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<br /> � _—."".�_c�i.-_4�48�' �YUL=;u`-a2f:,"Fr�'.:2•?'�����.�r��....
<br /> ; ,g�� 10�5�' .
<br /> 'IYH313TE18R WTTH all tho imprqverreents no�v or hereaft�r etected on the progarty.and nll easements,rlghts�appu�tc�nces. _
<br /> rents� reyalties. mhze�l.oil and ga�rights and pro�its.wr.ter rights and r.tocic uad ail fixtnres�se�ur A�s put of the
<br /> P�1�Y.All replecemcnts and addtdana shall also bd a►vesed lay tlds Sxurity Insuument All of the fongoing is refexrod w in
<br /> thts Securtty Insuument as the"Propaty."
<br /> HORROWBR COVHNAN'TS that Barower fa lawfulty seiscd oi the+estate hereby eonveycd�nd has tha cight to gtmt�ne1
<br /> convay tiie Froperty and timl tha Fraptriy Is uac�cusalsr�:.4 eucap2 for eacumb�acss of renord.Bnno�ves wrnrRn�end wll1
<br /> dtfend ga�esally the Wle to the Propaty�gainat all claims and d�iands.aubjoct to any eacumbaa�s of nca�d.
<br /> Y.Payment of.Pttnclp�Intera�t and lat�Char�a Bomewu ehall pay whea due tbo principal of.and iataest on.th�
<br /> debtevideaced ap�heN�ate and latechargd dua under tUe Nota.
<br /> �.Nlontbl�r�'aymen4 ot Twces►Iabur�ncs and Otecr Clu�e�es. Borrowu sdari iacluda in c� monthh► PAY�+ -
<br /> tog�.har a►i�t�tho princlpsl and faumst as set fortb�fa��he�I�nta�and aay latc clvrSas.a sum fa(a)mxes and spoclal acsessment�
<br /> krkd�•a��tti ba kvied agatnst tha Pmpeny.(b? Ieasehald�P�ymants or grauad ream an,the Pm�pe�ty� aad (c)Ptamiums fa�r
<br /> insv�arim t�xiuired under pt�rq�tupb b.Ia Say year ln whioh�Wtl I.enda must pay a moitguge�ins►uonce pm,rnhum do tho Secretacy
<br /> of Housing and Utban Dovetopm�t("Sectetaty").or in any year ia which s�ch pmanfum�w+�nld bave beeu req�aed aE i�dac s�il
<br /> beld the Sacudty insuument,each mont4�1V'PaY�t shal!slso include eitha: (� a avna��fa the annual mactgage iasaiancm.
<br /> prdnium to bn p�id by Leader to the Soca�auy.or(ii)a monthly charge instead of a mos�qge Insurancx ps+e�ninm if this S� _
<br /> Tnsnument is held by tba Secm�tar�►.ia s nasonable amount m Ae detetm�ne+d by dte S�ccaA�J•��for tbe tn�tlilY��Y
<br /> the Saratary�theso Items ara callod"Bscmw Ytems"and the sums p�ld to L�e¢W�pre caIIUd"�ca�ow Furda" �';_
<br /> ;'
<br /> I.ea►det may.et any time�collect and hoW atnoutus for Bsaow Itmns in an �te aawunt not to wceeerl t&ts uwxinnunn -
<br /> amount that may be required f�Bo�ower's escrow a�count unda the Aeal Est�te Settlemeat Prooed�crs�S of 197'4.12 U.3.C.
<br /> Sectioit 2601 et seq. aad icnpk.m�ttiu8 sr,gulations.24 CFR Pan 3500.aq tl�ey mty be atna�ded(maa ti�ae w ti�ae("RBSPA").
<br /> axcept that the cushion or resavo p�amimed by RESPA for�aandcIp�ted dislwrsemeats or Oisburseu�sats 6dore�he Bormwa'�
<br /> pxyments aie available ia the aceount may aot ba baSed aa amounts due fa�the mo�tgege iasusanoo praniam.
<br /> If the amounts held by Leader for Escrow Items ca�oeed the amounts pamttGcd W 6e hdd by RBSPA.Lander stWl dee1,wkYh
<br /> tha exeess funds as�ulred by RESPA.If 1he acaovnts of funds held by L�anda at eny dme ere aot sufficknt to pay rLe a�xow
<br /> . Itdas whw duC.Leada may nodty►the�3ormwu and teqaite b�xr�to maice up fdna sLo�gis or c3cf�a:�"Bs�'�d t� _
<br /> RBSPA �
<br /> 'Ibe Fis�arow Funds ere pladgod a4 addf flonal securltY for all awns secu�+ed by this Sociuiry La�rui�4e�t If B+oaowa ta�ders t�
<br /> L�War the Q'att yryment of all ss�c� sums,Sarnwa's socaunt sbell 6e creditoQ wlth the balsace ra�$#'ac aU ia�ihneat
<br /> item� (�. N). and(c)aad any mortgaga insurat�oe preativat instaUmwt tt�at L�enda has not Uocano dbTlgs�i Lo pay Lti the
<br /> Saaeta�y.aad Lenda shall plomptly refland eay eacass funds w Barrower.Immediuely lxlor w a fmocias�at sslti of tho Propaty
<br /> a its aaluisttlase by i.eader.Bo�mwer's a000unt shaU bo crodited wit6 any balat�oo ntnainia8 fa�all inslallmmts fa icems(t+).
<br /> tb)�and(c)•
<br /> 3.Appllcation oi P�ymenta All paymeats under paragraphs i and 2 shail be appliod by I,eada as follow� '
<br /> '�r ,u►tLa mortgaga insurance p�ium to be paid by L�eudes to the Sorietscy or tn the mondily abtrge by Ma Soe�reduY
<br /> instead of the manthly moitgage insurenas premium; : .
<br /> �,to any taxes,spx�a►as�easlmmtta.kx9ehold psymaitt o:grnuad�ta.and l�rb.ffJ�d and otfia haza�d ins�i�noe
<br /> . jnla�liWn9.as ro4uiced� � . ' .
<br /> �w inurest due urt�er the Note:
<br /> F�,to amurtir�adon of the princi�al of the Not�
<br /> F,.�,to IaLe charges due undtr the Note.
<br /> 1�-�R(NE')(osCbf PsysZotd InitlsU:
<br /> .
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