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�1 ' i_ . _/l . . ;�r� :,;r.iFe�n.�i--'. <br /> .a�' , _ ,;; :.ssp:: <br /> �� <br /> . ��'" 1�1�:3 <br /> • perlods thu Lender requlres. The inswnnce r.arrier pmvlding the insurence shall be chosen by B�mwer sub,�r,t to I:enderh <br /> npprovol whlch shall nat be unnasonubly wIthheld. If Horrower fuils to mnintain coverage described ubove.l,ender <br /> l.enderl�optian,obtain coverage to prntect l.ender�s rights fn tiue Ptoperty in accordance wtth paragraph 7. '- <br /> o AIl i�surauce policies and renawals shall be acrepteble w 1,ender aad sha11 iuclude�sundard mortgoge clause. Laidar <br /> shnll have the tight to hold the polIcies and renotvNs. If Lender requins,Honower shnit promptiy give to Lender�Il tecoipt� <br /> of patd prcrniums end renewul notices. In the event of toss,Honower shall giva prompt notice t�.the insurnnce carrler and <br /> I,ender. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Barrower. <br /> Unl�s Lender und Borrower othcrwise ugree in wridng,insurartce procceda shall be upplied to restorntIon or repuir of <br /> the Property dtunagcd if the resfirattan or rep�ir is economicully fuistble nnd Lender's.secutiry is not lessened. If the <br /> cestoratlon or nepa[r ta noi economIcully feastble or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurnnct proceads ahglt be <br /> applted to the sums secured by this Scxurlty Instiument, whether or not then dae,with any excess paid to Honower, If <br /> Hotrower abandons the Pmperty.or does not answer wit6ln 3Q d�ys a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has <br /> offered to settle u cluim.then Lender may collect the insunmce proceeds. Lender may use the pmceeds to repair or restore <br /> the Propetty or to pay sums secured by this SecurIty In�trument,whether or not then due. 'A1ie 30�duy perlod wlll beg:n when <br /> the nodce is given. <br /> Unless Lender and Bamuwer otheiwise ag�e in writing,eny applicarion of pmceeds to principal shall not eatend or <br /> postpone tha due dete of the monthly payments referred to 3a paregraphs 1 ead 2 or change the amount of the paymenu+. If _ <br /> under psuagmph 11 the Property Is acquired by Lender.Bomower's right to any insurance poUcies siad piaceeds cesulting <br /> from damuge to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secumd by thia Securlty <br /> ' Insuument imircadiately prtor to the acquisjiton. <br /> 6. Occupsacy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protect[on ot tde Property; Borrower's Loan Application; <br /> Leaseholda Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property a4 Borrower's pdttclpal residence within slxty days after <br /> the execution of this Security insaument and shall contiaue ta occupy the Propecty as Borrowerts principal rasidence for at <br /> least one ye�r after the date pf occuptutcy, nniess I..��der otherwtse agees in writing, which consent shall not be <br /> . unreasonably withheld or unless extenusting cincumstences exist which ure beyond Bqrrower�s control. Borrower shall not <br /> destroy.damuge a impair the Property,allow the Property to deteriorate.or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shaU <br /> be in defuulc if any forfeit�re acdon or proceeding.whether civil or cdmina�,is begun that in I.ender's good faith jud�ment <br /> could result In forfeiture of the Property or otherwlse materially impuir the I{en crented by this Security Instrument or <br /> Lender's sec:urity intensG Borrower may cure such a default anti reinstate,as provided in paragraph causing the action — <br /> ui�itix:�aliug iu bG�Iinmissexl with n rujin�i1wi,in I.ender's gatxi fuith£utfciitAie of ihe 8arta�w23'k • <br /> interest in the Property or other matcria! lmpaicment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lenderk securtty <br /> interes� 9oaower shall also be in default if Botrower. dur�ng the loan appllcation process. guve materially false or <br /> inaccurate informadon or staisments to I.ender(or failed to provide Lender with any material informatIon)in connectIon with <br /> the loan evidenced by the Nate. IncludIng, but not limited to, representadons concerning BorrowerS occupancy af the <br />= Property us a principat residenee. If