. . ��.,t:�{...�i.�j�r.���,dMCan,r�r,.'.Y.. . . .. . _
<br /> .rr�., r+4nr.,37n:ya�u+l•r-Gi� -?..
<br /> . . �t l�f��.'/���f�� �.l . .. ......-, � -._. .-� - -. _. ..
<br /> � .��iry6�'.q.` - _-
<br /> _.S�_._..�.� - °- - °'�- — —_ —
<br /> � ' � eav�wur» r�:���' �Q�i��► �
<br /> •'�����::�:i.:.'� . 1, paqme Ys, Borrowar eprooe to mAkn etl peymenta on the seaured debt whep due. Unteea Borrowor end Lender apree otherwl�a, �ny
<br /> •- v _-__ pewr�oi�t��nder rrchrae lrom!lorrow�r at for Borrown�h�mtit wtii b�eD�lin0 flnt to�ny amountn Borrowa ow�e on th���cured debt =- ;_
<br /> not�iduoi ar�xouisiinY�ich�uled pw�ynant�+nri�tl it:"e ouna e:�ii:p�e i�iult at prapa�rment of the escurW eabt 000u�s for any�aa�on,it w1i
<br /> "' Z,C{�AyY�f�t TItN.�orrowtr wlll p�y�11 t�xe�,nsasm�nt�, end othar ch��a�tt�ibut�61�to tA�prop�tty wh�n du�rnd will d�f�nd dtis
<br /> �'a ta tb�ptop�K1t r�Mnst��iy alairtu whinh wauld Imp�ir th�Il�n of tN�E��d of trust.L.�nder m�y requin Bonow�r to�sdpn�tty Npht�,oleims or
<br /> d�f�mN whlot�Qortowsr may h�v�g�in�t p�rtt�a wM wpp1Y��bar or m�tsriN�to improw o�mNntMn thr prop�rty.
<br /> - �-�--�'� �,frtn'tatea.Rorrov�er rritl kaep tM property Inwr�d un8sr t�rm�nca�pt�bl�tq I.andot et 8otroweY�axpe�ue�ad tor Lender's bmNlt. Ail =
<br /> �murYnc�polloiss thtll lnoiude��tandaM mortasp�otw�!n}-ov4r of L�nda.l.�nder wltl be oMned o9loaa payco or aa!No►rwu�cd�on ony cuoh � -^
<br /> - or�to theiiaau�red d�t+If lii dKpoqul es,nwRpips In�uranas�ul3otrowir ayrae�i to mi�Maiti w�oh niunnoe for,sr�onpMii L�er I�equTr�ipt���
<br /> _�' 4,I�ropnty.Bottower wUi keep ths propeRy in qood aoadidon and meke dl rapdrs rea�onably neoeasery.
<br /> � g,F�p�nas.Bor�owet eprees to pay eit Ls�dsr'a expsnses inatudinp rea�onsbim ettorney�'fee�,if Borrower breaks sny aovanaM�1 tMs dssd
<br /> _m��. Y-' of tru�t or In�ny obliQnUon seourad by thte deed of uu�t.�orrowet will pey thes�erraunu to Lsnder aa provided in Covenent 8 of t�i deed of
<br /> --r'r",d��ihi�a�� tN�t. �—---
<br />. _�__=.,,•--�w�.-,., -
<br /> -- Lry,��_j 0,Mor�Int�nst�.Unleee 8or�ower flrot obtalns Lander's wdtton ooneent, Bor►ower wiil not meke or pemdt arry ehmpei to cny p or
<br />:.___y.��s;.= ,� ssoudty interoate.gorrowet will parform eil of Borrower's obiipationt under any prbr mortsape, deed of truet or other exudty epreement.
<br /> - Inoiudinp 6orrower's aovenents to meke p�yments when due.
<br />-:__,��,•.�' —.
