t ' 'S:: . " f'
<br /> . '' .U� � • . _ �
<br /> _ •t�.. :. ' . ,
<br /> t�
<br /> _. � �.i•y[�qytl;� . �-• . .t•-.t:'.�:e9s.:.r...... . . . .:i�tiF!
<br /> .. .
<br /> ._.�_.�,�r.�, r . ....- t r.. .. .. . . . i . ......_.._..._
<br /> �N�.:.1�.�:.�.�. '-.... _'"" " "... ._.�-.--.�._..__'"""" . .... .. . ...... . .... . .
<br /> pnqnNnb br 8oerowa,at th� optton of eortow�►.l! iM tottl of tfn panrNi►b mtd� by 8otrowK tor katn (a), ro). ar �o��
<br /> � htullbMnt to pty th�RMn wh�n du�,tMn Borrowu shU pay to I.�nde►any avr►ount rteaaseary tn mak�up ths d�ttoteno�r on o�� ,
<br />_ ..•.. . .. .. . ._._ 0..'Sese th;,`dsts tl�e l.�m be�;9r++��us.
<br /> _ As aad b thi� &curY!► tnttnimmt� `S�or�r' metns th� 8eor�trY of Mouslnp and UA�an OevetoAmen� a hM sr 6�,�*j� ..
<br /> dqlpr►�,in any yetr M whloh tfu LM�d1r mus2 pay a mort�pa b�surana�prvnebm to the 8�catYry,�toh monthry payrtMnt ehnli i
<br /> aiao holudo�ltt�r:(�tn In�tt�sNnt of th��nnutl mortpp�hwanc� pnmbm to b� Ptfd by LAnd�r to tho SaoreMry�or((�t
<br /> �• �� mont�y ahary� hst�ad a!a mo� Intunnco prrmtum M thw S�aurll�r Ustium�nt b held by th� Secntary. Eaoh mpnthy�
<br /> hstaMn�nt of th�mortpq�hwmc�pr�mMcro shaN bo h�n�maunt sutNaMnt to Aocumut�to ths Nq ennual mortpaIIa heuronc�O
<br /> pnmlim wkh tand�v an� monM pia to th�du�thr NM annud mortpp�hauanc�pamk+m b dw to ths S�c»tery�or e thb
<br /> &�curKy Imbum�r►t fs hNd by th�S�cntmy�Mob monthy chtrp�th N�,b an�mount oqutl to ondtwaNih of ono-Aalf perc«+t� •
<br /> .. � .. o!lM ourit�ndinp pAncpal baWio�dw on th�Not�.
<br /> �. �f Dortower t�nd�n to tanda tIN lu1 pqim�nt o! d wmt s�aia�d 0y thls S�curNy inebumM�t,Bortow�s acoount ehtN b�W
<br /> .. er�dk�d wqlt th�bal�na �Mntlntp tot aN hstt�'nrnb tot R�(s),(b)and(o) �nd my moRW�Nuirtr�Pnmium bstaNrnent iP
<br /> ., •.-��¢� that L�ndr Iw not bcom�obll�Ud to P�1►to tM S�e�tary�and tandK ehsl promA1M�nd any acess tunda to BoROw�r. ,
<br /> � ,� .. Irtr�Ndiabl�P�►to a lor�obiuw�of tM RrOp�rly a ks Iio4���bn br I.�ndM�Borrww�e nccount�ha/M cndit�d wRh any .,
<br /> „ ., bal�nc�nmahl�►�tor�11n�tt�rn�MS tor Rma p).(bf and(o�
<br /> ,,, $. AppI1Clt101f 0*Piy111ei118.At p�ym�nt�und�r P+rsp�Pht t and �shAi be aPPibd by Londor te bbws: � _
<br /> Flrst to!h�morlp�p�hwra�c�Pr�el�m to be tuAd br I.�ndw to th�Sscr�ta+y ot to tha mpnthM ofiurp�br ths Secr'atar�► ,
<br /> hstetd ot th�monthy mortp��Naur�u�os Prarrdurrt
<br /> ' � ., SeCOnd,to any mxa. eA�kl tssasamirhn, ba�hold payma►tn or pround ron3s. and tire� Raod �nd other Au�ud
<br /> � " �� Yf8YMC�Pf�rtlkltlll�at rrqubdi
<br /> . • � Thtrd t0 htu�st du0 urt¢lor thd Note;
<br /> . . Fou�.to�mort�ot tha ptincpal ot eht No»;
<br /> - . Fiflh. to�is eh�'po�4uo uneler tM Not�.
