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..:f - �I�. . - __ .-.. <br /> _--.__ .___..... _____ ._ _ . .. . .. ..-�..T-��_��__ ._-_-.. .... ___ . __ ... . . . ........... ._".�_- _-..�_ . <br /> ' ; ��+�� + _�� " '. .. <br /> ••�YL� <br /> v-�i i <br /> i p�y���y po longer be requ�rad, �t the apti�n of l.ender.if martge�e inwrana soveragt(in the amount ard for the perbd ; <br /> that I.e�er requires)provided by sn insuter. apptavcd by Lenlar again bocomes availabte and ia nbtainod. �amnwcr shrtl pay � <br /> the premiums aequired tn muinWu�murtgsge insurue�ee ii�efi'ect,a1 to p.ovicle a ioss�.;scar�.uutit itw r:yui►;,tik�a L'ar s►wita:�,K . — <br /> insur�c�ce end�in accocdano�with any wdtten agrament betwan Borrower a�x1 I.ender ar applipble law. <br /> 9.I�upestlon. Lender or its ugent �n1y make rcasonable entries upon and tnspestinns of the y�roperty. l.ender�hall give <br /> Sorrower nutice at the tinx of or prlor ro an inspectlon specityfAg reationable cuuse for the inspaction. <br /> 10. Condemaatian.The procoeds of Any uward ar ct�im for damages. direct or consoqaentia?„in.00nnectian wlth pny <br /> wndemnatIon or other taktng of rtny part of the.Property.or for conveyence in lieu of wndemnatipz��ura hezeby�ssigned w�d <br />. shatt be patd to I.cnder. <br /> ln th�e eeeat of a taw!taking af the Praperty.tha proceeds shnll be applIod w the sums secw�d by this Securii}{IA9ttument, <br /> wheth�t or not then due.with nny excess paid to Borrowet. In the event of A pactiul taking uf ttu Propeny in,wht�h�thb feir <br /> market value of th�.Propetty immcdlntely before!he tnking is eqtu�l to or�reater than the umount of th.,sums sccvied by this <br /> �SUrity Insttuntant Immediately before the taking,unless Boreower und Leudet otherwise agree In wtiilt►�+.ths sums secuc�ed by <br /> this Securlty Tnstniment shali be reduo�f by the amount of the pmce.eds multiplied by the following fractlon: (a) the totel <br /> amount of the suma secure�i immediately before the taking. divided by(b)the falr market valuc of the Property immcdiatcly <br /> before the tnking. My balance�hall be paid to Bornower. In ttte event of u partiul takins of the Property in wh[ch the fair <br /> tnarket value of the Property immediutely before the taking is less than ti�amount of the sums secured immediately bcforc tho <br /> tukins.unless Somower and Lender othenvise agree ln writing or anless applicable law otherwise provides.the pmceods shaq <br /> be uppliad to the sums secured by this Securi�y Instrument whEther or nol the sums are then due. <br />. If the Property is abartdoned by Borrower,or if,after notics by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers ta muke an <br /> ewurd or settle a cluim for darnages. Borrower fnils to resFond to Lender wtthin 30 days aftet the date the nodce is given. <br /> Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option.either to restoratean or repair of the Property or to the sqms <br /> secured by this Sccurfty Instrument,whether or not then due. <br /> Untess Lender and Borrower othenvise asrce in wr�dng. any application of procee+is to pr�ncjpal shall not extend or <br /> pc�stFwne the due date of the monthly payments refenod to in paragranh�1 and?.n�chan�e the amount of such paymenu. <br /> 11. 8orrower Noi Released;Forbe�rance By Lender No!u Waiver.Extensian of the time for payment or mndification <br /> of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrament granted by I.ender ro any successor tn interest of Borrower shnll ' <br /> not uperate to release the liubility uf the ori�inal Borrower or Borrower's successors in interat. I.ender shall not be required to <br /> commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to ex4end ttme for payment or otherwise modify anortizat�on <br /> of the sums secured by this Securlty Instrument by rcason of any demand mado by the original Bonower or Borrower's <br /> successors in lnterest. Any Farbearance by Lcrtder in