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<br /> .I,�ANT•� �I�` `�(.m►j�i1�/W�..ry,1 I �1:.� . -.
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<br /> .it�IRl� Tt�!t.��! .Y� � ._�,_ .__
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<br /> �C.t1�1L1' :.�
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<br /> 9�r �O�w�l/i7
<br /> THfB O1�E�4F YRU�T is ma�a f��{B iat -day of_____�T�!�� r-
<br /> 19 9S ,amOhg ihe Tru�tor, �ya E Bmv�iaoU e�nd eaver'° "'�;«. °,.T�,��.
<br /> husband and wife_ (he�rein"Borrower'�,Ffrdlie�Bank Na�ional Associatlon,
<br /> Omaha.Nebrask�.(horein"T�ustee"),end Benelicimry,FiroTier Bank.Naticu�al Aeaociation,Omehs,Nebrasha.a
<br /> . corporatlon orga�ized a�d existinp under the[awa ot The United States of Arroerice,wh�ae address ta 1700
<br /> Farnam3tree�Omaha Nebraake.88102-2183(her�in"A.ender").
<br /> aORROWER,in considaation of the indebtednsas harejn recit�d and the truat herefn creaited,irrevocabty
<br /> grants and convey i o trustee.ln trua4,with ppwerof eele.thetoilotvtngdeaaribed propertylocated in the Cou�ty
<br /> o} �a� ,Stete of Nebraska
<br /> Lat One �l) in Buaboom Subdinision, City uf Grand Island, Ha]-1
<br /> Conrtty, Nabraska.
<br /> ',• ,
<br /> , • ;�",'
<br /> �• • �.• • ' � .. ..
<br /> � , . � �
<br /> , t�: ,, , ,.` � •
<br /> .r' • . •
<br /> wh�h daa theaddreas of �7�n0 west 2nd Gra»d island.
<br /> ,�,,.�, �am
<br /> _ tzei�raska 698Q3 (herein"Properry Addtess"1: .
<br /> �.aeez�ooan
<br /> TOGETWER with ai!the fmp�ovements�ow or hereafter er�cied on the Rroperty.and�11 easemants.�ig�;�
<br /> appurtenances.renta(sub�ect howe�er to the rigAts and authQ�ide�given herein to Leader to callect an�!spp�
<br /> s¢ch�ents).royaltles,minerat,ofl and gas�ighb and profib.water,water�tgfnts,and water atock,and all fixtures
<br /> � now or hereaiter attached to the property.all of which.includtng replacemenb and additions theroio,al�alt bo
<br /> daemed to be and�emat�e part of We propeRy covered Dy U�is�iesd af Trusx and ail of the toneyoin�,topstl�er
<br /> witb aaid property(or th�teasehold estato it this Qeed of Trust ia on a teashal�)are herein reterr+esl to as the
<br /> "Propariy"�
<br /> • ....�,.�,.._..�_ ' � -�t.a��--- --- -- -w..c...id.Lr.r'.nef�adst�d �
<br /> tVaLLVriciVLGt�a�cn�ojasoiciro`�»nana�oo�asc�nw�.vavv....v....�..���....�.-.- _.._�----- - - -
<br /> Julv_l,,_1995 _(het@i�1"NOt�"),In tl�e ptlnclpal sum of�ztv-£ive tt10118Al1d and no/100-
<br /> ---(S45.o00.001------------ ---- Doltaia.wlth Intereat thereon,providl�g tor monthty InataqmorKa
<br /> ot principal and interest,with the Qatance of the indebt�drt�ss.it no!sooner patd,due and payabta on______
<br /> Ju��].�?eflo ;the paymentot all oMer eums�with intsrost theroon.advanced
<br /> in accordance herewlth to protect the aecurfry ot thls Oeed of Trusx and th�pertormance ot the coven�nte and
<br /> ag,ream�nta ot 8orrower harain contained:end W renewala,extenabns and modifl�caUons tAersot and(b)ths
<br /> repayment of any tuture ndvances,with internst In thereon,made M 8arrower by Lender purauantto paragr�ph Zt
<br /> hereot(hsrain"Future Advancea"►.
<br /> 80RROWER covenanb Mat Borrow�r ta lawtuliy seized of Me eamte herebr convsyed and has ths�i�ht to
<br /> yrant and comsy the Prapsrry,that tf�e P�o�ty ts unencumb�r�d.and tt�t 8orrower�r!!1�arrtnt and d�Mnd
<br /> gemerally the tide to the Rro�e►qr a�ainst sli cl�irn�and de+nands.aubject to any dscl�ra�o��.eas�nsnb or
<br /> restdctions tf�ted in eschedule of excepNona to covere�geia nr�ytiUe insurance poNay inauring Lender's Inta�t
<br /> in 4he Property.
<br />