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.ra ' . i : ' ' _.-. <br /> le --- .... .. .. . . .. ... . <br /> _ __. _. ._-______ -. _—____—___- ._____ _. <br /> - .. i_ _ . . . _ _._ . _ _. _____-.... <br /> ra:bswntiAlly eQWval�nt martg�e inwru�ac covcr�gc is nat aw�ilsble, Borrowcr sNall�ay to l�sder cacb tnonth a snm cqu�f to - <br /> one-twclfth oP the yady mortgage lnsurance pncmium being paid by Borrower when tha insurunoc caverago lapsa!or ceased to <br /> be ia effect.LerrSer vs�il�e,use and ntain these payments as a losa reserve In Iteu of mortgage ipsurancc. 1.oss reserve (p <br /> paymenta may no tonger ba reyuirai,ut the option of Lender.if�nortgago lesunuxe cavetafia(in the umount end fcrr tho per�ad(n <br /> that Lertdcr r�cquircs)pruvlded by nn insurer up�roved by Lender agctin become9 availablc and is obtuined.l3orrower sQuU puy � <br /> tho premium9 required to maintain mo�tgngc inswunce in efPect,or to provide te loss rescne.until d�e�equircmtnt for mongage��t <br /> ias�mncc enda in accordance wtth urry weitten agreermnt between 6oROwer anti T.endcr or applicable luw. �ii' <br /> 9.lnep�tttoa. Lci�der or its agent may make reasanable entrles upon und lnspa�ions of thc Property. I,ender efu�ll giveQ <br /> Barrower nodec ut tha tirna off or prior to en inspertlan specifyln$masomble�;tuse fpr the inspection. <br /> 10.Coadannatla�u.11ie pr�cce�Ss af any uward ar cl�im for damages.diroct or mnsequentiaf. in coruiection with�ny� <br /> condccnnation or other tc►king of uny psut uf th� for conveyance In I{eu of wndemnation. are hereby as3igned �c(� <br /> shull be paid to l.ender. � <br /> In the event of a total tnking of the Property.tha proceedR shall be appllod to the sums scrurod by this Securlty Instrument~ <br /> whether or not the.n due. with nrty exc.ess paid to Rorrawer. Ie the evcnt of u purtial taking of the Property in which the feir <br /> market valua of the Property immediate!y 6efore the taldng is e8aal tv or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this <br /> Security Inshument immedlutely before the taking.unlcss Borrovrer and I.endcr atherwlse agree in wrIting,the sums secured by <br /> thia Secutf¢y Insttumeat shall be [educed by the amount of the pmceeda mWdplied by the following fraction: (a) the total <br /> a�maunt of the sums secured iminadieiely before the tnlcin�.divided by(b)the fair market vulue of the Propeny lmmcdiately <br /> bofore the tnking. Any balance shalt be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of th6 Property in whIch tha fair <br /> market value of the Property imrnedlately before the takjng is less thaa the ataount af tho sums secured immedlately before the <br /> wlcing.unless Bomnwer and L.ender otherwise a�rce In writing or unless applicable law athetwise provldes,tha proceeds sfiall <br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Securiry Instmment whether or not the sums are then due. <br /> If dte Property is abandoned by Borrower.or if.ufter notice by Lender to Bomower thnt die oondemnor offers to make an <br /> award or settle a cla�m 8or dstmages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender withln 30 days after the datc the notice js given, <br /> I.ender is authorized ta coUect and apply the its option,either to�eswration or npair of the Pmperiy or to the sums <br /> secured by this Security Instruument.whether or not then due. _ <br /> Unless Lendcr and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any s�pplicatIon of proceeds to pdncipal shuil not extead or <br /> postpone the due data of the monthly payments referred to in puagraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of sach payments. <br /> Il.Borrower Not Released;Tor6earance By Lender Not a Weivcr.Extenston of the time for payment or modificatIon <br /> of amortization af the sums se�cured by this Security Instiument grantod by I.ender to any successor In lnterest of Borrower shall - <br /> not�pernte ta releuse the llabiNty of the or�ginal Horrower or Bomower's successors in lnterest. Lender shall not be required to <br /> oommence proceedings against nny successor ln interest or rePose to eztend t�me for payment or otherwfse modify amortir�don <br /> of the sums secured by thia Securiry Instrument by reason of any demand mude by the orIgin�l Bonower or Bornnwer's <br /> su�ora in int�rest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising uny r�ght or remedy shell not be a waiver of ar preclude the <br /> exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> 12.Suocessore snd Asslgns Bouad; Jotnt ead Several Liabillty; Co-signers. The covenants and agreemenu of this <br /> Security Insuument shali bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> para�raph t7. Bc�rrower's mvenante and a�reements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security �`" <br /> Ittst[ument but does not ezecute the Note: /a) ic m-cignino thi�Cr_r.ul�ii;� fn5t[Ltnc!!t 4nly io moRgBg�.glBAt 8Sla C4AYCy� !hat = <br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of thls Securiry Instcument; (b)is not personatly obli�ated to pay the sums <br />= secured by thls Securit�r Instrument;and(c)agcres thet Lender aad any uther Borrower may agree to extend,modify.forbear or <br />
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