.._ �, ,T. . . . _
<br /> •�: :d��'• ��'�• , -
<br /> � a�f: - _ . _ ..
<br /> . ;. ' .__ ._ __ __ ..
<br />_...�:_ :J r - _
<br /> �---_� �t9.h^9.tl��it�► ^�- .
<br /> 'DOC9STMiR WITH�11 tho impravanaus no�v a haadoar aoctod on tha jnopa�ty.��ll aua��cnu���+�
<br /> Gxtums no�w a t�rafia a Mrt uf the propaty.ALl�u�nd addidon�siutl�be,covae�d bg tAly Sacurit!►tnftna�►�.
<br /> AI!oi tbe fa�oin�u rcfaired w!a thfi Socurity,Ia�umeat�n the"Propaty."
<br /> — BORROW6It COVSDtANTS th�t Baerowa b 4�lly�ed af tbe a�We ha+ebY coavcyod and!�n�e rlght 10�wt and
<br /> - -- _- ' ,convqr I�o Rc�x�y wzd tSj:t iSw I'rbj►:,.-ty i:n�e�,e�apg fot en5rm�of ror,ord.Ba�uwa w�rnt�md wW , -
<br /> defad ga�attlY ths dtle m tbe P�aty qp�nst tll cWmr ind danwnds�aubject W�ny mcumbau�xs of rccord. ,
<br /> ,,,�, TEII5 SECURI7Y DvS11tU11�NT canbinea unifocm covemats far nadon�l ux aad naa-unita�m ooveaaat�w�th llmitod
<br /> v�ri�tiona by Juriedictloa to cunatimte a unitam eecnrlty inswman ccvatng s+ea1 pcopaty.
<br /> - UNiPDRM O�VBNANf5.Bormwa md l��der coeaunt and q�ao u folbas: ahea duo the
<br /> 1.Pa'meat ot Principai a8d IQteratti�P�7meot a�d LaLe C6ar�es. Boamwu st�U I�P�h� �Y
<br /> - -----..—- ' principat of and lnterest on tae�cbt cvlde�oed by tl�e Nura end anY PnP$Y�t And late charges due undar the Not�e.
<br /> Y.F'a�th for Tues and�ntara�or. Subject w t�pplk�bb law a w a wrluai aaivrr by L�nder.�arruwer sh�U pay w _ �_
<br /> I.e�Mer on the dxy monthlY P�Y�ts arc dues undor the Nou.nndl the Noto ls paid ia full,a sum 1"Funds"?f��a)Y�IY�
<br /> aad assessneass which ma,y asraiA prtoriry ov�r Wis Security(nsuumeat aa a 13m oa�de Pr�pacy:N)Y�Y���Y�n
<br /> ,- ---�.� or�round reafs on iGo Prnpetty.if Rny:(c)Ye�r19 ba�rd ar P�Y�u�nce pre,miwAS:(�yeacly flooct u�surmoe�ranium4.if _
<br /> ---- aaY.(a)Y�Y�Ba��P����a°Y:end(f�eAY suma WY�bb by Bormwer W I�e�i�in acxacd�co with the
<br /> _ pn�vlsions of pa�agrapb 8, in lieu of tbe paymeat of arwrtgage insutanos Vnsmiwma. 'ltuaa Itaaa�a called"Bsa'ow It�ms."
<br /> — - ,-—°" I,e�da may�at eny dtae,culloct end hold l�ds in en amount aat to e�c000d IDe r�xir,lun em�utt&kasder far a fedssslly rel�d
<br /> -:��.� •
<br /> -: mo�gage ben msy require fa Bc�rowa'a esaow acoount unda the fcdeial Real Bs�e Sdtlemeat Pmccdures Act of 1974 a�
<br /> - �==�'-� � aa�ended fro�n dme W Wn�,12 U.S.G Secdon 2601 et seq. ("RE.SPA°)�nntes4 aaot�a law that cpplies to the Fuada sds a le�a
<br />._'".'-'{'"rSF"R�'-`a:i�w.�
<br /> — amouat i f so. I.e n d c r may.at any t v n e.o o l l x t a n d h o l d F u n d s i n e n a a�o u n t n o t w axoeat tbe le.sser amw�nt Lender msry
<br />-_=��. �'� estimau►tho amount of F1m.da due on tho t�s of cmrerit dats and�onable egdn�ates of expa�dit�aes of tudue Bxrow Iteias a
<br /> ;�'"`""-'--��"--�—�--, ott[awise in accordancc aIth applk�ble law.
