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<br /> pE�D OF Ti��91'WITH FUTURE ADVANCE� •
<br /> THI9 OF.�D OF TRU9t,f�made as ot th9�.11--.dsY ot 3'un, ,10�`i..,by�rd�morp
<br /> �e��pl. RAY�Le�Fl�I.FR i I TNDA t� P['1FNi R „a��,yl�band wnd �t�p _.�
<br /> whoss maflinp addres�q 12463 {t MHIT£CLOUa RQAD CAIEiO ��n'Tn�b►���omt ar mar�b
<br /> �TM���� Fiv�,,,j►„�ints Ranie �_N�brawko Cnr�era}i nn _ � r-
<br /> whoae mailinp adQroas Is p'0. Box iS07 Grand 't�land. NE 68802 ��..T������
<br /> Five Points Bank � .
<br /> the Bsn�'iCtery. .
<br /> �rho9e a�iAkling addreaa ta 2015 H Broad�ell Grarsd ��eAand. HE. 68802-1507 ��� ��yp�����. �
<br /> FQEi`NALUABI�C0�i3t0ERAT10N,irictudinp Lenders extension of cradit tdenUfled henin�Y �• PpEHLBR
<br /> 6 LI�TAA L. POENLER (he�ein"Bo�ower'.whether ane or more)and ths truat heretn craated.
<br /> ths reaelpt ot whiah ta heroby soknowledaed,Truatar hereby IRevocably�rants,transien,conveya end aa�ipns to TNSte�,IN
<br /> TRUST,WITH ROWER OF BAL�,tor the benMitand secu►ityof Lender,underand subJsotto ths termssnd condYlons h�relnafMrsN
<br /> taM,the resl propsrty.ds�oribed as toliow�:
<br /> Top�tt��►wIM atl butidinpt,improvsmmts,fixtur„,at��b,all�y�,pessaDeu►aye,�as�m�nU.�t�hU,privllp�s and�ppurh-
<br /> nance�toaabd thu�on or In anywiae pertatnlnp thareto,and tha�ent�,leaues�nd proiite,revereloni and remsinden thereof,�nd
<br /> wah p�nand propsriy that i��tvchsd to ths Improvemenb eo a�to conaUtute a tixtur�,Inaludinp,but rto!Ifmlt�d ta,he�tlnp and
<br /> aooHnp squipmen�and tapether with th9 homeatead or marital Intereats,If any,whioh tntereats are hereby releaasd and wuved;811
<br /> of whlah,inaludin�replacements a�d addltions thereto,Is hereby declared to be a paR of ths renl estate esaured by the ll�n of this
<br /> Qeed of Troat and all of the tarepoing beinp referred to herein as the"P�opariy".
<br /> Thla Oeed of Trust chait eeoure(e)the payment of the principal sum and interest evidenoed by a promlaaory note or oreallt
<br /> egreement dated JM��� 33tt� :935 i,avir��j a natu�ity tfai�,oi T•�n`-' 3��h ?H@? � ,
<br /> in the original principat amount of$ 30,020.50 ,and any and atl modi8aadona,extenalons and renewaia
<br /> thereof or thereto artd any and all tuture advancea and readva�ces W BoROwer(or any of them it more than one) hereunder
<br /> pursuant to one or more promissory notes or eredlt agreemente(herein calied"Note'�;(b)the payment ot other sume advenced by
<br /> Lender to proteotthe seaudty of the Note;(o)the performartce otall covenants and egreementa of Trustorset torth hereln;and(d)ail
<br /> present ar�d tuture indeMedneaa and oblipations of 8orrower(or any of them it more than qne)to Lendar whether dlrecL Indlreat, __
<br /> abaolute or contlngent artd whother arising by note,guarany.overdrait or othenatse.The Note,thte Deed o}T�ust end any and e��
<br /> other doouerna that secure the Note or otherwise exeauted In connecUon tt►erewith,inoluding without I(mitation guarantees,seaurity
<br /> agreementa and assignmenta of teases and rents,shatl be reterred to hereirt as the"Loan Documents".
