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<br /> S. Hazs�srr Ft�e�.Ft�� It��era�re. �ot'mw.er eha!! k��p thc im�+revements now cxistting or lte.r�afta crect�� c�on�the � .
<br /> Pruperty insured against loss by flre,hsvnnie includcd within the terim"extendai coverage° and uny other hnzurde, includiqg
<br /> flaxls or floAding.for which Lender require.g insurance. This insurancc sF��li be n�aintsined in the umouri�g and far the ped�de
<br /> that L.endor reqnires. 'fhe insumnce carrier provlding the insumnce shell bc chosen by Burrower subject tn I.ender's c�pproval
<br /> which ehalt not be unreasonabty withheld. If Borrawer fails to mnintnin coverage descrlbed above, Lender muy. ut L.ender's
<br /> option,obtuin covernge t�protect L.ender's rlghts in the property!n nccordar►ce with purngrAph 7.
<br /> All insurnnce palicies und renewals shall be ucceputble to Lender and shult inctud�n Ftundand mongu�e cluuse. l.cmier � --
<br /> shnll hnve the Rght t�hald the paltctes and renewuls. If l.cnder tequires,Borrower aha11 promptly give to Lender nll�receipts of
<br /> paid premiums and senewnl noticcw.In the event of loss.Bonower shall�ive prompt notice to the insumrtce rarrier nnd Lender.
<br /> l,ender mny malce ptoof of loss if not made ptomptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lend�r and Barrower otherwise ngree in wrtting�insurencc pracceds shall be eppiied to restomUon or mpair of the
<br /> Property dumu�ed.if the mstoiaaon or repair Is eronomIcally feasible and Lender's securlty is not lessened.If the restoratlon or
<br /> repair is not eoonomicnUy feagible or Lender's securIty wauld be lessened.the insurance proceeds shati be appiied ro�he sums °
<br /> sensreci by this Security Instrument.whethar or not then due. wtth any excess paid to Bomower. [f Somower abandons the
<br /> Property.ar does not answer within 30 daya a noticc from L.ender that tho insurance camer has offer8d w settle a claim.then
<br /> I.ender may wllect the insurance pruceals. I.ender may use the procxeds to repair ar resrore the Praperty or to pay sums
<br /> securod by this Securicy insuument.whether or not thcn due.ThB 30tlay pedod wIli begtn when the notice is given. --
<br /> UNess Lender su�d Borrower otherwise a�e in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not extend ar —
<br /> �stpnne the due date ai'the manthly gayments refermrl to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the cunount of th� payments. If
<br /> under paragraph 21 the Property is sequired by i,ender, Borrower's ri�ht to any insurance poltctes and procceds resulting from
<br /> damuge to the E'roperty prior to tha acquisitton shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums sP.cured by this 5ecurity Instrument
<br /> immediately prlor[o tha acquisiaon. ��'�
<br /> 6.Oa.upancy,Preservallon,Mnintcnance and Protectian of the Property;Borrawer's Loan AppBcation;Leasehalds.
<br /> Borrower sht ll occupy.establish,and use the Property as Borrowar's principal residence within alxty days after the�xecudon of � _
<br /> th�s Securlry Instrument and shall wntinue ta occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence far at least one year atitter
<br /> the date af occupancy,unless L.ender otherwise agrees in writ�ng. which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unlc�ss
<br /> extenuatIng circumstances exist which are bayund Borrower's contral. 8ortower shall not destroy, duma�e or impair the _-.
<br /> Property. �llow the Property to deter[orate. or cammit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default ff any forfeiture �--.
<br /> actIon or proceeding. whether civil or criminal. is begun that in L.ender's good faith judgment could nesult in forfelture of the �""
<br /> Progerty ur otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or Leeeder's securiry fnterest. Borrower may =- '
<br /> cure sueh n default and reinstate,as pmvided in para�raph 18.by causing the aedon or procee�iing to be dismissed with a culing --
<br /> that. in Lender's good fafth determination. precludes forfciture af the Borrower's intcrest in the Property or other mntcrial _
<br /> Impairntent of the lien created by this Securiry Instrument or L.ender's security interest. Borrower shalt also be in default If =
<br /> Bomower.during the loan uppitcation process,gave mater�ally false or inaccurate informatian or statements to i.ender(or failed
<br /> to pr�vide Lender with any material information)in connection with tfio loan evldenced by tha Note,includjng.but not limited -
<br /> to.representations mnceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal resid�nce.If thjs 5ocurity Instrument is on a �
<br /> leasehold. Borrower shall comply wtth all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquines fee tide to the Property, the ` �
<br /> le�sehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lencler agrees to the rnerger in wtitfng. ���
<br /> 7.Protection of Lender's Ri�hts in the Property. If Eorrower fails to perform the covenunts und a�reements contained in �"°''_
<br /> this Secwlry instrument.or there is u legal proceeding thut may sigr�ificantly affect [.ender's ri�hts in the Property(such�.s e
<br /> proceeding in bankniptcy.probate. for wndemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or r�egultst�ons),then Lender may da and
<br /> puy for whutever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and Lendcr's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may �•-.
<br /> inolude payins eny sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Securlty Instrument, nppearing in court, paying �,g�.
<br /> reasonable nttorneys' fces and entering on the Property to muke repairs.Although L.ender may take action under this paragcaph
<br /> 7,Lender dces not have to d�so. .
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrxph 7 shall 6ecome udditional de6t of Borrower secured by [his :
<br /> Secudty Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender a�ree to other tcrms of puyment. these umounts shall beur intemst from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rnte and shall be payublc, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> 8.MortQage Insurance. !f I.ender required mortga�e insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security "
<br /> Insmmtent, Borrower shaU puy the premiums mquired to maintvn thc mort�age insuruncc in effect. If, for any re��.�on. the
<br /> mortgage insurance covera�e requic+ed by L.ender laps�s or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the premiums rcquired to
<br /> obtain coverage subsuu►tiutiy equiv+ilent to the mortgage insurunce previously in effect,at u cost substantially equivalent ta the
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mort�uge insurance pmviously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by L.ender. if
<br /> Fubstuntiully equtvulent mon�age insurnnce rnvera�e is not available. Borrower sh�til pay to Lender euch month a sum eyuai tu
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurnnce premium bein�paid by Horrower when the insurance rnverage lapsed or cwsed to
<br /> be in effect. C.ender will uccept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. i.oss reserve
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