<br /> ''�"`��:;� 'll�e Funds shall be hetd in au inusdtution whosa deposits ere ins�nred by a fedual ageacY.inst�umeatality,ar u►diY(includin8
<br /> - e _
<br /> �';�. . J '' Lender.if Laeda ia sucb aat insdtutlon)ot in any Fedanl Home L�oan Bank.I.enda shall eppl�the Fhnds to pay dta�Bsccow
<br />-�,,^.., y , the es�aw acoount.ar vtrifj►in8
<br />,. �':`�:' �, Items.Leader may not cUarge Bom�wa for halding and applying the Funds,ennuallY enalY�B
<br /> d
<br /> -•�,,'`.:,• �': dtts Bscarow Iteme.uuless Leader paya Bouower interest on the Funds�ttd applicable law pe�nits I.ender to malce sucb a cl�arga _
<br /> ''R "'�- ,�``'� . uir�e Bonrower tn a a on�dme char e for an indepea�eut real e.v�ta tax reponin8 se�vice used by `--
<br />:�,.-=,. .,.<��. •...._ Howevar.I.atda maY requ P Y 6
<br /> �i�:�:-� "'-i���. Leatder iA connOCtiOn wiU!Ws 108n.anless eppiiCeble iaw pn�vida3 Oiherw',s6.Ut�2GCS�s a�i fS sssssl+lx apQlf��hks laa
<br /> :, - � . ��p' r requires intaest w be paid,Lender shall aot be re�uiced w pay Borrower aay intere.ct or eamings on Ihe Funds.Boimwer an�
<br /> .,. ., . �C,, La�der ma�eg�ree ia wrldng�however.tbat intezest sball be paid on dte Funda Leader shall give Le Bonowu.wIthout chacg0.en
<br /> ..:..n, : anuunl accauadag of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds and t�e purpose for ahfch each debit to the fi�nds was _
<br /> • . ".� � �� mado,'lUe Funds ere ple8ged a4 addtdonal securit�+for all suros sscured by thia Sacuriry InsUnunent -
<br /> •�„��.'' :.;�. ..;: If dre Fauds held by l�der axoeed the amo�nts penaivad w be held by a�pplt�abla law.Leader sdall aocaunt w Boicowex for ��t
<br /> .-t.�.. ::';::' L tl�e e�cess SFattds ia accordance wlth the requimaaeats of appltc�ble law.Tf the amount of the Funds deId by Lender at any ttme is [;'!�-
<br /> a
<br /> . :; •�� not suffid�nt Lo pay the Fscrow It�ns wha►due.Leader may so nodfy Bomnwer in arltWg,and.in such case Borrowet shall pay j._
<br /> . .-.� ; � w I.ender the amount necesserY to maka up tke deficieucy. Borrower shall make up the defidency in no moae d�au twelve �5;��
<br /> . .. montttlY PaYments.et LEndeFs sole dLscredon. `���
<br /> . UPw►PaYmeut in full of elt sivas secured by thla Security Insuument,Leader s6e11 pmmpdy refund w Borrawet eny Funds �)'.�:
<br />. ,-:>�-- _ ' �m . held by Leader.If,uader par�aph 21.I.ender shall acqnire or sell the Property.Lender.PsFor to the acquisidon or sale of the ",�
<br /> : :.f>.; �•.�:, -. Pcape:ty,sbaU apply any Fuads held by I.ender at the tLne of acquisIdon or sale a�a credit egainst thcs sums secured by this :.`�,•;
<br /> .° . •�,;,; Soc�rity Lnstwn�t
<br />_. 3.Apptication o!Paymenta UNess appltcable law provides otherwLse,a1D paymteats received by Lender under pais&reP1�s
<br /> .. - �.' 1 and 2 t�6all be aAplied:first� w anY P�Y�ent charges dae under the Note:socond,w aittounts paya�ia nader pa�a�aph 2; -
<br /> . . .� th�d.w interest due:fourd�.to princtpal due:end last,to eny late charges due under ehe Nots. �tlons apributable to the Pro •
<br /> 4.Cbsuges;Liens. Borrower st�all pay all taxes.assessmeats.GharBes, fines and impo P�Y
<br /> � which may auain prtority over diis Security Instrument,and Ieasel�old payments ar ground rents,if aay.Bo�mwer shall pay these . .
<br /> ;��,. _ . � " obti�don3 in the inits�uer prnrided in parn�ph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Bomnwec shall UsY them on date ditectly to the ...
<br />" .. ,-, pe�son owed paymca►t Hosower sbafl pramptly fi�misU to Lender ail notices of amounts to b$paid under this paraHraPU•If
<br /> �• Botrowea malces these payments direct➢y.Borrower shall promptly tucnish to I.ender c�aceipts evidendng U�e paymeata
<br /> ••t,;,��, , . Botrower s6a11 promptly di�charge any llett which has p:ionity over this Sec�uiry InsWment unless Borcowex.(a)agret„w i�►
<br /> , �, . � writinng oo the payment of ihe obligation sectued by the liea in a mannPr eccepmble to Lendea;(b)cante.sts in gaod faith the llea
<br /> _ .. ,,, � by�or defends again.�t enforoement oF the IIen in, legai preceedings which in the I.eader's opinion aperate to prevent the
<br />- ., , � enfor�eat of the Hen:or(c) socures from the holder of the lien an a8reen►ei►t satisfactory to Lendei subo:dinating d�e IIea to
<br /> , • this Soca�rity L�utaen�I�Lenda determines that�ty pa:t of the Pmperty�subject w a lien which may attaia prIority over tfiis
<br /> SeGUity Instnuneat,Lender nuiy give Hoaower a nottce idendfying the llea�.Bonower shall sabsfy the liea or take one or more ,
<br /> ' � •. �• of the act�ons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nottce.
<br /> Form 302a 9100
<br />: � . � ��,� �-eR(NL�ta���1 Pep�Z of e iM�lata: .---- .
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