exercisin�any right or remedy shatl not be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> exercIse of nny right or remedy. __ <br /> 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint und 3evern! Liabflity; Co-stgaers. The covenants und ugreements of this <br /> Security Instrument shall bind nnd beneflt the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of - <br /> purngraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who casigns this Secucity � <br /> Instrument but does not exocute the Nute:(a) is co-sibnEn� this Security Instrument only to mortgage,�runt and convey that - <br /> Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instnunent;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums ' <br /> secured by this Secudt)�Instrument;and(c)agmes that Lender und any other Bonrower may agree to extend.modify,furbetu or <br /> make uny acconunodatlons with regard tu the terms of this Securlty In�tsament or the Note without that Borrower's consent. " <br /> 13. Loan Charges.If the loan securod by this Security Instrument is subject to n law which sets maximum loan charges. R" <br /> and that law is finsilly interpmted so that the interest or other lo:u►charges collccted or to be collected in connection wlth the = <br /> loan exceed the permitted limits,then:(u)uny such loan charge shall be reduced by the ainount necessary to reduce the charge <br /> to the permittecl limit;und(b)any sut►u �Ireaiy collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to � <br /> Borrower. Lender map choose to make this refund by reducing the princtpal owed under the Note or by making a dtrect `n_" <br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduas piincipal, the reduction wiU be treated as a purtial prepayment without any E' _ <br /> prepayment charge under the Note. ` ` <br /> IA. Nutter.r.A�►y uutice tu Borrower provided for in this Securiry Instrument shali be given by detiverin�it or by m:sifing <br /> it by first clas's mail unless applicable law requires use of unother method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address - <br /> or:u�y othcr uddress Borrower desi�nates by notice to Lc:ndcr. Any notice to [.ender shali be given by first class mai! to <br /> Lcnder's uddccss statcd hercin or any other addr�s l.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this - <br /> Securiry Tnstrument shali bc deemed to havc been given to Borcower or Lcnder when given as provtded in this paragraph. - <br /> I5. Governt� L�w; Severubil(ty. This Stxurity Instrument shall bc governed by fedcral law and the law of the ` <br /> jurisdiMi�n in which the Property is loc�sed. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> conflicts with applicuble luw,such contlict shall nnt affect other provisions of this Security instrument or the Note which can be <br /> given effect without the mnflictinb provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the Note:►re�declared <br /> to be severabie. <br /> 16. BorroKer's Copy. Borrower sbnp be given one conformed copy of the Note und of this Sccurity Instrument. <br /> Porm 3028 9/90 <br /> PonO 4 0�0 <br />__-;�r;— =..iS': -nvc�'rf.YF.4:�.'.�..''.`:.'E'.t�':»�v..�'.—�"?,�i'�:�::-.:-'� . ,:. a��:l.�. u• , '.. , �. . . . .t.� ....... .. . • �r+.-.r <br /> , . <br /> . .. � . . . _ . .. <br /> .� _ � - <br /> � • � <br /> . ., , �� <br /> _ . .� � . <br /> . . ,, . .. . .. e . . <br /> - . , - ' .. � .. . . �� ' . . � �i r�..w:.�-y�,. <br /> . � � � .. . :,.,,y�"'. ,., . <br /> , .. . . . • , 4 . .'�'r:'t� + ,�,�'�''is'�7J:'.�y � �i . <br /> _ _ _— .. ..__ • .. __. .._ __ . .. _ . . ..�- . _. .. � .�. _. .._ . _ -Z; — � �. • .. <br /> ,. � . .� - o . ., ,�t �d'+� > <br /> `l�. �.i p.. . <br /> c�, �� , , <br /> .� , ' . . � . ' " . . � '. _ M.�tc.I'.� „ ., <br /> Z ., .. " _ , . , . ., . . . -° ,• , <br /> ., �� , , <br /> � , ., ':. , , . ' .. .. .�. • • <br /> < . , . , , <br /> . „ • ., , � <br /> . ,,. • " <br /> 4 �. ' •. ,. . .. , • <br />