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<br /> �.Peyme�ts 8orrower aprcou to moko atl poymanto on t11� eecurad debt when duo. Untoso Eiorrowor o�M Landor aproo othurwlvo, ony
<br /> pnymenta Londar rocolvoa from Banowor or for 8ottowar'o bonoNi will bo appIfcd flret to any nmaunte Borrowor owoe on tho oocured debt
<br /> caxeiuelva of Intcr�8 ar princlpst.ssa�rr►�ta tm^„roat,crsi!thon to yrirsctpal.t}purttal prapaymartt ot tha oseured datrt oeeure 1or any reason,It 111l1 -
<br /> not reduae or ezcus��ny sch�dultd ppym�nt untU tha saoured debt is petd In tuil.
<br /> �.Ci�tna Aainst Thli.Ilarrdwar�r11'suiy s11'tiuc��;aunsmant�,ond other aharpea attrlbuUbl�to the prop�rty when du��nd wili d�t� titi�
<br /> to th0 propsrtr egBrbst ahy cinirt�•J+i�ch Vrould imp�ir tM Iten of 1hQi deeA ot t�u�t.Lender may requir�Borrower to aulgn any riaht�,ct��m�ar
<br /> dafenses which eor�ower mYy f��ve apslqsc p�rttea who�uppty la6or or meterlal�to Improve or melntaln the propsrty.
<br /> 3.�nsw�na�.Bortow�r wlp ka�p th�property In:��d unda terms aac�pt�bb to Land�r�t Borrow�r'�exp�nu md (a�end�r's b�rnfit.All
<br /> iniuranca polloter�hetl Inctude e etend�rd mortpsp�cl�ttta I tava af LenMr.leqder wlll be namtd af lo�a payw ar as th�infur�d on uny such
<br /> i�furenao polioy.Any In4unnce procaed�n�ov Fi�a 1ied,w�thkn lendor's dircratlon,to eitiwr t rertont{on a ropolr ot Uw dom�d proporty
<br /> or ro the s�cured d�bt.It Lmd�r requlres rt�o►tp�pe r unne�,Borrowar�prwi to matnUtn sucA�ruw�nc�tor s�Ionp�s L�nd�wqulns.
<br /> 4.Prop�rty.Borrower will keap tha pmpKty In good condltion er�d meke att rep�irs rauonabty nece�sary.
<br /> 6.Expms��.Botrowar egrew to pay eil Unda's expenoes InaluEfr�tentonabls ettorrnys'fess,If Bot►owa b� kt�ny coven�nU In thU d�od
<br /> ot aust or tn any obtlpeUon�acured by thla deed of uust.�armwer wltl pay thess amounU W Lender as provtda�In Coven�nt 9 of thb daad oi
<br /> uuat.
<br /> 6.P�tor 8scurtty Irttrrat�.Unleu Borrow�r 11nt abulm LenderY written consent,Bor�owar w1i1 not make or parmit any c!-.anges to any prior
<br /> security Imeras�s.Borcow�r wiil p�rfo�m all ot Batow�r's obttp�tiens under any prior rtwrtpspe,deed of uuK or otMr security spreemsnt, �
<br /> i nciudtrp BoROwsr's coven�nts to meke pnymmt�whan du�.
<br /> 7.As�lonnt�►t ot R�nri�d Prolki.Bonower asriQns to Londes ths renu and profiu oi ths property.Unlesa Borcows�snd Lender h�v�aprad
<br /> otM►wf�s in wrltina, Bor�awx m�y colNot a�id ratun tM nnto�s lonp a Florrow�r t�nat tn def�ult. If Borrow�r default�,Lend�r,Lend�r's
<br /> ayent,or a court eppotnted recetver maY teke pouession and m�nape th�p�operty and coliect the ren Any reMS Lendsr coil�au eh�l1 bs
<br /> a p�led itrat tot�� eoita of maneping ths property, inciudim court eons and attarneys• tees,commtat ona to rentat e�u, and any ottar
<br /> necessary related expensea.The remalMrp amaunt ot�enu wul then�ppiy to paymonts on the secured debt as p�o�idad In�v�nant i.
<br /> H.t.�ss�f�ot tCandomt�umr,Planrnd Udt D�vNopn�nts.Bar►ower agreea to eomPIy with the proviatone of any teece if tMs deod of ttuet is on
<br /> rs lo�ohold�i thb deed of aust 1s on c unit in n eondom�ntum a a plannad unit developmeM,9orrowe�w!!I perfarm all of 8orcower�e dutlse -
<br /> under the co�enants,bydawa,o�regu�etions of the eortdomtniva�a pisnntd unit devo�opment.
