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<br /> _ ATTN: FNYLIS JENSEN — `q1�
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<br /> THIS A�HD OF TRUST("Secuslry Insuument")ia made ou June 9. 1995 . The trustor is �
<br /> Robert A. Borta and Itarea A. Bortz, husband and wife
<br /> ('Bor[ower").The uustee ia No:west Bauk NeLraeka. Nmtional Aesociation
<br /> ("Tmstee").The beneficlary is Norwest Bank Nebraska• NaCional Assaci�tion
<br /> which is organized end exiating nnder the laws of ����� g�$*Qq Qg ��i�A .and whose }
<br /> �t$ 202 Weat Third Street Grand Isiand, Nebra���e��Borrower owes Le�er the prirtcipal sum of
<br /> �entq Thousand Dollar��and no/I00 Dollars(U.S.a 20.000.00---------�•
<br /> TNis debt is evidenced by Bornwwer's note dated the same date as thls Secudty Tnshvment("Note"),which provIdes for
<br /> �aonthly paycuents,with tUe full debt.if not paid earlier.due and payable on 06/09/200� •
<br /> This Sccurlry Ins�nt sacures to I.e.uder:(a)the�payment of the debt evidenced by the Note.with interest.and ell renewals,
<br /> eactensions end modifications of the Note;(b) the payment of all uther sums. with tnterest. advanoed under paragraph?w
<br /> pmtect the security of this SecusIty Insuument: and(c) the perfomnance of Hornower's covenants a�td egrcementa. For this
<br /> putpose, Borrower Irtevaxibly gsants end conveys to Trustce.In uust,with power of sale, the following described pmperty
<br /> lacated in Ball County.Nebraskn:
<br /> Lot 7, Biock 1, Westerhoff's Second Subd�.v3eion, aity of Graad Isiand. Ha11 County.
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> which haa the address of 3z�p4 L1•17t`h St Grand Island [suee�,ci�yl,
<br /> Nebraskn 68803 t"�pertY Address");
<br /> •t [Z{p Codo�
<br /> TOOE'fHER WITH all the impmvements now or hereafter eretted on the property.end all easements.apputtenances. and -
<br /> flxtures rtow or hereafter a part of the praperty. All replacemcnts and additions shall nlso be covered by this Sa.�urIty -
<br /> Instrumeat.Ap of the foregoing is referred to in this Securiry Instnunent as the"Property."
<br /> BORROWfiR COVBNANTS that Borrower Is luwfulty sclsed of the estete hereby conveyed und has the dght to grant and � _
<br /> convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered. except for encumbranoes of remrd. Bonower warra�its and will -
<br />. defend genemlly the tiUe ro the Property against ali claims nnd demands,subject to any encumbranc�of reoord. .,
<br />- THIS S�CURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covens►nts for national uso end non-uniform covenants with limited
<br />= verlattona by jurisdictton ro constit�te a uniform securiry{nstrument oovering real property. �
<br />- UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower end Lender covenant and pgroe os follows: -
<br /> 1. Paymcnt of Principal,and Interest; Prepayment and Late Churges. Bocrower ahuli promptly pay when due the � •
<br /> �...t_�t_ _� ��.!Iw..L�.....�.1.. .....V��1.�1J..��
<br /> principai oi ano inieiesi on irtc aeoi eriacriisu oy����a.�a d�.+d��r��w�,�M1,........�nw w�w6w�.rv�.....v..............
<br /> Z.F�utds for Taxes and Insurance.Subject to applicable law or to a written wuiver by [.ender. Bor[ower sh�ll pay to K
<br />= Lender on the day monthly payments are due undcr the Note.until the Note is paid in full.n sum('Funds")for:(a)yearly taxes ,o:
<br /> and assessments which may attein pnodty over thia Security Insuument as a lien on the Property;(b)ycarly leasehotd paymenta. -
<br />_ or ground rents on the Praperty. if any;(c)yearly hazard or pmpeny insurancc premiums;(d)yearty flond insurance premiums, ` -
<br />- if any;(e)yeariy mortgage lnsurance premiums,if any: and (�any sums payablc by Borrower ro Lender, In uccnrdnnce with =
<br />- the pmvisions of paragraph S,in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items ure called"Escrow Items." '
<br /> Lender may, et any time,coltect and hold Nunds in an amounc not to excced ths maximum amount a lertder for a federully �
<br />- related mortgege loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Resil Estnte Settlement Procedurea Act of
<br />- l974 as amertded from time to tlme. 12 U.3.C.Section 2601 et seq. ('RESPA").unless unother law that applie,�to the Funds �
<br />- sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender mny. ut any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to ezcecd the icsser umount. �
<br /> Lender may est�mate the amount of Funda due on the basis of current data and reasunuble estlmntes of expendttures of future _
<br /> Bscrow Items or otherwise tn accordunce with applicable Iaw. E.
<br /> :
<br /> NEBRASKA•5ingte Famlly-Fannte MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 8180
<br />., �NI 12T97 MTO VMP MOBT6ApE fOF1MS•13131Z83�8100-18001621•7Y01 Poeo 1 014 Amended 6191
<br />