.., ,.-_-.-
<br /> :�.,,�. , o,i�,.,,r,w� .• --
<br /> -��: t �, - �,�"'y' �a M��� . , _ _ • _ -_ -
<br /> .r � � ' �;`�;'_ . .._ �_--------. .. _. .
<br /> 't•?14P'�'6"'�.��i 1��7YF::.
<br />_�....,1..-... t._-_-_ - -'_ -
<br /> FIR�,�11S�TY;�a O�'HE�1 INSUFIANCE:To kaep such prop�R�Inaur�d ApainM loss or datnape by H��er+d o1�e�r •
<br /> —___ ___._.__„ rlsk nr rid'�sb , th�rro{e opinlon of BeneH�inry ehould be insured n9sinet,untter pn!lcies of in�ursnae with kr�t
<br /> -- Y_ :� paya�ts te Baneficiary In torm,amountand compa.nles accept�bfe to BcrteNclery.�ald peliofe8 nhall bn daiiver�to and
<br />����"��-`�--��� �ertwlnlnpasaessl�of�3e�eflclaryaafurthereecuriryforthafAithtulpsrtarmsnceoftheaob119aUom,wn�hdrtivsryr�h+�11
<br /> cdnstftat�an�saipnment by Truatar to 8eneficiary at ail�Iphts Msreundor,traiudinp etl rNurn pramfumo;to cMliwr to
<br /> �sneftcl�ry a poliay or pailofes ron�winp or ext�ndinp any qxpirinp insuranc�wlth a►ecNpt�howfn�pr�miums p�id U
<br /> -�--- least thlrty(3Q)d�ys bstore sxpiratlon.tt'fru�tor ipii�to dtf deitver A�ny ron�wAl po11�Ct�s��enNlcl�ry mey proaure euch
<br /> - insura�ca�a tt m�y al�at�nd m�+y make p�yment af premium�thx�an.whlch Wym�nt 1���y�bt�on d�mMnd.NNMwr
<br /> ---_== -= Truatee nor 8enefielary shall be respsnaibis for obtatninQ or r�alntaiMnp�uoh ineureqas.Qon�flolRry,irom•tims to time,
<br /> - �-' mayturniahtoanyinaurnnceeponcyorcampeny�ormnyeth�rpereon,anylniorm�rioncordalnfdinors�racMd4�omany ��
<br /> —�-- inaurance policy Merototors d�1lvArsd b 8enefialary pursusr�t hsreto.an�any intorrtu�dan concre�ing tht toan srcured �
<br /> hereb�.In no even!nnd whether or not default hereunder hn�occurred ahali BensHotary►�by th�teat o1 approvinp,
<br /> -.d•�+��.� acceptin�orob181ninpa�achlnsurance,inou�enyiiabilitytorthsemountatauchlnaurancs,th�formoris�sleutHcienayof •
<br /> .�`;i Inaura�ce contracta�aoivancy af insurer�,or pxymant ot loases by insurere,and Tru�tor hsraby expressty as�umee full
<br />---ti==:;TW W"K:'� responalbitlty there�ore snd Ilabiltry�it any,thereunder.ln the event o!loss,Trustor ahall pive immedlate written notice to , � _
<br /> °'""$'�`�R 8sneflGlary,and E�ae�efielary may,but i�nptobltgated to,make prqof of tostt if aot m�t�e promplly by�rt�stor.In ca�oiA�y
<br /> _-�,. Iossthean:ounlcollectad underany pQNcyot insuranae on auch properrymay.attheoption ofthe 8eneficiary.beapptied
<br /> --=w=���r"• byBenmfc�t�uponanytndebtednessand/orobligationsecuredherebyandineuch�arderandamauntaeBenoflciarymaY -
<br />--- �='�'^ datem3f�m..at said amount or any pmrtion thereof may.at the opUOn of the 8enoficiary.elthar be used in reptacfng or
<br /> ��_���
<br /> restostng the irnprovements�arii�t4y ar.tola0y destro�ed to�nondition satisfactory to satd 8eneftciary,o�s��5�mount or
<br />=_- ��.�,�: any pat�ian thereof may be rela�sed ta ttre Trustnr.tn any such event neither the Trustee nor the Bene�r,�v�r shail be
<br /> n-,,,�,�s:.,, oblips4ed to ses to the proper application thsreof,r.or shall the amount so reieased or used be deemed a p2iy�nt on ar.2y �
<br /> -- ����� indebtednessseat�r�dhereby.Suchappiicatfon,useandlor�eleaseshalinotcuraorwedvflanydatauttornptip�ap�af,�F�,�t ,
<br /> ?����; hareuader or 3nvalir��te an act done ursuant to auch notice.An unax Ired insurance and ail returnahia t�ase�r��ria�
<br /> --:;>;,,.' r,.+, Y P Y P
<br /> =�•`��:•�;�; ;; p�emi�msshallinsuretothebenefltof.andpassto,thepurchaseroithapropettyGOV�redtherebyatanyTrustee'�salefiefd
<br /> y`;3�'',l-�'�`�'�� , hereur+der.lfsatdprapertyissotdpursusnttothepowero}satecontain8dhereinorpursuanttoanydecreooftorectosure, _
<br /> �i}''"'�`�' all�i h titleandint�restofTruetorinandtotheproceedsoffireandoth�rinsurance ticies�arctama e �fortothes�fo, -----
<br /> -�1�-�'�:��F��. . � : : � g � Po S P -.
