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<br /> , .; RECOROATION REGUESfEt� �Y:
<br /> �, Th�Fkat Wtl�rW B�nk o!York _.;
<br /> ,. , � 82a Unaole Av�nu� .
<br /> � P.O Qox 6f .
<br /> . �• ; � .. YorI�,NE at4B7 C� . „
<br /> .,�,-, � ._ _ .. �
<br /> .,;-
<br /> t„� - • .'�,.}
<br /> ..�-
<br /> . .�� lf�flrst t�btlonu 8ank ot York � d : _
<br />.:-�F.♦��r.,-•=r� �°UneQlnAYARti.► •-
<br /> � P.O.Box 09
<br /> YorN,NE 68487 '
<br /> ,�� . � �'� SEND TNC NOTICES T0: �`'v
<br /> ,:%ia . 1h��t Nttiotnf B�T►k ot Yaric . �°i?
<br />, b2�Uncoln Av�nu� —__
<br /> ,�� P.O.BoxE9 =-
<br /> .;.:;, YoskNE 6Md7 gp/1CL'ABOYB THIS UNE 1S FOA R�CORDF.i1'8 YSE ONLY =_
<br /> a ,,:�i,� --_
<br /> ., � ���iC��:i' -
<br /> '"�`'�� ' DEED OF TRUST
<br /> ,_ : ,, �-,�,�� ,
<br /> )r=
<br /> , . � .;,�.;.� l 7Hi3 DEED OF TRUST IS DATEC JUNE 90, 1995�emonp Samuel Ping Wan�,Grace Chins Wanp and James
<br /> '�" Fan, 9entuei Pln� Wan� and Qrace Chirtp Waap, husband and wite and James Fan a sinate porson�vrhosa
<br /> . •°.s.:•'
<br /> �•.'•��" addreas Is 17Z7 Uncoln Avenue, York,NE 68487-1444 (�eferred ta below es 'Truato�"); 7he Flrat NeRlonal
<br /> ` r'�•��' "� � Bank ot York, whoae addre� ts SZ9 Uncotn Avenue, P.O. gox 69� Yor�, t�E 88487 (reterred tm bebw
<br /> �r�::�"; _^.; aometimss as"Lemier" and eonneUmes as"Beneflclary"�;and THE FlRST NATI�NA4 BANK OF YORK,whosv �
<br /> :��;��zz:�� �ddesa Is 629 LINCOLAt AVENIiE YORK� NEBRASKA 88467(reterred to below as"Tn[stee"�.
<br /> :. ,c....; -. �
<br /> . . ,�.-+��• Truator corn�ye to T�usts�In trun.W17'H PdYVER OF BALF,tot th�ben�tit of
<br /> �_.�;�.tr� CONVEYANC�AHO GRANL For va(wb1�conatduatlon. c -
<br /> 'Y:x•,:,�;:-„�:. :, L+OZMMr Y 8NfellCliN� dl oi'Ituetorb rfght, tltle�and Imerest in and to the to��o�bed reat proPe�t!►��dl watcut water dgMs and
<br /> ^'�:• oubsaquenllY�d or e�tlxed bulldings�ImpravemerRs end fixucres:NI easemertte� �andap puRe�nerwes:
<br /> •<•>� diich dgMa(ir�ludtng stock in utllitles wtth ditch or'tigatlon dgMs);and eli othe► hts,royalUes end pcoff�retadn9 to the red pro�y,tnchidi
<br /> • .��='-:--' witl�out Imttatlon all minerats.oil,9as,gaothertnai end eimuar matte�s. locat�In Mall t�out�tY, stete of Nebraske (the "Russ�
<br /> .'�F�F�
<br /> .-,�Y'._-".
<br /> :._�,.-_-�w�. Property"):
<br /> �C4z.�=,r-��ss;
<br /> �°.:�.....,.. •
<br /> ��'���°'��t_, Lot Two(�)�J ds 3 Subdiviston,qty ot Grand Istand�Hatl Cnunty,Nebraska
<br /> ai:ui_�
<br /> ��-j=°A�" li�e Fiatl Properly or its address ls comraonhl known aa 2302 N Webb Road�Girand taland.NH 888{13.
<br /> :,.=},:.,. .
<br /> •,,., � T�vstor preser�►assl9ns w Lender(atso known as Benetiotary In thta Daed of TntsU ail of Truutor's�I9M,tide.and latereat in and M aU P�nt�n
<br /> �s,:,'�;: A.�ture te�al tAe Property�nd all Rent�trom ttte Propaty. In a d d t d o n�T i uator graMa Lsnder t Unlorm CorrmerdN Code securtry tnterest In the _
<br /> _ �3y7� ReNSandti�ePeraonatPropertydeflnedbeiow.
<br /> ,�r_ �.u...
