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<br /> - •.�afti w.�,..+-�..cerx:.:.----- .. ,..----n.. ,.-.�,......�..�r�._....__.,,,.__..,�_�_.V..�....._...__... _..�_,
<br /> .
<br /> . ( ' . ..(... .
<br /> . �oRTanaE
<br /> � ��9�- 1043�'�
<br /> .- -- .
<br /> .� �i�Mort�e!»aato:�diaitobetveen��a�,�a !�,Ch�,j,�in an[3 t'arnl�r� it_ t'(-iPir?T��.-�157�7�i2- —.
<br /> �a .a a.. � (Aereln"Mort�aaor")tnd
<br /> ' , �ivQ 8nin�a Banlc, a Ne�bxaska Corao�atio (berefn"Mort�ee•+).
<br /> Mort�or b ladebted to 11lortpt�e In We p�tndp�t sum ot i 24,0�2.50 ,evidenead by Mortrt�or's aote ,
<br /> ' . d�ted�Tlinw ��. �aa� (henla"Note")ptovldin�fot payrt►en4 of pitndp�l and interest,wtW tf►a b�ltace of Ihe
<br /> . � tndeBdedrt�se.!t noi�ooder pafd.dw�nd payable on ?„�Y=.. �— • •
<br /> _ „ �-:,�=
<br /> �" �, Zb secure the p�ytueat of the Note.wltli tntemt as provided tde�eln,ute paymeat of�ll other eume.with taterest.
<br /> advanoed by Mort�ee W pY+okct ttte aectuity oi this Mort���e.u►d!he pettonqanco of the covensnta and atreements ot
<br /> ' We Mast�or conhined 1►enin. Mortq�jor does tienby mott�sfe�nd convey to Mott��ee We toAowla� deactlbed
<br /> property located ia �11 Countyr,Nebtaska:
<br />.. �he West Fffty-six feet (W55') of Lot Six (6). Franzen 3ubdivision. City of Grand
<br /> ' island, Hall County� Nebraska.
<br />---- �-� `-�-
<br /> , .
<br /> .. �.�^.' ..
<br />.. - .. ..:�` . � .
<br /> wu`
<br /> . �'
<br /> - ` � �S'.- @�bQtaeAEw� ti ?ild �`
<br /> To�ether wiW aU buAdUip.imAmveraenu.�tuna,tt�eeu�Wey�.p�+ *'�i •�
<br />, . % �ppurtenanas located thereon or W uiywi�e Pert�tnlni thenLo�end the ientd�ta�ues uad pnoflts.tev,eaio�snd iem�taden �
<br /> ,;�a . the=eof:ladudtn�,but net limited to,heatin�and cooiin`eQuipment tad atich Pertonet P�oPertS► tlut ts atttched to the . —_
<br /> � pnpmvemcnts so as to conttiWte�dtWae:�il oi whicb,laciuding repl�cemeaa aad addit[ons thereta.0 henby decl�red �
<br /> � � to a a put of tba ted atate secuied by the Uen of this Mort�ge and alt of tbe lore�oln�LeUy[efened to hereta�e the
<br /> " ,.',`;,'`.�1 N� Mort�or Quiher con�enant��nd a�neea,�vith Mort�aree.as toUo�: �°``
<br /> ,` '> , ��� � � 1. Payman� To pay tRe indebtedneaa and tae tnterest thereon as p�avtded tn this Mortq�e u►d the Note. ' ��:::
<br /> �_�
<br /> . . �. Title. Mott�oY is the o�mer of the PtoPeriY,3�as the d�ht and autho�iLy to�to�e the AtoDedS',aad �:: _.
<br /> ` ^ . Rumnt4 t�a!the Uen crteted heteby ts a fi�!and p�foi tlen on the Ptoperty,ezcePt�s mR1►otheta�lsu be aet torih aerein. �'��,
<br /> 'u,. ' � t d
<br /> «..'.,'. . �'*..
<br /> - � ��e Pmparty ta aubject to s Morteage whetein ��.�-�� . �-?�"
<br /> , "�': ' �`' � OL ZIi@ SO RCCOTdf Ot �.'�
<br /> ,;.:-� . ... YtheMortfapee.reootQedatBook ,A�ge �aga Hall CauntiT.� --, --
<br /> ��,:�,..�. ±.�:a+ , �_",.
