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"'� .._ . __ _.. . <br /> .1- _' `..v- .. .. <br /> .•�Z_,..._, <br /> ��9a� ��43c�"?' <br /> 17.Tnmfer ct thc Prapee�ty or p Beneticlal Interest in liomnover. !f all or any part of tha Prap�e�tyr or any intcrest in it <br /> is Gpld ar Irc�nsferrod(ar if n beneQc�ul futen'st ln 8onower Is sold or'erred and Borrower is �wl u�wtural person)wIthout <br /> i.endl'r's prior wrltt�en cansent, Lender muy. at !ta optinn, reyuirc lmmaliute puyment !n li�ll of a!1 surns eecured by this <br /> Security[ns�run��is optinn�hall not be sxercised by[.ender if exerci.c ls pmhtbitM by fi�crt►l taw�es of the datc <br /> _� , u��i��s�curJty U�atruii�cilt. <br /> If I..endet exercises thiti aptlon,I..ender shnil give Bormwer natice of accelerntinn.The notix shall provfde a perIad pf not <br /> less tha� 30 duys from the date the notice is dehver�ed or mnilod within which Bamower must pa�ull sums sccurod by thla <br /> "f' Security Ins�rument. If Borrowcr fails to pay thcsc:sums prior to thc explmtion of this periad.Lender may invake miy r2medies <br /> permitta!by this Security Instrunxnt wfthout fti�ther natice or demflnd on Borrower. <br /> 18. Borrower's Itight to Reinstt�4e. I�'&�rrower meets settain eondit�ons. Borrower shall have the r�gtit ro ha�vc <br /> cnforcemcnt af this Security b�strt�mene diRCOntinued ut Any time pr�or to thc enrlier of: (u) S days(or such ather period as <br /> - - - upplicabls Inw mny spccffy for rcinstatement)befot+e sstle af the Property pursuant to any pmver of sale arataincsf in this <br /> Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this SecurUy Insuument.Those conditions ure that 8orrower. (a)pnys <br /> I.ender all sums which thcn wm�ld be d�e under this Secudry Instn�menc and the Note us if no accele�ation hAd occucmd;(b) <br /> cures uny default of nny other covenants or ugrcements: (c)puy s nll espenses incurred in enforcin�thia Security insuurttent. <br /> including,but nat limired to. teasonable attorneys'fees: und(d)talces such aciton as Lender may rea.wnably require to assure <br /> thnt the Ilen of this Securlry Instrument,L.cnder's rfghts in the Pmperty end Borrower's abligation ta pay the sums secured by • <br /> — this Security Instrument shali continue unchunged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Security lnst�ument und the <br /> abligutions socured hereby shttll remain fully effecilve ag if no acceterat(on hnd occurred. Hawever,this right to minstute shall <br /> -- ' not upply in the case of acceterntion under paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Change of I.oan Servicer. The Note or a parciul interest in the Note (together with this Secudty <br /> Instrument)may be sold one or moee[imes without pdor notice to Bomawer.A sale may result in a change in the emity(known <br /> = as the"L.oan Servicer")that cotlects monthly payments due under the Note und this Seturity Instmrnent. 'fhere also may be one <br /> or more changes uf the Loan Serviar unreluted to a sale of the Note.lf there is a change of the Luan Servicer.Borrower wil!be <br /> _ given written notice of the change in accordance with puragraph 14 ubove and applfcuble luw.Tl�e notice will state the t�ame and <br /> � addras of the new Loan Servicer and the uddress to which paymrnts should be mstde.The rtatIce wlll also contatn nny other <br /> information reyuired by upplicable Inw. <br /> 20. Ht�rdous Substsrtccs. Borrower shall nut cawe or permit the presence, use, dfsposal�storage. or relea�se of any <br /> — - Harardous Substunces un or in the Property. Borrower shnll not do, nor allow anyone else to do, a�iythins affecting the <br /> - Property thut is in violution of:►ny Bnvin�nmenwl I,uw. The preredin�two sentences shall not upp!y to the presence. use.or <br /> -- stornge on the Property af small quarntities of Hezardous Substnnces that are genenilly rerognizoa to be appmpriatc to nom�al <br /> .__..__,,,.� residentiai uses and to maintenance uf the P�operty. <br /> � 8c�rrowrr sh�li promptiy give I.emier written notice of any investigacion. ciaim. demund, iuwsuit or other acuon by any - <br /> govemmentnl or regulatory ugency or private party fnvolving the Property and any Hazurdous Substance ar Environmental iaw <br /> ��'•'� of which Borrower hac actual knowiedge. If Borrower learns. or is not�fied by any governmentul or Rgulatory uuthoriry, tlwt <br />"'"-�� an mmoval or other c+emediation of un Hazardous Substance affectin the Pro en is nec Bormwer sh�il rom tl take <br />- �°=�� Y Y S P Y �+�Y• P P Y <br /> ===— all nec�sary remediai actions in acrnrdance with Environmental Law. <br /> .ti��.-� As used in this paragrnph 20,"Hs�zurdous Substances"are those substances defined s�.s toxic or hawndous substances by <br /> --�-� �—— Environmental Luw and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene, other flammable or tuxic petroleum Qraducts, toxic . <br />_'°-�'� pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive matenuls.As used in <br /> r�:� this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Pmperty is located that <br /> -�"'�`'� r+elnte to health,safety or environmental protection. _ <br />`�'��-� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant nnd agree us follows: <br /> ;�;�� 21. Acceleration;Remedtes. l.ender shall�ive notice to Borrower p�ior to acceleratlon[ollowing Borrower's breach - <br />.__.;;�;� of any covenant or ap,reement in this Security instrument (but not prior to uocelerat[on under pare�rnpb l7 uniesg <br />-==s� appitcable law provides othenvise). The natice shall specif,v: (u)the default; (b) the actlon required to cure the deiault; <br />`v�� (c)a dute.aot less than 30 dnys from the dute the notice is gtven to Borro�rer�by which the defau�t must be cured;and <br /> % (d) Shat failure to cure the default on or before the dute specified in the aotice muy result in acceleration e►f the sums <br /> .�- secured by this Securit�� Instrument and sale of the Property. The rtotice shall further i�form Borrower of the right to <br /> ° reinstate after acceleration and the dght to bring a court action to asseri the non�existence of a default or uny other <br />`T' defense of 8orrower to ucceleration and sele. If the default ts not cured an or befom the d�te specifled in the notice, - <br />_; I.ende�, at its option, may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by th(s SecuHty Instrument �vtthout <br />