this SecurIty Insavme�t is on a leasehold.Borrower shull comply with all the provisions <br /> of the lease. (f Borrower acquires fee tide to the Propeny,the leasehold and the fee title shail not merge unless Lender agrees "�— <br />- to the merger In writeng. °-==- <br />- 7. Protection ot Leader's Rights in the Pmperty. If Borrower fnIls to perfarm the covenants nnd a�reernents ��=� <br /> contained in this Security Insuumen� or there is a legel proceedIng that may sig�ificantly nffect Lender's rights in the �`:��': <br />- Pnope�ty(such as n pnoceedln�➢n bankruptcy,probatc,for condemnatIon or forfeituro or ta enforce Inws or regulations>.ihen <br /> Lender may do c�nd pay for whatever is necessary to pratect the value of the Property and Lender�rights in the Properry. � <br /> Lender's acttons may include paying nny sums secured by a lien which has prioriry ovcr this Security Instrument,appearing _ <br /> in coart,pay�ng masonable uttomeys'fees and entering on Ihe Property to make repairs.Althou�h Lender may tnke ucdon -� <br /> under this paragraph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. r. <br /> Any ttmounta disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 s}�s�ll hecome additionul debt of Borrower secumd by this . <br />= Securiry InsuumenG Unless Borrower und Lender agree to other terms of payment, these umounta shull bear interest from the , <br /> date of disburaement at the Note rate nnd shall be payabie,with Interest.upon nodce from Lender to Borrower requesting <br />= payment. <br />- 8. Mortgage Insurettce. If Lender mqui�ed mortgage insurunce as a condition of making the loan secured by this <br />- Security Instrument, Borrower shnil puy the pmmiums mquired to maintuin the moctgage insurnnce in effect. If.for any <br />- reason, the mortgege insurance covemRe requtred by I.ender lapses or ceuses to be in effect. Bornower shaU pay the <br />- premiums required to obtain coverage substantially equivnlent to the mort�a�e insurunce previously in a rnst <br /> suirstw�tialiy eyuivnle,x to tiie cu�t w Suiruwer of ciie mongage insuiance previously m eftect,from an altemate mortgnge � <br />- insurer approved by L.ender. If substunttully equivnlent mortga�e insurance coverage is not nvailnbte,Bortower shall puy to <br /> Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelflh of the ye:irly mort�uge insurnnce premium being paid by Borrower when the . <br />_ insurance coverugc lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use und retain these payments us a luss reserve in lieu <br />- of mortguge insutance. Loss resetve payments rnay no longer be t+equired,ut the option of Lender,if mortgnge insurance <br />= coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)pi+ovided by an insuc+er�pproved by Lender again becomes . <br />= nvailable and Is aMained.Bumower shnll pny the prerniurns requimd to muintain mort�uge insurance in effect,or to provide u <br />- loss reserve,until the reqnirement for mortgnge insurance ends in accardance with any written agreement hetween Bormwer <br />- and Lender ornpplicable law. <br />= 9. Inspection. Lender or its u�ent mny make reason�ble entries upon und inspections of the Property. Lender shull <br />: give Borrower natice ut the Hme oF or prior to un inspection specifying reasonable cAUSe for the inspcctlon. <br />= 10. Condemnadon. The proceeds of any uword or cluim for damuges.direc[or consequentiul,in cannection with nc►y <br /> Singlo Fomily-Fannie Mne/FYeddle MucUIVIFORM INSTRllMEAl7'•-Unifom�Coveaanta 9l90 Ipaue 3 oj6 paXesl <br />• aeat intre su�mao Fam,.ix.■ <br />= T�OMeCnU:t�800S30839�O PAA 816791•1131 <br /> . . <br /> r <br /> �-�-. ._ --,-_��-�--_ - .�.. . - �, -. . .- �..�.�._..T1'y�.,,.•s�-., " , :j�-• . '--_.._.-- ---•s .. <br />� � .. � -. . � ., „� �r - V .. . ., ' - „ <br /> .. � .. � � c <br />, ' ., �� . ,� ' , ' � .. . • <br /> .. , .. <br /> . , <br /> � . �� . • , <br />... .....__'�_..'.: ...__�_..... . ____ . . :` -. . .... .. _-__ ._�'___.�__ ..... ._�_ ___ _ p_._'- ...___'�� <br />�__�t' • �. . �� • , i1. .. � f'-.•�:�.�',;' `�.,, u � .. <br /> '�; ' „ . " ' ��'`"�S ,��'��' , .. <br /> � <br /> o � ' , • , ., "' • <br /> , ., <br /> . . , . <br /> . <br /> ,. ... . <br /> .:� ., <br /> . , . <br />