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<br /> _�--=- ' �ar�iKor.i�6�ii�dtolioeq� MladlW�� � 75$.SQ b�rllaelry�'�MOt,�r ,
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<br /> ,°—.;�??!� �dr�ad by lqortp�e to pmpct tT��ecurttY oi tlib f�ort/�e��tAe pedotmMUCe ot ihR oo�nants�nd a�nim�afs ot. ,
<br /> N�`�;�1��}�� �t�Olt�i�0! COI1L�1pll� hMI0G1► 1WOX�OT dOf! IbkREy 11ttt��R�11d.C011Y!'y to MOtlR�O!t�4!ZOUORI� dML'flb�d .
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<br /> r�r�'''ye.'�,��..4. '
<br />._�'��,.,;N:,, :r,r.,. Lat Seven (-�.)► Hlock Si� (6),, Haan's Tbird AdQitioa to':rhs R#�t�t, ia€ Gr�,nd
<br /> `�;�„�,. �,,,�' ialand� Hall Caunty, Nebra�iwr�� � � , , . "' � '' .
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<br /> �' tppu:tenancen lacated thereoa or la anywise petWNng thereto,�n�the reaW,i�suPa and pmfits,ttvet�toil.a�utd rea�der�
<br /> ' . :';;:.,;;: : theteofc indudin�,but aot ltmlted to.hc�t(n�and cooting eQWprueut and`iucb peYCOnd pmperiy thst b sttached ta the --
<br /> - [mptavemenOs ao as W eonatSttite s Quture:�11 of whtch� iacludlaa replacsment�snd�ddtttons tDereto,la lsereby de�ldted
<br /> •,�:��'� Lo bq t'part of We[e�l eatat4,aeeuted by t6e Uen of thta Mottqa�e aaa all of tfte foiegofng beta�reierred to herein Ae�Wto =-
<br /> ., ..p��++. • �:,_
<br /> � ' 1HortgaQos inrther convetunts utd a�eea�with Mort�ee.as tollowss �'�`
<br /> � 1.Paymen� To pay tae indebtednes�and the laterest theteon as provlded fn thia Mortg�Qe and the NoYs. •;
<br /> '�';��' 2.Tltle. 11lortga�or Is the owner ei the property,h�s We�ghi and autbotity to mortg�e the Property.end
<br /> � �vueaata Ntt t11e Uen eretted bereby ts a Wat tnd prlor liea on the Roperty,except as msy othetwise be set fort6 he�ein.
<br /> �'!he Property ia subject to a Mortgnge wder�tn.�ira�i_8�.:.,.,o�b�ee�a� - -
<br /> � ia the Mortg�gee�recorded at Boiat �Page,_ of the Mortgage Records oi °�1 �uptY,�
<br /> I�eb�lw.�+hteh Mort�e ta a lien p�or to the lien crsated AereDy. �� .
<br />: " ❑Other p�tor liens or eaeumbrancea: - •
<br /> 8,Taxes,Aeseasmenfa. To pay when due aU taxea,specf�l assesaments and aU other cbuges a�ainat the Ptoperty "
<br />� and,upon weitten demaud by Mortgagee,to add to tbe pa3�ment�reqaired ursder We Notc secvred hereby�such araount es
<br /> �:.,.,,; uo�y be aufflcient to ena0le t6e Mortg�gee to pay such taxes,asses+menfs ot other chatges es theY become due.
<br /> 4. Inaaeauce. Zb keep 6he fmprovements now or heteatter loa�ted on the real estate descrlbed herein inswted
<br /> ytlnst d�mt�e by 6re'and sucA othet h�zaMs as Mortgagee may requlre�in�atouats aad with con►penle�aeoeptsble to We
<br />- Mortq�ee,and wlth loze payable W the Mo:tgagee. In ceae of loaa under such policies!he Mortga�ee!s autt►orised W
<br /> adjuet, eolteM and¢ompromiae,ln its dtsaretlon,�ll ctafras�emuador at its sole optlon, authoslzedtoeltherapplythe
<br /> Q�s to the reatontlon of tho Roperiy or upon the indeDtedneas secured hereby,but payments hereunder s1u�U con•
<br /> , tlnue�unfU!he sums secured hereby are patd in Nll. ..°•,.�.- •F°�•:, .°•�. ., .
<br /> • tk�sc;':ro33L�1�.'.?'�!�� � i
<br /> � b. D Esrrow For'Cuces and Insur�nce. No�wlths'"�YYdi1Q5e►L�IIMnB conti6�ed in para�pha 9 end 4 hereof to tbe
<br /> n
<br /> contnry,Mortgtgor shall pay to the Mortgugee aL the;tlidt�'o�1,�fng 4Di'G��'nnatitlity Ynstallmenb ot prladp�l and interest, I
<br />- one•twoitlh of thc► yeatiy taxes.essessments�hn$erd tnsuru►ce premloms,end ground reafs(if any)whtch rasy attein a
<br /> pTlo�lty over thla Mortgage,eU as reasonably estimnted flrom dme to time by the Mortgagee.The amounCs so pald shall be I
<br /> _ - - -- . _ . . _ .. .. _. . ..._ ..___ ._�,_....s__._....�..._.. t.
<br /> _ . _ 11@Id Dy LII@ MOtt$a�F.'i!WIttIW�IAR'R5L aAa ilppttea to ene parmenc ira uie�wuw ia irfiNov�w..auw w...,,..........o...... ,--
<br /> dopastted.The sume paid to Mottg�gee heteunder are pledged es additional secuxlty for the iadebtedness secured by thla �
<br /> , MoYtgtge.Mortgagotehel!pay to Mortg�gse the amonat of aay deflcfency between the actual texes.asaessments�insurance �
<br />'" ptemluma snd gronnd rsnte and the depos!ffi hereunder within 10 deya atter demand ts naede upon Mortgagor requesting
<br /> piyment thereof. i
<br /> . i
<br /> ' 8. Repair.M�inten�nce utd Use. Zb prompdy rnpair,restorr or rebuftd aay buildtnga o:impmvemenffi now or �
<br />; � Ireteute=on the Roperty:!o keep the Pcoperty in good coaditlon ens!repatr�wlthout waste,ead f:ee Lrom�neohanic's or !
<br />- '� � othetllena no!eapressly euhordlnRted to the llen hereof;not to make,aufter or permft aay nutaence to extst,nor to dimtn•
<br />;p W or imQafr the value of the Property by any act or omission to tet;and to cotaply wttD allrequlrements of Inw with �.
<br />; •• tespeck tothe Property.
<br />; _ ..
<br /> - , . �
<br /> � .
<br /> i
<br />- I
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