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<br />.. IWr-.d..X6_aa.:.r_.__...._.--"-'-- • . ..... .... .. .. . ..........�,. .. . _ . . . -
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<br /> .. - �----- 3l.isl;a:�s,�^a!�cat,.:.�lrta�Ee:�e�a• Chun M. Irla R Mva,�q, Wnea��n9_an�? �+�!�A --- __
<br /> (honln•'Mo�pgoi")�nd
<br /> �,--- , ._ .,__� .• y.y� � � (her�in••Morip�e").
<br /> . �� .• . . 1VF3 !0 fIL.�L101 Y'�y� -
<br /> „ �' 1Katy�or is ind�bted to Ulort�e In N�pdncip�l ium of=��-.�:�_.��ldeaerd by Morip�or's aota
<br /> �, " dl�bd. N1�Y 10� 1995 (htnia"Nob"�pro�t�nj for paymenu oP pt�ndpol ond Iptere�l,ultA tiio�c�of We .
<br /> " � ladebt�daese�it not aaonor prtd,due u►d p�y►aDle on �y 1S� 2010 ,
<br /> ° .",`�~v..mw,. Zb�cc�r�thepayment of tbe Note.Mth tntRrest a p�ovtded tberein�the�ymeat of all otAer�uau,Gitb inteiest,
<br /> adn�sced by blort�ee to protect the tecuiity ot tAU ARortYqe,aad tAe pedomunce oi ehc covenan�aad a�eemenq oi
<br />� ., .. tAe Mortptor conWne� AerNa. Mortp{ar don E�r�by taortp�e �nd convey to Mort�ee tl�e totlowin�de�cribea
<br /> . • �PertY loc�ted 1n � 1 Oounty. Nebrub: .
<br /> Blor.lc Six (6)� Por►�9erosa Lake Estakes Subdivision, in the City of Grattc] Ielartd� .
<br /> � E�ail Oounty. Nebraeka. ,.
<br /> ��: ,
<br /> " ------- = � ,
<br /> � ' n
<br /> o � �,,
<br /> � �� •
<br /> L S.
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<br /> �.k�. _ 'dl�etha�vlfh�II buflditt�improvetaeni+.fuci�.stieai+�„atie3a,y�r�ays, s��s,�.��� -
<br /> appurtensnas loa�ted thenon or in anywlse petWnfnr tDereto�aad Wetan4�tswes rnd pmtlt�,rev,eadora and tem�iade�+ss
<br /> ''�„ ttieteof;lac[udin�,but aot ltnatte�w.hafia��ad cooUnt e9uSpmeat nud such pe�ont►1 properti► tbat b atq��d to the
<br /> improvement�so�s fo coaslltute�Axt�re:d1 of wdich.includin�teplioemer�and ad6itiona thento.�henby ekdt�nd ��
<br /> . , . ' to be a ya�rt oi the red estate iccured by the Uen ot th1�Mort�e aad dl oi the fon�n�bein�nfeet�ed to herein�rr tde . :.
<br /> rr ° .. V���N� � ..
<br /> ��.. �' , - ' .
<br /> .":.:•�. . :'�: Meitptor tqtther oonvananb u�d a�ne��vIW Mort�ee.�loi�o�a: .
<br /> ,: .
<br /> .�..�..... .x, *�.• 1.PayareaL.�C Aa}r the indebtedneas�nd the interest the�on�a provlded In tbfa Mortpge md We Note. �,—_
<br /> . e�«� , �v,
<br /> � Z'f[t!a Mortp�o:ls Lhe owaer of tbe Plrope�y,�m the tl�t aad auWority to mortpa�e the AroBerty,u�d •
<br /> . ..��. • watraate tlut We Iten created dereby f�a Mt and pttar lten or►the Pcopeity�e�ccept n m�y othee�vtae be s�Y foriA herein.
<br /> ., s,
<br /> _��.,`�����.��� �Rl�e Property is subJect to a Mott�sQe vvDerein � —
<br /> _ �.. •. .. �.
<br /> s-���'�-'��^ � � h the Mortpgee.reeotded at Book ,A�e oi We MoIItp�e RRCOtrh of rH3L_ C�4Y.� --
<br /> -==�`��''" �%y Nebrnlu.whtc�►Moitpze h a llen ptlo:to the Iten cteated bereby.
<br /> _:�,- ,.< .
