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<br /> . DU[ti►BLE eQWER �F A'TTOt�NEX i'��"� � �
<br /> I� Fraric�s R�ynoJ.ds o� Grar�d Island, t3�bca�kar, nMk�, ctinatieu�t and apQ�i�t !'�t�d
<br /> Glaid�. Jr., af �cand ielar►d,� I�ratka, my trus ancl lawYu�. atCOrn�y in Y+�ct ior � ar�d in ay
<br /> nwna, place end stead, on my bahalf� and for my uss a►nd benerfit:
<br /> 1. 1b cle�casat in my naiae and for my aacount with eny bmnk or ocher finencial l,nstitutian
<br /> n11 mon�y� payable or belongl�q to me, includlnq chsaks enci ell other carnQraiaX
<br /> t�struments, and to aign my nem� nnd encbrsa all docwmen�s f4r depo$iC oR cullectian or any
<br /> othec purpose.
<br /> 2. T3 wittid�c� alI nsonaya deFosites� w�th any bank or other ginancial instituti�s a�nd ro _
<br /> draw checks, sign withdraw�l slips and execute nny othec insLrusnents �ece�aary !or
<br />- NieE�►de�wing cr,�nays tsaloriging to irts.
<br /> 3. To sell, tranafer, exchange• mort9a9e• ericumber bY sscucity agreem�nt, or dr►y other
<br /> form of enawi�rr�rece my real estate and per�nnal praper�y, and to execute and deliver daeds,
<br /> inclading deeds of warranty, contracta, biJ�is of sale, m�rtgages, security agreemente and
<br /> othar docwnents necessary ta act in carrying out these powers.
<br /> 4. To collec�, sue, campromise or oChexwise diapose of any claim ox debt due or payeble to
<br /> me, and co pay, compron�ise or othecwise discharqe and seeure releases from any obligations
<br /> owed to me.
<br />_ �. Ta hald. �9e. fnssst: rein�sar f e�adP, exchanger buy and sell investments arrd �
<br /> investment securities.
<br /> 6. To lease. rent, manage, terminate leases, contract as to, and generally deul and use my
<br /> real estate 2�nd int�rests in real eatate, upon covenants, conditions, and terms my attorney
<br /> xn fact shal2 determine, receive and collect all rents and all other amonnts due me as
<br /> security fcr the faithful performance of leases and all rerits due and payeble to me, and
<br /> � execuce all necessary documents and other papers pertaining to my real estate.
<br /> 7. To rtuike al�. decisions with respect to my t�ealth and to hire Qhysicians, nurses and
<br /> other medical personnel for rendering medical care and treatment to me, to censent to any =
<br /> and all medical care and treatment including surgery and any other medical procedures -
<br /> required ar�al to have £ull and complete authority to manage and direct my medical care and =
<br /> tceatment. �
<br /> 8. To pc-eeform any act, pawer, duty, right or obligation that I naw have, or may hereafter -
<br />° aoquire the legal right, power, or capacity to exercise or perform, relacing to any
<br />= person, transaction, thing, business prapecty, real or parsonal, tangible or intangible, or _
<br />_ mattor whatscever. -
<br /> This Durablo Power of Attorney shall not ba affected by my disabf.lity as �rincipaZ. 7
<br />= reserve the right to revoke this Durable Pawer of Attorney in writing. ;
<br /> A phatocopy of this Durable Pawer of Attorney has the same focce and effect as the -
<br />° original signed and acknowledged by me. _
<br />-= Sagned at Grarfd Islartd, Nebraska, on �ulY 27 , 1990.
<br />_ �
<br />-= Fcancas yno s
<br />= The ereqoing instrument was acknawledged before me this Y , 1990,
<br /> ; Fran s Reynolds.
<br /> : ��Ill�UAI'��li�
<br /> ' � JEAt�1t�UNB WIWAtNS
<br /> � .,..�...., m.r. ... • MfrO�ERPlun�24.194�1
<br />_ � ........._ - - —
<br />= My �dmmission Expires � 6-7.4-93
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