<br /> 9.Autl�aiq of L�W�e to Pwform ta Earoww. It Borrow�r taY�4e p�rfome any of Bortow�r's dutws und�r thb d�sd of Uust,LandN m�y
<br /> purtorm the dutia or cau:s them to be pe�tamed.I.ender mey dp�8o�ower's n�ms or p�y any emou�if necesaay for parforrtuncs.It any
<br /> conattuction o�thep�aperty ia di:continuad w oot caRied on In e ressonibio m�nner,Lerper may do wtutsvsr R necesse�r to proteat Lender's
<br /> securlty IntK�st 1n trN prop�cty.This m�►inctuds compNtlrq tha conttructlon.
<br /> L�ndeYs faituro to perform wil3 not proctuds Lendar from ezerd�3np ar�y ot iu other riphri undee the law or thia d�sd of uup.
<br /> �lny emounU pafd by Lecider toproteat Lender's aecurity f�tereat w1i1 M secured by thia dead of trust.Su �mounts wlll Oe du�on demsnd
<br /> and will be�r Interasi trom the date ot the payme�t uMil p�id In fu�at tM intermst rote in eftect on the aecur�debL
<br /> oW}paUon�sea�ired b M s e�eed ofuust a anyjprior mo�rtpatmpepa deed of�trusi�Lend��ma�1I a�iti Yat�dw�w�of t s�iicfiir�d�bt and
<br /> dMnsnd Immediate p�yment and mey i�voke tM power of ede and sny od�x remediss p�rmftted by apptic�bis Uw.
<br /> 11.R�quest tor Nartla�ot D�t�tit,lt ts hereby rayuested thet coplas of the nottces of def�uit and eais b�seM to each pe►son wiw Is a p�rty
<br /> tzsssta,st tha�sx at ascK�ch�sson,aa sat ta:its tsssst�.
<br /> 12.Poww of SaM. if ths Lender tnvokes the pow�r of eate,th�Trustee stull flnt record tn the otffcs ot ttw reaitta ot dasdt of eaah aounty
<br /> rein the Vust property or eome p�rt a pareel thereof fe aftuemd a�oUcs ot defauh eontsinir�ths infarteatbn roquind by bw.Tha Tru�ta
<br /> 1 alto m�it eoptes of tha noUea of defsult to the 8onow�r. to e�ah person who is puty hueto, md to otMr ps�ons�s pnserib�d by
<br /> appliaable law. Not leat then ons momh after tha T�ustes records tM noUce of dsfau�t,or two mor�hs if the trust propKty u not 1n�ny
<br /> f ncorporatad ctty ar vlll�s and it used in f ing operations eortNd on Ey tfiat�ustar,tM T�uatea sh�R gtv�puWie noUc�of saN to tM persOn�
<br /> and in th�mp�nte ptetcriMd b�j��pppli�aw.Truatee,withaut demm�cm Bo�row�r,etuD sall ths prop�riy�tpubl(c�uctfon to Ua he�t
<br /> ��RITp���b1y1A titi of�Y a any p�cepi Of U�e PAro�TrNtySb�y publto ittr wu��iament�tMiime aad p►ic�i�ot any pQivkusi�y s���siN.
<br /> LetMK or ia de� w msy purGwte th�aopeny at arry ea"1�,
<br /> � Upon rscebt of p�vm�nt ot p�Ice bid,T►uaa�sh�ll ddiva to tha purchaee►Tru�tes's de�d convsyinp the property.The rectdd�coM dr»d in
<br /> Tmstas's di�d rh�ll W prima�di evldNnce of the truth of the at+t,�mer�conUirwd therein.TrwtN 4ha0 apply sha p►ocwda of tM s�t�in tM
<br /> iapowirty mders IU m nl�expenssa ot the eale, Inciudinp,b�t not Iimited to, reaaonab�� Tru�t�o's fsos, rtawnobie attorrny� ta�� and
<br /> refnttatement fees; (b)to ad suma eecured by thts deod ot uust, and(c)the batence,if any,to tM panoru tep�qy anUtled to��atv�k.
<br /> 73,Fonoto�uro.At Lender'e option,thts deed ot wa m�y be faectosed in the manner provld�by appiicabt�I�w fa fonctosurs of mortp�a�s
<br /> on real property.
<br /> 74, Lend�r may enQer th�propsrty to fntpeet it if LaMor giv�s Bortow�r tatlr,s b�fonhtnd.Th�r mtice murt aat�dw re�sonsbis
<br /> causn or Lendsr'sinspectlort.
