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<br /> �•q . . ` ' . : •. . - r��ip�:.l� .. _� .,
<br /> F�S .rji!?i. . lrx:2..w � � �.
<br /> ... __.,...L-. .. ..:�.7?:_____.
<br /> ' ...�.,. � '.; ;�--;_ ___
<br /> �n� cc,�S,�,� a.n° ..�,
<br /> _ _ .s��_ _____ 'illrlbY��iBy����"..i'a��.'r•Yr.�'Y°F^.:4'v� �:' _ -
<br /> __.__._.. _ __ _ __- -_. - - - . ,..7�lJC:_
<br />. _�:Y3.11t'�_ - -������� �_�_��
<br /> WARRANTY DSBD 1��5"'�U�`�+� --
<br /> Tha� arantore, R0�8MARIP BUCK, a singla gexeoni �UB ANN 08Y8,
<br /> a eingle personi and BTBVBN S. BU�K and DA1tL8NB 8. SUCK, hueband
<br /> and Mif�, 3n con�idexa�i.an of the aum oP One Doliar ($1.00) and
<br /> other good and valuable coneideration, receipt of whia� ie hereby
<br /> acknowZedged, convey to SUS 31NtJ OBiB, a eingle pereon j STLyVBN B•
<br /> HUCK, a married peraonr and SCOTT J. BUCK, a mazzied pereon,
<br /> araatees, as joinG tenants with righte of susvivorship, and not as
<br /> tenants in common, the foilowing deacribed real estate tae defined
<br /> ia Neb. Rev. Stat. Sec. 76-201) in (3rand Island, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska: •
<br /> LOt Thirty F�.ve (35) , HolCOmb's Highway HOmeB Fi�et
<br /> Addition tr� the City of arand Zaland, Ha11 Gounty,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> c3rantorc� envemant with the GruntE�s that c3rantors: -
<br /> l. arc 2acrk�2Zy seised of suc� rea? eera�e and that it ia free
<br /> from encumbrauces except easements, zoning ordinan�es and =
<br /> protective covenan�s of recordl
<br /> 2, have �egal power axtd lawful autherity to convey the eamer
<br /> 3. warrant and will deEend the title �o the reai estate
<br /> against the lawful claima of all persons.
<br /> DA'A'h'D th1B �_ d8Y Cf �.'s'�+e� � 1995 . �
<br /> �, •
<br /> �
<br /> �r� ��e a c ue Aan C4eis �
<br /> /�a�C����.� �
<br /> Stevea 8. c � rDarlene F. Buck ,
<br /> ) s�..
<br /> cau�r or� x�L )
<br /> The fore o�rrg instrument wae ackxiowledged�b�fore me on tY�� .
<br /> �� �y og � . ,. , -��95, .by Rosemari.e Buck, a aingie
<br /> pereon.
<br /> . � Notary Public ����
<br /> x�a
<br /> 3TATB OP NSBRASKA ) �'�4►�M►�
<br />- ? eB.
<br /> The foreg ing inetrumen� was acknowiedged be£are me on the
<br /> .�'�' da�► of �,,._�... 1995, by Sue Ann Deie., a singie •
<br /> .pereoa.
<br /> � \� liM A!�- ■��� O ���
<br /> N�tary ublic�— �
<br /> ��R�YIMI W!�!
<br /> STATB OF OHIO ? � ������
<br />° ) es.
<br /> COUNTY OF ua�coc�)
<br /> _��� d.��r....�.�«• ee� �nLn�min�IRaf� �'fOfAYO 111A [1Tl t�'lA
<br /> jjl@ =OL�C Viily itiO�.i\tittGMV Nvv r • ..�w���� ��---- ""- ' - '
<br />= d4't'� �ay og �'1aV , 1995,�byl3teven E. �uck and D��,�,�ne
<br />= F. Buck, husband and w3.f e. �!� � � ,
<br />_ ��m��bW�� �'''. . ,.,;_` . .
<br />- Notary �ublic �. � y�T . .ti.�
<br /> �� .
<br /> = r �IN4BREi�l1 � ��'� . . :,.' . ,
<br />_- �1�v � , ,'` •. •. '���
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