' ^:'� .; . , ' n i
<br /> ,�r
<br /> •�'s� ' � . � •-�--_..:.:.� t. �
<br /> - . ,. . _._.....�w. . _Jf.t::^......._...."•---.e_...._.+..i.�.r__..4x:..t:k.,.....�.......�_...�..-�..._•____»___...__...._-•�--.<.__...�__ �p--
<br /> ,. ' Os�3o-199s DEED OF TRUST A����� 1�4��5 P�ge S .
<br /> „ `" • Loan No 41A83 .: ., ` (Ca�rttnusd)
<br /> � . ot tho Proparty or Intncnst In tho Properry;Incraasn tho Income hom ihe PropaAy or protoci tho secudry ot the P�o purry;and.wlth or witrtout �
<br /> taking porso�lon of tRO P►opmry,suo tor or othorvNse cotksct the rents,fssuas end profits ot the Property,Inctudlrtg lho�a past d�o and
<br /> �� unpeld,and eppry the eemo,te�csst�and o�onsus of oporaUon and collacUon.Inctud�ng�ttornoys tnos,to any Indobtodnnsa secured
<br /> ' by ihl�Qoed of Ttuot,alt In cuch orda es Londar may detorrWno. Tho entadng upon end teking poe3usslon oi ttre Proporty,tho collecUon
<br /> �� af euch ranto,Issuu9 and protita,nrtd the appttcttlon theroof eh�ll not curo or w�tvo any dotautt or noUco of dotau It undnr thts Ou�ed ot Trust
<br /> �� or Inv�lidat�any rct dono In rospones b such dotwtl or pureu�nt M eucb noUce of dWau�;�nd, noUMthstanding thu aonl'nunnca In
<br /> possossbn of the Property or the col►eetlon,roeetpt and applicatlon of rents,lswos or proAts,T►uatee or l+snder ehaD bo enUUed ta
<br /> exmcta�eva�r Ngh1 pravlded for In the Note or�ho Ratctad Oacum�nb or by tat�upon Ma oaurronco ot erry svent ot dafnup,includtr�thu
<br /> dght to oxacuo the Power of sde;
<br /> ' (b) Comra►xe en aclton to torecbse tt�i Dead of Truffi�s a mort9�.�PPo1rt�recdve►o�epeciflcatty entqroo my cf the oovancnts
<br /> :::� horeoi:�nd
<br /> • .: .;: IM�ere�it�tn the Propeny to be8soid,wh�ch t►oUCe Truete9 eh�nuso to be duly Tited�tot r�rd n the aPP P�n�olRees of Me Caunry n
<br /> which the Prope�ty Is bcated:md
<br /> ;" (d) With respoct to�II o►ar►y paR ot the Peeeon�!Property.4ende►shn7 have NI ttie Aghte and reme�Des of a searad pivty under tt�e
<br /> Nebroslcs Unhorm Commerolal Cade.
<br /> � FonNosun by Povwr ot Sua It Lender etect�to toreclose by exerdse at the Power ot Sato ha�ein contained,Lende�shail notHy Tntstee artd ,
<br /> . �� ahaU dc�posll wtth Trustee this Oeod of Trust end tha Note and such recetpb and evldance of expendriu�es made ond seared by this Geed�f
<br /> ' Truat as Ttusteo mey requVe.
<br /> (a) Upun receipt of such mtice hom Lender.Tntste9 shaU cause to be reoorded,pubtished and deiivered m Trus�r such tVoUoe of DetauR •
<br /> �>� .. and Horioe ot��te nvv nnd afte►re ord�lon t s�ucA NoUoe of Qetwtt utd attat No�ce a Sele�h in�8 beea��a+�oqSUired bY�aw,�sell
<br /> ' than E��ttUsd hy
<br /> .� the ProPerif►at the tlme and pieca ot eate tbced t=y ft In euch Notlee of Se�e�etU�e�as a wtale.or irt sePanue[ota or paroab or[ttxre ss
<br /> _- ���:� --- Taatee sh�l deem e�eWenL�nd tn sucB arder a�tt may detertriine,at puh➢o au�on W iix�idgis�i�ddcrlar essh IR lawh.��money ot -__
<br /> . ., � the UNted States PaYabie at the tlme of s�ia. TruaLee eheil deliver to oueh purchase►ot purchsse�s ther�of its 9aod md suifidert deed or
<br /> _ _ -- :.,,... ..
