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<br /> T�—�� F{AE,CASUAlTY,ANa OTHEA INSURANCE:To ke�p such prop�rty tnsursd aq+afnN lou or dams�l by flro�nd ath�► ,_
<br /> riak or rlak �AI}.-����ol�opinion ot�eneN�l�ry ihouid bs Inw��d e9aln�t,undrr pollciN ol inwranca wNh.9nw
<br /> --�--��---- payable to�niftcl�ryin torm,amaunt and companleaeccept�blc fo Baneiiclary.Sald poliul�e ahatl be c1�tivered to and
<br /> �-- ----�� remain(n�SOS3e3atr�not8ene4ietaryasfurtRe�rseeurlt�►fqrtheip�thtulparfprmamesflttheseabtl{�atlona,whfubtleliveryshafl
<br /> p- ---__= eonatitute an e�tfQ�men!by Trustar to Benefictary of all right�thereunder.includins all rNurn preeniuma to deliv�r to
<br /> ---- 8eneticlflry s poli�y or poflcies renewin�or extendinp any explrinp Ineurance with�recslpt�howing pramlum�plu�d at .
<br /> _�� ieASt thirty��)days betoro explratlon.it Truator faf�s to ao dellvee any ranswal po�laies,�)enaHcEary rtt�y procure such
<br /> �"= inmurance as ft may el�at and msy make payment of premlums thereon,which p�yment is rspayabts on damand.Nsither
<br /> _ TrusMe nor Bensflolary eheN be responalbts tor obtaining o►metntaininp such inaurancs.Wnollalary,from tims to time,
<br /> ._
<br /> ----:--�_��=� mnyttimitshtnenyln�urrnceagenc�orcampany,oranyotherperann.anylnformationcontained norextraci rar►4any � _
<br /> — I�aurance po!!cy theretotoro dellvered to Beneticlary purauant haPetc,and eny informetion concarnin�the toan s�cund '
<br /> � heteby.In no event ead whether or nat detault hereunder haa oc�urred ahali 8eneflciary�by the faat of approvinp, —
<br /> __w acceptingarohtai�in�auchinsurance,ineuranyliablHtytortheemountofeuobin�uranCe�thsWrmorleyelsufficiencyof
<br /> t�auranca contract�,aolvency of Insurere,or payment of loasea by insurere,and Trusto�hereby expreaaly aasumes fuli
<br /> __ =���j� responaibiliry therefare and ifabitiry,it eny,thereunder.In the event ot loas.Trustor ahall givs Immediate written rtotics to
<br /> �F=''�` Beneficiary,and Beneficiary may,but is not obligated to,meke proof ot tosa if not ma�e prpmpUy by Yrustor.In cese of any
<br /> =_ ��a�
<br /> - -�� loss iheamaue�tcolfecteci urtder any policy of{nsueanceon such property may,atthe optiqn of the Benefic�ary,b�applied �-
<br /> —
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