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<br /> 17.Tciuwier ot the Propeety ot u 8eneitcia� Unerest In 8ormwcr.If ull or uny part of the Property����it
<br /> ia said or transferred(ar ii a bcneficlul intem5t in Bc�rrowce�s nald oe tran�sferred and Borrower ia nat a nuturnel person)wl out•
<br /> Surity In trume t«Hnwcvcrn�thia csption hall not�be exereised by Lender it exerc[sems pmhibit'ai byf oderul law�a�of the date
<br /> of thia Security Instrument.
<br /> � If Lender exercises thi�;oytiun,L�;nder shnll g ivo&►rruwer nolicc af ucccle►atiou. Thc notice shAil rnvide�period of not , �,
<br /> sutns secured by thi�
<br /> � less than 30 duye fram the date the notice fs deltven�d or mailed within wl�ich Bonower must pay ul '
<br /> Security instcument. If Barcower fails ta pay these sumn prior to the expiration of this p�riai,I.ender may invoke uny remedies
<br /> permitted by this 5ecudty Instn►ment without further notice ar demat►d on Borrawer.
<br /> 18. Borrawer's Right to Refnstute. if Bortower mcets cectain canditioiu, Dorrower shall hnve the right ta have
<br /> enforcemen[ of this Security lnstcument dircontinued nt any tima prior to the eurHer of: (a) S W r�of sale contalned t�hi�
<br /> _ __� uppltcable law muy specify for reinstatement) before sale af the Pro rty pu[suant to any po
<br /> Securiry Instcument:or(b)entty of u judgment enforcin�d�is Secudty
<br /> nstrument. Those conditions ure thr�t Borcower:(u)p� s
<br /> Lender all sums which then wautd be due under this Secudry Instn►ment and ttie Nate as if no accelerntion had occurrccl;( )
<br /> cures uny default af any other covenat�ts or agreements;(c) pays all expenses iacumed tn enforcing this Security Insuument.
<br /> including,but not limited to,res�sonuble attorne�s' fees:und(d) takes such actian as i.ender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> that the lien of this Secudry Instrument. Lender s rights in the Property and Barrower's obligation to pay thc sums secured by
<br /> this Secudry Instrument shall continue unchan�ed. Upon reirstatement by Borrower. this Secunty instcument rutd the
<br /> obligntions seeured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no nccelerntion had accuned. However, this right to ceinstate shuU
<br /> . not apply in the case of acceteratian urtder pacaB�aph 17.
<br /> 19. Snle of Note; Change of I.oan Serv(cer. The Note or a partiel interest in Q►e Note (tagethcr with this Secutity
<br /> Insttument)may be�old one or more times without pdar notice to Borrawer. A sale muy result in a change in the entity(known
<br /> - as the"Loan Servtcer`) that collecGS monthly puyments due under the Note and this Secunry Inswment.Tliere nlso muy be one
<br /> �� � ar mane changes of the Loun Servicer unrelated to a sule of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower vrill be
<br /> given written notice af the chan�e in accordancc with paragrnph l4 above and�pplicnbfe law.The notice wi{I state the nait►e and
<br /> -- address of the new Loan Servicer sind the uddress tc►which payments should be made.Thc notice will also wntuin any other
<br /> infomu�tion required by appltrnble luw.
<br /> - 20. Hazardous Substances. Bonower shalt not cuuse ar perntit the presencc, ace, disposal, storage. or release of any -
<br /> -••- - Hazurdous Substnnces on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow unyone else to do. anything affecting the
<br /> Property thut is in violatiun of any Environmental Law. The prcceding two sentences shn(t not apply to tlie presence.use,or
<br />---`-=`"=J storage on the Praperty of smull quandties of Hazardous Substancea that ure senerully recognized ta be appmpriate to norn�al
<br /> --- _ restdcntial uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br />�4—��- gQrrow�r shaU promptty eive Lcnder written notice of any investi�ari��n,claim.demand, lawsuit or other acuon by�sy
<br /> �.� gavemmentul or regulatory ugency or private parcy tnvolving the Property and any�iazurdous Sub�tam:o��Eiir;:onmciita�
<br />=:-:�,� of which Borrower has actuul knowledge.If Borrower tearns,or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority.thac
<br /> a°�;;y����z� any►�emoval or other remediation of any Hazurdous Substance uffecting the Property is necessary,$omower shall promptly take
<br /> :,�s;:�H all necessary remedial actians in accord:�nca with Environmenwl Law.
