l:tn1 �-asm.. �- � � � ..:...-..--_. -
<br /> � " . ..._. .__-- 'v.
<br /> t i .. _ ..._ '_.
<br />- •;��t _ - _`""- -
<br /> �' ' �1'OQ�'I'H�iFt WI'T�� �il tho Imprhvement� m�w n� 1►nrwl'i�� creuteil �m tt���g�at�rty,�t���menb
<br /> �ppurtonances,md tixtuce�noN a�heradter�ptt uf the pn��»rtr.Atl n�l�+mantn Nn0+WdlUr�rw rhall d��be a►vered
<br /> _ __� by thieRoaurity In�teumrmt.AU�t the tare�tn�ie referred tn tn thlnli�wirlty 1n++trnm�Ar M ths"I'r��ty." �
<br /> - _ hL y:�crtd h�tlto r��ht to
<br /> �3Uiilif3W4��t(.'�DVl3NAN�Ca1 th�t�3arrowar ir tNwi'ui�y�+i��i�Itw a.ia�a f�:�::,��nnc.w • �
<br /> �ant and convey tha Ar�nperty ond th�t the�'roperty t�uttarwumlxn�cf,exc�pt���r wwnmM'Nnu�ol rKY�rd. llarrarve�
<br /> � warrante and will dotend Qener�lly the tttle to tho l�ewperty�r�lnet R11 ci�imN�n�l�rm�n�bi,�n�hjout tn�ny enoumbr�nee�
<br /> oi cocord.
<br /> THIfl 9ECURITY INSTRUMBN'C cambina+unitorm ravaunty f�ir n�Q��n�l�wa+�nd�arrunlfnem cr►van�ntA with
<br /> lienited vutatia�►a�b�y judedlattan toaanetitute a unit'orm eocurity Inetriimant c+�verhi�{tt+�l�m��nrtY,
<br /> ._.--__ ,.� CiNIFORM COVBNAN'I'8.&►reu�ver�n�!I.en��r ravenmt ens!�Xra+�u+tuUnwe: -
<br /> - --- 1.P�yemeat of P�inoipd�nd laterat;Prep�yment�nd I.�t��h�t�Nr. iHirnewor�tt�tl�imptiy pay�rhan dve
<br /> the pr�nalp�l�f�nd inteteet oa the debt evldonced by tho IV��tn attd�n�pro�Yment�nd IMtA uh�r�d�b under the Note,
<br /> 1. Fund�[or T�xe�and in�uranco.gubjxt tu�ppllcnbfo IRw��P h��w�l�ten wdver hy I.andrr�Hurwwer�h�ll
<br /> -- �ay to Lender on tho dey mnnthlyp�ymonte arA due under the Nute,�►ntll the N��te In Mld(n f��tl��eum("t�und�")�nt.
<br /> �a)yeuly taxae and aseeeBmenu whlah m�y stt�ln prtarity�wer et�ln t+a;��rlty ii�ntrument�n a flen on the 1'ropaty;(b)
<br /> -_ early leaeehold p�y�nente ar gt+ound ronteun the I'roporty�(t my;(c)ye�tly h�z�nd�K pe►rty I�uiunr►�e premiume;
<br /> _ _, �d)yeariy ilood tnsurance premfume.lt sny;(e)yeariy mort��ge ineunnae�ml��ma,( Rnyt end�t)�ny�umM p�y�ble
<br /> - by Borrower w l.ender�tn�ccordanco with the provleIoaa aP perN�nph 8�In tioto nf tho�ymont��i murt�Q�e Insune�co
<br /> premiuma.These iteme�ro called"F.ecrow Iteme."Lendor m�y,�t�ny tlme�culla;t md h�dd l�inde In�n imaunc not
<br />- --_��� w exceed the magttnum smount e londor tor a federally reluod mart�aa�e Inm mry teyulre fn� lbrmwet'e a�orc�w
<br />�� �W=���--' nccount under the fedanl Reai Batate 5etttement Pra:c�urea A�t at 1474 a�a�►ct►d�Q tnsm tlmo ta tlmo� t2 U,B.C. .—=.
<br />-__-= Sccdon 2601 et aeq. �"�PA'),unless anothcr l�w th�t Npplia9 to the 1?unde�oM�leeeer ammmt.It ann,l.endar may
<br /> -=—' et any tlme,colleat and hold Funds in an�mount not tn excexd tho leAner Amaunt,l,ender m�y rntlrinsto tha�cnaunt o�
<br /> Funds due on the b�sle of ourrani dats utd reaeouable estimetea at oxpcnditurcn nt futur+e i?�cruw Itome ar athcrwlee in
<br /> �`-` accordance with applicablo law.
