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<br /> � , , „
<br /> --- _ . . , D�6D�0�TRU8T �f��'3- �f�.n�`r . _�_
<br /> ----- ____= THIS�EE�3�OF TiiU3T�.maK1s th14 3�day af �� ' �tA�._.._.betwe�n
<br /> 25J5 A C�rlet�n I►'Iri�.t+�d l.��bi�.ty Ua�mp�r�y' e�s 7►u�r,
<br /> � ,FIr�Tter B�nk�NaUonnt AesacluUown Omaha,N�braske _ �au�Truaiae,
<br /> - Firaltdr tinnk,Nadoned Assxiationi Om�he,t�breska t�s BeneNekry:
<br /> - � �—
<br /> �
<br /> J_� Thst Truator irrevocabty�rants,transfers and aasigna to Truatee in truat,wit�po�rsr of sale�ttN toi�or��n�d�crib�d �,
<br /> ���� Sai.te A of 2535 N. CarLeton Avenue Oot�da�3x�itmt l�egime i.ti the . ��
<br />- -_.— . City of Gran�d Is]+an�l• Hall Oo�tty, �. y
<br /> �t YF
<br /> �A7
<br /> S::+i1J`7'yr'4.�:_�-;:
<br />_- together with nll interest whieh ficustor now has or may hereafter aaqufre in and to said prop�dy and i�8nd to:(a)ail
<br /> -�= •t � easements and►i hts d!wa a purtenant thareto;(b)all tenemenb,hereditaments,buildin s�atruc4urqs.improvements„
<br /> ra��,� 9 Y p 9
<br /> - :�y;�,:.-��: fixtur�es,equipment,turnlahinga and eppurtenances now or hereaRter pisced thereon;(c)atl leasel�old�atate,�ight�ilfe. -
<br />..,��. .
<br /> ,� ,� 3 and intereat ot Trustor tn and to ait leases or subleasea thereof or any portion thereof now or hereatter exisUng or entered
<br /> �� >< into,anda0�ight�tlde,andi�tereato�T►ustorthereunder,inctuding,w(thoutlinnitaUon,aiicashorseouritydepoaiffi,advance __
<br />�;;,�;;N�4 �;; �entata,and deposita or payments o!similar nature,and(d)aii minerel,oil,gas�tghts nnd proflte�water,water►ighta.end
<br /> -�"''="�' �' weter stock.T�ustor agreea to execute and deliver,trom time to time,such turther instruments as may be requested by `
<br />`-.•};:� '�''� BeneflciAry in ferm an�substance sutistactory to Beneflciary ro confl�m the Ilen of this Qeed ui'frust on any of the
<br /> �. ... '
<br /> � _�F� +p�'``° aforementione�propeny.7i�e properiy so conveyed to i'rustee hereunder is i�ereinafiter reierrad i�aa"c�u��i�r�i8tiy". `'"::
<br />>y.:,, � ri,a:"' .
<br /> >,•��:��r: �r TheTrustorabsolutelyandi►revocabtygranta,transfersandasaignstoBeneflcierytherents,income,lssues,andproflts ,'^�-
<br /> �� "`�'�.','� � of all properly covered by this Oeed of 7rust ���
<br /> -_ .;,a..�;: a_
<br /> ��it? -
<br /> ��x' •'>i �• • FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURIfV�: �'��
<br />_:�,n�r;.,�y��,, ' .��.
<br />-�-�;�;;:,;�;::'� •,a� % �ao htaydt�ed aixfi.y-five tt�cusand and rb/lOQ
<br /> ,,, ;�;�:F�. .�.: 1. Payment of the principat sum of '-:-
<br /> . .:,,-.�•.,i� (5265,000.00) Do��ArQ-------- {;,,.