<br />�;�„k��,��t ; 7,As�ipnrt�nt af R�nts and P►offe�.Botrower aaaipna to Lender the rents and proflte of the property.Uniaas 8orrower and lender hava epreed —
<br /> a.t'�• , otherwise in w�itinp, 8onowar msy aoileot and retein the rente ee tonp�s Borrower la not in defeutt. It Borrower defauite,Lander, Lender's
<br /> 1�' •�.�• �,�
<br />�:�4�'�'Y•'.�;, • eget�t,or a oourt appointed rooetver mey teke poseeeaton and manage the property ond ooUeot the ronte. AnV ronte Lender ooileote ehdi be _ _
<br /> �:.��:^3d,�t"�« .� appiled firat to the oosts of Meneping the propeRy Inaludl oourt aotte eMl ettomeya'feea, aommioalo�s to rentnl e0e�te,and eny oth�er �.._
<br /> ••�_�;•'��t oeaeseery teleted expenaea.Tho romsiniqy amou�t o�ronts�then appiy to peymena o�the�eou�ad debt as provided dn Cow�e�t 1. —__
<br /> �alnt��,t��•' t � a 4 p
<br /> �;y,,J�•;�',,��y�' n'�/ e�leeaehdd�. tt t�hi�e deed of tn+st ts on a unitwie epoond��inBum or�e plenned unit developmentpBorrowar wili pe�Ka°�rmi ell ot Bar awer e�duHoe ��;�:
<br />--•:ts�uli,`4'.�.�;,r�; undpr the oovenante,by�lswe,or r�guladana of the oondominium or p�enned unit developmont. �:`
<br /> _:.:;c.t j)�,�.�d,� Y'
<br /> : 'm�(..l,T'i�J���r,
<br /> -__1,��._._,_•• &.�uti�adly C.l.otMer to�tcnn tor'�o�ow�*• If Borrower felle to pe�torm env of Borrower's duUes under thts doed ot truat, Lender may ��.
<br />_ ,.��;,�;,;,�,.�r,,� pedomt the duUes or aouse them to be pe�-totmed.La►�dar mdy ut�n Burwwar'a nnme or pey eny amount�t neoeasery tor perfotmenoo.it nny
<br />- •.X�� aonffituaUon on tho property i�dfsooMinusd ot rtot oartied on in s reasonabie menner,Lender may do whatever Is naoenaery to proteot Lender'8 �'_�
<br /> ,~'• �• ", ,.� neoudty Intereat(n the property.Thie mey Inoiude oompleQnp the oanstruodon. y�'�-
<br /> -'r�;'��"':`��° Lender'e fa:luro to pedotm wlll not prooiude Lender f�om exeroislnp any of ite other rlphte under the tew or this deed of truet. � ,�_
<br /> � Amr amaunU p�td by Lender to protsat Lender'�t�audty intere�t wlll be eeoured by thi�deed ot tru�t.Suoh emounb wili be dus on Cemend r" '
<br />- � and will benr Interest from the dete of tAe p�yment untit peid In full et the Intereat rste In eHeot on the esoured dabt. �i.'