<br /> - ,:,5::.` CI Other p�lor Uena or encumbnnoes: - - .
<br /> - - - • �id;v,,a . ----
<br /> . �%.�:;i. .
<br /> ��� ,:� ..:.: : �}:.
<br /> _.-���;<�F�i»��-� �".
<br /> -.�'. �_
<br /> .�• ' .. '` S.Tues.Are�meatz 7b paY when dee�!1 t�xes.�pecW assessments and all other edaria a�last the Yropetty 4�:=
<br /> �,.K... .�:
<br /> � ',r".�':.:' `�, aad�Wwn rrltten dem�nd Syr Mo:tq�ee.to add W We psymeats requfced under the Note secured heieby.sugh 8mot�nt a+ ,:,;�
<br /> ��;s,�. m,y i�e wtQetent to enaWe tt►e Mozl�ee to pay such Lxea.�amenta�oWet cliu�es'os they 6econ�e dns, .:
<br /> _ . .,:�;... �
<br /> . .,, :,.. � �!. Iifwr+u�ce. 'Po kcep the [mpravamenta aow or lte�afks loeated oa tbe re�l estate descti6e�herein iawred '� ".
<br /> � . �ptmt dan�by�te'�nd utcb ott�=hvarde�e Mort�ee ao�Y nQulce.tn amounb snd with eeanpiafiesaeapinble to fhe
<br /> . " "; . Moslq�ee.�und w1tL loa paYabte to tlie Mort�. Ia eme otloss undee wd�pol[cia Ws Mortp�ee is tnthaei�aed to
<br /> . ,�.,;,,:,: • adjuat,e�Uect �ad comp:omUe.!n!4 dtu�eltoa�,dl cWats thenunder at tb wle optton� tuthmitedtoeifAe=�pply We -
<br /> . •;,�.,,, � pto�eeth W the restotatton of�tt��topetti'�at npon tde iadebtednes�ecut�td�etebq.but pqitnentt beteunder�h�ll con-
<br /> ._ , . �tnue�untii ttie wms�ecured sereby uv�ut(d in lull.
<br /> ' S.O EscioA Fo:Tnces and Iaaunace. Notwithstandtn��»ytltfn�conttiaed!n PuagnPhs$end 4 hereof to the �
<br /> - oon�tty.Mortg�gor ehtil pay to the Mort�tgee at the time of paytnQ the monthly insWlmenffi of prindpal�nd iatemst,
<br /> � .�,:i;,:.:',;:•... „ one�twelith ot tde yeufy taces��menls.h�z�rd insutana pntntums,ac�d�rouad tanb(it.any)wdic6 msy atf�in�
<br /> .. , • pttm�9ty over tWs Mort�e.alt ae ieasobsbly eaUnuted itom dme to tlme by the AdortacQea.The�moun�patd sh�ll be
<br /> '_'- - _- -
<br /> ____-- - - --- •---- •- ------
<br /> held by the Mort�ee witaout tnteieat�nd nppiied so iae pa:men's o�sne..o�N�oy�.:.+..+�.�....a..�.....---:= -
<br /> , _ � depoetted.'fie wm�pald to Mort�ee herounder ere p%edQed as addlitontl:ecudty tor tlee Iedebtednes4 ststued by thla
<br /> ' Mort�e.Mort�orehtll pay�o Moit�ee th��naoswt of any defldenay beLween the achul wcea.�tmenta.Wur�nee
<br /> �. `` premiums md Rouad rgnp►�nd the depo�slta hereuade:Rithin 10 daye atkr demmd ia mzde npon 6�ort�ator requestin� .
<br /> p�yment the�eoL
<br /> 8.Rep�fr.bWntenance and tJ�e. 'lb promptiy npiir.�esio�e or ccbuUd my buSldin�s or teaprovemente nov or
<br /> ttere�fter on the Progetty►to keep tho Pcopeity[n�ood condlNoa aad rep�ir.wlthout wute.tnd itee itom mcechtnlda or
<br /> � afhc:tiens no!expxsaly subordlmtted to the liea heteof;aot to tnale.tuiter o:pettnit wy nutawnce to�Yist,nox to dtmin•
<br /> - IsA o:fmptlr tIle v�lue ot the Pcoperty Dy any aM ar omission to act;and to comply vd�h di nqulrementa ot law wtth
<br /> . " ' reapect to Ute Ropetty.
<br />