<br /> .� .: ° ^�^! - evidenced by the aertain promissory notedated of even date hsrewith(herefnafter�eferred to asthe"Promissory Note'7
<br /> -- ` executed by 2535 A Carletoa'i Limii:ed Ltability oatQany --- _
<br /> "�`'r�°-''•. Julv 1. 2000
<br />�������;;:��;;��s � in said amount and payable to the orde�of Beneflciary matu►ing on —. ����
<br />- 7,���^��r���: �e. togather with(nterest thereon,late charges,and p�epayment bonuses according to the termsaf the P�omissory N9te -
<br /> �"h"����"''"' � and all renewala,extensiona,and modltications thereot � �
<br /> � 2. Pe�formance,discharge of and complfance with every oblig�tion,covenant and agreement of Trustor incorporated by
<br /> � :::t;���?• reterence or contained he�eln or in any other securiry agreement or deed of 4rust at any time given to secure any
<br /> � ��-� Indebtedness hereby sacured,ar any part thereof. �
<br />_ . „ t
<br /> ��:��� `' �'�� 3. Payment ot ali tees and charges of 8eneflciary or Trustne,whether or not set torth he�ein.
<br /> w.. .-
<br /> ....�[C�..�.�-.. �.
<br /> ,.
<br /> . m' �,
<br /> � " ��� '� TITLE That it is Iawtuity setzed and posseased of e good and indefeasible title end estate to ali of such property in tee
<br /> ' .�� simple iree/rom any p�ior Ilen or encumbrance,hes good right and lawful authority to convey the same, end wiil Iorever ,
<br />- � �. �� � warrant gnd defend the Utle thereto againat the claims and demends ot ali persons whosoever.tha4 it wii l.et its expense.
<br /> . „ maintain and preserve the Ilen of this Oeed of Trust as a firat and paramount Uen upon such proper4y.
<br /> n
<br /> ''���"����;• �.�� MAINTENANCE To keep suah property in good condition and repair.to comptete or restore prompUy and in goa!and
<br /> . ,,; ,:� workmanlike manner any building which may be constructed.dameged or destroyed thereon and to pay,when due.all
<br /> � ciaimsfottaborpertormedandmaterialsfumishedthereforeandforanyalterationathereof.tocomptywiththeprovisions �
<br /> � of ail inaurance poticies covering said premisea,to compty with att taws,ordinances.regulaUone,covenants.condiUons
<br /> . :.r and reatrfctions affeating suah p�operty;notto reenove,demotish or materialiy alter anq building,or the charaeter or use -
<br /> ��-�`- thereaf at eny time thereor�;notto drilt or extract nor to permft the driiling fo�or extractlon of ofl,ga8 orather hydrocarbon
<br />-- • su6stances.wateroranvmineratofenvktndunless�hewrittenconsentofBeneficiarvishadandabtained:�ottocommitor
<br /> permitanywaatethereofaranysctuponsuchpropartyinviolatlonoflew;todballotheraatslnatImetyandpropermanner f ,;
<br /> � " whtch hore the charaater or use ot such prvperty may be reasonably ne�essary to protect ertd preserve said aeaurity.the �
<br /> >.�._,� '....i spe�cific enumeratlona hereln not excluding the general.
<br /> _ " , CON�tFiUCTiONOFIMPROYEMENTS:Tocompleteingoodandworkmanlfkemanneranybuildingorimprovementor ��•
<br /> repairrelatinetfieretowhiChmaybebegunonsuahpropeRyorcontemplatedbytheloenseouredhereby,topaywhendue I
<br />--� • ' � alicostsandliabllitiosincunedtherefor�,andnottopermitanymechanic'stienagafnstsuchptoperty.Trustoratsoagrees.
<br />-- anythl�g In this O�sed of T�ust to the contrary notwithstanding;(a)to promptly commence work end to aomplete the I
<br /> _ � proposed improvements promptiy.(b)to compiate same in accordance wlth ptans and speciflcations as approved by �
<br /> �� � " 8enefiatary.(c)tocomplywithallofthetermaofanybulldingloanggreementbetareenT►uetorAndBeneficlAry.thete►msof �
<br />�':,;��;�� •;-.= whtch are incorporeted hereln by reterence to the same extent as If tulty set torth harein end made e part of this Deed ot I
<br /> �:�� 4 ... �r. ��' T�ust,(d)to sllow Beneficiary to inspect�sucN propery at all times du�ing aonatrucNon,�nd(e)to replace any work or , „
<br /> ;, � � matarials uneattstectory to Beneflciary,within tftteen(15)days after wrltten notice from 8eneflclary of such tact N�t�ich i
<br />_ notice may be given to Truator by re�istered or cerNfled mail,sent to his last known addresa,or by pe�sonal service oi th� '
<br /> ' ° same.
<br />_ � � I;
<br />� „ .. -----�--- '
<br />