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• +r• -•xn`��:r�.,.+�..+wqpv.f,...�+ . ��..;�i�,.. �� . .. ��`d'• . .... <br /> s..l vesitn�iaw}.. ., �y;,_f . . . <br /> . ��s^, .","�!H,awlrwhti�rr:-,... . _ <br /> . . �� <br /> � . ..- <br /> � � ' - - _ _ _ — __....._....— .. .._ ......,.. __.. _. <br /> -. a.J-.• . . � . . . .., . _. <br /> j 1.�'.' . '�.f_u.'..:. <br /> _ ..• ev.s�p��,�.._r.o_.ana_��= --�o�_i�--�=�a—'_'__ <br /> t <br /> - .,t - _ ---_ <br /> --- — • � _ <br /> =T�-����a �i���o"� ""���.,�N�.'tnntar sholl pay oN taxh,astssmmta ond oMMr charl�s.intfudinp.wititaut!'rn►itation,finQS and(m- <br /> --_ -- - _-_ <br /> — poslfbns aftribuiabit toMt t�'ap�rtl►.ad�*+�G�ir•�--�ty cr�C�re°t�.H c�.l+�t�e tlss saen�boccnr dolir�qu�nt.Trustor 1 pranp- _ <br /> t1y�fiwnish to Newfkhxy oN ratk�of amoa►ts dw un6er ehis paa�praph,and in th�wrMrt Truator shoN endco pa�nn�M&�ety.Tncnor th�ii <br /> P��P'+h►��to Mr�ficio►q ra�pts n�id�+�cUg wcl�Da1►�s,Trusta slqN pa1►aN 4ipc�s c�d as�ssawits wliich ma�►b�l�ri�d upon <br /> li�fkiory's krt�nst Mniei or upon this Owd ot Tn�st without rqard to ary lew tNot may b�mottrd impcsk+0 po�l�n�r�t of th�whoN�on�l <br /> part tharoof upo�1h�l�n�tieiall� <br /> — •� - - � 6.�:.."°.::�tL�s e�t:c!��!'h e!1�!!!�A[�1.+'�fs��M•Trustar shofl mok�dl QaYn�nt:ot tnt�r�st and p�tpd md Po�l►nN+ri of q^1► <br /> otMr clarqts,h�s and��nsa eo�hocT�d to b�pqid b ary�x}stMq{6NiFroldMS ar prior b�eellicia►l�s w�an�l P�4r d�sd of 4rust ar�- ` <br /> � tpap�b�tore th�dot�th�t a�d�linQw*M and Prompth►po1►���°�1f and dl ot�t�ims a ci�p�s whkh n'nf►i�oPad'a�th� <br /> iscuity qrontd <br /> hK�in.if Trusta Mi'�to mak�any wdi po1►nwnt or fail�to prfam ary of th�covenont�cnd ogr�nts eartain�d in tfi[s <br /> Dad of Trust,ar k�on�pria mort�op+a dwd of t�,st,a}If aq►action ar potNdbg is cannn�rc�d whidr mat�riotip offats bn�fkiory's in- <br /> —� tanst in ths RopMy,tncludinp.but not limit�d to,eminint d�mah prae�tlin9s,ar Prca�dinqs invdvin0 a���•°r if Trustar fals to poy <br /> - - Trustar's debts 9anetcll�as 1Mr 6ytonw du�,1Mn B�fitiarl►,at 6�ficiary�s aptian arid without notite,to ar d�+nar�d upon Ynatar and <br /> � -�- - withart ral�asin�lrusta fran an�r oblioation maic�such apOtaraneRS,disburse weh stMns.and take wch oetion as is�e�ssar�r - <br /> to protact Ben�fkfory's im�rest inctuding,but not limit�d to,disburs�m�nt of nosonnbN attor�!►'s ftfs.DaY"�•P��C0^t�st°r con�- <br /> - pranlse of on�e+xun�lxance.ehor�or Ilen.and entry upan t1�PtoVMY to mdce npairs.ln the ovant that Tnistar sFall fail to proe�r in- <br /> = surance or to poy toxes,assessmertts,or any other charp�s or to mak�an1►po!►m�Ms to txisttnp prior IiM holders or b�net'�etarlss.Benef�°ry <br /> mcy praure such insurance and make such payn�ent.My emouin disbursed by B�tfl�iorl►0�►suaM to this Paoyraph 6 shall buane additionoi <br /> - ir�debtadness of Trosta secured b�this Deed of Trost. yxh amounts shall be pa�►apl�upoe notit�frar B�fkiary to Trustor r�stiig pay- <br /> -- � mem the�eof,and shaii becr iMerest f��n tha dat¢of disbursemt�+t at The raM�aYAbl�f�nm tlne�to tirtie on outatandin➢P����° � <br /> —' Note unless puyment of interest at sud��ate would 6e eontroryt to aap�lcab�e� afiich eveM such amoixds shall beor iMerest at the highest <br />_____�.�,�,��:�-:�':� �ate permissible wider applicable Icw.ldothirtg contained in this Pafapraph 6 slaD�aquire Bmefkiary to incur mr expense or taka any oction <br /> ",_"--'.".:�• hereunder. <br /> 7. A��et of RMh.Benoficiary shcll have the rigM. power ond euthoritN durinp the contlnuor►ce of this Deed of Trust to colt�ct the <br /> '�---' -`'�'��`�=.