<br />-n=��d"� Tho Fundn ehnit be held in an Inetitutton whoan deposite�re insured by e tedaral�gency.Inetrumcntaltty.��r cntity
<br /> _�.�`��a:' (tncluding I.ender�tt Leader ia suGh an inetitutton)or{n eny F�eder�l Hnmo l.aan llink,l.endm nhdl�pply ehe I?undis tn
<br /> -;_r.�, pay the Bscrow Iteme.Landcr msy not cherge Borrowor tor hnldin�g end sppiying thtf Itondi+, Nnniully �ndyyin�tAe
<br /> �'�=•�' -. t escrow account,or verit�ing the Bsccow Iteme,untess I.ender psya lk�mower interaet�m tho liunda�nd wp�Ilcible I�w _
<br /> ���� petm ito Leader to mnko sueh a chatge. Howaver. Gettder may requiro �rruwcr ca �ny ��mo icimo charro itK' �ts
<br /> •,ti !•r n
<br /> �.;3,;:,:..• � indopendent real eateto tax repoKing service used by Lender in conneation with thin luen.unler�spplicehle 1�w providce
<br /> ' '����'� � otheralse.Unle�en agreement is made or a licable lew requlrr.s intoreat ta bo pAid,l.�nd�r�h�Q nat t�o rcqufra!to
<br />.-'—�dSre.Hr(,', '
<br />_r;,,�;,;�::,;.,.:�; • psy Borrower eny taterest or earnings on tho unde.Bonower end I.ender msy egrco in wrlting,hi�wover�th�t Interaet �r
<br />:.R;,�:��.:;.,:;;., ehell be paid on the Funde.I.endor shell give to Bomowee.wfthout aheege�nn ennual ncrounting uf�ho l�unde�ehawin�
<br />_�;::`.:.';��:' � credite and debits to the Funde�nd the purpose tor whtct�eaoh debit to the Funds wae msd�.'i'he Ilundn ero�fodgod�s _
<br />_;;��,�,�.; '; addittonal se�urity far ell sume secured by thts Security Instrument.
<br /> If the Fundn held by i.ender excoed tha emounte pormltted to be hetd by eppliceblo Isw, I.ertder eh�ll aecount to
<br />=i ��'�'`�'��` Borrower for tho oxcess Funcle in accord�nce with the requiremenro ot applicable lew.If thu emrn�nt n�tha l�unde hald ; �
<br /> ,::,�.,�
<br /> ,�. ,� �•::,•. . by Lender at any time is not sut�tclent to pay the Escrow Iteme when due,I.ende�mey Rn notity Harr+�wet In wrttiny, ��,_,
<br /> . � and.ln svch case Borrower ehall pay to Lender the nmount nacassary to make up the do!(ciency.liarrawar�hell m�ke 4,�,w
<br />-����"•• � up the deliciency in no more than twalve�nonthly payments�at Lender'e solo diecrotton. ��--
<br />=`�°`-'� � � Upon payment in tull oi ell sums eecured by thts Securtty Instrument,I.ender ehell pramptly rr,tund to Hortnwer ;�w�:-
<br />-_ '^ f";•' _
<br />����•t=����• any Fuade held by Londer. It, under paragraph 21, I.ende�ehatl acquira ar cell th� 1'roperty� I�ender� prlar tp tho F�E�:
<br /> .�,..._
<br /> =s:����:,,� . aCquieltion or ealo of the Property,ehatl epply eny Funde held by I.endor at the time+af acquialtian�tt eselo ru�s credit L"`. �
<br /> •:<;:.�s�, against the sums sacured by thia Secudty Inetrument. '�'-°
<br /> �,:.,
<br /> 3. Applloatto�of Paymeate. Unles�appltcable lea providr�atherwiso,oll pey�montr�rrceivcd by I.ende� undet ,.,,-_
<br /> � paragraphe 1 and 2 shall ba applied: tiret,to any pnpayment cherges dua under tho Nata�;secand,ta ertnunt��yt�blo ��:
<br /> ;:;�-, :,> un der paragrep h 2;t h i r d.w in t e r e a t due;f o u r t h.t o pdnci p al due;and lest.to eny late chergcR duo undcr the Nnto. I�=-,
<br />- ��.��•� 4. Ch�raas; L�ens. Borrower shell pay ell taxea� oss�mente,charges, fines artd impuslttnne setributablo tn tho
<br /> �-'''=���=� Property wMah mny attain priority over ttute Security Inetrument, and leasahold paymente ar graund rente, if any.
<br /> Y�• �� Horrower ehell pay thesa obligatlons 1n tha manner provtded in paregreph 2, or it nntpsid in thn�mnnner. ISorn�wcr �
<br />_�;s?�.�:?" ''.�: aheli p�y thera An tln3e dieectty w the person arred psymeat.Borrower ahetl pmmptly turnish tn I.andar ell nutice:�ut
<br /> � `�' ' �' amouats w ba pald under this paragraph.It Honower makey these payct�enta dtrectly,Harwwor ahell pmmptly�urainh
<br /> ^�"'"'_�.: '� Lo Leader receipts evtdenctng tho paytnente. � .
<br /> . . ''.� � ° � Borrower ehelt promptly diecharga eny lien whtct►hue pdortty ovor thts Security Inntrument unle.�Ilarn�wcr. 1e1
<br />_ �-'� : agreea ia wrlt[ng to tha payment ot tho obligatton Becured by tho tien in a mnnner acceptablW ta I.cnder;�b)conter►t��In , ,
<br /> . :� , gand taitA the lien by�or defends sgainst enforcement of the Iten tn.lognl pro�tngn wh{ch in tk�I.cnd�e'e�►pinint► �
<br /> � ;�' •� operata to prevent tha enforr,ement ot the it�n;or (c)secures ttnm tha holder nf tho Iton an aKrcoment c�ttnlYCi��ry t��
<br /> � Lander subardinating the lian to th�s Secudty Instruenent.It Lender dotormineu thst eny part at tho t'�nperty fn erol+j�ut
<br /> �' p.�:. :� to a lian which may attutn priortty over thls Securtty Instrument,i�endor mey give iiarn�we�a nutiu+idontltyinK�ho
<br /> ;,�,?;.�;.:..,. ,:,� lien.Borrower ehall eadsfy the lien or tnka ona or more ot the nctions sot torth abav�withi�� 10 deyo uf tho glvinK nf
<br />_e,�:�`':, - �-,� notice. F
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