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T1hs Flcne�siary,�r its agcWa. are nWhottzcd to enter at eny musonablo titpo uQon ar in�m+patt of the pn�perl�y for the _ <br />-_ '.,``"''.```.`�'�� puiposo af ins�Cting tho satrw end fnr tt�a purpasc of pedormin�any of t�9 uct�tEtcy nr�nulharl•r.cQ to perform tu�dar tl�c tcams aF <br /> �= any loan enstrtimentn cxccuted by Tn�tnre. <br /> 9. if a!!or any part of the property nr any interest of Tcustars lo sold,transfened ut ti�rther enctzmbetad wlthout tho wdtten <br /> � conunt of the Beneficiary�ttje Bendiciuty may declara t+lll 6ums soatt+ed by tliiy T�uat Dc�l to bo ircumodiately due and payeblo and <br /> proxad to the retaodies availebie to it wider the dc�fauit pmvisiorts aamainsd heroin. <br /> --_--; 10. My of the follrnving events shalt be dcemcd an event of default horeundcr: , <br /> T ' � —_ a. 1'ntctazs shafl have falla!w maka paYment of nny instaltmem of prtaeipaf or i�iteiest or a�iy oll�et s�u��e secu.s:l t►c,wy wtti:,i� <br /> dut: <br /> �� b. There t�as oonurod a breacb of or defa�lt under airy tenn. wvenan� agrotment, oonditiox�, pravision, represent�tton or <br /> warranty c:ontaittod in this Deod of Tn�st,tha note or any otlte:loan iastrument sxutW hcreby: <br /> - - v-�..<:. c. Ti�ere has bcea a default by the Tnistors in th�paymcnt of auy prio:ar Eubsequeat lietn or cnaembranx in nspezt to all or any <br /> --- _ -—===.� part of the propertY: <br />----_�;�� d. Tmsto�e sball file a voluntary petiUon in bankcuptry or shaU bs ac�judicatod banlaupt or insehrcnt, or shaU maico en <br />-- -��°'"s��"�: assignment for We benefit of creditors in respect to We property�,or an acKion to cnforoe any dcn or caaunbr�noe or juAgmenta — <br />_::;�;—_""°"'�: a�aipst the property is camtnenoed. _ <br />.�:��{,. li. In tho event of any ddaWt,the Beneficlary may declare a11 indebtedness secvred hereby to be due and payable and th�same <br /> =-. at�afi thereupon become duo and payablo wlthout any p�eseutment,dsmand,Protest or notice of eay kind. Thereafter,the BeneSciary <br /> =��:,�-�.;� <br /> :!^�:��' �� p�$,or by reoeiver appoiated by a couxt and <br /> �.�;��,.,'::'.;. �, a. either fn pctsoa or by agent,«+Ith or wlthout bringing uny actfon or r . <br /> .'__.::;S�rk�;�: adthout c�egard to the adequary of any socurity.enter upon and take passessfon of the prop�tty.or a�pact ttureo�in its own <br />::E:`•''"'"-���.� ..�� name or ia the namo of tbe Tn�stee, and do any acts which it deems neaessaty aad deslrable to preseive tLe value, <br />.;.-a__;;,;�:;,:.: . marketabillty or rentability of the pmpertY�or pact thereaf,or interest therein�inc�ease the income ttu-7efrom or protect the <br /> .;-.r�,is r�::,:.; o secari hereof and.without teking possesslon of the pmperty.sue for ar othenvise colle�t the rents,issues and pmfxts therea� <br /> ,;,��;�.�;�`':y ty . -- <br /> . ,';--,`:;;;. . including those past d�e and unpaid, and apply the satne. less costs aad exp�,nses of aperadon aud ci,ltectioq including <br /> auorac.y fees,upon any indebtedness secured kereh3�.aU in such order as the BeneSciary may detern�ine� The ente�in�upon <br /> '� and tatdng posscssioa of the uust estate.the ooue�tion of such rents,issues aad pmfits and application thereof as afoiesaid <br /> � •`- shall not c�ue or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate aay act and in response W such Qefaul�or <br /> - ��.1:��. pursuant to such notioe of default and notwithstanding the continuaace in passession of the praperty dr the oQlloction,[eaeipt �_ <br /> `:tyr•',�:• ; . <br /> ��a;:.;„• �. and application of rents,issues or profits,Trustee or the Beaefidary mgy be endtled to exercise every rlght provl m ar►Y <br /> _ �;�!��,•�cats or by las�e�so�ncx+!_•*�noe of any event of defaul�Including the ri�ht to exercise the power of sale; <br /> . b. commence an action w foreclase this Deed of Trust as a moctgage, appoint a receiver. or spocificaUy enforoe aay of the <br /> '� � •,�'•.', oovenants lureof; — <br /> � � :�• �'" c. cleliver to Trustee a written declaration of defautt and demand for sale,and wrlttea notice of defauit and election w a►use <br /> � , i Tmstors'interest in the property to be sold,which notice Trustee stiall cause to be duly filed for reoord in the off cial rewrds <br /> of We counry in Nhich thcs property is located. <br /> 12. Should the Beneticiary elect to forectos�by exencfse of the power of sale herein conteined.the Beneficiary shall notify Tmstee <br /> '. � aa�d shall deposit wIW Trustee this need of Tnut and thc note and such receipts and ovidence of expenditures made aad secumd _ <br /> � hereby as Ttustee may tcquite.and upon request of the Beneficfary,the Tmstec shall puse to be ceoorded,published and delivered �r__ <br /> to Tmstor such Notice oP Defautt and Notice of Sate as then required by law and by this Deed of Tmst.Tnistee shall wlthout demand � _� <br /> � on Tmstor,after such time as may then be requirad bY iaw and after reoordation of such Notice of Default and aRer Notice of Sale „ <br /> � � hsving been given as cequired by lew,seU the property at tho tlme and plece of sate fi.