<br /> '18�Cond�mwtton.Bortower a�sians to Lender the praceads ot eny awrQ or ciafm to►dtm a conr»ciM�wtth o eond�mn�don or o�r l�ktnp
<br /> of�II ar any pfrt at the property.8uct�praceed8 will ba applled e�provldpd+'n Covenant 1.�Is auipnr:tec�,t!s wbHct to th� tums of arzy pHor
<br /> sacur(tY apra�metR.
<br /> 78.W�wr.B�r exereisinp eny availablo to Londer,lander does tai piveup any�iphte to I�t�r use a��+!ottur rem9dy.By not ezarolstnp
<br /> eny romedy upon Bonower's ds6autt, ender dooa not walva any dpht to Isteu comider me event a d�fauh tf tt I��pp�ra epW.
<br /> '!7.Joimt and S�r U�p�y;Co-sipMn; 8ucc�uaa and At�ns Bprd. AII duUss und�r this dued of trust�ra�olnt md eewrat. Any
<br /> Barow�r who ca�ipm thly deed of trust but doea not caaiDn ths undal fnp debt insVUmentlN da�a ao orqr to pru�i u�d wmnY that
<br /> Barow�r's imaeet tn ths propeTt�r m the Truatea undar tha term�ot th:e des�of vuat.ln attOMon aueh�Bortowu eprelt that tAs Lend�r and
<br /> an1r othK Barowr under thlt doed af Vust may extend,modif�or meke any other chan�ei in t�»t�rm�of thls d�sd ot truat or tM cecur�d
<br /> d�bt wittaut th�t Boaower'�cwuent end without roteaiing tMt Eorrow�r from tfie terma o7 this de�d ot truat.
<br /> Tlw dutl�s and bensftu o4 thit deM ut wst�hail6ind and i�orieflt the euccessore end assipnt of Lende and Borrower.
<br /> 76.Moliee.Untes�etherwtie rsquaed by law,eny notic�to Borrowar shaU de given by det(verinp It a by mailiny k Oy cerdAed mail eddna�d to
<br /> Barow�r at tho property addrew a�ny otha address th�t 9orrower h�sq,vsn to Lender.Bor�w�t wiN g�vs any notics to I.ander by certified
<br /> r�uil ta lendu's eddre�s on paye 1 of thb deed of truat.or to anY ottwr a0drass wNCh lend�r hat dai�nr2td.Any ottwr mtlp tn Lendw ohali -
<br /> M�sm to Lender'�address�s atetsd on paps 1 ot thta deed of tru4t.
<br /> Any notice eh�U be deemed to havo been gtven to Horrower ar Lender when pivan tn ths manner si�ted eLove. =
<br /> 78.Tmshr o�tM Prop�et�r a�a B�ffd�Intu�st In tM Ba►owrr.lf all or any part of L'�o Arop�ty or my Int�raat In it b sold a tramter�ed
<br /> WlthOtll Ldt1dN'8 pliM Wfilt�lf COtlsdflt,l.er�der m�y d�mand immsdiat�payment ot ths�cund dtbt.LandN mty �Ito d�m�nd imm�dtate �
<br /> payrMnt If the BorrowN b not�natur�l psrson und a borMftdU intarert In tAs Borror�er ts sold ar Ranatertsd.Howevsr,Lendn r�aY not
<br /> d�mand payment In the aR�ovo�ituationa If k ts prohlMted by federel!aw as of tJhe dete of thSa deed of trust.
<br /> 20.R�conv�yanoe. Whan the obligatlon securod by thie deed ot trust has been patd ond Lender has�o turther abltgeUon to make advancea
<br /> under the instrumenie or a8►osmente aocurod by thts doed ot trt�at,the Trustee shaif,upo n vrritten�equeat bY t�e Londer, recorney tlre truet
<br /> obligattan so soti 8ed e6onow ree h 1 pay eny ecordattonBcoata.��$ suecoasor tn iMerest,the truet de¢d and the note or athar evidence of the
<br /> �t.Succttaor TtustN. Lender, at Lender's o�on, may rerrtavo Trubtoe and appotM e succoasor trustes by Nret, mailing a copy of the
<br /> substitution of truatos ns�equired Dy appiiwble aw,and then,bY ht5n�the subsdtution ot truatoe tor reaord in the offiae ot the rogiator of deade
<br /> ot each eounty in whiCh the trust ptoperty, ar some pan tharaoi,ls sftuated.The eucceasor Vustee,without conveysnce of the property,shall
<br /> succeed to a0 the povrer, duUes,authority and Utte of tho Trust�e namod tn tlm deed of uust and of any suacesso►truatee.
<br /> IpipsY dl?J
<br /> ouac¢as srsraaa m�c.,sr.c�oua.MN 00301 I1�OOd387•15411 FORM OCPMT6NGlfl8l81
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