<br /> -��'�;±s�!��r�� � ' °°�-� whieh proceeds ato not reaeived prior to the�date of tlaaid sale,shaN bsleng to Beneticiary.Try�sizar wili comply wtth au�h
<br /> '�'�'����- �• � �•��; other�equiremente�ndprovldesuchotheriypaofinsurer+ceasBenetictarymayrequirehomRi7�sR�timet4rtheprotectipn� —
<br />_ �`�"��`�tf�� . by iosu�ance of the interest at the respectirre parties hereto. , .
<br /> .,,.,.; ,
<br /> +:, %,�,' —
<br /> :��;i.'?� -
<br /> . - TAXES AND OTHER SUMu�iL9E 7o pay,satisfy anst dlscharge,at least to ten(10�a4ays betore detinquency ali generai
<br /> . and speciai taxes artd essessm$nts and othaT public charges,and�n no evont tater than the��te,suoh amounts becorrae�.
<br /> . .
<br /> , '• due and to turther pay when cEu�or requested:(t)ail encumbran�,charges end Ite�na,wlth in4orast,on such propery,c+r _,_
<br /> any partthereof.which ate arappear to beneflciary,in ita sai�distretion,to be prio�to or sugeriar.hereto.(21 ali costs.fa�es
<br /> „ andexpetlsesofthistrus�,vti'ltatherornotdescribedher�in,(3)fAeBOrahargesfor�nystatem�ntiegetrdingtheoltligatican . _-
<br /> _ .. secured hereby in a�y amoantdemanded by Beneflciary,not to exceed the maximum amount apawed by taw therefore at
<br /> ' • , , thetimewhensuchrequestismede,(4)suchotherchargesasthe8eneficiarymaydeemreasonabletorservlaas�endHred --
<br /> � � by6eneflcieryandfumishedattherequestotTrustororanysucaessor�ninteresttoTruator,(5)ifsuahpropertyinctudesa 4 -
<br /> "' � leasehold estate.all payrt►ents end obNgations requi�ed ot the Trustar or his successor in interest under the terma of the �`-
<br /> ' Instrumant or Instrumenb creating such leasehotd,(8>alt payments and monetary obligations required oi the owner ot �'�
<br /> " suah property under any declaratlon of covenants, conditions end �estrictlons pertaining to such prope►ty or a�y 1°`
<br /> modiflcation tAereof;(7)all martgage insurance orguaranty fees,premiums,or chargas of any nature pertaiMng to such "'�
<br /> " property.TrustoragreestonotlyBeneficiaryimmedietelyuponreceiptbyTrustorofnoticeofanyincreaseintheassessed :�
<br /> • value of such property and agrees that Beneficiery,fn the name of Trustar,may contest by appropriate proceedings such ""�
<br /> ' inc�ease in asse�sment
<br /> ' � In the event 4f the passage oi any law deducting irom the value of real property tor the purposes of taxation any Iien ° �
<br /> � �� � thereonorchanging inanywaytheiewsforthetaxationofdeedso}trustordebtssecuredbydeedsottrustfo�stateo�local
<br /> purposea or the manner of thecoilectfon otany such texes,so as to aKectthis Deed of Trust,the holder of this Oeed of Trust
<br /> and of the obligatlons which it sacures shail have the right to declare ail sums secured hereby due as of a date to be
<br />_ ��:� .� � specif(ed by not less than 3a days'written notice to be given to Trustor by Beneflciary;provided,however.that such •
<br /> �;� electlan ahall be ineNective if Trustor is permitted by taw to pay the whole of such tex in addition to all other payments
<br /> . .;' ;.° requfred hereunder and if,prior to such specitied date,d�es pay such tex end agrees to pay any such tan when hereatter ,