<br /> � obYp�on eeoured b�y thii�de d oetruiwoi any p Ir or�mortp,pePot�eed ot tru�t ulender�rney�aoaeler te ehe m,t�u�ityhof the�eeoursd�debt end
<br /> '� demand krmediate p�ymsnt end msy invoke ths power of e�e and u►y other remedletpermitted by eyptloebls law. ;
<br /> I,„ 11.R+p�t fa Notla�ot o�fwh.it is hereby r ue�idd ti�:t aapi88 ai ihC noLtca3 ot dafals!!e!!!!ade!!e�ent�A!�ah psnon who ie e petty �
<br /> � ,• Mroto,et the addrsas of eaob suah penon,u sst�orth herein. �"''
<br /> ! •'
<br /> ° �`pst 12.Pown of BN�.It the Lender imokee the powsr of ede,the Truaes�h�ll flnt reoord in the o}tlae of the�epistsr of dasd�of eeoh oounty •�,.,-
<br />; � �� � wMrein ihs trust pwpeRy or some part or p�reel thereot is dtu�tad e nodoe of deteult oont�Nnp ere�t,�and to otheQuired by lew.The Tnietee r,
<br /> ehe!!eleo msil oopiee of the notiae of defsuit to the 8orrawe►,to eaoA pereon who lo e perty fi pereonn es preeo�ibed by �C
<br /> e not in en
<br /> epplloable law. Not teas thnn one month after the TruKee reoords the nodoe ot defauit or two months if the trunt property 1 y
<br /> t, �• inoo►poro t e d o i t y or v i l t s p e e n d I s u s e d i n f a tt n i n p op e r e t i o n s o e rt l e d a n b y t h e t r u e tor,the trustee ehdi ylve pubilo noUoe ot ede to the pereone
<br /> ared in the menner presodbed by�epppllaoble lew.Truetae. wlthout demend on Borrower,ehell aeli the property et publio euoUon to the hiphest
<br /> bldder.if requlrad by the Ferm Momsstaed Proteotion Aat.Truetee ehdt offer the p�operty in two eeparete edee as required by appifoable lew. •
<br />--•:�%•.`-� y -•�;.� Trustee mey postpone eate of eIi or eny pereet of the property by pubilo ennounaeme� at the tlme end pleoe of eny previousiy soheduied ede.
<br /> • Lender or ite deaipnee may purohese the property et any eeie.
<br /> • , 3.x, y� �< Upon reoetpt of peYmeM of the prlae bid,Truotee ehdl delivu to the purohaser Truetee's deed conveying the prope►ty.The�eoitiate aonteined in
<br /> • t 7bwin0 orderehtel to P I expens�ot the�s}eltee inoiud�nq�but not Iimited�to�reeaoneble Ttuetaees�feeep�reaeonebte�etteorney s�f eee�and
<br /> ' rdnatetement teea;Ib)to eil sums secured by this deed of tnist,and to1 the beienoe.If any,to the persone legally endded to teoelve It.
<br />� , �s•�� 1S.Fot�alown.At Lender's option,tNe deed ot truet mey be foroalosed in the memer provtde by eppifooble iew for forooloauro of mortyapes
<br /> ' _,.� *. on red property.
<br /> -•'�� �• ��•� * 14.Ins�atton.Lender muy enter the proporty to inspeat It If Lender givea Barrower notloe beforehand.Tha notioe muet stete the rgq,nabie
<br /> oeuee forl.endera inspeotlon. �����1� �(�(Ju�'�1,.N
<br /> �1 ° ��w��' 1g,Cond�nn�tlon.8orrower aeafpm� to Lender tho prooeeda ot eny ewerd or olelm ta damegea o b e oo ��n o oF,o�t�eking
<br />- . , of all or eny pert ot the property.Suoh prooeede w11i be applled ee provided in Covenent 1.Thle s 1 ��'�bj�o1����Y+6T'el�fyi pdor
<br /> ' . ' aeoudty eproement. i•:t�"'
<br /> �� 1f1.Waivar.By exerolsinp nny temedV evuiieb�e to Lender. Lender doee eot give up en1�dphte to teter use en1r other remedy.By not exerciefng
<br /> �.., .; '�. er�y remedy upon Botrower's defeuit,Lender doea�ot wrive eny�Ipht to letet oone(dar the event e defeult H it heppena ageln.
<br /> ��t• 17, Jotnt �nd 8sv�n1 Wbil�• Caoipn�n; 8uoatsor� �nd Aalpru 8ound. AM dudes under thia deed of trust ere Jolnt end aeveret. Any � , �
<br /> � _:�.- - 6orrosYet who ao-sipne thi� e�eA ef truet but does not aaeipn the unded�Inp debt instrumentle) doea so onty to grant end oonvey that l,4.',.
