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f• ;�,T��j • � '�L�^m. <br /> `' .. .- „ .. nMr4wr-,. . _ .. %�iffi . ._..__�___... <br /> ' �. .. '_f.( `�'�•.�.- . . . . ...��.. . a' 'iii�F��s-.',�_`- . ••-- <br /> ..t _ __� _ '."'_-� �_5_�:-SC�'� <br /> i+.6x�_--_._-' <br /> , .:��r:_C:�I.I:�L.',,�,:...- _ - <br /> . <br /> - ----' <br /> �� - "r't°.:.:._'.=�`:7.:_�'_'.'.;F� , .:...rr'_'.�.�_-�._..-__'.���"_'_- _-, . a,.,.�...���„o...._..-..-.....�.^ -_. <br /> aovc��ra 9 5-. �•�►� <br /> 1. PqtmmU.Butrower eyruea to make ap pa me►rte on 1he securati dnbt when dua.Ursiess BoRawer aml Lender epree othetwise,am Daymenh -- <br /> �nnct�r�ucntvoe trom Horrovrar or tor 9orropw�t�r�benetit wif�ba epd�sd 11rs1 to any emounts 8orrow6r cwes on tha seoured dobt excluslvo of fntereat or <br /> ��� �m nt Untll th0 �encurOd debt IB p�eld�nfUil.a��pt���y���u�����w��dLht�tt�tCt�rty t8w° wl!!not a���e c�rnYn�xn�+ny �_: <br /> ���ea aay <br /> �, ��A�Inst TItM.8onower will pay oll t�xos,auest►nente,an6 ofl�e►charpos atufbutabte to tha property when due and wlll detend trite to the <br /> pro rty opAT�st any olalms whtch wau►d 1mpNr the Ilen of thla deed ot trust.Lende�ma�o raqulro Borrower to assfpn any rlpMa,claims or detens�a � <br /> Horrow�r may have npdnst partle�who supphr�a6or or mateAais ro improve or malnfaln the propuAy. <br /> 9.Inwr�d.Borrower wIA keep theprope cleuse U�i favo�i o Lsnd�r.��r�i+riil tre�med e�s�os�.9 PaY��a,�t�Insuf��jdr'c O�M 6ud�i tnau� <br /> p�ct:,a:iw,.!UiCt�cda a ctu:d^��b'�3a led,vrltMn Lendefs eKher ttce mstoratlon or r�i r of tt�e ds+s�sd�rcD%r►Y�r tq tho c.cured � <br /> ppp�y.My Inwr�na pr0�d� In�ysuru�a 8aro+wr 1gre�s to m�InUin euch InaurMOe for aa brq aa Lender rsquirsa. <br /> dsDG M ler�t tYqulns moR� <br /> q.prpp�tty.Borcavrer wili keep the propenq tn pood oarMitkn and make ati repatra reasoneby tNCessary. <br /> d.Erp�n�,8onowsr egrees to pay iA tsrtdets s�cpensrr,tndudin�reasonabte attomeys'fees.lf 8orrower Ixaako any aovene�in U�ts desQ of <br /> trus�ac U any ebDpatlon Beeurod by t1�r deed o!truat.8ortower wId pay these amounta to Lendar ae provided in Covenrmt 9 ot thts deed of ws1. _ <br /> Uiter�e�orro er w�l�am nl�B�er rd���,u�i&ytt�oons�e�t,�e rt�����atm o hei e�ecu�riry e�ra�sm�gi�r�h�i�Borro�u+rets _, <br /> opvename ta mNce psYmerrts whe+�dutl, <br /> 7.AssipnrNnt of Rant�u�d ProlNt.8°rro+"et�ss1pns to Lender the renb andp�ts of thsproperty.Uniess 8orrpwa�and Le�de�havs reed <br /> ottNrwise in wrlUnp,sorrower may coMe�t and reWn tfie renta as bny as Borrower is►wt in dofaut4 li Bortower detauite,LendBr I.emdeYeapen�a a <br /> oouR aoGOlr�ted raoeivoor may take possession and mana�the propeity end callect tA�re�s.Any�ents Lender cotiects aha0�aDpiled ffrst tq tha <br /> t�i nln0��tenb� � ►f tMn epP9►�to MYmen�����d�t�as prov�kled9 h re���.and any other neo�a9ary r tea e�eraes.rns <br /> �,.�.s�s'�as�d�^_�nlnM_Mne:Pi��d Unit 8orrowar apree to oomryly wkh the p►ovisions of any btas M MAs dsed d trual ia on s <br /> b�.�..�eta��Wki.iwt t1�•-s deed of Wst ia on er unH In.aa��8 W�y��.��uNt q�etapmeM,8onower wiil pedam�afi�}��w"�B��V�..t� <br /> W�R��w�vl'N���t��s0�111Y4{NIaw1�ul��i�ai��4�W�M���.