<br /> deeds oonvuying the P a ve�r o otf tha hutMutn�tl►ereof.�tMY Peraon,induding r�ut IhNtatlon�Tnistor,Tn�atee. cr Lende��maf► �_,
<br /> ; or fecte sh�N b�aondu p —
<br /> p ' purChi99 at euCh ede. �'�
<br /> ra- �pj q9 may 0e pemitted by I�w,afte►deductlng dl oosts,tees and e�enses of TNetee nnd of this 1'lust,[nct�ding oosts of evtdence of �;
<br /> Utle tn oonneatlan wfth eWe,Ttuatee ehdi�ppry the prooeeds of eate tn paqrt�sm ot (q e1t eums c�cpended undar tRe tertr�s ot We Deed of _
<br /> ��� • Trust a under the tenro of the Note not then repdd,tncludtng but aot Iimited to aeaued interest and Inte charges, pq ail ott�sumsthen �
<br /> � setured hueby,and (ii�the remaindc{r,B any,to the person or persons tegalty entitled therato. �,`...r;
<br /> �� (o)Trustee may in the manner provlded by Iaw poxpor�+eaie ot ell or any portlon of the Property. �.�_:
<br /> ,,r .
<br /> • R�s Not E�t�tu�M�. Tlustee and Lender,and exA of them,shaU be enUtled to ento�ce peyrtiort and peAormenoe of any indebtedness �-`
<br /> ' � e,{e�_ g�o eecured by thts Ceed of Trust and di exetdse ali d9hts and powe�s under thb Deed o!YYust,under The No�,unde►arry ot the =
<br /> , . .^F• Ret�ted Doa ment�.or urtderany other�M or ury taws oow or hereatter in toroe:non�itt�sundng�ooms vr a8�i euc�iri�ie� _°
<br /> �nd obligadota eeoured by thf�Q e s d of Tiruat m�y n�w or h a�e a f t�b e o U f m�M s e e e c u re d.w b e t h e r b y r r b K 9 a g e,d e e d o t tr u a t,P l e d 9 c.Ye n.
<br /> a�slgruneM or oU�wisa. Hettfier the�oeepwioB ot thb Deed of iYuat nor ita er�braemeriL MA�ethe►bq oourt ecUon or pvreuan!to the powe►of --
<br /> qF- sate a other powere oontNned in thb Ooed ot TrusL ehaY pre�vd i o e or in any m�rtne►adtect Ttuef�e's or Lsnder's�igM L�reaBze upon o►
<br /> , enforce aM►other eecurtty now or he�aafte�Aeid b�►Tlustee or L ende►,R being egr�ed thtt Ttuateo and Lender�and e�ch of U►em,s h e A be _.
<br /> ' � * enUtlod to erttocae tNs Qeed of Truat and ury other eewr[ty now or hated�heid by Lender or Trustee In euch onder md m�nne►a�thay or
<br /> ' • either ot them m�y in the4 absolute dlsaetlon delarMno. No�e�r�ady cor�arred upon or re�erved L�ltuetee or 4endar,ta Irrtended ta be �.g,.
<br /> � '' exduaMe of�ny oUfe►rerr�t In tt�b Deetl of Tnlst or0y taw provlded or pem�d,but each sh�be atmufative and ehtll bo in ade�tlon to _..-
<br /> • �� every ott�er ren�edy ghren in tl�is Deed of Trust or now or f�ereaf[er existing at Iaw or in equ[ly or by staWte. Every power cr re�netlY 9h►sn b�►the E=—
<br /> • Note or�r►y ot tho Reltted Doeumerrts w Trustee or Lender or to vrhich eNher nt tt�ern may ba othenMse eritllled,mny bs exBfq9B0, �__
<br /> ,,,,,,,. �,. �, concurre�dty or indepertdertty.ttom tlme to tlma end a9 o l t en as may b e doe m e d e x p e d►etrt b y Trustee or Lender,and�of them miY _�
<br /> ' ; . �",.,'� . putaue(nppnsistelR remedies. Noth(ng in ttJs Ceed of Trust ehali be consbved as prohlbttlng Lende�r irom saeking �defldency judgmeirt _
<br /> . ' " sgekisi the Tmator to the sxtont such n�Uon b pamifrced by law.