<br /> v `'" Borrower'e interoet in the property to the Truetee under the terms of thie doed oTtruet. in aJ�iiBon,eueh a tiorrower egreas thst tha Londor artd
<br /> A • , er�1►otAer Borrower under thia deed of trust mey exte n d, m o dNv or me ke eny o t h a r o h e np e a I n t h e t a r m s o f t h l e d e o d o f t r u s t o r t h o s e o u r e d r,"
<br /> '"'� '� ` '" ;:: debt without thet Borrower's ooneeM and without roleaeing thet 6orrowor from the terms ofi thla deod of tn�at.
<br /> '�'�,'�' .`� The dutlea end bonefke ot thia deod of ttuat sheli bind end benefit the auoaeaeore end esslgne of Lender and Borrower. I.
<br /> ,�.,,i;'•;.�: �� , I
<br /> • 10.Notta�.U�eee otherwiae requlrad by�ew,enY notloe to Borrower ehd{be pfven by deilverinp it or by melllnp It by ooKifled mnii eddreased to
<br /> Lc Barrower at tho propetty eddreae or en�r other eddresa thet Botrower hee pIven to tender.Borrower will give eny ootioe to Lender by oertffled
<br />� �� be ent to�Lender ede�dd eea es etetedfon p pe�t of thle t�e�ed�of ttue�tthar eddress wNoh Lander hea desipnated.Any other nodoe to Lendor shdl 4
<br /> •• . Any nodoe ehdl be daemed to heve been plven to Bonower�r LenQer when glven In the menner ateted e�ove. I
<br /> Y I
<br /> . „ a � 18.Tramf�r ot tM Prop�rty m�B�mHald Int�n�t in N�Borrovwr.it et{or eny pert ot the proporty ot ony Intcreat irt tt fa eold or treneferred
<br /> • wkhout lender'e pdor wdtten oonaent, Lendor mey detf�end immedfate peyrreent of the seourod debt. Londer mey o�so demend immedlxte
<br /> •� peyment if the Borcower la twt a neturel pereon eM e benefloid intereet in the 8orrower ia sotd or trenaferred. However, LeMer may not
<br /> . � ' � demand peyment in the aDovo eltuetlona If It le prohtblted by federei tew ee of tho dete o!tNe deed ot trust.
<br /> � � 20.R�aonwY�nw. When the oblipetion eeoured by thie deed of truet has been peld, end Lenden c�a�o further oblfperion to meke edvenooa �
<br />' ;, under the inatrumente or egreemente eeoured by this deed of truot,the Trueteo shdl, upon wrftten request bv the lender,reaonvey tho truet �
<br /> • ,.;, pr�tty�The�ander shdl deliver to the Borrower,or to Borrower's euooeseor in Intueet,the truet deo�d end tho noto or othor evldenoe ot the r
<br /> �' ------ 0.......u..elWt nau mw r�aerdatlnn eoit0_ � .__
<br /> _ .. - - -- vrwpww.�.�..�..�.�.._""_"_'�_• _._• .".
<br /> ' 21. Suca�ssor TrwUi�. londor, et Lendor'e optlon, mey remove Trustee end eppolnt e suooeesor ttuetee by flret, mailing o oopy of tho � .
<br /> � subatitudon ot truatoe ea requlrod by eppllooble lew,end then,by fliln�the eubatltution of truatoe for reooM in Me offloo of the regtstor of deede
<br /> �� of enoA aow+ty In whioh the truet property,or eome perc thereof,le e tuoted.The suooeeeor trustee,wfthout oonveyanoe ot the propeRy,ehati I
<br /> • euaoeed to d�tho power,dutiea,euthodry ond tltlo of the TNetee nemed In the deod of truet and of eny eucooasor t�uatee.
<br /> . I
<br /> . �
<br /> ,- �
<br /> � .
<br /> , �,_.
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<br /> q fpe0e2 o/?1 �
<br /> • � ' ' BANIIER88V67EM6,INC.,8T.CLOUO.MN 80501 I1•BOO�J07•23{t!FOHN!OCP•MTp�NE 0/tY/9t Ll�, � .. �] ��
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