<br /> Q�M�,g.The toltowlnfl woMa sR�eR have the buowing moantngs w1►en used In 1Ms Deed ot fiist Teme not othanMse deltned tn Ws Oeed of �
<br /> �:i!f8�'„�'u�,�. Ttust Bhd hnve the maenings atCibuted to ettCh tenro In the UnNOrm Commerdat Code. All rerterenoes to doifw e�rauni�eh�fl fneait 8rtfou�s In
<br /> - �� lativNi money ot the Untted States ot M�fce. ""
<br /> �`�i7P'�'rv�. -__
<br /> .-��� Q�Roi�ry. The word'6eneflciuY'mear�s TAe�1re�NaU°nel Bank of Yoik,lts euooea9o�s and a�tgna The Rrst Natf�onN Bank ot York Nso _.
<br /> _`�?��-y.._.,*;�, reta�red�es Lender'In Ws Oaed ot Ttust �_•
<br /> _-° _...-s,r� p��7�t, The words`Oaed ot TruaP'mean ihta O e e d of 1Yuat among ltuetor,Lender. and Tivateo,end inctudes vrithout Umiktlon ett �*
<br /> ., •:`:
<br /> .. :' �-:_,� esslgrunem and secudty Inter�rt prov�lons rdetlng W the Personat Praperry and Rerds.
<br /> � � � � �no��p�nea�, The words•Ext�lirtg Indebtodness'mean the indebtedness descdbad batow tn the Exlstlng Indebtedness sedbn ot �.�
<br /> ;,., .. ';. thbDeedofTruat -
<br /> x Gimrartor. The word"Civatanta" mea� end Inciudes without Ilmitetlon any and eU guaremcrs.suretlea. and accommodaUon partles in _
<br /> . �kn with the Indebtednoss. ..
<br /> _ ;::;,, ' t rov�ne�s. fia word"Improvemerrte�'mosns and includos wlttiout tlmiWbn eU exl�tlng und NWro Improvemsma.1hcWres, bulidings,
<br /> ���� sb�i�ctures,mobtle homes attbced an the ReN ProPeAY.tadlitles�addtdoris,reAlaoemente and otheroo�etrudbn on tbe Reai Proparry. •.;.
<br /> .. l�debmdrtoa�, The word'Indebtodaos�'means�I P�nclpai and Interest Paf'�le undm the Note and any amou�s expeaded or advenoed by
<br /> M: ���'t�o������pro���(0��ey�stee or Lender to er�occe obtigaaons of Trustor urtdet thia 08ed of Ttust,
<br /> r f
<br /> ----=-.----_ ...._. rwe,.w.a•�ondc�^maans The F(tst NaSlonal Bank ot Yotk.its sucaesso�a and essig�.
<br /> , �---- -_ _ ...,�.. ..__-•- --� - � - --
<br /> � Noto. The word'HotM meana th�Nots drtad Juns 30,1895.111 th8 ptlrtClp81 81110t�11t Ot s40.�34.50 irom TTUStor m�ender,
<br /> • CONTAtN3 A VMIABIE tNTERflST RA���� reflnandnga,end substllutlons tor the Note. N�iiCE TO TRUSi�OR: THE NO fE ,.
<br /> `� p�no�e�l prop�riy. The words°Personei Propert�'rrrean eU equlpmom,fixtures,end other articles of pe�suncil propecly rrow or here�ter
<br /> .. " owncsd Ey Ttustot,and now or huroattcx ettached or efitzad to tha R�enl�,►ty'�,tn�t the�ro�3�R���on�Q�imitation ell Insurence
<br /> ' repiacem9nts ot, and NI substiNUona tor. mry of such properiy: �S
<br /> prooeed9 and relunds ot premtums)irom any eate at other disposltlon of tha Property.
<br /> � . �roP,riy. The word�Propeny'mean9 coqeGheiy the Reet Pmperty end the Personat PropaAy.
<br /> ' 81i1 Prop�rly. Tht►words"Roal Property'mean 1he proPen!►.tnte�ests end rtgMa d�ibed above in the`Conveyanee and Granf ce�tlon.
<br /> Rpttad pxumaMs. The words 'Retated Oocumonts menn and indude wfthout Itrr�ltetlon dt promi�ory notes,credit e�qceeme�s. �otm
<br /> � , eprs�merts,environmeMOl agraoments.fluaru►t[ea,sneudty agreeme�b.�'�°r�9°9e�deeds ot trust.artd M other Instrumenb�a9reemonts and
<br /> ' dowme�,whether naw ar herestter extsdng,oxecuted In connecUon with the irtdebtedness.
<br /> • Ru�. The+iroM'Rams'mnans eil ptesorx ar*d tuture rents,revenues,inoome,issues.royeltlss.Profits,and other benefib dertved trom tho
<br /> i
<br />