••�� _... <br /> O.��a���P.,� a��y�r tafb to peAorm any ot 8ortovror's duUes under thia deed ot tn[st,lender mar peAomn ths = <br /> t n eor►owers oame or pay any amo�,nt It necessary ror qxr«menoe.n any const�uctlor�on tne <br /> dulbs a ause them�o De pe�onn0d <br /> p�.This�ma�inc�lude mpteUnp th°�e oonstn�:ci�n e martner. Lender may do wtwtever is rteoessary to pro�t Lendefe secu�tll IMerest in the <br /> LEfld9re t811U�e t0 pEffOflT1 YrNI t102 pfaCA/d8 L+OIId6t ffOrt1 e7tetClstfq fl�ty 0}it8 OthB►tlght8 undOt tlM 181M Ot thfs dBed Ot ttUS� <br /> b Yr trKe�resi fto�m tlw daL t�the p�erymo t u�rP��^tu9 at�the ati eres�rase�ureetdtect on he sep�r ed�de�ueh emouMS wtil be duB On demand and wfil <br /> 1 Q.0�i�ult and Aeo��tlon.11 Bonower fails to�ke�an o Wst le d r m��axe�ie a�the m�a��ot t1�seCUred A�ebt�8nd �deman0 Im�me0late <br /> Beaued by th�a deed ot irust or any�lor mo►t�e <br /> p�yme�end may imoke the power o saie�nd�ny ather remadias pem�ttted bY�eDW��law. ry z <br /> �a nss o�n pe�son�a�is eei tor�N��heiet��that aopies o1 the ratiaes ot defauk and sale be sent tu ekh pe►son Mta u a Pv►Y i�reto�at - <br /> 1�.P�owr of SW.N the I.encier Inv�okes the Dairer ot sale,the Tiustee shall flrst record in tho ofNoe o1 th��ster ot deedS ci each oourMy vrl�sin the . <br /> ttuat OropeAY a some t�o� t theteoi is situated a notke ot def9ult aotrtaint th09r�tamation required taw.rhe TYustes ShaM aho maN�pius <br /> 01 tl�a noUce o!OefAUk to the �� .to eachpe�on who fs ap�rty heroto�and�other es pretaWedby+�PPiicabis kw.NaR bss 1h�n orn <br /> �ar►th�fter the 7rustae reoorde the notke of dela or two moMhs If the bust properN is In eny tnoorporated cnY or vlN�ps aa!b w�d M temYrg <br /> opKa�Uais qarried on Df►the trustar.tla Trustee ahaN�ive Pub6c notloe ot sab1�to the and In the marK�x Pr��bY {aw.TrustM� <br /> wNho� demand on 8tey�rower�6he11 setl the eroa�H a�b�fiyo a�uppdYlon to I�a�whT�maY �Poe�o�s s M��any P��a�D�Wwh►�TP�� <br /> �m o u r�w e m�e n f a t tt i e 8 r i e a�i�d D��e f i Y P�a e�schedutid�lender a its des�Onee may Pu�chass tt+s property et anY�ale• <br /> ` Upon roesipt ot Wym4M of the prfce bkl�7�ustae ahAtl.delhrer to the purGhaaer TNStee's dee�d conveyUp th�p�op�ty The ndfels ca�k�d tn <br /> Tnniee's daed ahal�bs prima faci9�videnae ot the tcuth o!the sffitem�eMs�ont8imd theroln.Trustse shaN aDPgr- ihs-Moa�eOs ot Ur sde in tl� <br /> ictairirp order:(e)to aH expenaes ot ths sale.trn;ludfn�but eot Iimited ta,reatoqaDts Trustes's feea.�eaaon+bk�allortisYs fees�nd roEnstatsrt�xn <br /> tas:(41 to aM turr►s securedby thts deed of trust�end(a)the balance,ii the Pertons 1epaUy entlWd ro recst►b H. <br /> 1�.�Qndo�uco.At iwnde�'e qxion,thls 0eed of Wst maY be farectosed tn U►e manner provfdsd bp apptic�bM Irw ta torecbsurs ot mag�pe�on n�l <br /> , ProPertY•. ' • <br /> 11, e t��may entet the Pa�aAY to Inspact R H Lender plves Bortower`falioa betorafiand.The tatios must atats the reasonwble caus�tor , <br /> 16.C.and�nKitlbn.8orrawe►assi�►9�g,Wnder the p�nceeds ot an arrard or ctaim ta damapes oonnected wNh a oond�rrmatlor►a ott�r t�klnD of�II <br /> «��ot mo prcpe�tlr.sucn pra�ous wi�t ae lpp�ied as prov�ded�n covenaM 1.7riis esslorrnent Is subJacc to a�e temis w any vd«seax�r . <br /> j .. 