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<br /> 'IbdE'fHER WITH a11 ihe improvements now or hertafte
<br /> !lCQC10d Ofl ih0 p7'ffpG11Y.�Su l.nSC�����l�
<br /> fixturcw now ar hercatter p tun of the pmpenY. A1{ repl�can�nm an1�Additioes b4�al� �Isa be covtrod by this S&writy . .
<br /> ►n�trun�tut.Atl�of the Fcire�oinR is rcferred to in this Sesurity tiuttvmenl�ae�1►a"pro�Crty•°
<br /> BQRROW�R CAVENAN'fS ttwt Borrower ix l�wfiilly aelaal o flhe��sY�����wer warrancs and wf�i1 .
<br /> c anve y thc i�'�o p e r tY�,xi t{uu atw Pra�'�, is uuean�rnhrmd,txcept . ----
<br /> defeid genera:0y the dtla to the�'ro{�crty og�inst all ctaims and demauda.subject to my encu m b c�r��f na:nM.
<br /> THIS 3SCURITY INSTIi(3MENT combines unifonn oovemu►ta far nasional use and ncm'ltitli�![fl O��M6 Wlth I�[E(�••
<br /> vari�tions by jurl�dictian to constitute w Unifornt soa�rit}+inst�ument oovering real property.
<br /> UNIFURM COV�"sNl.N'1'S. Borrowcr end Lendtr cove� �te ��°��wer shull promptlY paY `�'�A d��
<br /> 1. Payment o�P�Indpal and Itoter+esti �P�9� rt�ent arni lau charges due unrler t�e NatG.
<br /> principal af ac�d intcrc�+s on the dcbt evlden�ood i�y tho Nnte a�►d any Prep�9
<br /> 2.Fttnds ior Tiuca and Gt�trance•Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender.Hotrower shatl WY �O
<br /> Lcnder on the day moatk►�Y PnYments an due undar the Note,until the l�Iote is paid in fui�•a sum�"Funds"�far.(a)ycerly tvices
<br /> and assessmcnts which may attnin priority ovcr this Sa�udty Wsuume�as a�Ue�re��:�a,�'�Ty��Y�u�l p���i�
<br /> or ground rents on the Property.if any:(c)Year1Y hauuJ°r pr°perty' �!e b Bosower to l.ender.in�ccotdance with
<br /> 1f su�y: (e)Yearly moctgege insurance premeums. if tu►y:und�(�enY s�n�s Pa9 Y
<br />' the provis'runs af pamgraph 8.In lieu of the payment of mortgage tnsprance premiums.These item3 an called"Escr�nw Itans.'
<br /> I.ender may, at any tiane.colleci tutd hotd Funds in an�u�to�nt�cot to eACced tha maxlmum amount a lender for a fakcslly _
<br /> related mortgage loun may require for Borrower's escrow account under the f�deral Rrat Estate Settlement P�000d�ues Act of
<br /> 19TA as�mended fro�n dme w time. l2 U.S.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("ltF_SPA"),uatess another law that applies ta the Fua�ds
<br /> scts u lesser sunount. if so. L.ender may. ut uuy ttme• wllect and hold Funds in an nnwunt not to excced the lesser nmount.
<br /> i I.ender may esdmate tho nmaunt of Funds due on the basis of a�crem data and teasonable estirnates of expendlw�+ees of fut�ure
<br /> �sctow Itcros ar othcrwlse in u000tdsince with applicable lew. .
<br /> 'I9�e Funds shall be lield in un insdtuuon whose deposits are insured by a fedetat agececy. insjtr+��F�ry•tor enu�'�ty�
<br /> (includling Lender.if L.ender is s�ich an insdtudon)ar in uny Federal,H nm�LoF�an�.� 11y�y�na�e�row IIcoou t.or
<br /> Escrow Itzms.Len�der may not char�e Borrower for holding and apP Y B licxible law muts L.ender to make such
<br />_ verifying the E.urow items.unless Lender pays Borcower Interest on the Funds and a�p P�
<br /> a churge. However,L.ender may requlre Bormwer to paY u one'tlme charge for an i�epi ndQUnless an s�re�m�ent�s made ia
<br /> used by Lender in cannection with chis tossn, uuiws appl#rabl� lar:ps't�Yldes ctth_ . _ .
<br /> uppllcable law requtnes intcrest to be paid,L�ender shell not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamin�on the Funds.
<br /> Bomower und I.ender may agrce in writing. however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> without charge. cu�nnrwal accounting of the Funds. showtng c�dits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which e3ct►
<br /> debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as addidonnl secuntY f°T all sums secu�d by this Security InstrumeM•
<br /> if the Funds heW by l.ender exceed the amounts perimitt,�d to be held by appli�ble law.Lender shull accoum to Borro+ver
<br /> for the excess Funds in accurdance v+ith tt►e re4wrements of a�plicable law.If the amount of ttfe Fnnds held by Lender at any
<br /> time is not suffecient to pay the Escrow Items wher►due, L,ender may so notify Bor�+ower in writing, and.in such cass Bomnwe�'
<br /> shal! pay to i,ender the amount necessury to muke up the detictency. Borroa+er shs�ll mal:e up the deficieacy in no more than
<br /> twelve monthly payrrtents.at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> - Up6n paymeat in full of all sums sccure�by this Security Instnunent. Lender shalt Qromptly�+efund to Borrower any
<br /> - Funds held by Lender.If,urtder paragruph 21.Lender shall acqulre or sell the Property.I.ender.prior to the acquisition or sale
<br />.;� of the Property. shall epply nny Funds held by Lender at the 4ime of acqutsition or sale as a credit against the sums secured bY
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br />- 3.ARplicutton of Pnyments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments rtcefved by Lender under pacagraphs
<br />-� I and 2 shall be appliod:first. to any prepayment cha�ges dne ur�der the Note:second.to amounts payable under paragraph 2:
<br /> � third.to intee+est due: fourth.to principal due:und last,co uny lute charges due undea the Note.
<br />-: 4.Charges:Liens.Borrower shull pay a11 taxes.ussessmcnts. char�es. fines aad impositions attributable to the Prop�ny
<br /> - which may uttain prioriry over this Secudty Instruaient.and les�ssehold payments or sround rents. if any. Borrower shall puy
<br /> = these obligations in ihe manner provided in paragrnph 2,or if not paid in.that manner, Borrower shall pay them on ttene directly
<br /> = ev the person owed�S�yment.Borrrwer chnll promptly fumish to Lender all no�ces of amounts to be paid undes thi enaragraph• _
<br />'' If gorrower mukes these payments directly, Borrower shull prompdy fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the�ym
<br /> = Bormwer shall promptly dis�hurge nny licn whtch hus priority over this Scruriry Instrument unless Borrowes: {a)agrees in
<br /> writing to the payment of thc obligatton secured by the lien in a manner:iccepta b le to L e n d e r;(b)c o n t e s t s in good fiiith the lten
<br /> by, or defends ugainst enforcement of the Iten in. legal procx�edings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> -- enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder af the lien an agreert►ent satisfactory to I.ender subar�dinatin�the lien to
<br />--� tliis 5ecurity Instcument. if i.ender deterrnines thut uny part of the Propercy is subject to a tien which may attain pr�ority over
<br /> __ this Security instcument,l.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or wlce one or
<br /> .- more of the actions set forth above within!0 days of the giving of rtodce.
<br /> Form 3028 8f80
<br />�-,� PeqO 7 016
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