<br /> '.��� �•�*F Rpusst For Notle�. Tnietot,on behetf of Trustot end Lender,h�ueby requesta that a oopy of any NoUoe of DeTault and a eopy o!eny Noti�oe
<br /> e
<br /> ":��� � of 3�1e un6aP thts Deed of Trust be moiled to them at the addresses eat toAh fn the fkst paragnph o!fhb Deed of 7ruet. _
<br /> _, � _�,.
<br /> �>;;:°•;•.-.,�•.",�• yr�Ww;E�otlon of pMn�dt�s. A wdver by any perty of a breech of a provisfon of thb Oeed ot Trust shdl not cons�0�te a wai+rer ot or =
<br /> ==-�=r�+ prejudioe the prty's rfghb otherwise to demtnd strict eompilu�ce with tbet provsion or any other provision. Etectbn by Londer to pursue any
<br /> ``.,s:- .• ..�".,• rert�edY Provided in this Oaed�f 7tuet.the Nota.in any Related Oocumert.or pmvided b�►taw sheA not exctude paireuR ot einy other rernedY� —
<br /> :_��L:.::::,�', nnd an etecUon to makeexpendlaua�or to teke aatlon to perfortn an obtigatlon o1 Trustor under this Deed of Tiust aate►(aikue ot Trusmr to
<br /> ' � peRorm eh�lt not aReat Lenda's dgM to declae a Eefauh and to exerdse�ny of its�ornedies.
<br /> � Attoeaaap�'Fws;E�ns�t. If Lender InstlNtes erry suR or nctlon to eMOroe arry of the tertns of tNs Doed of Tme�L,ondar sh�bo�d to _
<br /> �.i .. .� . reoover suoh num as the aourt mey adjudge reasonnble as atromeys'fees�trid and on any eppeat. Whether or notar�y�ourt actlon b ----
<br /> :.�i��•.��.1''• IrnoNed,all re�aonebte�ucpenaes k�cuRed by Lendor whtch In Lsnders optnbn ere nooassary at arry 8ma tar the protectlon of tts intereat a the --
<br /> - erdorcert�errt ot lta dgh�shail become a part of the indebtedness pnyabte on dmnand and shaU bear interest�the Note n�te hom the date ot
<br /> �-���'r.i�h�:..�.> axpendlWre untll repNd. Fxpenses aovered Ey tNo pmegreph In�tude,wfthout timilaiton,Ruwever sub;cct to amt:hn:b und�app!l�Io fm1� --
<br /> ,q-��'�:,,'.,°`� `-• Lender's attornoyo'toes whather or not there Is n�ewsu�.Inctuding c►ttomeys' �tor ba�+kro��oesedk�qe Ir►g eHorts to modity or �.
<br /> ��T.� �y_.
<br /> vacate ufy automatla stay or InJuncNonj.aPPeeis and arry amtcipnted poat-Judg collecUon seMCesJAe oost o�t se�ching reoords,oMdntng �,,:;
<br /> � �*^�:-='� r�ne repo�p�air�toreciosur�reporrs�,eutveyo�e'rePctts,aPPretset tees,UUe miu�noo.and tFOS ror cne Yn,s�ee,, u�e mce��mxad�r
<br /> - . , .�. .. �: apA9cabta taw.Trustor eiso w1U pay�ny oourt ooais,ln additlon to atl other sums vldedbgJa�t.... . � �;
<br /> .. � �8t�y!rb of Tr•�b�.Trustee shell hav�ap of tha rtgMs snd dudes of Lendcr a4 set torth In Ws seclbn. �z
<br /> ,..
