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. �c; i.;. . _' _._ <br /> �� • . . . _"._._`.,._,. . <br /> j: .. . ' o.- __ <br /> __ '__ . _ _ . . . ._ <br /> ' {i �. ..._. __. ._ .._ . <br /> _ ._. _ . .__ _ .. . <br /> _-_ --__ _ __'. . ._ . . <br /> �►��� �Q+��.�. g.r.._ <br /> 17.Trs�nsfer of thc Property or a Benefldxl interes0[n�orrova�er. /f ull or any part of tha l�raperty or e»y iutorest ln it <br /> is sold ar transfercaf(er if n beneftcfni interest in Qorrower is sol�d or transfrrrcl und Burrower is nat a natu�al pera+an)withaut <br /> i,e�r�r.r's pr[or wrtttcm m�sent. Lcnder muy. ut its option. rcquir� inmxdiutc paym�nt in fa11 af uil sum.g �urad by thia <br /> Securiry Instrument.However.this option eholl not bc oxercised by l.cnder if excrc�se ls prahi6lted by fedc�al iuw us of'the date <br /> of this Secur�ty lnstrument. <br /> If I.znd�r rxercises this option, Lendcr shall give 8orrower�entice of uccelemtian.'The notice shall pmvide a period a n¢�t <br /> - -' !�s than 30 days f'rom the dwer fuits t tic�is�d�,u�d p�or toi th e plrutien nf his�per�od.Lender muy5invoke en nmyodies r <br /> Secudty Instrument. If Barm P Y <br /> =� permitted by thjs Ser.udry Instrument without further noitce or demand on Borrower. <br /> !8. Son+nwer s Rlght to ReinstAta If Borrower meets aeKain conditions. BurrowEr shull huve the right ca liav� <br /> enforcement of this Securlty Insuument divantlnucd ut any time prior ta the carUer of: (A)5 we S of s�le eontuined n th� - <br /> uppUcuble luw may specify for reinsuuement)before sule of thc Property pursuant to any po <br /> Secarity Insuument:or(b)entry of a judRment enforcins thes Security Instrurnent.Those cotxiitions tue thnt Honower:(u)pays <br /> Lender �ll sums which then wauld be due under this Secu�ity Insttur�nt suxl the Notc as if no uccelcrnt4on had�ccurn��lb) <br /> cures any default of any other rnvenants or agreements;(c)pays�II expenses incurred in enforcing ihis Security lnsuument. <br /> includtn ,but not fimlted to. reasonabie attorneys fces:�uid(d)takes such actton as l.ender may re�.�sonably require tu assnre <br /> that the�ien of this Securiry lnsnument, l.ender's �ights!n the Property and Borrower's obliguteon ta pay the sums secured by <br /> this Secudty Instrument shalf continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrawer, <br /> this Securrty Insuument nnd the <br /> obligutions secured hereby shttll remuin fully effecdve as if no accelerntion hstd occurted. However. this righx to�einswte sfiall <br /> not apply in the case of acceleratiort under paragraph 17. <br /> - � 19. �ate af Nate: Change ni Loan Sprv[cer. The Note or a partiai interest in the Nate(together with this Security ` _ <br /> Instnunent)may be sold one or more times aithout prior notice to Borrower. A satc may nesuit in a ch�u�ge tn the cadty(lctsaem <br /> as the ^I.oan Servicer")that collec�s monthly payments due under the Note and this Secudty instnement.There tilso may be one <br /> ---_.� or more changes of the I.oan Servicer unrelated to a sale of th hN 4 abo e and a II IawthThe uuee will stute the ename'and <br /> given written notice of the change in accordance�vith paragrup PP <br /> _,� address of the new Loan Servicer su►d chc uddress to which paymenu should be made. Thc notice wiU also contain any other <br /> •° informadon required by applicable law. sa►. stara e or release of uny <br /> � 2p, Hazardous Substances. Bomower sh�11 not cause or permit the preu:nce. use,dispo � • <br /> Ha�andous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not da, nor allo�v anK�ne else to do, anything uffectinE tl►e <br /> -u'•l Property�hat is in vialation of uny Environrnental Thc preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use. or <br /> ,''� stor�ge on the Property of small quanrities of H:�;udaas Substances that are�enerally recogniuJ to be appropriate to normal <br />__._;.;� residentiul uses and to maintenance of the Praperty. _ <br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender wntten notice of any investigat�on,claim, demnnd, lawsuit or other s�ction hy uny <br /> •�� �,ovem[rrcniat vi[2�alaiory�gcstCy or prsY9i`=Rarty involvine the PropertY and az►Y liazard°us Substance or Envimnaiental Law <br />`�-�`:� of which Bonower has actual knowledge.If Borrower lcarns.or is notified by any govemmentai or regulaiory suth�rKy,t�ai <br />--��`� �; uny removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance afferti ng the Property is necessary.8orrawer sha�l ptomptly tuke <br /> :L�3F ull necessary remedial uctions in uccordanm with �nvironmental Law. <br /> _,.