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<br /> 4. A�ndditianel aecwity.�ustoa hereby Qivee t4 uad mnfers upen Bon.etidlnry the rigbt,power aasl auEAortty,during the aontin'»anc�of _
<br /> A thero Z�vsi.tb wII�.tA:i��o,�."r��3�w a4�td praFseiy,r�vls;;e►ntn'it+utar No Flght.Wrinr to aay dethnit!►y'14e..�r fa�i _
<br /> ; otaay iad�6tedaw reeuiod burby or In prefannoaco oisqy�reeaaeaL heieundes�to mllect md ret�ia nuh ronq�i�suu uid pimSU�s thsy =
<br /> - D�ooms due tud pqy�blt. iJpon any r�d�iMulb Ben�Rct�r7►m+�Y at aqy tlnw�vttho�t ao�Ria,dt�ar la P�n,bY a�rat.orby a ieaiv�s to b� _
<br /> ,� �D�oiatd bY a caut.�ud wlthout n�rd to ths adpus�r of ar{y�eau:tLy fur the iad�bt�daew hsreby�ee.vrd,�atn upon uid t�k�po�don =
<br /> otavid prcD��iY�'�Y P�tb�rcwf�!n hi�owa a�m��w tor as otLrwtu aoWct siuh nnt�,ixw�wd piofib�tacludtn;thor pa�t dw wd -
<br /> � napdd,and syp{y W�am�upon aWr ind�bt�laao�Mcurod he»bK and in tu�oad�r o Haa�laey m�y det�rmin�. �mpr(iy upon and
<br /> �8 Pmxesfon ot eefd p�opr�y.tM oolLdion ot such ient�.Wu�and pmlita and t1:a�pplicatlon thereof as afo�asai4�h�il mot eun or
<br />' Ntiw a�yr d�hult or aatia otd�hult Iwriuridstos inv�ltdata a�y�at doa�punuaat to uuh twtia. _
<br /> & Uyon dJl►ult bq'AtntWr ia tht p�ym�nL of�AY ind�dnMO srwu+�d lurs�or in tA�p�xnnna af auyr aseameat ooataiad 1�rda,
<br />.. a11 sum�Meund bsr�by�haU lmmediat��y+6�u dus sad psyabls at!he optlon ottDs HeaoAeLry. Ia t�eL evenL and upoa rntttea eaqusst =
<br /> � of B�aeAdn�y�11wtN dWl cell the ttw3 Pi'oP�rtY.in ec+oadwoe with ths Nebraslra'hust Deed�Ac�,at Pnblia auc�on W the hi�Le�t Wdd�r. _
<br /> ± AsW peiwn esoeyt ltustee mt,9 bid at�►uta09 oala 11ru�tee�ball�pDl,y tbe pracaxis o4 the�ale u tbllo9vs: tl)W!he aapen�e ott6��els, _
<br />,.; faclndinaaiwsonablolYv�tee'sf�e:(9)tolLeo6llQation�acuredbythlsDeedotZtu�(S)t?is�arplw,itaay,ehdlbedistributedtotMpenons
<br /> a entitledl�reto.
<br />- 8. 71n�ste�sDaU dalivsr to Ws purchafes at!As a1s it�d�ed,wiWont wasraaLy�wlde}��hall aoavsy to W puechuer the laterat fn ths
<br /> = Pl'oP4rt9�ic�4FatWr tud or tnd t�u pawer to eenvey aL tbe tlme etLi�e�eentloa of tLis Deed at7lwt,�ad such as hs m^y hsv�aoQuirad
<br /> , tharealte�'huttest�deed�baU�c[talhs fitc4 ahowia=t2u�t t6e alo�va�wadacted tn compliu►oe Ritb all the cequieement+otlaw and ottAU
<br /> - Deed of�ut�whieh recifal�11 bs prim�liiets evldenoe olauh complianoe and coaelusive evfdaaae the:sotia ti�ws of bona Qde puirba�arn
<br /> �nd encam6raaoe�for valw.
