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<br /> ' TM bM�MiCt�rY B UNITED N�BRASO(A_BAL�IIC .whkh
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<br /> . ''''�,.=� TO(iETHER WRH nq improvort�enM now or herat�fi�r ereoted on the propaty. and eA�ts.epyuRenanees.end ibiwre5 now or
<br /> .. ' hereaRer a paR of the propKtr. AU replocea�+enl9 eed addil�na ehW be eovered by thb SeaurRy Insbument acl of the toregoing is rete�red
<br /> .=r,�., ':�K. w h thb Sacurt�►Inatrument�s Ne'Prope�ly. '
<br /> ��i r;�-��• a BOFitOYYER COVBHAM8 thtt Borto�b IQwhifty Bais�d ot t[�e ostito hirobr COnvoy�d and has Me�ht to 9rent end convey Ne
<br /> ,.._ ,,��,�, �. Property end that ttie Properqr b unencumb�wd,e�axp!t�encumbrara�o!roaonl.Borrower warrante and w8i Gstend gerterayr the titb to
<br /> , the Pro p e r t y e g a hst eN ctatns end danenQs.aubJeat to enr encumDrances ot record.
<br /> :�;�;� : THI$ SF�URITY INSiRUMENT oor�hes un(tam cownent� tat ntlbnal use and �awnMOrm co�nants wRh Amftad vartadons by
<br />-.+_•� - Jurisdtatbn to constRuts�un'�tonn seaurllp hstrament eowrinp reof property.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENA1�f8. Bartow�er and Lertoer c�ventr►t erto�ee aa ro�ows:
<br /> � � :. . i. Pe,yment ot PN�ctpni and interest; Pre�sayment and late Cherges. eorrower anao promptry pay wn0n euo n►e
<br /> • ^ ° prktCpat of and tnterost oa ths di�bt e+ridenCed by tho Nota Ynd anp prqsytnmt md 1�oharges due under the Note.
<br /> .. :�?.
<br /> �� ' 2. Funds tor Teoce� nnd insurance. bltbject to�ppYeabw Mw ot to a wdtten waMer by lender.eonower sna��var to�ender
<br /> :��•�; "�:= on tha d�y monthb Wymonta an dus urtder th�Noto.unUi tl►� Not�Is prid h tuU,a sum('Fanda7 t�r: (aI YearM taxes and asrossrt�cntrs
<br /> �`�:•-: whtch mty sthln Or(orkf► ov�r thb BeCUrUI► ►nstru�rw�t as a rien on tAo Prop�M (b) YeutY teasehotd Raymente or qround reMS on tAe
<br /> '� ., '• ProA�Y.�an�;(o)reut�r hanrd or propwyr Inwranw premlums:t�t�i 11ood haurance o�++�+ms.e any;te)�earry mortQ�ee insurance
<br /> � premlums, H any; �nd(q anr sums payaEBo by Borroww to tandor�h ecoord�nc�wRA the provbbna ot psr�9raph 8, N Iisu of the payment
<br /> .. .,.;� • ot mortgnpe Inaurenca prembma. Thoso Reins an ubd'Escrow Ibrm.'
<br /> - — NfNA4?!!4•e'�y'e fer!1�-FPn•.!�MaelFneele Mae UNIFORM ptOliKltEHf Form 908E B�DO
<br />_ _ '- wooa►�o(Nos) vy�o:�
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