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<br /> _=�,�r:;n�.�� . . . • TOC�E7FiFA YYtiH Y th� kryxrr►rn�ntt Raw cf h�dt�►wsdsd an th�prop�ty�and d MNtnrKS.�PPwt�no�• md
<br /> ;;��;,�,;, Ih�tura� now or herwltK a p�rt af tM p��ty.AN��nd addtloee a1W abo b�oovK�d by tlfis S�ourMy Indrtrrnnt
<br /> :;�:a.;:,.. 4��' All of th�ton�ak�p!� ��fwr�d to In thle S�curkY In�t as th�'PropNty.•
<br /> .¢�,.:�,.•. �•;� sa�avr-�ct cov�raarm�e�a! Bc�a�et te t�ti�fi!'.�jr eer%.�d nf Qhe est�.e hesehy comeyed and hna 4h��bgb!to grant �nd _ .-.-
<br /> , P�� aotivey ths Prapary and 4h�t th� Praparly b un�rtaumbarad, �xc�pt f�onoumbnna�s of ncotd. BarowN w�rrants�rt9 wIM
<br /> -�.f.�„±�_�. 'Y���,:, d�tend amnMy tbt titM to th�Rop�Ay �gdnri�csWm�rnd d�n�nds.tubltat ta�u►y encumbo�nas cf reoord.
<br /> � i.d.:�'•:;�t: T H t B B E G U R I T V I N 9 7 R!l M E N T aon�bha unNonn oovmmte to► natlo�l us� �nd nan�un{la�m covn�nte ►vkh h9t�d
<br /> .-''�`��,..��,.� :� vufaUons by prKdNon to con�t��unHam s�ourity tnstntmmt corwln�Eul ProP�Y•
<br /> .,,��:':t--'._�., UNIFORM CONEIVANTB. 8aroww and L�nde►cov�nant�tM�g�u folows:
<br /> :.4r��.'_.d�,' 1. Paym�nt aR Pelnalptl and Int�r� Pnpay�n�a�t and I.�ts C1arWs.Bortoww�h.�pon+piy v�►v+b.n _�
<br /> due the ��►r:p:J ot nnd t�tu�a!on th�d�t ctrtd�te�d 6y the Not��nd eny P�e!r�l+rnd�t end Mte ah�rga du�wd�o th�Not�. r -
<br /> -,:-t�';`4 9.,; Z. �utlds ior TvcYS �11d Itlsilhltct�.Subjeat to�pplo�bi�Nw a to�wrRtw�wMrw by l��8arrowa sIW pay
<br /> - _�,.,r%a��, to Land�r on th�dry monthN WY��v�dw und�t th�NoU�urdM th� Not�b pdd b tul.a ean('Fund�9 ta: (a Y�N -
<br /> bx+es�rtd aas�ta whkh mry att�tn p�Nxky ovw this S�curity tnstrumMd n a Nm on th� P4oMrty: (D)y�lY bnN►old
<br /> , � ""�� P�Ymmts or Yround roMs on the Pbopwry.N�nY: (a)Y�N�a►a�Y hawranes pnmiums: (� Ywq►11oad Inwwnw ,__ -
<br /> �; �' " prert�lurtn�H�ny;te�Y�f►��9e Ina�ce premiume,M�ny:�nd(0�ny aume P�Y�bte bf►Boreawe►to I.�nder b accaeYnes ��.-
<br /> • wlth the proviabna of puaQaph e. h Neu of the payment ot mortqaye inaunnco prertruma These Itsns�►s aNd 'Faaaw. �Y'=-
<br /> �" gem�,� Lendpr roay,at any this� ooYect�nd hotd Funda b �n�mour�t not to axceed the rrwlminn smount a lender tor� __
<br /> ., tederaly rokted morty�ps Ian m� ►e4:ke fw Borroww'e eaaow ac�xu�t under ths ted�f Rat t�d�Sdife�natrt Proadiaea `
<br /> `'�' � Aat ot 1814 as amendbd trom tlme tv Lma 12 U.B.C.$ZEGt et eaq. ('RE3PA'). unless another ktv th�t appl�s to th�Funde
<br /> , " . eatg a lescer�mormt. It eo. Lande►mwY�at sny time�coYeat�nd hold Funda in an�unourd noi to axceed the kaar�nami
<br /> ' lender mry eathtite the amount ot Fu�ds due on the baab of aumeM data�nd roasa►ebte eaUmBes of e�en�ituros ot tutms
<br /> .. ' Escrow Itans qr otl►eiwiae h ecccrdanee with appde�ble Iaw. -•--
<br /> � The Funda nh�N bs held in�n inatitut[on whoae depoaite�ro insur�ed by a ted�nl�gancy�tns4umenWilY�a�a►UlY(Indudln0
<br /> ::�'� � lendx, H Lendnr b auoh m Instlpitlon) ar h any F�deral Hane Lwn B�nk Lender ehd�ppy the Funds to pay the trwrow �-
<br /> .--». _ . fthns.lender may not eh�rgs BoTraw�tor holdfrtg�nd aPAN��the Funds.�rttwe�ll N�0 th�esaow a000utrL ar vettl�Mp -_-
<br /> „ the Escrow ttans, unlesa Lender prya Botrawe� htaest on ihs Funda snd appitabls iaw pen�tts lend�t to m�ks sucfi � ---
<br /> ' ofiarge. However. Lende► m�y roquke Barower to psy• onsdims chvgs t� an hdepa�dent rod estats hx repo►thp sMVtau "N,.�-_��
<br /> . used by Lender in connectlon wttF�thie loan, unlese �ppllc�bte I�w provtdes otheiwise. Unlese an ageemert b nuds or r8::j";�i
<br /> , • ,. �pp6cebk{aw roqutes intereat to be pnid Lertder ahaY not be roquired to pay 8omawer arry interest or eamhgs on the Funda. ;;:.