<br /> -��..,• NeDe�ka,wbtch Moelp�e fs s Uea peIor W the lten ceeited herebq. =.-__
<br /> . '+• • , .
<br /> ::;::t, �. -
<br /> . r;,,; t7 Other p�or liens or encumbnuces: � � g`�r
<br /> .. ....a..,�. . [t��
<br /> - �� �'�A:
<br /> :~;t. r;;;.;; ;�„ ' _ --- E"�-
<br /> --- ' '';�,,,;::�it, . •t g,Tases,A�se�nenls 7b pay when dne aU taxea,aPccid�aseas�mAta and all other cHu�ea a�tnat the PropertY
<br /> M �, :;'•°:' uad,upon�veltWn demwd by Mott�ee�to add ta the p�yaQeab requtnA under the Note eecumt hernby�sucb aaaount as -
<br /> �� � =� � msy be eut8clent tn enabte the Mort�a�eo to pay tucb tuces,�saments or other ahat@�s�a tleey bccome due. ,,
<br /> ..�,;.:;, , r.. 4. �pa. 7b teap the lmproveinenta no�r or here�fte:located on the teil adate de�ettbed Ret�ela istsnred
<br /> '�";,�.•,�. •a . t�ttait d+�nu�e b3►fln'and such other hwrda !�Moti�ee m�Y te9ufte�la amoun�and veith eom�pu�te�aecept�bte toihe
<br /> . �. 1►�ortp�ee.and wlth laa p�yable to Ne Moatp�ce.in c�m ot taa�uader wch golldes tho Moitpgee i�wtho�ud to
<br /> _ . ul�ut,ooiiect aad compromf�,tn!h dl�aasEoa,dl cWms tAereuader at it��ole op�oa, aut�o:iud to ettheragply tha
<br /> � ' • proceede to tDe re�to�tlon of th�Ycope:ty oY upon the Indebtednen�eau:ed h�eby,bnt Psy�enb hereunde:�6 W ara-
<br /> �� � titiue�until the sums�ecured hereby are patd In tuU. • .
<br /> � 6, �Eycmw For Taes and Insunnce. NotcvitEstunding aaqthtng coatained in paragnphe$and 4 hereof to the
<br /> � contrary�Mortgago:sh�il psy to the Mortg�goe e!!Ae tlme of paytnQ the montlily iauqilmenb oiprindpil aad intereat.
<br /> ' o=te�twolfth ot the yeasiY l�xes,a�meafa� h�z�rd inauru►ce premiums,aad�round reata(if a�)ev6lch may�ttaiu a
<br /> - ----- a�lcritv over thfs Mort�tie.�l!as re�sonably eatlauted gom lime ta time by Wa Mo�j�ee.�e amounts so pai8 sh�U be
<br /> - ., h�ld by the Mori�gee without tntetcat aad applEed to tlte p�yment of td�e items in tapeec to watcn saab uaonais weie =
<br /> depoaited.The suma patd to Mort�gee henunder ue pled�ed as nddttlond secutity for the inOeDtedaess secured by thla
<br /> " �ortgiYe.Mo�or�sU pay to Mort�qce the nmwmt of any deflcieaap beiWCen the actwl t�es.assessmoats,imunnce
<br /> _ premtnn�a and ground nnts md the depoaita hereunder vdtNn 10 drya ait�et demand la m�de upon Moetqagos requesttng ,
<br /> � . �ent thetroL
<br /> g. gepatr��aintea�nce and Use. To promptly npur.testore os rebuttd any DuSldin�s or i�piovemea0s now o:
<br /> • hen�r on tde 1'rope�ty ato teap ehe Aropeaty tn Qood condition and tep�ii,wltliout Waste,and Qee Bom mechadc's or
<br /> ., o=IIer Uens noE exptessly eubordinated to 4�e ifen�ezeof;no!to mate.eut[er or permtt�:zy nuisance to exiat,nor to dtmfn•
<br /> �� . tsh or Smp�k the v�t;ue of the Properiy by uny act or omis9lan to ucL;and to coonply wtth aU requt�+enienSs ot faw wlth
<br /> � , reapect to the Arope:ty.
<br /> ,
<br />