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'dCTV.;Y:=.,n . �� ..... . . r -. . �!'--' •-•'k-'•�'..r«.ryh__ - ....-v -. -__—_. <br /> . ... .... . . � . . , - <br /> . . . <br /> . <br /> . <br /> _ � � _ _ <br /> . . .... • ' . �. , . � . � .. � �6t -- -- <br /> . �� <br /> V .. . �, - . �t' �_� [+ ' ' _ -� -��_— -_ -- -. <br /> ._ <br /> ..���'Y li fi`�J� i . ^ � <br /> .�. .. <br /> , ... .,. . , . <br /> a'�7�+"n .� '�� ^' ,1. <br />. �. - i,L.. , <br />.. • �, ,..-- - 35- ��D4'�� � <br /> �,#�,t:: ,;�, .�:;. 'I'0C16'CHER WITH all thc improvcmenta now or hercaftet erected an the praperty, und ull casement�,uppunenances. and �,� <br /> ""'1'"'T'`�'�'`��� fixtureti nuw on c�rcuftcr u part o! thc praperty. All replacemcntR and udditians shull c�lso be covered by this Secucity _ <br /> �'�`'=�-_.±?._.; Instrument. All�f thc fumgaing is rcferreil to in this Securtty Instrument�.s the"Property." -- <br /> `°`*�'�"{�� BQRROWER COVENANTS that Bonawer is: lawfully scised af tho esuste hcreby conveyed und htu+the right to grant und <br /> �_��:�„���� canvey tf�e Pruperty und that the Pro�erty ls unencumF►ered,except far cncumbrnnces ot record. Borrower warrants and will �:, <br /> �� -- defend generully the dde to the Property aguinst ull clalms und demands,tiubject to any encumbrunces of recard. <br /> - THl5 SECURITY IN5TRUMBNT combine�uniform covenunts far nationat use and non-unifarm covenants with limited <br /><_�--- <br /> variutinns by judKlictiun ta constitute u unifarni secudry instrument cavering ree�sll property. ,�;, <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. 8orrower And Lender ravenant und agrce us followa: — <br /> ._��!,;;�.�;,��� 1. Puyment uf Principai pnd Interest; Prepuyment and Late Charges. Borrawer sh�ll promptly pay when due the _ <br /> •a:��.�a� � -_ <br /> _=•r;��:�;;�„�. principal of und lnterest on chc debt evidenced by the Note nnd any prepayment und late charges due under the Note. - <br /> �, T a� 2. Fundg Pu�r Tcuces nnd Insurance. Subject to upplicable law or ta a wr�tten waiver by f.ender, Borrower shall pay to <br /> •_R/�rs n R(. <br /> � L.ender on the duy monthly paymcnta:uc duc under the Note,until the Note is paid In full.a sum("Funds")far:(a)year y taxes <br />--�,`�'.�..�:r�e�ra�� and u:,sessments which may sttatn pd�rity aver this Security instcument as a lien on tho Property;(b)yearly leusehold payments <br /> J=�`��'� or grnund rents an the Property,if any;(c)yearly hazard or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly fload insurancc premiwns. <br /> —��q if any:(c)yeurly mortgage insurnnce premiums,if any: und(�any sums payable by Borrower tn Lender. in acwrdance with <br /> - =_- the provisions of purugraph t3.In fleu of the payment of mortga�e Insurance premiums.These items are ralled"Escrow Items." --_ <br />�'""""" �� [,ender may. nt uny time.col�ect and hald FunJs in tui amount not to exceed die mnxlmum amaunt a lendet far a federally <br /> ��,,:.:•. <br /> ',.,;�ra;:�� _. <br /> -'::��n,�r�➢ relutad mortgnge loan may require for Borrower's escrow account under the federal Renl Estate Sectlement Procetlures Act of <br /> �'��-='�'������ 1974 as amcnded from time to timc, 12 U.S.C. Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unless another !aw d�at appiies io the Funds � - <br /> �` ��� sets a lesser umount. If so, I.ender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the IessEr amount. <br /> __:;¢g;• <br /> _: ;�v�� I..ender mny estimate the nmount of�unds due on the basfs of cuaent data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future <br /> '��"�"` Escrow ltems or otherwtse in accordance with applicable law. <br /> ' ,,..;�, <br />- .::_.._ �-.-� The Funds shail be held In an instimtion whose deposits ate insured by a federal agency, instnsmentality, or entity <br />:__�---��� (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federal Homc I..oan Bank• 1-ender shall apply the Funds to pay the <br /> ___ _= Escrow Items. Lender may nat char�e Borrower for holding and applyin�the Funds.annually analyzing the escrow uccuunt,or <br />'��``-��'-g' verifying the Escrow Items, untess Lender pays Eorrower interest on the Funds and upplicable law permits Lender to make such <br /> ��-��-w'��"� a charge. However. Lender rnny require Borrower to pay a one•time char�e for an independent teal estate taa reporting service <br /> ':�:�`.>, ased by Lencter tn cunnetcian wiih dus iuuii. uritess applicable !s� provtd�s otherwise. Unless an a�reement ts made or <br /> -��u:i::• applicable law requires interest to be paid.Lender shal!not be required to pay Bt�rrower eny interest or earnin�s on the Funds. <br /> �-��"r'�` '' Borrower nnd Lender may agree in writing.however, that Interest shali he paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Borrower. <br /> ,:,:� � g g sc for whtch each <br />-..:_�_;:��,- without char e. an annu�l acxountin of the Funds,showin credits and debits to the Funds and the purpo <br /> ;`:'=�%;e:; debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security for all sums secared by this Security lnsttument. <br />�'`�;:"'�` .` If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable inw,L.ender sh�ll aocount to Borrower <br /> '"".�fe,Y�i+J,,:�� - <br /> ""`�`� for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of appltcable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Len er at any <br /> -" time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in wridng, such case Borrower <br /> _,,,,�.,,��o shall pay to Lender the amaunt necessary to meke up the defcjency. Borrower shall make up the deticlency in no more thun <br /> ����r:;_`�:� twelve monthly pnyments,at Lender's sole discrction. <br /> =u`,� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument. Lender shall pmmpdy refund to Borrower any <br /> - -- Fundg held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21.Lender shail acquire or sell the Property.T.ender. prior to ti�e acslulsition or sale <br /> _ • of the Property. shali apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by <br /> �'� this Secudty instcument. <br /> "-°"=��' 3.Application of Paymente,Unless upplicablc law provides otherwtse.all paymems received by Lender under parag�aphs <br /> ----- <br />