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<br /> �. Haari! or Propal�► I�aoe. Honuwer ehW kaep ttrn fs�provemrau aaw exiu�or hatsslta enctod oc tlie
<br /> - —� progsty ia�ue�cd �ai�st Ic+��h}�fin. hazards incluAed within thc tum'racte,ada�!covcngo"And aury otber har�rd�. iacludWa
<br /> Aaads or flooding,for which Leflder requ�t�ea i�unraaoe..T6t�imur�nre�il be zn�intaine�In the�taounta and far the periada .
<br /> that Lcader requi�tes.Tke insurance cantcr provlding tha iaauraace�haU bo chosea by 8omcwer Dubjoct ao Le�ader's q�pmv�l
<br /> `� wHicb shaq aot be uaieaaonably wlthheld. If Bornnwer faile to maiatain coverage de�csibed above. Le�xr may�at Lendar's
<br /> optlon,obtain rnverage to pmtert I�eader'a righta la the Preperty ia�cooidaace wtth pax�graph 7.
<br /> Ali insurance policIea and renewals sh4ll ba ar�xptablo to L;endet and a�U fncludo a btsndard mortgage Clwse. I,ender
<br /> _ - _ ehaU have the dght to hold the polides aad renewals.If Lendcr requiros,Bor�wer ahall promptlY Btve to i�eader a31 nxipts uf -
<br /> paid pnmiwas and ren�wal notia:s.Ia the eveat of loss,Bomower ahall give p�umpt not[ce to the iasuruxe cuiier and I�der.
<br /> Latdar ra►a4Y m�lcc pmof of Iuss if aae made promptly by Bom►wu.
<br /> — Untess�nder aitd��Bpn�wer othacwise agra in wrlting�iasuranee proaxds stal!6e applial to restoratioa ar t�epxlr of tha
<br />-�,�,� PmpBrty dama�ec�;if ttie�restunation or repair ia xonomically feasible and t�ender's aecuarity Is not leasenod. If the restoration ar
<br /> .°.--- rcpair is not e�urtomicaUy feaaibla or Leader's securlty wauld be l�sscnod,the inaurance ptoceods eha11 be aPP���0�
<br /> secured by this Secudty Insuumcnt, whcther or amt then due. with any racceas paid to Barrrower. If Bon+nwer abandons the
<br /> _ Property.or d�es aat auswer wtthtn 30 days a notla from I.eadr,r that the insurance c.�ttter has offend w seule o cl�im,then .
<br /> -- I,ender aAay oaAax the insuranae ptooxda. L�ender may use the pracada to repalr or reatom the Properiy or to pay suma
<br />.. _-�' securod by this 5e�urtty Iusuument�whether or not then dtto.Tha 30day pertud will b�gia wliea the notioe U glven.
<br /> -�'�'�`�`�'� Ualesa I.ender uud Barrower otherwiee ugooe ia wcidng� any nppHcatfon of pracada eo prlt�a�pal eh�l! not axtt�nd or
<br /> _ poatpone the duo Aata of the monthly psymenta rrfened eo in pu�gr�phe 1 and 1 ut chu�o the uAOUat of the psymet►n. I6
<br />•_==�'�"�'° under ptuagaph 21 tho Property ie acquircd by I.cndcr.Barcower'e dgbt to any ianrunco polici¢�u►d ptocRad�mu1Qn�from -
<br />-�����a dunage to the Pr�perry prlor to tho ucquleldon eh�ll pa�s to Lendcr to the eaternof tho�um��ecutod by thi�9ocudty Imtrument
<br /> --- immediatoly prior to the acyubition. _
<br /> .�`;��i_ 6.OccupRncx•Preservation.Mdetea�nce and P�+otecttoa ot the Propeety: Burr+e�rer'�La�n Applik�►tloni�de.