<br />_�` 4. FlYe.�i6ad pnr d QGtet �itttd [ttzur�leo. eartas�rer ahae enauro ad in�ro+remer►to on tM Pro�ty,whYtner
<br /> ',n� ' „ rtow b �dtUnc� or wbspuwtt�► �nobd. �at any haitrds. c�auaRi�a�and cantlnOenoMs. kaA�dirp flrs.tor whbh Lender
<br /> _
<br /> . ,. :.
<br /> ------ - --.._---' requRes �sumnr.a.i"AM i�su:�oa �iwo b�rtinisti�6f:s fn tha omaunb end!or dte Oe�ds thet Lender raqutr�s.Bortowet .,
<br /> ., atso hcun d Mnpov�nw►b on th�Ptop�ttyy wtMther now h�dtt�ne�or tubteqwntN�ated.Wahst bts b1 tbods to the
<br /> ahnt nquind Oy tM Srcnar�►.A�ha���hat� cmMd wRh comp�nNs�PP��by Lander.Th�inaunnoa OoBates and
<br /> any r�wab sAs��held b1►Land�r�nd shal hcUds bss paf►aD�clwtos h hwr of.�nd M a tam aeaP��to.Lander. •.
<br /> In ths e�a+t o! bts. Bortow�shat pM LendK imMdltt� no8a by m�t. Lertder may m�ks Proo! of bsa if rtot mtdo
<br /> promPtlp by eonow�r.Each t�au�earp�ny cone�d b MnbY autho�d artd diroola!to m�la pal�t tor suoh loaa �.
<br /> � dr.o�y co�.na�.n:aaa ot co earow«��na w�endr�O�n�y. A1 or�nr patt ot the hsuranco proCead3 maY��PP�bY
<br /> � Lend�r.a� ta optbn�eRMr(y to th�nduoNon of tM tid�b�s under tM Not� md thb Secu�tf► Inatruma►� fYat to eny -
<br /> " • "0 � dsYnqwnt artaunts�pDRed in tM order b Parqnph 3.�nd thon to PnP��^t of Odnopa�,or N)to ths rataation or ropatr ot � .
<br /> , ' .;';, th9 d�rt1�0�d PfOPM�ri N►y eAO�� o! tM proce� to tA� prhopal �haD not ao4�n0 or poslpon� th� dw dtb of the n,
<br /> ' �� � monthb P�Y�a wl�bb �ra Msrt�d to in Parqaph 3. a eAanp� ths �enount ot suoh paymenb. My aqss bsuranc� ��
<br /> _ - , , pracii�,i 6vii rii . .r�csSs�d 2C�►a!!�C�`"��!!'t�!Noro and thti Secutty Instrum�nt shtA b�P�d -
<br /> � to tM M►t�l M�y�nW�d th�nt0.
<br /> ,.. ' tn tM �t of tonobwn ot thb S� instn�nt a other C�nsMr of LLM to ths ProP�rqr that eodinWtshea the ,„���.
<br /> . �� ' bd�btrdnas.a!rlpht,tkU and intenct af 8ortow�r N md to inwnrwy poYaks h tac�shaN Pass to th�purohasar. "`-:
<br /> . . �,. . 8. Ocaipency, Pre�watlon, IIAa1M�mance and Proteat,ton of the Property; Bomovrer's Losn :�
<br /> , � Appita�tion; [.ea9ehotda.eoROwr snar oea,pr..s��h.md us�tho ProO�rtY as Bortowwrs piitcfpal rsaklerw�wRhh �? :
<br /> •`: .. � .�, sbdf► dari atbr tfr acutb� ot M1� &�cu�i�r tnsbum�n! �nd shv conthu� to oocuPY � �P�fl as Boerow�s prYapt► '.'
