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<br /> Lot Six(�*Block Seve�ty Six(7��Otl�in�l Town� (ir�nd Island,
<br /> Hpll Coun4y,N�ra�la�,
<br /> herei�aftsr nef�n�to a9 t�e�tr.misES.
<br /> To h�ve and to hold die abcve do�cribed P�emi�es unto th�Diantoe�a and to tirantas'
<br /> hd�eg,devl�ees.execu�ors.ad�niniat�cxe,m�ocesaola.and avigns foraver� so long as tha tirantas
<br /> perform all of the cova�artts and oblig�ttona contained 3n paragrap� 6 of the "Agreem'nt for
<br /> Purchasc oi R�al Sstat�" racorded in the offica of tha Regtster of Doeds of Hall Cautty,
<br /> Nebaa�lca.
<br /> �ia Spedal Wsu�anty De�od shaJl aorney to Cirnntas an estate in fea simple det�nninable,
<br /> and in the event of b�ch of any of the pmvisions of p��graph 6 of the foregoing Agroeana�t for
<br /> Purchase�f Real Bst�te. tl�p�ssibility of revester shall vest in the t3rantor herein, the City of
<br /> araud Issta�l, ATei�r�as�.
<br /> Grantor hareby covenants wlt4��rantees and wlth Grantas' helrs, dcwisees,�xecutflrs,
<br /> s�mini�rato��.�o�a�a�a.�c�d assigns tlut�rAntor i�I�wfully'eir�ed of said Premi�es;that tt�y
<br /> are frce from e�umbrance, c�cct�t�or the fongoing condil3one.eaaemer�ts aad�rlcttona of
<br /> record; that tirantor has good r�gtit �nd�awf�l suthority to oon�y the sante, aubject w tha
<br /> �8�8 0��and Hwt Gas��or w�utants�nd wlll ckfmd tlte title to sa�d Pnmises�gainst
<br /> tbe lawful claima�f ull pe�aons whom�aver.
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