<br /> 7. The powar otule aonfened by tbls Deed of 74�ut ia aot aa eut�utve rema�;8ane8ctary mW aa�ue lhii Deed ot74ust to bs ibreelawd
<br /> as�arort��e.
<br /> - & In tl�e ev�at atttsa deads,tnc�y:ciLy��mbility or resi�natloa of'ho��,��Y�Y nppoin!in we[t�a:�et+.oro+�eo�R�ut�.au1
<br /> uyon tbe eeousdin�ot turh appoi�stment in the mort�e�ye reoords oY We aonaty in which Lhfe Ded of�wt!s reooided,!be suooe�x tnnte�
<br /> /blll�OMI�Ea QI��II pONOlt 0��10 02�I 1S0lL68. �E tNt1M I{LOC OY�{j!d�0 L0�ti�9 Pa�tY hElE�O Ot pQAl�O$ftls ULaOt�y 0�lEl'
<br /> L�ett!ef'd!ZVdorot�npaetion er�nvic.iwlievin�vMrb 74oetor,Troeteser Raneflcl!uy�ha!Ii�ee p��Rye!�lev�wehwcttanoe pono0edingbbzw�ght
<br /> • bq yss 7�wt�a.
<br />- 9. '1LU Deedoi'hu�t applia W�inueee W!he heae$t o�aad ii bindin�uot oa(y oa!6e plutle�hereto.bnt ea fltelt heirt,devLeM�le�tea.
<br /> ` admial�qxto�s.e�cntoso��andaulgne.lhete:mBaaeRalnyahallmeamtbeholderandmvnerotthenota�ecuradha+ebRwbetber
<br /> os not aauied as BenBHcitry h�nia.
<br /> 10.Reques0 ibs Na�tas otDefault or Not[os d8ate. It i�reQue�tad that a aopy otaqy Edotlae otDetaolt os Notfoe of S�le be maited W�ecb
<br /> pEtID7!N�101f II�mOd�R�i'�llitt DEEd iL�ID��lbW Of BUC21 y0!/OA Y/OZ 011t t}lOYe.
<br /> NOTICE TO CONBUMER. 1.Do not d�n tbis paper befora yau read it S.You are eatitled to a co�y oi
<br />— thispaper. 8.You m�P�P�Y�e napaid baLace at aqy ttme�vlthout pen�lly and mwy be entitled to
<br /> -= raeeive a rel�und of na.easnted ahar�es in acaardance alth��v.
<br />= g;gnedthi� 27 ayrof June ,AD.igr9�„.
<br />— n . � •
<br /> �QF� � rr
<br />__ )p. • �}, `
<br />_ . Hall CO1JN'PY ) t�i •
<br /> On.Wi� 2 7 d�y of June �AD.19�.befom me,the und�dgned,a Notary Pu61fo.dul,y �nd
<br /> �g��,r������,,,IIty�y�y,� Gera3.d R. Kindi� and Patricia A. Rindig� hum and
<br /> A�a w�fP aa j o�nt tenant$ to me Imowa to be the ideaetad ye�roa.�?who�e nan��ed to!he fnn�oina ia�um�nt
<br /> a�'11w0or B aad aclmo�rledped t1,e..me w be the ir
<br /> toluatu9+�L acd dced.
<br /> _ WiSaeae n'11►h�ad aad Notarid 8eel the day�nd yeas lat a6one writtem
<br /> My Commiaioa e�ire�the 8 d�0' ������� '
<br /> � Febxuazv ,19�
<br /> 11►OM.[�ti��,tlq No
<br /> -- BTATE OF )
<br /> )�s.
<br /> COiJNTY)
<br /> . Enterad ia Numerical Indox and 8led for reoord in the offioe of tbe Reg�Oer of Deedi atwid ao�mfy�the
<br /> = dRp of �29 ,at o'clock aad mi�wtes M..
<br /> _ and @uly eecorded fa Book�._ot Mo:tgegee page .
<br /> = � .
<br /> _ ' Regltterof Dad�
<br />-- DeDnty
<br /> 9gi iQIIDt(NE)
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