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' !��"�' i M:Yu--' <br /> , . - .-Z.�'4-1'::.:._�. <br /> ' ' - ♦. . ♦ _. tt'yMf'f�a . _ _._.�. �_— —_. . <br /> . �_N�l. . _ v . ...��3. � . .. ..�`,�".�' ...� .. <br /> � i. _ <br /> � -��..-' - ...�,�..' ��.Y .i. . -. -.. : � ,� :. . __ 'i� �w."rv.y � <br /> . <br /> . . ,.. .,r ,F ._ - - - - - <br /> _....... _ <br /> . . .. . , .•.,-.._ <br /> .LL'7L ` si! �. �i...+_.....�....._.._._-Vc�___'___L�.._..._::..Y^_c.�a:�ertr�'Qlt' :' <br /> � <br /> __ __ T � -- __ <br /> _ ..�;,�'� � <br /> . e,.- <br /> M1 _ _ <br /> •� .1 � <br /> -- ----- �i���• �'� l4At� !�: 4394�98 '"--- <br /> �.. 7100A'fHBR W[TH sli ttte i�nprovcmcnta ttow or hemafter ercc on lTio prop�crty.ond ntl eascments�appurtenonces.end <br /> � ;, �� , flxturoa now an c�rcaft�r e pan ot iha proparty.Aq�cplac,c,trecnte and addivana shalt a�a ba cov�cd by ehi�Secudty Inswmcn�. � <br /> � � ' Ap ot 6ha forcgotng is raferrcA W in this Sccurlty lnsuumcnt as tha°Properiy." ' '; <br />�;�;;�;�-,�:� BORROWBR COVBNANfS that Bomawu is awfupy baised of tho estate hereby convaycd and has the ri�ht w grant and •• <br /> - � convay t ho P ropc ny an d t h a t i h e P r o p e a�t y i s u n c n c u m b c r c A,o x c e p t f o r c n c u m brence9 ot rec,ord.Bormwcr wertenta and will �" <br /> �t,�,�i.':�_,.�� ' defertd gencrallr Uw titte a t�o F7opce�y againu�It cie�ma ond dcmaadr�subject to uny eacwabrances of rabrd, �� <br /> ��t�� TN1S SHGURITL� INS'IItUMBNT combina uniSorm covetu�nte for natfwwl uso and«on•uniform covenat�ta with timited ,'.�'�_ <br /> -'�''�'"`�--� "�' variatIona by jurLsdlcdon a censtttuto a untfom►socurity insuument oovertng real property. <br />'=��iii� `` UNI�ORM COVENAi�!'f3.Hortowet anA Latder covetwttt and egne es foUowe: � �^•.�; <br />=�.�` . l.P�yment of Principal ond later�at=Prepayment Aad I.ate Chpr=es. Borrower shall pmmptly pay whcn due tha <br /> � ;�,;� principnl of end int�u�cst oa the debt cvidenccd by the Note and any pnpayment and lata charges due under ths Noto. ��, _ <br />-_�:r,.:::::,Fi 2.Funds for Tiuces and lasurAna. SubJoc� a eppUcable Iaw ar a a wdt�en waiver by Lender.Borrower shall pay to _ <br />• �"'�s,", L�ender on ihe day monthlY PaYmeots eru duo undca the Mae.untillhe IVote Is paid In f'uQ.a sum("Funda'�for.(a)YearlY texes _ ''. <br /> ;��,. <br /> Lt�'',,�� -_�_ <br />,-.:,°;�;���;�..,, and agsessments which may eusin prlorlty over�is Securlty Inswmet�t as a 11en on tho Propeaty:(b)Yeariy leasehold payments �,�_ <br /> .°:�•��� �� �r ground renta aa the P�operty�if enyc(c)yearlr ha�ard or propaty insurance premlums;(d)Yeariy 400d insuranca pr�emiums,if �.y <br />.+'��Y�::�1 L ' any.(e)Yeatty mortBeBa insurenoe premtuma.if any:end(A�Y 8�PaYable by Boxmwcr to acxordanco with 1ho <br /> e � ��. <br /> -�", , pnuv�stona of ps�agraph 8. �n licu of Uus payment of martgsgo Insurance premiuma 7bese itcma ua caAod 'Bea�uw Itcma." __- <br /> _��t..