�.;..„ As used in this p:sragcaph 20. "Hs�aardou� Substances"are those substan��es define�as toxic or harardnus substan�s by <br /> -=� • F.�vironmental Law and the CoQowing substnnces: �asoline. kerosene, ather tlammable or toxic petroleum Qroducts. toxic <br /> ���� pesticides and herbicides.votattle solvents,n�aterials containin�asbestos or formaldehyde.and radtoactive ma¢enals.As used in - <br />-=::,g�,, this parugraph 20, "Environmental Law"means federal luws and laws of the jurisdictiun where the Praperty is located that _ <br />-��a��'' �� relate to health,sufery or environmental protection. <br /> �''� NON-UNIFORM COYENANTS. Borrawer and L.ender further covenant and agree a.ti folluws: <br />-::�_�._ _. <br /> - -=;�,,;', 21.Acceleratton; Remedtes. I.ender shatl give notice to Borro�ver prior to ucceleratlon following Borrower's brea <br />.��� ot any covenant or aRreement in th[s Security In�trument (but not prior to ucceleruttan under paregrnph 17 unless <br /> �_;� applia�ble luw provides athenvise).The nottr.e shatl specifY: (a) the default: (b)the action required to cure the default; <br /> ��.� (c)o date.not le.cs than 30 days from the date the notice is Rtven to�vhich the default must be cured;und <br /> `:��:,,. (d)that fuffure to cure the default on or beforn the date speciThe noticee hall furthecreinform Borrn�vetr�the ri8ht to — <br /> --� -.. secured by this Security Insirument and sale of the Property. � <br /> "'�"' ' retnstste after acceleeatton and tbe right to brin� a court aMion to atsert the non-existence of a default or any other _ _ <br /> - detense of Barrmwer to acceleration s�nd sale. If the default is not cured on or before the dute sp�itied In t� notice, Q__ <br />-'��? . I.ender, at its optton, may require immediat�payment in full of att sums secured by this S�xurity Instcument wlthout <br /> � further demand r�nd may invoke the powepr of sa�and any othe�r reme�8es permi�tted by b 21i�imdudin� b tdnot limited �"" <br /> �; endtled to coltect all expenses incurrcd in arsuin tfie remedies rovided in this ara�rap A� �' <br />=�" to,reasonable attorneys'fees und cos�yof dtle evidence. rt oP the � <br /> �.�_:: ry'`_ <br /> ,,p�._ flf thepo wer of sale is Invoked. Trw�tee shaQ record a notice of defuult in cach county in wh c eny{� -_ <br />�3=,�-'°- T'ro�rty iy iucated and shal!tinait copies af sucb nnHce in the manner prescribed by appltcabte law to Borrower und to _ <br /> �"��•. the other Enersons prescribed by applicuble luw.Af'ter the time required by applicable taw.Tn�stee s3�uit�ivr publte�totice <br />��"���• of sale to the persons and in the manner pc�cribed by appltcable luw.Trustee. w[thout dem�nd on Borro�ver.shnll sell <br /> '" the Froperty at public auction to the highest biddcr ut the time and place und under the terms desi�anted in the notEce of <br /> �'`� ` sale dn one or more p�rcels and in anr arder Trus�tee determines.Trustee may pnstpone sale of all or any parcel of the <br />:;''� Properiy by public ennouncement at the time pnd place of any prevtously scheduled sale. Lender or itc deslRnee may <br /> `;`��:; . �surchase the I'roperty ut uny sale. <br /> `��_� <br /> '.� c,. <br />.:��%,�. �. Form 8028 9l9d <br /> •��' <br />�•� Pngo 6 0l O <br />� tZ . <br /> .��4�, . <br />-''A�;,3� .. . �...r..i_.,-.-..-._.,_„_�-.,,,,..�..----�....._..-..._____• �. "U—"—'r�.y,.y-�..�.v� 'S' .� ., ' �•.G:':�.._--• ._ .�.,.,. --_.... . T_•_ _.. <br /> ' ,. . <br /> �.�;.;�• . , . .. .. . . . . <br /> -- '� - . . „ ." . , . � „ .. . . / 't ..� _ ,. . . <br /> �;;`�, .. ' .. � ,�.�o• � , U .. . � 4•,. . o . ..., . ., ., . <br />_',f.,, ,o„ • , ,. ,. „ ' „ .. .,. " ° ' <br />'.-d���, , - - .. , .. . .. � � " ' � " � , - , r' � ., � .. - <br />. �y'/� ., . .. „ . .. , <br />.._Y.Nnd � -, :r . . .. . . . "' . Y . .. � �. � .. - .. _. ...i-;, u;,_ I,„� _' ..'_'._. . . .. . . . . <br /> � y � ' ;� '1�.�:3 �l'{. j\� Jf !1 <br /> R!.,�`��� .' `.. .. . ' ' •i ., . � :'Yri'.��r ��ri+�Jt-: . , ' . <br /> r „ � _ .;�., �.z�.r <br /> „� ., , <br /> . . ., ,, . <br /> . „ „ , .. , ; . <br /> . � „ <br /> , . ,. <br /> „ . <br /> . <br /> �. <br /> " ' '" .. <br /> „ v � ..• —.. _ . <br />