<br /> -"'-'w As used in this para�raph 20. "Hazardous Substances" are those substxnces defined as toxic or harardous substanees by
<br />`-�=�-�`� Environmental Law und the following subswnces: gasoline, kerosene, other tlammable or toxic petroleum�roducts, toxtc _
<br /> �-_-�� pesticides and herbicides,valatile sotvents,muterials containins usbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive matenals.As used in =
<br />.��;�,,,� this paragraph 20, "Environmental Iaw" means federnl laws and laws of the jurisdictian where the Property is located that -
<br /> -,M.F:l��r�� relate to health,safety or environmentat protection.
<br />__-��:.-.. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.ender further�bvenant and agree as follows:
<br /> j 21. Acceleration;RemedIes. Lender shall give nottce to Borrower prior to acceleration folluwing Borro�ver's bt each
<br /> ` of any covenant ur agrecment tn thls Security Instrument (but not prfor to uceeleration nnder paragraph 17 unless �_
<br />'`�'j` -,-- applfcable law pruv[des otherwise)•The nutice shatl specify: (a)the default: (b) the actton required to cure the defeult;
<br />�:ir�;�;`:.; (c)a date,not tess than 30 days from the date the rtotice is�iver+to Borrower.by which the detautt must be cured;and
<br />._.-«;:��b}.r��� (d)that failure to cure the default on or before the date spocltied in the rtotice muy result in acceleratiou of the suans
<br /> -__�.�x secw�ed by this Security Irotrnment and sale of the Property.'II'he notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to
<br />�-�-=-� reinstate at�er aCceleration and the rl�;ht to brin�a court action to ussert the non-existence of a default or any ather
<br />':-%��'�: defense of Borrower to aaeferation and sale. If the default is not cured on or befom the dute specttieQ in the notice�
<br /> .���x Lender, at tts opilon,may require immediate payment in full of ull sums secured by this Socurity Instrument without
<br /> =:�-_�' furthcr demand and may invoke the power of sale und uny uther remedies permitted hy a�pltcable law.Lender shaU be
<br /> :�:f�r��:i�.,c
<br /> .-.:�:i5 entitied to co118ct all expenses incurred in pursuin�the cemedtes provtded in this para�raph 2�,in��ivaing,but not limited
<br /> -�`°�•�- tu,rcusonable attorneys' fee�end cests of tttle evtdence.
<br />-�":�:.' If the power of snle�s invoked, Trustee shall record e notice ot deiauit in each ��,unty {n sti�hkh any purt ot the
<br /> ;:_��,�;�;; Property is locuted and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prcceribed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br />� -�•_- � the other persuns prescrihed by upplicable la�v.After the time required by applicabte law,Trustee shall give publte notice =
<br />�:�^;i�.7:.
<br />�_�.��4�,;, of sate to the persons and in the manner pr�scdbed by appHcnbte law.Trnstee. «ithout demand on Borrower. shall sell _
<br /> :-�:�.;t,;t� the Property at publfc aucNon to the highest bidder at the ttme and pince nnd under the terms desiRnated in the�zottce of
<br />"��'�'�� sale in one ur morn parcels and tn uny order 7tivstee determines.Trustee may pustpone safe of all�r any parcel ot the -
<br />-=�'=�=z pmperty by pabttc announcement xt the time and place of any previously scheduled snle. i.ender or its desiAnee muy
<br />_:',�_ purchase the Property at any sale.
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