<br /> 7ruator covenante and agreea with Lende�as toliowa: �,.,,,,
<br /> t.Paymmt d(ndebt�dna�.A�I indebtednesa seaured hereby shatl be paid when due. r
<br /> 2.Titis.T�usto►la the owner ot the Property,hae the right and author(ty to aonvey the Praperty,end warrante that the�len �
<br /> created hereby is a flrst and prior Ilen on the Properly,exaept tor tiens and enaumbrances set forth by T►uetor in wrHing artd �r
<br /> deitvered to Lender before execudon of thfs Deed of Trust end the executlon and delivery of thfe Deed of Trust does not violate any �`
<br /> contract or other obtigatlon W whieh Trustor is eubjeot E,",'
<br /> 3.TaxN,AsHSSm�nb.To pay befora detinquenoy alt taxea,apecial aesessmenta and all other charges agelnet the Property F'__�-
<br /> now or heteafter Ievied. '..::h-
<br /> 4. Insuqnc�.To keep the Properly insurad agatne+.damape by tiro,hezarda included wtthin the term"extended coverage",and _
<br /> such other hezards as Lender may require,in amounta and with companies aaceptabte to Lertder,naming Lender aa an additional --
<br /> named insured.with loss payable to the Lender.ln case of�oss under auah polioles,the Lender Is autho►ized to adjuaL co��eot end
<br /> compromise,att alaims thereunder and sheli have the opUon of epplyirtg aIi or part otthe insurance proeeeds(1)to eny Indebtednesa
<br /> secured hereby and In euoh order aa Lender may determine,(fi)to the Trustor to be used tor the repairnr restoration of the Praperly
<br /> or(Ni)tor any other purpose or objoct satlataatory to Lender wilhout aBeoUng the Ilen oi th(s Deed ot Trustto�the fuli amouM seoured _ _
<br /> hereby botore suah payment ever took ptace.Any appllcatlon of prxeeda to Indebtedness shall not extend or postpone the due ("' '
<br /> date ot any payments under the Note.or cure any default thereunder or heraunder.
<br />_ 5. Eserow.Upon wtitten demand by Lender,Trustor ehalt pay to Lender,in such manner ea Lender may designate,auHlolent
<br /> sums to enable Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the totlowing:(I)ait taxes,assessmentaend other cherges agatnat
<br /> the Properiy,(ii)the premiums on the property inaurance requlred hereunder,and(HI)the premiums on any mortgage Inaurence
<br /> required by 4e�der.
<br /> 8.MaiM�nanc�.R�pala and Compilenao wilh Lsrr�.Trustor shall keep the Property in good condiUon and repeir,shall
<br />_ promptly repair.or replace any Improvement wh�oh may be damaged or destroyed; sAall not commit or permlt any waste or
<br /> detedoradon o1 the Properiy;ehail not remove,demoilsh or aubstentia�ly alter any of the Improvemen�s on the Property;shatl not
<br /> commit,euf�er or permit any eot to be done in or upon the Properly in viotatlon of any law.ordinance,or regutedon;and shali pay and
<br /> promptly dlsoharge et Troator's cost and expense att tlena,encumbrancea and chergea levled,Irnposed or assessed against tNe �••
<br /> t•roperty or any part thereot f .
<br /> 7. Em1n�M Oomatn.Lsrtder ia hereby assigned all compsnsadon,awards,damages and other paymenta or retiet(hereinafter �
<br /> "Proceeds'��n conneotlon wtth condemnaUon or othertaking of the PropeRy or partthereot,or tor conveyance in Ileu ot condemna- i �
<br /> don.Lender ehatl be entided at its option to commence,appear In and proseaute in its own neme any action or proceedinge,and �
<br /> ehait aleo be onUUed to make any compromise or setttement i�conneatlon with euch tnking or damage.in the evont any portion ot
<br /> the Prope�iy le eo teken or damaged,Lender ah5�t1 have the option,In Its sote and absolute discretion,to apply ail suah Proceede, �"
<br /> afterdeduadng tneretrom en coatd ana expenaes�rtourred oy i�m conreeanon wich auao Frviceeda,upon anp indeoiedneas seaured [°
<br /> hereby and in suoh order as Lender may determine,or to eppty aIi suah Proceeds,aiter such deduaUona,to tho reaWratlon ot Me !
<br /> Propert�r upon auah conditlona as Lender may determine.Any appiication of Proceeds to Indebtedness ahatt not extend or postpone I
<br /> Ne�9ue dete of any paymenta under the Note,or aure eny detauft thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplled funds ahatl be paid to
<br />- Trustor.
<br />_ 8. P�rtonnana�by L�nd�r.Upon the xcurrence ot en Event of Oefault hereunder,or It any aat Is mken ur Iegai proaoeding
<br /> commenoed which materialiy afteate Lender's interest In the P�operry.Lender may In Its own dieoreUon,but without obiigaGon to do
<br />- ao,and without eoUce to or demand upon Trustor and without re�eaeing Truato�irom any obitgatlon,do any aat whicA TrusWr has
<br /> apreed but falts to do and may also do any other aot It deems neceasary to proteot the security hereot Trustor ehatt,lmmedlately
<br />_ upon demand therefor by lende�,pay to Lertder all costs end expenaes fnourred and auma expended by Lender in connection with I
<br /> the exerci8e by Lender of the toregoing rights,togerther with i�teroat thereon at the defautt rate provided In the Note,which ahali be
<br />- ad�ed tQ t�e i.-idebiednesa ac,:ur� hercb�;. Lender ehall�ot incur any Iiabllity bc�seeuse of enything it may do or omtt to do i
<br />- hereunder. �
<br /> .�. . :q ,
<br />