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<br /> 'i`QC}BTI��P.�JI'�fi tilllhcs it�y:ovam::nt�nati�s an c�seutter crc�st�nn[i�a{rropeaty.ared nll e��mente.righte�apg��tenanr.es. -
<br /> ratta.royalties�mincrAf,oii�nd gat rights and proflts�watcr rights and stock and ell fisctures now�r kcrcaitei a part of the
<br /> pmpe�ty. Al]rcplxr,mcats end addddons ahall alafl 6o covcred by thfa Sxuri�y Iaswmer��Ail of ites foregoing is referred w in
<br /> thia Sxurtry YnsuwnrnRas tho`•property��
<br /> BORROWBR C(]VSMANI�that Borrowa is lawfully selsed of tbe astata heretry comeyed and hes tha dght to geant and
<br /> convay the Propeity end tdat the Propaqr ia unencumbaed.aacept for aacumbraaces of roourd. Borrower wasranis and wi11
<br /> dafend ganaally t6e Htle to the Anperty againat all c1aMs and demands.sub,fiact w any encwab�enr�es of rec�d.
<br /> 1.Pi►yrntnt of Prtndpxl,L�teree!and l.ate Clurge. Sorrower sLall pay whea dae the p�Incipat of,and interest on, tha
<br /> debt cvidrnced by the Iti'ota aad late charges due nnder the Note.
<br /> 2.Mont6fy l�ay�amt o!Ta�ces.Insur�are Aud Other Charges. Bomower shaU iaclude !n each monU�ly payment,
<br /> tc�ggeaha with tha pdncipat end intuest as set falh in tde Note end acy late char8es.a sum for(a)mxes and speciat ass�ssmen�
<br /> IovIed or to bo Lev[ed agatnst Ihe Praperty� N) IeaseP�old paya�en� or genund�ents on the Propeny. and (c) premiurpa far
<br /> insw�.ace req�ired undei paaagi�ph 4.In any year in wAicb tba I,�snder must pay a mortgage lasurance premium to tho Sec�etmy
<br /> of Housing and Urban Development("Secretary")�oi ln eny yesr ln ahich such preminm wauW have beca req�ff Lender sdll
<br /> held tUe Sec�uity Insu�meat,e�cb mon@�DY PaYmeat suail als9 jnclude eitba: (i) a sum for the annual murtgage iasorenco
<br /> prmriium to be paid by Leuder w tbo Seaat�yr�or(i�a montt�ly cha�ga insresd of a mortgage ins�rance pn�nium if tt�s Sac�rity
<br /> Ia9t�awxnt is held by Uu Secretar�►.ia a reasonable atuount w ba detamined by tbe Secretary.Bacepi for the monthly clunge by
<br /> tde Sa�stffiy.dtese items ara c�llod"�scmw Items"and the sutas paid to Leada are called'�scrow Fartds:'
<br /> Lea�da may,�t.any tirna,r,ollect and hold amounta for Bsc�ow It�ms itr ar�aggregate amount not to axcaed the m�cLn�tn
<br /> ' amount that may iie sequired for Bosmwer's ascroav ecoonnt under the YtBai�+seate Settlement Pmcedures Act of 1974,I2 U.S.C.
<br /> Secbton 2601 et aeq. and imp2caneatidg regWedons,?�1 Q�it Pert 350�,as thoy may 6o ameadcd Crn�h dme to dtae("RHSPA").
<br /> excapt that tha cushton or re.setve perainiacd by RBSi�A far unan�lcipatal dlsbursmnents or disbursemerita befor�tba 48c�ower's
<br /> DaY�eats are available 1n the account rnay aot be 6ased on amounts dua for the mortgage insurance preminm.
<br /> If the amounis held by L�uder for Bscmw Itoms e�ccoad the aaiounts permitGed w be held by RHSPA.Leader d►all deal witb: . ,
<br /> We�access funda a$ne4ul�ed bY RBSPA.3P�he amouuls uf funds beld by Lend�r xt anp sima ere noi snftirleat to pay tha kacoow , . .,
<br /> Items wtia�dub..La�der may ar�ify the Boirowa ead reguire Born►wei to make c�the shoAaga or deficiency.�pea�nitted by �, ,, ',�
<br /> RESPA � �
<br /> 1Uo Boemw Funds ero pledged as addidonal secittity for all sums sx.ured by this Secueiry Instrumeat If Bomower uadas to
<br /> I.eader dio fuU payment of aU such sums. Sorrowa's accouut shall ba ca+edited with the balanoa raaaining for aq i�tallmant
<br /> i�ems(�).(4).aad(c) end any mortgage insuran�a prea�Eum instalMeat td�t I.eudea ha9 not b000mm obligatod to pay to tde
<br /> Secnet�eY.aad 4xdet sNall P�P�Y�fund any wceesa funds to Do9mwu.Iinrt�odiataly ptbc W a fonalos�ue sala ot the Prepaty
<br /> a its�rquie[ntion by L�da�Borrowa's�c�eount ahell be erediud with any 6dance runaining for all insnWrxnts for itana(a)�
<br /> (b)��(�)•
<br /> 3.Applicxtio�of Faymeab.All psyments undu pat�gtaphs 1 and 2 shaU be appliod by Letider at followa
<br /> '�Si ,tn the mcstg�ga ina�uartca graniwn w be paid by I�ender to the Sxretary or to the monthly charge by th�s Socrany
<br /> instead of d�e nanthly mortg�ge ina�uancx premiwa:
<br /> �.w any nacess.spxi�t as�,ssments.kaseliokt payaxAts ar g�aund raus.and fire,tlood and other harand iasurence
<br /> p�mfuo�a�zequirod:
<br /> Zt�ir�,to►interest duo under dto Not0.
<br /> �.t4amatIr�don of ttie princtpnl of the Note; �
<br /> #�$.fl.to lata charga due nndet tbeNota
<br /> �-4R(N�co6oa� Pay��ot 8 Inklab: ,
<br /> -�'— _— —-----•-•�►- -• - _.__.. --- - - � -
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