<br /> Bomawer�nd Lender may�gnee In writhg� howaver. that htarest ahal be p�td on ths Funda. Lender sf�d yive ta BoTrowar. ��..'•'�
<br /> a es
<br /> wtthout cherge, an annusl eccournMg m!the Funda, ahowing credits and de6lta to Me Funds and tfie purpose tor whlob etah "'
<br /> debft to the funda waa rttada The Funds are piedged es addlHon�t secutity for�1 auma eecured by 1he Sewtity IrtaWment. � '�
<br /> B the Funda held by L�ender c�ccoed the amounta pertnttted to be held by appAphte Isw,Lender shaq eccount W Botrower °'�
<br /> �. tor the excesa Funds In accord�nae with the requh�s ot epplicabie law.B the amouM of the Funds hdd by�Latidar at�ny --
<br /> tlme fs �ot aurilclent to pay the Es�ow itema when due, Lender may no noUy 8ortower in w�iting,and in euab caae Borrower
<br /> shall pay to Lendx the amour�neceasary W make up the deHdency. Borro�rer shet malce up the doActenay k+no moro th�n
<br /> � twelve monlhly poymenta,at Lendcr's colo disaettoa. :�',
<br /> ' Upon psymeat In fuN of al euma sewred by this 8ecuriry Inshuma�t, Lenda ahal p�»mptly rofuad to Borrower any Funda �:��;_
<br /> , held by Lenda. R�undar paragnph 21,Lender shaM acquire or ae6 the i�ropeH�r,i.mder.PricF W thb 8c�ddtlas�sffia o!2lss '
<br /> Properly,shep appy em►Funda held by Lender at the Ume ot acqulsNton or eale aa a ae�t againat the euma aecurod by thia r�;'�,'
<br /> . Searily Instrume�t. ��,.
<br /> " 3. App11011lion ot Prymertb. Unteas app4ceble law providea otheiwfae, aY paymenta reaAived by lendmr unde► •...,
<br /> parsgspha 1 and 2 ahsY be appBed: tf�st.to any prcpayment chatges duo under the Note;second,to nmourrta payable under
<br /> paragraph 2:thhd�to interoat due; touRh,to prindpal duec end last.to eny irta char9 flnes and�tknpoaktorie atMhut�bb to the
<br /> � 4. Ch�rg� Uons. BoROwer sheA pay ell texea, assessments, charg�ss, -
<br /> , . PropMy wMeh mey attain pttotily over this 3ecurtty InsUument, end leaseho�d payments or groand rente, tf any. 8orrowe►ehd
<br /> pay these obligatlone in the menner praAdad tn paregraph 2, or M not paid tn that manner,Bortower ehal pay than on Uma
<br /> � � di►ecdy to tha person owed peyment. Bortower shail promptry Nmish to Lender a0 notlees of amounta to be patd under thb ,
<br /> . paragraph. It Bortowet mekes these payme�ta directly, Bomower ahaq prompty fumiah to Lender necelpte evidendng the
<br />. � payments.
<br /> Borrower sheq prompty discharge e�ry Uen whfch hes pdorHy over this Searity Instrument uniesa Borrower: (a) agvees in ,
<br /> �:'r;��-, ' w�idng to the paym�nt of the obltgntlon secured by the Uen in a manner aocephbte to Lender, (b) conte�te in good t�IM the
<br /> • Ilen by, or detenda apafnot enio►eement of the Ifen in, legal proceedinga whbh in the Lender's opinEon opente to prereot the
<br /> enforoemerit ot the tten; or(e)securos kom the hotder ot the Uen an egree�nent saNstnatory to lender subordhating Me Nen to
<br /> � �%��' thls 3ec�Mt�►Instrumant. B Lenda detamihea that any part ot the Propaty k►aubJect to a pen which rt�ny �teh priority ove►thb
<br /> • � Secwity Instrument, Lender mny give 6ortower a notlee fdenUtying the Uen. Borrower shap seday lhe Uen or take one or more o}
<br /> the actlons set todh above withln 10 daya of the gNing of noUce.