<br /> . , �' POWEAB AND 08110ATIONB OF 1RU8TEE. Tlre Yoltow[ng Provtatons retatlng to ttie powere and obligatlons of Trustea are part of Ws Oead ot
<br /> . ., �,4 Tivst. ..
<br /> � °� pmx�n ot TrustM. In addlNon to eU povrere of 7rustee erisfng as a matter ot�aw,Truatee ahaU havo the power to take tho toltowing actlons
<br /> ° �� ` � wtth respect to the Property upon the w�tten request of Lender and ltustor. (a)joln in prepering and flling a map or ptat of the Real Propeny,
<br /> inctuding tne dsdicatlon ot etreem or other dgms to the pubuo; (b)join tn grer�trg any ea�rtiem or cre�►ng any restrlctton on the Real PropeAy; �
<br /> and (a)join In any eubordiaaUon or other ngreemerrt etfeatln9 U+b Doed of Yrust or U►e iMerest ot Lender under thia Deed ot Tiuet
<br /> '��;' . :� 'ifnistee. Ttusteo ehetl meet ell quali8oatlans required br T�ustee under appiicabte law. In additbn to Uie dgMe and remedies set torth ebove,
<br /> wtth respeet to Nt or ar►y pert ot the Property,lF�e Ttustee ehalf havo the dgM to toracto�by notico and eale,and L+�nder ehait hnve the dght W
<br /> • torectose by JudiciN torectosure,in eithsr case in a000rdence with and to the fuii axtertt provided by nppUcable Iaw. .
<br /> Suaceasor Trustae. Londer,at Lendere opibn,may from Urrb to 8ms appolnt e euccessor Trustcae to any Trustee appointed hereund�by sa� �
<br /> ° instrume�rt�xeeuted and acknow►edged by tsnder and reoorded in the oflf�oe ot the rccorder ot He0 Courtty.Nab.raska The InswmeM shM ,
<br /> • - ° ' - - —_ ._ -•-- �-�--� --�-
<br /> �._
<br /> • coniNn,in addltlt►n to all omer matter9 requlretl by eteD918w,me nemes oi tneor�nai�ender,Trusiea,ana ��uaa+�.uW wvw w�r.a���
<br /> ° computer eystem�alerence)where this Oeed ot Trust fa reoorded,and the name and address of Ute sucoessor trusLee.and the Instrumert shap
<br /> . be executed antl aeknowtedged by el�the benefldactes under the Deed ot Trust or thair euocsssore in ir�terest. The suooessor truatee,witlwut „
<br /> �� conveyunoti ot the Property,sheti eucceed to ai!th9 4itle,power,and dutles conlerted upon the Ttuste0 in this Deed ot Tiust e�d by appllcnble
<br /> taw. This prooadure tor substlmUon of trustee eheN govem to the exctusfon ot dl oU►er provlsbns tor subsDtutbn.
<br /> NOTtCES TO TRU9TOR ANO OTHBR PARl1R3.Any norioe under thia Deed of T�ust shall be In wriUng,may be be sent by teletacslmllie,and shaU
<br /> • be ettecUve when acWelry delMered,or when doposfted wiM a natlonatry recognized ovemtght couder,or,N mailed,sheli be deemad etfeclhre when
<br /> depostted fn dt0 UNted States mNl firet class,regbtered man,postaga prepatd,direded to the address�shoyvn aear the beginning of thts Oeed ot
<br /> m�
<br /> �• ° Trust. My perty may change ita address Tot notlws under this Oend of Ttust by gNr(ng tormal virtitten notice to the other partles, specitying that the
<br /> ' purpose of the ootloe is to change the perty's addreas. AU ooples of noUooa of foreciosure trom ths hoider ot any�len whkh has p►tadty over this
<br /> Oeed of Trust shail be ser�t to LendePs eddress,as shown near the begfnning ot this Deed ot Truat Por noUoe purposes,Ttustar agrees to keep
<br /> � Lender and ihtstee intormed at NI tlmes ot Ttustora curtem address.
<br /> MISCBIiJWEOUS PAOViSIONS. The tol►owirtg miscetlaneous provlslans are a part of this Daed ot TrusC
<br />