<br /> . . F ,, :. ' raidma�tor tt IMSt on�ywr�tM dat�a!aoeupaio�►�unUts th�8�e�du�►drhrtnlnes tht�ts�W��t vr�eaua urtdu� �~'
<br /> �� h�rMh�tor BoROw�r�or unM1e �nu�th0 airt,�unnt�nc�t�odat whbh �n bhrond BortowMs cornro6 Barow�t ehal eotnr :
<br /> :�°,:. .. . � L�ndns of �nr aoQ�m�Yinp alrCUmst�nc�s. Bomow�► thap not commt wast� or d�sLroy. d�rtnps or subshnti�p chtnp� tM ,,- .
<br /> Ptopwtq ot abw ttr Proprtr to d�lont�.nosonebN w�v Ytd tMr�Ptsd L�ndsr may hspeat ths P�oPah►r ths Propary ":._
<br /> � ,� ', b vaoant or�b�ndaMd a tAe ban is h deaut Lend�r n�!► hks raason�bk aodon to Protect and p�aueh vacmt a ---
<br /> ' . " ' � abandonb Proy�yr.Borrowar sn�ll at�o b�in dNaut r eortowx�durti+0 t1re ban npOYCaibn orooas�� oar+mat�ta�r tatse or __
<br /> 0
<br /> ;�:�-. •; �.�__.�., hrocurab OnfarnKtton or stat�mnts to t,enda(ot hird to provkM Wndr wlth�ny m�t�W htorteetbn)h oo�neotlon wlh th� •�=
<br /> -_.,. ; ' -x• ban�vW�oed by tM Not��ina4din0�but rtot linked to��1Wons aancomhp Borrowets ocau0��of ths Propaly as a �'�
<br /> :,�.:. �::. .�r:.. prYsctpa�asi�r�c�. i�thk Sa�efr Inarument b ao t I�hold, eortowet shaii eompy w�thh th� provhbns at the leas�. It ��'
<br /> . '.�= 8orrowat aoqut+a te�tltM ts tM ProprAy.tM Isas�l�otd�nd tN tltr ehaM aot b�aMrpb unMss tander�Ore�s W oh�rt�0er h �.;,-
<br /> „ {. : wrRhp. _�:
<br /> 6. CAaorpea to Borrow�r �nd ProUotbn of Lendar's Ri�Ms in the Pro�maty. eom�«ena�o.y .� �..-_.
<br /> -;=-,.. ° QohrnmmW or n�mb�l ohupes� fYwe and MiposRio�s thst � not haluds0 h Parap�A 2 Bomowr �ha� P�Y � �_
<br /> _:;i'3.. ,.•, ob4�tton� on tlm� dt�aty to th�entRy whbh b owad thr parnNnti M faWr�to O4Y woutd ad�wub atNat l.�n�s Mt�nst h �.-
<br /> - th�PropMty.upon Lmd�It nqinst Bomow�►shal ponpttp Nrnith to Landlr r�d�ri►NW�rabp tf�Wlmwnm•
<br /> - : M 8oir�OwK hYa t0 ntlk�tlbs�Pa�nenq Or Cw P��roWY�id Dr P�3t $ot!sb to¢�f�nn�nr otl�►Go�nents �=
<br /> 4 �`. .,�;� and aprMrr�ents coMthed b th4 S�cufi►Instrumen�ar tMn t�a Np�l Woca�di�p tlut may stpniAantA►aff�ot Lendets rlphts h �-
<br /> -�• ':",.::;,;�: ;. th�Propo�y(snah se a proawdinp b bmkrupta�r,tor oortd�matbn a to�n i a r a Mws a�eput�ttoas)�then tAnder m�y do and `T�
<br /> . �•, Wy wMisvar!s n�oaaa�y a► Prot�ot tM vabs of tM ProMKf►and t�ndws dDhb in th�ProP�1�.6noludinp payment of toc�a.