9� � exer�f pnQ�,bt�,L�rC�o�-���naf'twaht��to[�cota.�erth�e ent�deh!uit�hr,�an.s���Y ���«��0�Y <br /> 17..4dnt�nd S�wrYl ttablltt�r Coal�si Suows�o►t�nd Asal4lns BowW.AN duties under thls deed ot trust ero l�t end 6evMa1.Atty BoROwar. <br /> who oo�slDra tMs dead o?trust�xrt tltl99 not oo-sipn the unOedyNp deDt InshumeM(e)doea ao anM t0 9�andaa�vey that 8or►ower9 kKarett M�tq <br /> �eny to the Trustee unde►the tertrts of Mis devde ohf t� a�lditia�.sueh s Hartowerepreea that the Lender and an oths►8ar�axer undsr Ws <br /> ��f m��st�m�a�y ex en0�"�hom t�ms ot tl�ib deed���terms a thta deaa mt trust or me aecnred deec wia�ouc�iat e«cower,conse�n era <br /> The duiles and benefite ot thls desd d trust shall bind flnd benetilthe suocesnore and essi0�ot Lsnd1►aM Barower. <br />_ 1�.[�tot[a.Unlesa otfierwlao requir�b�►law.any notloo to Barrower shaq be piven�y deNverir�N ar by malNnp k by oertitied maJi addnsa�d to <br />= 8onower at the�ropeAy address or any other eddress that Barower has pivort to Lender.Bor+rowar Wilt ptve anY noUoe to Lender by aerU[i�ed mail ta <br /> 9 LendYr'e adOress 1�.�h�d on pa�81 of tl��dee of trust y other addross whkh Lentie�hes deslpneted.Arry other notios to LerNllr sMll be seM to <br />-- My ndk�shatl be deemed to have been pfven to Burtawur or lenQe�when ptven In tAe manner sffited ebovo. <br /> 10.Y'e�n�t�r of th�Prop�rly or�BNf�IM�aI lnt�ntt irt!M Bartory�er.It aA o�eny part of the properb or any trRerest In ii Is 6old or Vamterred wltA¢ut <br /> � Lenqota�dor�vritten oonsenL�nder muy demand[mmediate paymant of the secured debt Lerxler may atso dsmand Immediatspayment N tAs <br /> 8orro�re►s not a naturalpetson anda boneficiat irnere5t In the 8or►awor Is sold or transferre0.Howe�tet.Letider may not demand Wlmrent�n tho aDove <br /> � slWaUons It It Is prahibited Dy tedorai law ea oi the date oi lhls deed ot trust. <br /> _� �...r�...rt�y.J.��...:.1�nn Aec..e�ld and!nndct h7a ne 5uther ndi09ffan m t118k0�It8ACB9 ufK!@t°�.h9 - <br /> .� �i/�11p.fttlC«otv �ww.w - <br /> InsficmaMs m e�reemeMS secur by M�s deed ot�rust,Ihe Trustcie sAail,upon vrrd�tan raqueaf by ttie Lender,reoaovey the trust prope The Lens�er <br /> sAatl detiver to the Barta�rer.or to Barowere suocessor fn iMerest.tha trust deed and a►e not9 or other ovidence ot the obi�ffibn 60�.Bortorter <br /> Shall pay enY recordatbn t�sts. <br /> 21,Sueoes�a'�ivstre,t,et�der,et lendeYs opUan;maY remove Tmstae end�yooint e suooessor t�ustee by tirst,meuinp aoop11 ot the substltution at <br /> �y�����{�py�ppticaEte law,and then,by fi6n0 tne substltr�Non of trustN�tor reoob in the otfioe ot the reQtstar af deed�s o1 each murriy tn whkA <br /> uttta�iyr end fl19 of the T�nNS 9 nam�ed�ln�th deed ot�hust�d ar�euocossa trus�e��a the propeny,shall s�iooeed to afl ihe powar.dutles. <br /> � <br /> ' �.pa� <br /> eu�.�syau�a.n+c,sc c�a�e.wu�+�eoo�r�n ca�c+r.ocvHnr+�E �xxersv --- <br /> ' � •— . <br /> .. , _ <br /> .� _.. �.. • . .. . _,- `:-_��..•�,_.... .._._.�_� . ..--.._��_a.3.,___•..�,�,._� _._ _ ����a_�_a_..:�__,..---=-__ ..,,_ .- --� . ._ <br />