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<br /> . . . .. . ' _ . :.h.. ..�iRe�sta�.:�.:::
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<br /> . I'.r ..�L� Yw��w.�AJ�...��a.����.���.1.._..�..........�....�..r�.'�__..�..��.......�..___..���....� ........'..._"._._w...._....�.�����. �.� •�
<br /> �'�Z�l��t
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<br /> . „ COYENANTB � t� � -_
<br /> � �� 1. ��ti. Bottower�proa to mak� ail p�y�t�M� on tM t�curod de0t whon dua. Unlea�B�on�m en�le ar e�eenothorwise, any
<br /> .:
<br /> „ ;..
<br /> _. . � poymenm�QnQet rocofvaa fran &ortowor or for eanavlar'e banofit wlil Da ep I'.ed firet to eny amounte 8orrowet owea on the necured dabt
<br /> . " . , exvEuaiw v4 tuiiise�i Orr fitl�Cl�d.tctar.0 to ttstcraat.crtd tft�n to Rrhselp�.'t.tt Q��atepeyment o}the eecurad debt occvre foi any reason.it w�t� _.:.-
<br /> ••� • ' not reduce or ezeuae any schtduHd paymsnt un4U ttN ssaund debt b pald In fuU.
<br />-.�7• � Z. Cl�rrr A�Intt TIIM.Borror�nr wilt p�y all px��,ntNSttn�nU,awl oth�r ch�rp�s�mibut�bl�to thsproperty when duo and�rill detend titte
<br /> � ro the property�fJ�inst any eUfms whloh woutd Impat�ths IMn ot tht�d�ed of uu�t.L�ndn m�y nquln Borrowar to asdpn�ny tlghls,ei�ims or ��,�+
<br /> , d�terw�whlch eorrowu may hava�pafnst partt�s who suppiy t�bor or m�t�riats to Improve or mslnt�in the property. .
<br />__`i:��~�'.' �'_,.;
<br /> �, Irqunna�.Borrovr�r wtil kap tM propnty Insund undn tums�cctpUbl�to L�nd�r st Bortovin�'s ez�as�and fos 4ender'�bsnNk.Atl ,
<br /> �n�u�enee pallebs ahaN(ncN�d��sUndard matg�g�eltua�In fava.qf�L�rM�r.l.endat wtU be�tmod a�(osa paya�nr a the Insurad on any suetf
<br /> -::'-. . •� '-� Insurma poqay.Any Inturanq proGNds m�y b��DOtOW.wlthin L1FnGat's dhcntbn.to�1thn t�re�toratbn a(epaG of the dssn�q�d proprrtV
<br /> .-;.•�. a to tM tsqir�d debL If l�r►�►nqukq mo�t�p�Mi�tr�na,eorrowM a9nu to malautn�ucl� mtw�nc�to��s�oop n I.�nder rsqufns. .
<br /> :cr�
<br /> � ':'�"°`%�='""-' 4,p�opN4y.8onow�r wlll kMP tfw{xeperty M pood eondkion ond m�ke dl r�pairo reaaon�bty�ecwuuy. .
<br /> �� S,E�M.Borrowarapr�n to p�Y�II Lende'��xpsnsa� Inetudfnp nuombb attorn�ya'f�es,if Bonow�r bre�ks any covemnts in thit de�d
<br /> .;�,, . . af uust a in any oWlpatbn sYeund by thts deM of trust.�►ower wifl pay thsss amounta to Lendsr as provtded tn CoveRaM 8 ot this deed of :
<br /> - ^ 7usL �
<br /> ^� d, �Sssurttv kit�ta.Udesa Borro�nrm firot obtains Lender'e wrHten eonaeM,EioROwe►will not maks or permft an�r cha�ea to any prhtt
<br /> `*_ ''. '"'�` teeurfty Irtcrosb.BorrowK wNl pwtam a►1 ot Bortowar'e oEi�p�ttont under any prior monpaps, deed ot trust or other seaxity�pramurrt,
<br /> :;� ; ��� inck�q Barrow�r'�cowrtsnta ta maf�psYm�MS wMn dus. �•--�',�
<br />�'v�'���;x�•�.� 7. of Rwns r�d hofka.Borrow�r ws�ns to lender the reMS and profits of ths propeny.Urttea Barrowes and Lander have pned :'`",;;_