� [.�nds�m�y�at Rny time,collat and l�old Funda in en amaunt aot to o�ecaed the ma:i�num amaunt a iender for a kdeially crlated `_ _ <br /> r� � -- <br /> '� mortgago ioan may roqutra far Bonowu's escrow aocount under 1he federal Real Bstau SeWe�tent Peocedures Act of�974 as �=_ia <br /> "'"'"� s��c:.�;,3 fram tl�sa to!ls�s. 12 E.1.��'.5ertian 2b�t e��q. ("RBSPA").unks�another law that appltes co tha Funds seu a losser �,_= <br /> :,�,�.�� amoun� U so.Lender any dma.collect$nd hold Fuada in an amaunt not to �uccecd tlte lc�sser amount I� may �;� <br /> estUnaus�ha a�ount oF Fundp duo on tha bag�s ot cwra�t data and reasonabk esdmatos of onpendiwros ot fuwre Bscmw Itcros or <br /> :.,�°�.���� oikerwise!n nccordance with applica6lo la��r. _- <br /> �'�� Thc Funds ahall ba hald in an instltudon whoso dcposits are Insurat by a fcdcral agcncy.instrumcntattt�r.or entitY(including <br />�">, =���:`�-� I.ender.If I.endar is such en inslltutlon)or in any Federel Homo Loan Bank.L�.nder sball apply the Fands w Quy tho 6saow <br />:-__����.� Items.Lendcr may not cbarge Boirower for holding and applying the Funde�annuolly anelyxing tha escmw ac�ount,or ve�iiytng _____ <br />--_�*37���. 11�e Bscrow Items�unless Lcnde,r pays Horrower interest on the Funds satd appticablo t�w pesmIis L�ender to m�tco auch a chatga <br />`;°:;�°��. Howavcr.Ltrtder may rcquim Horrowar W pay a onc-ttme charge for an �ndependent[eal�ntta ta�c reporting suvke us�d by <br /> ���::l�l J�"'. <br />.��►�r�'�: L�ndrr in connecdan with this loan.unless appllcable Isw provlaes mherwlsa.Unlass an eg�eement is made or applkabb law <br /> ��fi�xi�ar. requiros interest to bo pald.Let�der shaU not bo requlred W pay Boaower any intenst o�ean�ings on tt►e�unds.�oimwv and = <br /> eq <br /> 4'�;:_k3�:� L,cndcr may ag�co ia wdting,howcvcr�that intc�cst shall bcs patd on the Funds.I.cndcr shaU give to Horrowc�,without <br />---"-`���� a�ual�cmunting af the Funds.showing crcdtts end dcbtts a tho Funds end the pucp�se ior which each dcblt ta tha Punds was <br />�`�"��'°`.� maQa 11ta Funds a[a pk�dged as additlonal security far all sums secw�ed by this Scc�rlty Inswmen� <br /> -_--`�� I[U�e Runds held by Lender eaccxtt thu amounts penniiled w bo held by applic�bla law,[.endu sh�e11 aoc�ount�Bomuwu for <br /> �� a � ttro c�ecess Fut►ds in accordanco with �he requirementa of appikabb Isw.if tho arnount of the Funda tield by L�Wer at any tlme ie <br /> �,i not aufficia�t w pny the Bscrnw Items whcn duo�Lendet msy sa notify 8oirowtr in wtlting� such case 8otrower shall WY <br /> _-_ � W Lender the amounl n�ry to make up the deRciency. Bomower shaU meke up the defcckn�,y in no mane thwn twelve <br /> --�_.