<br /> „ � . levied or essessed against suCh properly.and such agreement shall constitute a modificatlon ot!?�is Deed of TrusR •
<br /> •-- --- ---- - i'UNOS FOti TAXES AND lNSt1RANCE:lt Beneficlary ahaii so requesl,Trustor ag�ees that ttiere shali b$added ia ttbe ` -`
<br /> �- � . p�riodical payment requi�ed to be made hereunder an amount estimated by T�usted to be suffioient to enabfa Trustor to
<br /> pay,st least thirty(30)days hefore delinquency.all generai a�@ special taxes,assessments,or other public chr�rges
<br /> , •. egainstsuchproperty,thePromissoryNote,o�uponoronaccountotthedebtorthelienotM(sOeedofTrust,togetherwith
<br /> � i premlums for insurance required to be provlded undor this Oaed of Trust and sll mortgage insurence or guaranry tee5,
<br /> . i premiums or simtlar charges and no interest sha91 be payable to Trustor in respect ihereof. Upon demand by Trustee, I
<br /> . � Trustor shall deliver to Trustee such additional sums of money as are necessary to make up any deflciency in theamounts '„
<br /> , r.ecessary to enable Trustee to pay any of Me toregoing items. �
<br /> �
<br /> �� � SUMS AOVANCE�TO BEAR lNTE�REST:To pay immediately upon demand any sums adva�ces�r paid by 8eneficlary �
<br /> „ ar TrusteQ undereny Clauseor provision nf this Deed of Trust Any such sums,untit sp repaid,shell be Secured hereby end '
<br /> bearinterest from th�date advanced or paid at the same rate es setforth in such Promissory Noteand shatl be secu�ed by �
<br /> i .� th(s Deed olTrust
<br /> ASS�GNMENT OF OEPOSITS:That as additional securfy if fhis Oe a construcHon toan,Yrustor hetsby transfers and
<br /> ---.�-- -- assigns to ttenenciary durlrtg conanuance ot mese Trusts.ail right,title end interest to any and alt manies d8posited by +
<br /> � � � TrustorordQposited onDehattofTrostorwithanyciry,counry,publicbodyoragency.sanitarydisMcf.ga�and/orelectric �
<br /> company.teiephone companyand any other body or agency,tor the insta�lation or to secure the Instailation qf any utiliry by
<br />- ( 7n�ster.peRaining to thts properry.
<br /> i! FAILUREOFTRUSTORTOCOMPLYWlTHOEEDOFTRUST:I�MeeventTrustorshouldfailtomakeanypayment,orto
<br /> � " t do any act as provided fn this Deed o4 Trust or tai!to pe�torm any obltgation secured by this Qeed of Trust or do any act
<br /> " T�ustor agreed nct to do,Be�neticiary.but without oDtigAtion so to do and without notice to or demand upon Trustor end
<br /> '� without releasing Tr�stornomany obligation he�eatand withoutcontesting thevatldity or amountof the same,may(a)pay,
<br /> make or da tAe same in such m8nner end to such extent as it may deem neCessary tp proteCt the securiry herEtof, �
<br /> . . Beneficiary �e�iflg auU`�oiised to enter upon such prope�i�► for such purposes. and f b) pay. purcnase, contest or
<br /> ;" ' compramise anyencumbranCe.chargeo�lien,which in its Judgament bs or aprtearatp ee prfor or supertor hereto,and(c)
<br /> _ in exenisi�g any such power.pay necessary costs,tees.ansl expenses.emptny counsel and pay counsel's reasonable
<br /> tees.Trustor agrees to►epay any ntount so expended on demand of Beneticiary.
<br /> ' � j jU�70y _�'e'� :
<br /> ' � �---- — — - -
<br />