<br />.=?47�;•.;-:,,,'� otl�w�wr[tinb. 8ortowK mql eoil�at and n ln tPN ronts as bnp u Borrowar is not in defauh. If Bonowsr defautu.lender. LendeY� ;;r`
<br /> x. � �r. • ���M,w�court appot��d rec�lvarrtuy t�ta pou�uton and msrups ths prop�rty and collsct ths ror►u.Any reMS Lend��coti�ea shali b� ��'
<br />,�:, , Y:.�:
<br /> � �pptlea flrat to tM eosts of manp t�proparty,inelud�eourt coab and attotntys'feet,eommEsabns to reMda�t rtb, and any other .+,,�,
<br /> :;.�r.,."`^�w T��' nacsss�ry�uehd oxpan�ts.'fh�n m�p amou�o f n�w W t Mn a p p t y t o pa y n t a n ri on t h o s e e w e d dsb t as p tavid�d in C.o�nn�r�t 1. ��-�
<br /> ,,::'�-`„ t.��whoidr�j�s p1�nrMd{Mt prwiopn�e�ts.Bortowerpr aes to comp�y wtth tM provisions of�ny Isate H thls elNd of trust is on _:
<br /> .u�:µ .�. y . a teuehot�.tt thts dead of truat ta vn a u�t in�condomMtum a a Wamed unit d�v&�opm�ent.�ar�ower v�U���1 of Bmewat'e dude9 �--
<br /> -`�;`��� under tM covena�m,6ydiws,o►�sputnions af ths condomtntum or planned unit devatopmsM. --_
<br /> -:= ���*->>
<br /> - r =�:: 8. �utladtr of Lrr�t�s P�rfarm to�8ortowr. M Bonnwer taila Wpe rtorm any of Bottower's dWes under thts deed of trust,L�nder msy
<br /> ',;:-_,, , perform tNe duties or aause them to bs pertormed.Lendar may etgn 9ortower's name�or Fay any amount if necesaary for pertormanca.If any ____
<br /> -.,:�,.�. � consUttction on thsp�openY u dlseonUnued 4r n�ot eartied on in a raesonabia mennor.Lender may do wh�tev�b nscssaarY to D►eteat Underr
<br /> --- �sprib N►t�nst in tfN Prop�M.TAN maY(ncRa�comObt(n0 th�ccrrtruatlon.
<br /> �.��,�-��:;;;� Ler�r'�faihus w p�rtorm wfA not p�dude Lendet from oxerdting�isy of Its other rtyhts umler ths I�w w thb dnd of t�ust. -.
<br /> :�:;i::,i!:,.
<br /> -_`•:�� ind wiU�bax�iM�ea�t trom�ttie da e of�o ps�ym�ert ur�Nl p i�nl fii�il e���iM��abtYe in�di�on tha s�eeurod deb��wiii b�due an demand -___
<br /> .•} '.` ' 10. D�t��lt end Aee�NrWa�. If donowK laAs to make u►Y Wymerrt whem dlue or broaks arry eavsrwrtt�under thts desd of vust a eny �:-
<br /> .��.��.;�;,�„ o6ti3�Uan seairod by thu d�ed ot truat m amr pria mrntpspe a dead o?tr,�a4,Lender may a�cceNrats th�maturiq►of tM aeund d�bt and _
<br />. � 4y, f••1 dem�nd Gnrnsdiate p�yment and may tnvoks the power of als and any ethet remMisa psrmitted by appltpDts Uw. -
<br />�--'�,':'�+�r�t� 17.R�st tar NWc�o!D�hmlt.tt Is hmeby that coplea of the noticss af de4aUli and ub be sert to each person wla is e perty _
<br /> Wc
<br /> ' hereto.�t 11M�dOress ot eac�w�psnon,as�iroroin. °
<br /> t_+��'%itM�,y i
<br /> °�=;,,T� „ tZ.Foxw of SaM.!f ths I.Ondu Imokas tM pown of�aie.the Trwtee�hali ftrt record in tt►e otffes of ths reytstor of deedt of each eoumy
<br /> :�.c"•;.: whwin tM trust ptoperty w wm�part or parcet theteo!is�ituated a notics of defauR coMeinin0 the irtfp�rtation�equksd by Uw.Ths Trus!»