-� monN1Y L.ender's sote discretfon. <br /> __-�---"°`'� Upon paymettt in full of all surtos secured by this Se�urtty Insuumen�Le�tde�ehall ptomptly rofund to Sormwer any Funds <br /> held by Lander.[t',undu paragraph 21,L�ra�der shaU acquire or sefl iha Prapaty.I.eudu,Prtor w�i►e�ccquiatt�on or srla af tho <br /> _�_ ��Y.�1 apply any Funds held by L�dcr at ths�ma of ecquisidon or sale ag a cr�edit egainst�he sums socured by this <br /> ------_= Secwfry Tnswmcnb <br /> --___�_. 3.Applicatbp at pqments. Untess applkctbio!aw provldes othcnvise�all paymsnts rea[ved by Ltndcr u�v p9regrephs <br /> 1 and 2 ah�ll be applicd:firal, w eny prcFayment charges duo undcr thn Nota;sccond�to amoun�i payablo wadar paregraph 2; — <br /> -- ---= mt�erest duo;fourth.�n pcincipai duo�and tas�a any taus cherges due under�ho No�o. - <br /> _ �� 4.Clu�r�ea;I.iens. BoROwu shail pay atl taxes.assessments.cdargos.Mes and impositions alviTwtebk to ihe PropertY <br /> which msy attein prlodty over this Seceulty Insaument,and leasehold paymcnts or ground rents,if any.Borrowu sba11 pay thesa <br /> . -� -= --� oblig�tiona in the manncr pmvid�in pnreg�aph 2�or if aot paid�n that maancr,Borrowu shall pay them on time dir�ectly to the <br /> - --� �t 6wai payci�t�.Bo�'owcr shali pmmpity Pomists ta Lcadcr�!ncda3 of ssmcwat� tQ 6o pa�•••a••��� Lr _ <br /> -„a..,,`r��,� Bortewer makes t�se payments dircxaly.Bmmwer shall pmmplly fumish to[.ender receipts evidencjng the paymenta. <br /> --� Barrower shatl promptly discharga any lien which bas priodty over thls Securtty Instnement unioss Barmwcr.(a)agrecs in <br /> --� ''�� writing to tMa ppyment of tha obtigatIon acxurod b�r the lien in a manner eceeptabk,�o I.ender(b)contcsts in good fatih�te lien <br /> -_ _----� by. ur dcfcnds againct cnfarcemc�nt at tho lien in� l�gal proceedinga which ln tha La�der's opinton operete w p�avent the <br /> _,�.��.�,._ <br /> __=_-i-=:�.� <br /> :��:;a�;��' entorcament ot d,e Qon;or(c) secures from�ho holder of�he Uen en ag�mem settafaceory a Lender subordfna�ing�ha Ilen m -- <br /> - ���" this Secuttty Inswmcn�If Lender dotcrmines that aay part of tha P�roperty is subjoct tn a llen which may attain priority over thfs _ _. <br /> - -=�'-` Sccud Insuwment�t.onder may give Bonower a nottoa idenWying the lien.Homowes sheli sasisfy the lien or talce one ar moae °. <br /> _.,�:'j;��'��* ty �;:w. <br /> °'� ',, of tha actions set forth ebove within 10 days of the giving of nodce. _ - <br /> �. ��.;:. foren 90-2�,i� Yfo4,�,, � - <br /> - :L,'��'�" �•OH(hE) 1aot�.ot CFC(O7li�) a.o•po�e �n�us4:.��.�C�1 -' <br /> -'�:r��� <br /> ._..:_- a <br /> ,.,,:;�.�' . <br /> - -_ :-A-1- ......��: <br /> _ _ •.: • ; <br /> ''.f f,� <br /> . .. . ' ..�81 <br /> . i�. <br /> ..•v <br /> — �'��7`}g� . <br /> -n?��• l.y .Y• <br /> slT�y ' . <br /> _ *.. <br /> f � .s � � <br />