�ced by it ia such Notice of Sale.either as a �r��:f.- <br /> ° � whole, or in arate lats or !s or items es Truetee st�a11 deem expodient, and in such order as it may determine,at publlc °ft"- <br /> � auction to thc lugbest bidder for cash and shall deliv�r to such purchaser or purchascrs thereof a deed to the property sold.consistent �T � <br /> ;.�`;,.` with the law then in effect. Recitals in the Tcustee's deed ahali be pcimu facie evidence of the truth of the statements mstde thenin. �''=� <br /> , f Tnutee shall apply the pmoeeds of the sale in ihe foUowing order:(a)to all reasonable costs and expenses of the sale,includtag but ,���� <br /> � `'•` not limieed to Tn�stee's fees of not more than 2°/a of the gross salc price,reasonabie attorney fces and costs of dde evldence;(b)to all . . <br /> ` � � sauns secured by this Deed of Trust; and(c) the excess, if any. to the person or persoas IegaAy entitled thereto. Any person. <br /> `��' including the Bsneficiary,may purcl►ase said property at said sale. Trustee may in the manner provided by law,postpone sale of all <br /> or any portian of the property. � <br /> 13. Tcustee and the Beneficiary.and each of them,shall be entided to enforce payment and y�caforn�ance of any iadebtednesc or <br /> obligation se�ured hcrcby and to erercise all rights and powers under this Deed of Trust or under any loan instrument or other <br /> „ mgreement or any laws nor on c�reafter enforced notwithstanding some or all of t�e indebtedness and obligations secured hereby ; <br /> '° which may no�v or hereafter be othenvise secured. whether by mortgage, deed of wst, pledge, lien. assignment or otheiwise. <br /> Neither the axeptance of this Dced of Trnst nor its enforcemen��vhether by court action or pursuant to the power of sale or other <br /> • , pow�ers herein contained.shall pmjudice or in any manner aflect Tnistee's or the Beneficiary's right to realize upon or enforce any <br /> , other seturiry now or hereafler held by TrusteE or the Beneficiary. it bs:in�agrced that Trustee and the BeneSciary. and each of <br /> � them. sball be entitled to enforee this Dced of Truct and any other security now or hereafter held by the Beneficiary or Tn�stce in j <br /> such order and manncr as they may in their absolute discretion deternune. No remedy hcrein oonferred upon or reserved to Tcusttx I <br /> � or Beneficiary is intended to be exclusive of any other mmedy herein or by law provided or permitted.but each shall be cumulative I . <br /> �• � �nd shall be in addition to every othcr rcmedy given hcreunder or now on c�mafter existing ai law or equiry or by statute. Evcry• <br /> ' power or remedy given b�•any of the loan instruments to Trustee or the Beneficiary or to which cither of them may be othenvise <br /> entitled may be exerased.concurrendy or indepcndendy,from time to time and as oRen as may be deemed e.rpedient by Tnistee or I <br /> �� � " Bt;neficiary,aad ei.her of them may pursue inconsistent remedies. Nothing herein shall be constmed as prohibiting the Heneficiary I <br />.. -------------------- . . _ . . . .n---'--._.�.__..�...........6.....:nn:c...,.o.:...ui6vinu, L_.. <br /> -- —_ <br /> --- - - trom seetctng a aencieac.y Juagmeni agai�w� 1 tiLllV1D tV tltN Mnw���.,.... »,......... <br /> ,�.......�_,_.•• �- - <br />- � 13. Tntstors hereby request a copy of any notice of defaWt and that mry notice of sale hereunder be maited tv Tnutors at the <br /> , address set forth in the Scst parngraph of this Deed of Tnist. � <br /> IS. The Beneficiaty may,by a�vritten instmment executai and ackno�vledged by B;nefbciary,mailed to Tt�stors and recordcd in <br /> � the Coanty in which the properry is locatcd and by otherwise compl}�ng with the provisions of the applipble law of the State of � , <br />- � � �iebtaska,substitute a succ�ssor to the Trustee namod herein or acting hereunder. <br />� � - r 16. This Dced of Trust applics ro and inwes to thc benefit of and binds ail parties hen:to. thcir heirs, personal repracntatives. <br /> suxrssors and assigns. Thc term"Benetciary"shall mcan thc oamcr and holdcr of the note,whether or not named as Benefician� <br /> • ` 1lercin <br />