<br /> _ - '�, '� �hatl da mail copi�s ot ths naticr of dsiailt to ths Barower.to each p�nan who b�parly M►oto. �nd!o oth�r pasons up��scribod Ey
<br /> ���aTi"rr'�f'.r'+�,�_ appUeabw I�w. Not Mtt thsn ane month�ftK tM 7rustN reeoMs ths nottcs of defauk or two npr d tlis trust proprtY 1s not in any
<br /> -�m*-��� kx�rporatrd dtY a viR��nd i�us�d tn farminp op�r�tlo�carrNd on�y tfi��rusta.tM fnnt»shW pvi pubilo notla ot aW m tM pnoM
<br />^"'°g°i^-!`-�"��� and In ths m��mer P►ascribsd by�DPP�i c a b l e Uw.T r uttee,w R h o u t dsma n d o0 8 a r owor.s h e a.t t l l t M P roDs�tv aY p+btie aucdon w ths h i 0 M s 4
<br /> __-=-------� Eidd�t.B nqui►sd bY the Fartn r�amastesd P►atsodon Aa4 Ytuatas shall oHet tM Prop�ty.fi rtwo separate ulet as reWttad bY�PWics�Fs Iiw. _
<br /> - Ynttt�maN Po�ns uM of�it or anY P�rcat of ths F*oP�Y bY P�lo at�nounc�men!,st ti�Mms�nd pUcs of��ty Pnviously satbduwd pMr. _
<br /> � --„•��� Ler�a its dqip�msY W+�clfss�tM ProP�Y at anY�.
<br /> v�== U�on reesf�2 of payment of ths pies bld.Trustas shaH dslksr to the purehasK Trust�e'a dsrd�onveyir�y t�ps��o�i�eds ot��sat�i le�
<br /> ---- - Tru�b�'s de�d sAsA W pttm�facN evWknc�of the Uuth ot 4lfs ttatsmatts conUined thsrein.T B�aU�,
<br /> —=� et��tNneM�fe s��tb)to�atl N��se�ed by ffists�desd�trust�a�d Q( 1 d�e�batince�it a�ry,�to�oni k�pittj�e��to re�f�ve��taes and
<br /> — 13.Fondown.At lender'a option,ttda dnpd of aust rt�sy be toroetoaed tn ths rr�anner provide Ay�ppliabte!aw tar foradowre of mat�sp�s
<br /> _.( on�eal proputy. �
<br /> L�`�1�
<br /> -- 14.� lander may ente►the property to i�upeat k tt Lendar plws Bonower notics 6storehend.The notics must�state ths r�atonabli
<br /> - - _-- t�a,tta fcv I.endp'a insp�otion.
<br /> - -- - p45.�pntf�ennadon.Borrowsr�ss ns to Ler�der 4hs tttccaedn¢!f�ny�w�rd a etalm fo►d�m •connected whh�eondemn�tion or otMr UWnp
<br /> o! a part of tAs propatY�ueh procee0s w�ll Oe epDl:od as provWed in CovamM t.�a asstprtmsnt is aubj�at tR.�'m tarms o!my prior
<br /> _.___ --- - teGRItY�Am�nY. . '
<br /> - �iu� te.W�.By mxerdafrp any re��evaflsbla4o 4emier.Lendar doss n�i��lvs up anY riphts to later uss�r�y otfier rems6y.By not ex�Itlnp ---
<br /> - -- -- any mm�dy upa��onoww's doleutt,Lender does not waive any riQM to Iata�-coinider the svent a dNauh M It n�pp�ns aWin. -
<br /> --- ��= 17.JohR rW 8�wrat�y, Cody�wst Succason md At�s Qand. Atl dWos unde►ffii�dead of trust�e phis�nd ssvarai. My
<br /> -- _ Benevwr who eo�sipns tNs dsed of wt9t but dws ewt ea-slpn�M u�o� d�bt intwmeertlal doa w on1Y to Qrant�nt!aonwy that
<br /> ---�_..-9 8orrowa's U►tnftst In tAs propeRy to ths Trustes unds►the�erms ot tfiis tnm�in add'nion.�ucto a BoROwer e�ees liut Si�Lerxi��d �
<br /> - ar+Y 04�Borrower under Ws ds�d of tnnt may sxt��d,znodiiy or make my otNa ch�r�s in tM te►mf of thts deed of tnat a th�ucursd
<br /> ._.:�,,; Cebt wilhout tAat Barower'o contert and whhout reisa��tl�at BoROwsr irom tlw tertna o7 tNa d�ad cf�ust. �
<br /> �• —�"" Ths dutles�nd bensHm of Mtt deM ot trust ehall Wnd and eeneHt ths successon�nd aattyns of Lender n:r9 EBortoww. =-
<br /> -=
<br />