<br /> �_ - haard MftunnC�and oY7�K Ranu mmtbrw�!h p�rprdph 2
<br /> �. ' My�unounts dBburaed by L�rtder under thY Pan�rapA shu b�cortr an nQdRlonat abt ot Bonower ated ba seaurod 4Y
<br /> . � " thts Se�u�lty InaWm�nt, Thas��mouMa e1u1 bNr�rat trom th�dtt�of dlaburaerneny at the Nots tate,usd at ahe opibn of
<br /> . � s � Lender.ehaA be MiwtMdiaby dw and WYabN. :
<br /> 7. Condemnetion. TM proaeds ot any awud or oWm for d�mtpes,dMrat or consepuarrtW. h conneotion with arry
<br /> .� cortdMnnatbn or otAer takh0 ot�ny P�rt ot th�Proi�h. a tor conwf+�na 1n pleoo of oondMmatbn�an hKSbY��ed and
<br /> -�.;�,�;'�. , sh�H es petd to ten0er to tM�oQent of th� Nt amount of tM hd�bbdns�e tlut nmaha unpaW under th� NoW �rtd this
<br /> •.�.;�5(,i�.
<br /> 6�eurR�r inatrumm� L1nWr slut appy woh pnoo�sds to th� �duatbn of the hd�bmdness und�r th� Not�artd lhts Seeurly
<br /> �:':.�.;. _ _ UeounNnr. fl�t to .nr aw+a�ent .moimri�ppWd r,Ms aroK provld�d h P�,.pr.on 3,.nd am, co w�vam,er►e W p�inok,a�.
<br /> c��. . r;'•�?. A„r��,,,�,of a„a�o�sds eo ens�t�opa�enar nc! abnd or poatpono ths Aus dats ot the monthy pay�sienta,whbh are
<br /> }.,,,,.� ,:,.�,,
<br /> '':. ;;1�, • ' refert�d to h Parapreph �,or oh�tM�rtaunt of auah parmenta My eooaas P�a over an Ma+nt requted to paY ali
<br /> outstandhp Ondebtednesa under tho Nots and thb Securl�►tnsbrummt shab Oe pald to Me ondly�epasy entRbd thereto.
<br /> �J.�-''
<br /> -- - n r�� __a.�..W� ��u.H�.c.Ne►.rr -
<br /> __ . _-._— •���_. ' '. . .
<br /> _ _._____.__ _. v�r vvw�wrryw��q vv.w.�.w.�.......�.p.�C...�.���� �.��.�,- --_
<br /> r
<br /> � 9.Grounds far Acaeteratton of DebL
<br /> +' , treq Y�eYnrtw0llte parment�in N�I�op!tl sums 6e0utsd uby�b Securiqr tnstrument�h ths oese ot pafmbnt detauRs�
<br /> . . (q Bonower defauRa bY ta�hp to PaY h fu�any rttoMhb Pi1�t BRuted by thb Secur�r Inatrument p�tor to or on
<br /> ths dus dats ot the nmR monthb P�L o� .
<br /> (�8ortowR d�GwAs by fain�,for a p�fod of Mkty days�to porl+ortn�ny other oblipttiona oonUln�d h thb Seeurl�r
<br /> InsWnwit
<br /> . ' (bj Sate Without Cre�it A�proval.I.MtfNr ehlt�,k pqrmkbd by tppHcabl�kw and wkh ths prbr apProvai o}Me
<br /> Sti�ntary,roquirs Yneo�d{atta psyrtbe�t h NI of d tM sums s�or�d by thb S�ecurHy IneWment IF. I �
<br /> F6lt�.lMO(�/O6I Ptp�Q Ot•
<br /> . tt4
<br />