^ rems, iuues and proflts of the Property and of any personnl property laoted thereon with or without takirt9 possession of the,properfy affected <br /> _==�"°-'"'°�'����' hereby,and Trustor hereby absotutoly ard unconditionnlly asstgns a!I such rents,isaues ond proNts to Beneficiary.6enefkiary.4rawever.herrb1► <br />`�::v`_r.�" � , <br /> e; . eomerHS to the Trostor s collectioo and retention of�ueh�ents,Issues and profits as they atnie and become poYabk w�on$os Trustar s not, <br />-__�x`.+•.��; at such Hmo,(n defautt with respect to poyment of any indebtedness secured hereby,or in the performonce ef an1►a9►eernent hereunder.�P°� <br /> '�'°'`'�� . � am such defoult,9eneficiary moy at ony time,eithe►in person,by agent,or by�eceiver b be appolnted by a caxt,without ratics anti without _ <br /> -"'`". , `.,•�' �'. ecured a eMer u aM ttdce possession of the Propertlr or anY P�'� <br /> y h, � "A regard to the adeqvacy of uny security for the indebtedrtess hereby s ,O P� . <br /> .�;k�,': `° thereof,ar�in ib uwn�min sue far�r zssh.arszl:c sa!lect suth r�►t�.iss��n and profits.ine{udtng those past due and unpoid,and.appty the same, <br /> zs <br /> ' � less easts and expeeses of operation and collectton,including reosonnble attomeys fees,upon on�indebtedness secured hereby,and tn such <br /> � � ' erder as Beneficiory moy determineo(b)perForm such octs of repair ar protection as moy be�eceswry or Ixoper to conserve the value of fM <br />'' �" • '� ,. �,. .} property:(c)lease the same or uny purt thereof for such►ental,term,and upon such condHions as its iudgment may dktate or 4arminate or ad- <br /> - �:�:�:�;i;Fi:�.� `'��. just the terms ard conditions of any existing lease or teasea.Unless Trosta and Beneftciary agree otherwise in writing,a�►aqplitotion of►eMs. <br /> � •`�`+:����•. ' ` � •'� issues ar profits to nny indebtedness secwed hereby shcll not Qxtend or postpone the due date o'f the installmem pa�ments as provided in said <br /> ' �� �} '�`` pramissory note or change the amount of such installments.TI►e eMering upon ard taking possession of the ProperfY,tho coilection of such <br /> . M . . �•'•'; <br /> �ents,issues and p►ofits,artd the opplication thereof as afares�td,shall not woive or curo am default or notice of default hereund�,or in- <br />- • � -.:'a volidate any act done pursuaM to such notice.Trustor also ossigns to Benefieiery,as further securit�r for tAe perfom�arce of the obllgMions <br /> � � socured heroby,oll prepaid rents and all monies whtch may hove been or mny hereafter be depo�ited wNh sofd Trustor by eny tessee of tho Pro- — <br /> • pert�r,to secura the payment of any rent or damogeS,cnd upon defeuit in the performnnte of any of the provisions hereof,Tnntor agrees to <br /> ' � : a • deliver such rents aad deposits to Be+iefic+cry•Oelivery of written�oflce of Benef�cicry's exersise of the�ights graMzd herein,to any ter�nt oc- <br /> , , , cupying said premises shall be sufficient to require sdd tenont to pay said reM to tRe 8eneficiary uatil further eotice. r._ <br />, ..��- .� g,t�tton.If tltle to any part of the Property shail be tnken in condemno4lon proceedings,by rtght of emtneM domoirt or similar oction, `_ <br /> :� or shall be sold under threot of co�demnotion,ail awords,damages and proceeds are hereby assigned and shoil be paid to 8eneficiary who shall F: <br /> � .