u end ga� rights and protits, walter riqhts and stoak and all Pixtureg - <br /> nov or he�et�£tex e part of the propertX. All replaae�menke and e <br /> a8ditions shell also be aover�d by this Seaurity Inatrument. Ail — <br /> of Che Poregoing is referred to in �hi� seaurity Tnstruiaent as the = <br /> '�Property". - <br />- BORROi�tER COVENANTS that 8orrower is lawfully seised of the _ <br /> ee�tate hereby aonveyed and has the right to grant and convey the � <br /> Property and that the Property is unenoun�bersd, eaccept for <br />= encumbranaea of reaorc�. Horrower warrants ar►d will dePend <br />- q�nerally �he title to the Property against ali ala�.ms and deman�s, _ <br /> :� <br /> subject to any enaumbranaes o� record. <br /> ' COVENANTS. Borrower and Lenders aovenant and agree as <br />�_.� Pollows: - <br />_ 1. Payyaent of Principal and Interest; Prepayment and Late � <br /> - Chargsa. Horrower sh�xll promptly pay when due the prinesipal af and - <br />,= interest on the debt evidenaed by the Nate and any prepayment aad <br />: late aharqes due under the Note. <br /> 2. Funds for Taxea and Insurance. 3ubject to applicable law <br /> y or to a written waiver by Lenders, Horrower shall pay tu Lenders on <br /> ; the date payment is due under the Note, until tt�e Note 3.s paid in <br />;�.;� Eull, a sum ("Funds"� equal tos (a� yearly taxes and assessments <br /> - Whiah a�ay �tt�3n griorfty oysr this 9e���rity Tnatrumettti 4b? Yearly . <br /> � hazard insuranae pre�aiumsp and (a) yearly mortgage insurance <br /> ��� preiaiums, if any. Th�ae items are aalled "escrow ite�ms", Lenders <br /> _° may estimate the Funds due on the baeis of aurrent data and <br />.�� reasonable estimates of future escrow items. <br /> ThQ Punds shall be held in an institution, the depos3ta of <br /> -- whia�a are inaured or guaranteed by a federai or stcate agency. <br /> — Lende�s shall apply ttze Funds to gay the esarow itexas. Lenders may <br /> not charge for holding and applying the Funda, analyzinq the <br /> � aaaount or verifying the escrow items. Lendera sh�li not bg <br /> required to pay Borrower any interast or earnings on the Fwnds. <br /> — Lenders shall qive to Borrower, without charge, an aauival aaaount <br /> - of the Funds showing credits and debits �o the Fands and the <br /> - purpose for which each debit to the funds was made. The Funds are <br /> pledged as addi.tional secusity for the suans seaured by tHis <br /> = security instrument. <br /> '- Tf the amount of the Funds held by Lenders, tog�sther with �he <br /> -� Puture yearly payments of Funds payable prioz to the due dates of <br /> -J the esarow ite�ts, shall exceeal the amount requ ired �o �ay f:T�ie� � <br /> __ escrow items when dus, the exaess shall be, at �orrower�s option, <br /> ;�•:;= oither promptly repaid to Borrowc3r or credited to Sorrower an <br /> i= year].y payments og Funds. If the an�aunt of the Funde held by <br /> - Lenders is not suff icient to pay the escrow iten�a when due, <br /> -- Borrower shall pay ta Lenders any amount neoessary to make up the <br /> _- dePiaiency in one or more paymer�t� as required by Lenders. <br />- ���` Upon paymemt in full of all aums secured by this Securi�y <br /> ��,= Inatsutaent, Lenders �hall promptly refund to Borrower any Funda <br />:_� heid by Lenders. If under paragraph 19 the Property is eoid or <br />;;� acquired by Lenders, Lenders shall apply, no later than immediately <br />��;:'�� prior to the sale oP the Property or its acquisition by Lsndara, <br /> �''`��� any Futrds held by Lenders at the time nP applicatior► as a aredit <br /> :..�.., <br /> ..`�'� �2.��i LL� ..�A L.0 �hi e Qen»r.��ai TweF�tnnfet�f* _. <br />-`;;ti'- nyo.e.sao�. wsv o�iiuv Scvwov. w.j v.�.o ........��..1 ....�....�...-�..�' <br /> - � 3. Applicatfon of Payments. All payments received by Lenders <br />"' ��� tuider paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: first, to late ahargea <br />.=��'� due under the Nota; second, to prepayment chargea due under the <br />_ „ Notef third, to amounta payable under paragraph 2j fourth, to <br /> .. interest duep and, last, to pririaipal due. <br /> 2 <br /> �.;; <br /> ;�,. <br />