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<br /> DATE: July 10, 1995
<br /> LIEN CI,AEMED BY: Revin Volimer�s Orywall
<br /> 3113 North Webb Road
<br /> arand Island, Nebraska 68803
<br /> LIEN CLAIIKED AGAINBT� Dale and Carmen Eimers
<br /> 509 East Memorial Dxive
<br /> Grand Island, Nebraska 68801
<br /> � 8t3 L -
<br /> Kevin Volltner, nwner and operator of Kevin Volvnor�s Drywall,
<br /> bei�ag firat dulg sworn upon oath deposes and says:
<br /> i. He i� the own�r and ogerator of Revin vollmer�s Orywall
<br /> and as such verifies this account i.n writinq for and on behalg of
<br /> Revin Vollmer�s Drywall.
<br /> 2. Kevin Vollmer prrovi.ded labor and materials for work done
<br /> an PraP$z"tY 2rscstsd st i835 eass 3�oad, Gr� �sla�, Hall ��tyj .
<br /> Nebraska, legally desaribed as follows:
<br /> Lot One (i�� Rainbow Lake Seaond Subdivision,
<br /> Grand Island, 8a11 Coun�y, Plebraska.
<br /> 3. The date that the xabor and materiaLs were furnished �o
<br /> said property at the request of Aale and Carmen Eime��, awne�s of
<br /> the abov� de�tribed proparty, was on or about May 4, i'J9S, and the
<br /> price for these ma�terials and services was Six Thoueand �iqht
<br /> Hundred Ninety-Three Dollars ($6,893.00) . Kevin Vollmer�a Drywall
<br /> Y�as re�eived no payinent from Dal� �n8 Carmen Eimers. �
<br /> 4. Kevin Vollmer•s Drywal.l alaima a lien on the al�ove
<br /> described real estate for the ful]. amount of the contract pric� of
<br /> Six Thousand Eight 8undred Ninety-Three Doilars ($6,893.00) ,
<br /> toge�her with interest the�ceon at the rate of sixteen percent ��7.:6$) �
<br /> pe� annum From and after May 4, �.995. .
<br /> ' BY s ,� -
<br /> Kev ollmer, Cla ant an Owner
<br /> S�tbstsribed in my presence and sworn to before me s���day
<br /> of J�.tly, 1995. �
<br /> '�L rTAA��1t
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