�� � apply such ar+ards,damages end praeeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Yrust,with the excess,if any,paid,to Trustor.lf 7�ustor�eceives <br /> • •s' on� �otice or other infamation regarding such attions or praceedings, lrustor shall give prompt written notite thereof 4o benefitiary. �� <br /> "" ' Beneficiary shall be entitied,at its optiort,to commence,appeor in and p►oaecute in its awm rtame any such action or praeedings and sholl be en• � <br /> "�� .:: �.. <br /> titled to moke any compromisa or settlement inconnection withany such oction or proceedings. .., <br /> � 9. Res�lie�Mot 4dwi��•Beneficicry strcll be entitled to en4orct�payment and performnnee of any indebtedness or obliga4ians setured c_; <br /> " -- -- -= hereby ond lo eaercise all rights artd�souers under this Deed of Trvst or under enp other egreemero exetuted in cormettion herewith or ony Ipws F. <br /> • now or hereafter in foree,notwithstoredinp some or all of the sueh indebtedness and obligotions seeured hereby mo�r now or hereafter be other- <br /> � � wise secured, v�nether by mortgnge,deed of trust,pledge, lien, assignment er otherwise.Neither the acceptonce of this Deed of Trust nor its �,. <br /> � e�orcement whether by coun action or pursuant to t!re power of sale or other pawers herein tor�t�ined,shell prejudice or in any manner atfect f. <br /> - Beneficiary's right to reuli:e upon a�nforce any other security now ar hereafter held by Benefieiary,it betng agreed that Beneficiary shall be <br /> entitled to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other security now a herecfter held by Beneficiary in such order and manrter as it may in its ab- <br /> �� sdute discretion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Benefitiory is intended to be exctusive of eny othar remedy herein �,f <br /> " or by law provided or pennitted,but each shal�ba cumulative and shol�be in addition to ever�other remedy gir�n horeunder ar now or hereafter <br /> existing at luw or in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder thls Oeed of Trust to Beneficiary or to wfiith it moy be <br /> � otherwise entitled,may be exercised,concurrently or independently,from time to time und as often as mey 6e deemed expedient Beneficiary <br /> and it may pursue inconsistant remedies.Nothing herein shall Ee eonstrued as prohibiting Benefieiary Nom seeking a deficiency iudgment against <br /> tho Trustor to the exteat suth attion is permitted by Icw. <br /> 10. Te�nfer of ProprMt��Rt�•�f a��or°^�p°n of the property or eny intefest therein is sold,trensferred or conveyed by Trustor <br /> . without Benefitiary's prior written tonsent,excludirtg to)the cr�ation of a lien or encumbrunce subordinate to this Daed of Trost,(b)the tree- <br /> .�_,-._ __ „-_ _ . ._ .. _.�__�_..__`_�.�e,.....� e.�,,...�.�f�ti���ieo dflsesr�t or 6r oneration of law ucon the death of a <br /> -,. -- ` -,_ - = tMn ot a purcnase money secunrr u�r�w�IV1 INVi0�N1V vMM�rv�sv��...-. _._._.-• -- . --. . . <br /> jant teno�t or(d)the grant of any Ieasehold iMerest of three years or less rtot conteining an option to purchose. Beneficiary mey, at � <br /> Benenciary's option,declere all the sums secured by this Deed uf Tnist to be immedtetely due and poyable,or cause the Trustee to file a notice <br /> ' of default.Beneficiary shall hove waived such option to accelerote if,prior to ths scle, trcnsfer or conveynnce, Berteficiary and the person to <br /> whom the p�operty is to be so�d or transfened reech agreeme� in writing that the eredit of sueh penon is satisfactory to Benefieinry and that <br /> � the interest payalrle on the sums secvred by this Oeod of Trust shall be ot such rote os 8eneficiary shall nquest. � <br /> . , � <br />