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<br /> �� �CORPORlIT�02i FA1RR71NTY DEED
<br /> � ~ �"' , � �► ' �..,
<br /> � Th� Grantos, SOSSBL�N oST�, iNC., � corposatian orqaniaed �,
<br /> atid �ucistinq und�r and by virtao o! th4 lavs ot the St+ut� of
<br /> Nabraska, in aonuidsxation a�t ONF DOLI.�lR (91.00� 1lND !�R GOOD
<br /> �ND Vl►T�1�H� �N��.AERhTI��Y �eRSeived t�a ��tts�, G'aa� c,�e3et, -
<br /> ba,rqain, s�ll, comey �nd aonf.izm unto sTAR�S�'R� �f0?1�5, IIiC., a
<br /> Nebrask+� corporatior�, h�reiia aalied the Granta�, 4�aa lallowlna� —
<br /> d�saribed s�al property in fIa11 Coun�y, t3eb�:aekas . .
<br /> The west Ten �Q�� (io�� oP Lot ��ee �3�� nna�� . .
<br /> � all o� ��ot Fowc t4I , Biock �enty-ni.ne (29) , :
<br /> Original Town, noW City �f t3rand =s3l��aola. H�li
<br /> . County, Nebraska. , . : � .. , . .� .
<br /> TO AA.VE AND TO HOLD the above desari�ed premises tidge�her
<br /> v�i�Yi nIl �ertsmants, h8z€d3tEtmsists �nd eF��.���� theret�o �
<br /> beionginq usto �he Graxitse P►nd to �rantes•s suaaessors enc�
<br /> assigr�s Sosever, subjeat anly to G�antor�s sxclusiv� right to
<br /> provide petroleum fuel to ttae real estate aa set lorth in ttae
<br /> option under which Grantee ig purahasinq the real estate and
<br /> which is aonta#.ned in the lease betweer� Grantor and Grantea•s
<br /> assignor da�ed Apri� la, 1995.
<br /> Ared th� Grantor Por ftsslf an8 its suaaessors does heseby
<br />- c�veruu►t w�th the Grantee and with Gran�ee�s auaae�s�rs and
<br />- assiqns that Grantor is lawfuliy seisod og said prem�seat that __
<br /> thoy bre lree from enaumbranae, exaept easemerits and restrictions
<br /> o! records ttiat Grnntor has good riqht and lawtul authority to
<br /> convey the samej and that Grantor warrants and wil! defend tha _
<br /> title to safd premises against the laafui alaians of all persoas
<br /> whosaever.
<br /> EN WITNESS WHEREOF, Crantor has hereunto aaused these v
<br />_ pres�nts to be siqned by fts President. _.
<br /> Dated thLe 30th day oP Jti�ne, Z995o =:�
<br /> _ BOSSELMI►N OIL. INC. __
<br />_ . gY _
<br /> r ok A. Bosselman,
<br />_ 1�resider�t
<br /> " STATB OF NS33.�RA3IW )
<br /> tsss
<br /> = COUNTY OF HALL �
<br /> aegore me, a Notary Public qualtfie� in said County,
<br /> ����.. ..sm �r.�lri nlr n_ annao7 mar�_ prasident Of HO£iS@ZlABl1
<br /> = j�ciovssvaa j �
<br /> = O1I, Inc., a Nebraskawcorg�ration, known to me to be the
<br /> ' Pres3dent and ider►tiaal person w2�o sign.ed ttie� foregoinq �
<br /> irestso�ment and aeknowledged the exeeution �►ereof to be his
<br /> � valuntary ac� and dead as suah offiaer and the volluntary act and
<br />-� d�ed af said aorporation.
<br />:i Wit.�ess my haad and No�ari s al on June 3 , 1995.
<br />:=i �LMOTA�TiM11tMt�W � �� .
<br /> Hovrrwoe�Y Notary Publ a ��
<br />-= � WCra EtA���tD�7
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