<br /> °°s,Y� Borrower shail occupy,establied.�ad uae tho�operty�s Borrower's priacipal rcsldeacc withtn n�tty day�after the eaecution of _
<br />;�='�_�'`•=` thia Sccutlty Iiwtiument end ehdl oontlaue to occupy the Property a+Borrower's prktciQal residetxa�for at lwt onc year after
<br />.���/�.,,j���� . y �
<br />_;�:_'�:��` - �s�ua a��cy�.��a�r�m�sgrx.,��..�t��h�u �u not be unrew�onsbty w��eia,or ess _
<br /> ,, ��, wcteuuatiag circumstance� enlst which are beyond Borrower's wntt+ol. Aorrower shall aot deatroy. dam�Be or impair the
<br /> "' Y�,... � ,
<br /> Property. allow the Property tr>detertorau.or c�mmit waste on tLe Property. Borrower shall be ia default tf aay forfeiture
<br /> . d �. action or proceedfng,whether civil or crlmiaal,is begun that iu laender•s good faith judgment could result W forfeitu�e of the
<br /> °',:n•> . u
<br />-�°:1�:�:..�''}'' ` or otherwise maurfall i air the Uen created by thia Secuctty Iaeuu�nent or Lender's soauity latenst.Bormwer may
<br />...;, ..,}�if':' �nY Y �P
<br />-�.0,;..3:, • cure such a default aad reiastate.as pmvided in paragraph 18.bY cauaing the aaion or proceedia8 to be dlsmissod wtth a cultng
<br />°:�:i�'�y��;�.y. that, in Lender's good faith dete�minatIon,prtcludes forfeiture of the Horrowes'e taterest tn the Property or other materlal __
<br />-.z,�;',�"`,�_-''�`: impai�ment af the llen created by this Seautty Instzumrnt or Lender's securlry inte�st. Bom�wer shall also be in default if e_n
<br />.a.:�.?yrrr.:�,.�
<br />;v�,�;s,:,,��, Borrower.during dte loaa appitcadon prooess.gove matertalty false or inaccurate informatton or statementa W lander(ox failai �
<br /> - :�:.�;:.,+,.�`;� to provFde Lender wIth any materIal infonnation)ia coanealon wIth the loan avIdenced by the Note.ineluding.6ut not limitcd
<br /> . �T; ".=:' '� to.representatioas waexming Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny es a principal resideace.If t1�s Secuday Insaumeat is on a
<br /> �'��A;-���:�� `� le�sehold. Borrowet ahall coraply with all the pmvisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property. the -
<br /> .�°";'�''"`�`° �, leasehold and the fee title shaU not merge unless iender agrees to the uaerger in wrldng-
<br /> �::,:;h:,x+�:�*• : � �'
<br /> �., i�' 7.Prote�iton of Lender'e Rigtsts in We Pcoperty.If Borrower fa31a to pecform the covenaate and egc�ements co�sinaLl'1m
<br />±'",'�;'""``�'�;- this 5ecurity Instsument,ar there ia a legal pmceeding that may signi4lcantly affert Lender's rlghte in the Propecry (such as a �f
<br />::.�.�.,.�.
<br /> ��. i � ^�= proceeding 3a badauptcy,pmbate,far condemnatiaa or forfeiture or to eaforce laws or regulations).then Leeder maY do and �;;
<br /> •t„� . '� . a for whatever ia necessary to pcoieM the value of the Property and Lender's r[ghts in the Property.L.ender's acflons may
<br />' .a P Y �_
<br /> . - . iaclude payin� any swns secured by a tien which has pdorIty over thte Securiry Iagtrument. appeariwg in court. PaY�B
<br />-;;•.�.. '..
<br /> ,.,;.,, : reasonable attomeys'fees aad enterfag on the Property w make repairs.Although Leader may take aaion uader this paragreph ��_
<br /> .�:'��" " 7.Lender does aot have w do so.
<br /> '` � �x'�.`� Any a�aount�disbursecl by i,ender under this paragraph 7 sdall bocome ac�ditional debt of �or[ower secured by thla
<br /> ��"'^"'"� Secur[ty Ia�uument.Ualeas Borrower and I,ender agree to other tetms of payiaent,these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> t
<br /> '"'"-�%`�• ° ��� date of diaburaement et the Note rate and ahall be payable, wlth intexest, upoa uotice from S.ender to Borrower requ e s t i n g
<br /> . �TY �:�
<br /> � �;.�.:p... � payment.
<br /> �'f ` ,, „� 8.Martgege Ingurance.If Lender required mortgage insura,ice sas a conditton of making the loan secured by thfs 5ecudty
<br /> I .0
<br />�'=�', ..��. Instn�ment,Borrowec shall pay the premiums required to maiatain the mortgago inxuraacr la effect. If. for any reason. the
<br /> , `�"` �.i i m o rt s a g e i n s u t a n c c s c o v e r a g e r e q u i r e d b y L e a d e r l a p s e s or ceases to be ia effect. Bomower shall pay the premiuma required to
<br />" � � obtain ooverage substantially equivatent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost substandally equivalent to the
<br /> ' . : Cost to Borrower ot the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from aa alumate mortgage insurer appioved by Lender. If
<br /> _ . :..�'+ - -�. substandally equivalent moctgage inauraztce coverage is aat availabte, Borrower sl�sil pay to Lender each moath a sum equW to
<br /> , • • � f one•twelfth of the yearly mortgage iasurauee premium betn8 paid by Horrower when the insurance coverege lapsed or ceasat to
<br /> � ' � '% ba in effect.Lender wiU accept.use and retaia these payments as a loss reserve fn lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss mserve
<br /> �• - Fo�,so28 eleo
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