<br /> 5. Ha�M or Propltty (nsuranCe. Borrower shell keep iho 4nprovements now existlng or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Propedy insurod agalnst losa by Rro, hereMs Induded wtthtn the term 'extended coverage' end any other hapaMa. indudtng .
<br /> flooda or ftoodtng,4or which Lender requlres fnsuranee. Thia inaurance shaq be malntah�od in the amounts and tor the petlods
<br /> that Lender requires. The Inaurance canler providing the inaurance shall be chosen by Bortowex subJec! to Lender's approvel l
<br /> ° wh{ch �hatl not be unressonahly withheid. 8 8orrowar taUs to maN�tain coverege deacdbed abova.Lender may. at Lender's
<br />� ' opUon. obtaln coverage to protect �ender's tighta in the Property in accordenee with paragraph 7. �
<br /> AII Insuranca policiss and renewata shail Ae accopt�sbte to Lender and shall tnctude e stendard modgape dause. lende�
<br /> ahail hava the dgM to hold the policEes and renewals. B Lender requ7es, Bonower shall promptiy gNe to Lender all recetpts of
<br /> pald premluma end renewal notlaes. In the event of�oss, BoROwer shall give prompt notice to the insurence earrier and Lender. I
<br /> lender may meke proof of bss N not mnde promptry by Bortower.
<br />- 1•�:��:� Unlese Lender end 8orrower otherwise agree in wrfdng. Insumnce proeeeds ehali be applted to reatoraUon or repaU ot the +
<br /> , Prope►ty damaged,B the restorntfon or repeir is economtcally teasib�e and Lender'a securlty fa not lessmed.H the restomtlon ar 4
<br />, � ' repah ts not eoonomiceLy teas@la or LendePs seeurity wouid be lessened, ths Ine�rance proceeda ahaU bo appSfad to the auma
<br />- seaured by this Socudty Instument,whether or oot then due, wfth any exeesa pald to Borrower. It Boirawer ebandons the '
<br /> , . Prope�ty,or does not answer with[n 30 deys a noUce from Lender thet tho Insurance certter has otfered to serile a ctelm,then !
<br />_ � Lender may eoqoct the ineuranee proca¢da. Lender muy use the proceeds to repaU or restore the Propedy or to pay sums �
<br /> ,.�.';; secured by this 8ecurity instrumcnt,whether or not then due. The 30�day pertod wiq begln when the noUce is given. :
<br />- .: �"� ' Unless Lender end Bortowor otheiwise agree in wdNng, any appltcatloa of proceeda to prindpat shati not oxtend or
<br /> • " • postpone the duo date ot the monthy payments reterred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or ahange the amount of the puyments. Ii
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property ts acquired by Lender. 8orrower's dght to any inaurance poiides and proeeeds resultlng from
<br />- �. • damage to the Propeity pdor to the eonuis�ion shNl pass to Lender to the extent ot the suma by this Securily InsWment
<br />_ ---- ---_.�_ -'�--.._ Immediatn3v ndor to the acmtisNbn.
<br />_ �`��� 8. Occupancy� Preservation� 114aiMenance ond Proteatfon of the Property: Borwwer's Loan � �
<br /> Applteation; Lesseholds.Bortower shall occupy, estsbifsh, and uae the Property as Bortower's ptindpal residenee wkhh
<br />- sbety days after!he exeaRton of thls Security insuument and ahell contlnue to occupy the Properry as Borrower's pdncipai
<br /> residenco for at least one year after the date of occupanay,uniess Lender otheiwise agrees in wdUng,which conser�t shall not
<br />_ • be unreeaonabty wRhheid,or unlesa extenuating dreumotances extst whtch aro beyond Bortowers controt. Borrower shell not
<br />"- " dentroy,damago ot ImpaU the Property,el►ow the Properly to detertorate, or aonmtt waste on the PropeAy.Bortower shali be M
<br /> �., �� datauh H any torfetturo aetbn or proceeding, whether dvil or cdmtna�,Is begun that In lender's good tatth�udgment coutd resuft
<br /> _ • in toAeituro of the PropeAy or othe�wise materfelty fmpair the Ilen created by this Securfty Instrument or Lender's aecurity interost
<br />:�
<br /> ^ ... . _ ..�
<br /> � F1318.1M0(10/9t1 Pnpo 2 ot 5
<br />:� '.
<br />� 95078 ,
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