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<br /> - 4.Ftxe,�lood end Other Nsaard la��wance.Bonower ahdl iasuce all improvomente on the pmperty.whether
<br /> noN tn e�dete:tca or subeequeatly aeaced,apinst any haz�rde�caeualtIee,md contl�eacies�lnoludtn�tlnd�for Mhtnh
<br /> Laadar r+�qutree insuruice.Th�s insurance elull�e maiatsiaed In the rmounte and for the pertodi that Lendec cequins.
<br /> Borrower ahul elso ivaure dl imprnvemeam on the Praperty�whether aow ia e�tsteuce or eubeequ�atly�oreated�o�ainst
<br /> loee by iloada to the erteat raquired by the 3eoretery.All tawraace shall be carrIed with compan,tes epp�ved by I.ender.
<br /> The itmursnce poltaiee and eay reneaale ehall bo held by Lender sad ehelt inolnde loss payable alanses in favor oi�aad fa
<br /> a fonn aeceptable W.Lender.
<br /> In the evaat of lose,Horrower ahall gtve Lender immedtete notica by mail.Leader may meka prooi of loee if not
<br /> mide promptly by Borrower.Bach insureace cornpany conarned Is hareby authontxed aad dincted w mnke peymaat
<br /> for such loss direatty w Londer�inste�ad oi to Borrower and to Laadar joiatly.All or aay part of the inaunace proceede
<br />- may be applied by Leade�r.at its ap�oa,either(e)w tha�e+sduction of the iadobtedaesa uader the Nate aad thie Socurlty
<br /> L�strumeat,firet to any deliaquant amounts applied ia the ordar ia paragraph 3,aad then to prepeymeat oi prtnetpal�or
<br /> (b) to the reatoratton or repair of the damaged Property. My application oi the pracoeds to the priaclpal s1W1 aot
<br /> � osctond or postpone the dua date oY tha moatbly payments which are reierral to in paregcaph 2,or chaago the xnaouat of �
<br /> such payments.Any eacess Insuraace proceeda over ea aaaouat required to pny ell outateitding iadebtedaess wider tlie
<br /> Note aad thie SeaurIty Iaetrument eball be paid to tho entlty legally entltled theram.
<br /> In tha everit oi forcclosure of thie S�urlty�nettumeator otha Lrans?er at tisle to the Pmporcy ihnt erttaguishes the
<br /> indobt�edaese,a11 dgbt,title aad iaterest oi Borroaer in and ta insuranca polioies in forca sball pass�to ttee purchasar.
<br /> S.Oeeupaaey�Preservatirna�Aqainten�ace aad Protectlon ot the Property;Bonower's Y.om Appllc�tioa;
<br />" Leasoholde.Borrower ehe11 occupy,establieh,and usa the Property as Borrower's priaaipal reaideace withta sixty days
<br /> etWr the exeeutton oi ttus SecurItq Iastrument aad shell coatlnue w ocoupy the Ptoporty sa Borrowar's prInaipnl
<br />� resldence for at least ona year efter the date of occupaacy,t]I1�PS81�R�8 SSCP8t8Y�1 d8t8Ttri�IIte tY118!C[�11Ii6tri8At WUI CSUC+� �_
<br />= �indue Mrdahtp for Borrower,or unless axtenuatlt�cjrcumsRSaces el�iet wWeh ere beyond Bortower s control.Horrow�t
<br />= s1�n11 aotifq Leader of eap exeenunria�g ciroumateaxs. Bormwer ahall not comm�t aaete or destroy, damnge or
<br /> - subetsadally cheage tho Praperty or a11oa tha PropesKq 40�detariorate,reasonable weer and toat oxcepted.L,ender may
<br />= inspect the Propertq it the Property Is vacant or abaadoaed ot the lorin is ia dafault.I,auder mey tako reasa7table actioa _
<br />- to proteat and preserve such vacant or abandoned Property.Bortower shall elso ba in deieult if Hon+ower,during the
<br /> loau applicattoa process,geve znatetIally ielse or inaccurate iafonnatioa or statemex►te to Lender (or tailed to provtde
<br /> Leader with aay metedal iniormation)�a coaaeatioa ait�►tha loan evideaad by the Note,Iacludiag,but aot limited ta.
<br /> represeatattons coaceraing Bonower's acaupaacy oi tha Property ae e principal resIdencE.If this Security Inattumeat ie ._
<br /> on a le�sehold�Borrower shall comply with tha provIsioas oi tha lease.If Borrower acquirea fea t�tle to the Propertq.the
<br /> leasehoid and foe tttle ehall not be merged unless Leader agreea to the merger iA wdtinE. :_
<br /> �:r- -
<br />__ 6. Chtrges to Honotver aad Protectioa of Leadet's Righta ia the Psoperty. Horroaer ahall pay ell �-_
<br /> governmentel or inuntcipal cherges, fiaes aad imposIt�ons that ua not included ia paragraph 2. Borrower shall pay -
<br />- tliese obligationa on time direatly w tha endty which is owed the payment.It failure to pay would adversely attact b�_
<br />- Leader's interest in tha Property�upon I.ender's tequest Borrower shall promptly turaish to Lender tecaipts avideaciag ___._
<br /> - these payrtieate. �-_
<br />'-; If Borrower fails to make these paynaents or the payrneats reqvIrod bY paragraph 2,or tails to periorm any other `t-.�-
<br />_- covenants and agreemonts contataed in this Security Icscrument,or there ia a legal proceediag that may sIgtificandy ��'!�'
<br />•� aftect Lender's righte In thB Progerty (such as a proceeding ia bankruptcy. for coademaation or to eaforce lawa or ' �
<br /> regulations),thea L.auder snay do aad pay whatever ie nece�sey to pmtect tha value of the Property ead Lender s rt�hts Fx_
<br /> - ia tho Property.iacluding paymant of texes.he�ard ii�sueauw and other items mentIoned in paragraph 2. -
<br /> = Aay amounts diebursed by Leader under this paragraph ahall become an additional debt of Bomower and be "
<br /> = socuted by ttde Securtty Instrument.These amounts ahell bear Interest irom tha date of disbtusecnent,at tha Note rate, ,
<br />= aad a4 tAo option of I.ender,ehall be immediately due aad payable.
<br />= 7.Condomnntioa.The proceeds oi any award or claim tordrimagea�direct or consequential.in connectioa with
<br />_ aay condemnstton or other taking oi any part ot tha Property.or tvr conveyeace in pleca oi condamaation,are hereby
<br />�= assigned and ahall be paid to I.eader to tha extent of tha full amount of tha indabtednes3 that rBSneiats unpaid under the
<br />- Nate ea�this SecvrIty Instrumeat.Lendet shall apply such proceeds to tha reduction oi the indabtedness uador the Note .
<br />= and thie Security Instruinent�firet to any cieliaquont amovnts applied in the order provided in parsgraph 3.aad thea to
<br />�� prapayment of prIncipal.Any appltcatioa of tha procoeds to the principal ehell aot egtead or postpone the dua date of
<br /> ,
<br />.� �48(1Hq tot�st v.p 3 e�e tMtuta ��
<br /> �'r� .
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