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<br />-`�E�+-` rJ.ti _Q(' � � �p �� z tmrt � � P A �' � .'�,-:
<br /> ..-�:,�.�. ���1 C�Q �? � c�n � ttf � W e� . :d•
<br /> _-,'! "t,,. �� � �t � � � � � _
<br /> :=A`��_��s ` , � m H .�
<br />_�.�'"" �• � � .:.
<br /> � � ��rpr�nr ��CY WARRAN_TY D�FP �:._
<br /> ttx�:L::_N .,,�� �i w'-`.=
<br /> ,- .. �_,�, ' � _
<br /> �=. ,,� � �. LAVBRN SHB88IN, aleo kaowa as B. LAVBRNB SHBHSIN, aad _
<br /> , �,�
<br /> iR � �� Y �' ��
<br /> ;�,.,,,r::�!.._'., � pp1aNA R. SH$H�IN, hueband aad wife, GRANTORS• for and in aons - / ==
<br />'=�`.r ��.'�'� esation of S8V8NTY-FI1iB THOUSAND AND NO/100 DOLLAR3 ($75,000.00) � ----
<br /> `�;:,� reaeived from GRANTEBS, RIT L. CLINB and RONDA R. CLiN�, huaband � �
<br /> ����'��•� ' aad wife, as joiat teaaats witb riqht of survivorehip and aot as
<br /> `'�y4�• �eAOM�� i� Qouunon, aonvey to GRF.NTSBB, the �olLow3.nq-described �
<br /> :='!•��`Y
<br /> '��4n:. .
<br /> -;�:�,;,.�. real eatate (as defined ia Neb. Rev. Btat. 76-202) situated ia �
<br /> —"T`:�-,'_'�=` Sa21 County, Nebzas�.et c-
<br /> . T: : G._..��
<br />�_. .��:1��. � ��- _
<br /> - -w.fi'��.._� .
<br />-:;.;�;:±"'� A tract of lanai comprising a part of the Soutkwest __
<br /> , �� � r•:� Quas�er of the Soutbeast Quar�e� (SW�CsB�x) of Sectioa
<br /> -nr .,,f-` . F�.—
<br /> ;:t���•: Fourteen (14�, Too�aship Tea (10) North, RaAge NinQ (9) ___
<br />_,,:�.,,.: . West of the 6th P.M., Hall Countp, Nebraska, and more �
<br />-�-:;.��',� partiaularly described as follows: �_
<br />- ;.;,�,,�., -
<br /> ..-��:;..�f
<br />`�±�;,.�;,;�. Heginainq at the eoutheast coraer of said Southwest -
<br /> �._.
<br />_ �_�-��.�`�:s Quartsr af the Southsast Quartar {sW�ssg�?; thenae w�a -
<br />.�r.�_:Li���� orly, alonq aad upon the south liae of said Southwe�t 3
<br />__;;V�t,. Quas�er of the 8out3�east Quarter (SW�xSB�t), a distanae
<br /> ,_���.� of Seven Suadred Pi�ty-Biqht aad Thirty-Fine Hundrsdths
<br /> --- (758.35) feet= ttaeace defleotinq riqht 89°25•03" and
<br />—=�='� svnninq northerl�, parallel with the eaet line of eaid
<br /> - Southwest Quarter of the Southeaet Quarter (SW�tBB�t), a _
<br /> --- __- distanae of Fine Htutdred Saventy-Five and Fifty-Bight
<br /> -=_-—�= Hundredthe (575.58� fee�f theaae defleating riqht
<br /> _ _�,,:�� 90°34'57" and runa ng easterly parallel with the eouth
<br />____....__� li.ne of sa d Southwest puarter of the Southesst Quarter
<br /> (gWkSS�t� , distiance of 8even Huadred Fifty-Siqht and
<br /> -__-_ -- Thirty°Fi e Hundredths (7 S8.3S) feet to a po3nt on �he
<br /> - - e�st lia of said Southwest Quarter of the Southea�t
<br /> Quarter SW�CSEk) ; thenae southerly, alonq aad upoa the
<br /> east lfae of said Southweet Qunrter of the �outheast
<br /> _��e puarter (sw�SsB�t) , a distaace of Five Humdred 3eventy-
<br /> - �-� Five aad Fifty-Bight Bundredths (575.58) feet to the _
<br /> -____ = point of beqiunisig and coataining 10.020 ecree, more or
<br /> --`-- ].ess, of which 0.575 acrea, more or less, is preeeatly
<br />_ _--�
<br /> _____ oaaupied by publ3a road right of way� �
<br /> �-w•:a�_�•�
<br /> --_:��T� GRANTORS aovenant (ioint].y aud severally, i� mare than one)
<br /> -=� riitith GRANT88S that GRZINTORS s
<br /> '-'���a
<br /> __ - - . (1) are laovfully seized of �uch real estate and that it is
<br /> _- =��y„�.::� � free from enaumbratiaes= —.
<br /> .=='���-��'"���' � (2) hane leqal powes and lawful authority to aonvey the
<br />=-~~��:�,:°a,.�
<br /> '='�i'�e!�"t�;:t.�;.ti o8at9� 8Ad --
<br /> _�`r`�`::�'-� ��4�' (3) warrant and will defend title to the real estate _
<br />�. `'.�`�'t� � 7� against the lawful claims of all peraons.
<br /> � , ." �� Bxecuted sune �v , 1995.
<br /> ..:��e:'4�'�'`.
<br /> .- .,- - -
<br /> _",�'°"`'�' � �
<br /> =:�t-•': � ". 8. LaVern 8 ohe , a so lenown
<br /> - �. � '� as 8. LaVerne 8heheia
<br /> _ ..A t
<br /> , il
<br /> - . .�CI. � ' ..
<br /> � . �, ° Donaa R. Shehe a
<br /> . ,,..
<br /> :� � :,,. .
<br /> •�;,,;�"'.,,.
<br /> G�. �
<br /> . ...�.�
<br />