. . -^�!�.� n?zr+ �-' ,-ra���,n . -
<br /> ;,.��+Hy� �y w:a,ek- . .. . ' _ ._.
<br /> • • �'M'�+r'.. . * _L„-- . - -- '. - _ -
<br /> , � ��..rr 71Anr.e�■.� - _._--- ---
<br /> .. ..._ _ . . . ... . _ ._ .. _ __. __ _. _. _ . ..__. . _.._ _.
<br /> •
<br /> �...-.:.:...,.."'�J �f�� Z�L�i� __
<br /> .,,
<br /> �rr� M tM or1Yln�l Mot1�a}qU. TINl7�E�Ll�xiwt�md�C�n to th�Pr�i�d.
<br /> pMdeorna�►inY a1d prap�rtY w ootd,but wltNout rty eww�t h► �
<br /> TM naltsls tn tM tMd of an!►ARturs or hats rAetl M canalustw proo�ot ttr tnithtutnpo�
<br /> tMr+�f. lbql PK�� ineluditi �E/ICtAR1Et, �l► W�'�� at tM wt�. T�Ilrt� !w'�h!►
<br /> carrw►ts to wr��nt �!drfsnd th�titts o4 tb�aBow P�'aP��b�o W�'���t wt�.
<br /> _ ��� D. {bm the TRUh'E! wtt� t[r trust p'oP�'tY W'�+�t to tlrr s i�'�nUd Mrttn. tA� ifltlt�Hd �tl '- _'
<br /> �,pp��ehr p�oa�ds tro�th� ut�of weh propartl+ In tM to lawtnr onbr of pa�toHty�
<br /> ._.;��� t9I To tl»wat md e� of�xtreisirto th�po�wr M�att�I ot tM al�, tnah�dino �tta'�wl►
<br /> --,�• t�. N��11C�OO NtI��Id Ot1N!iOA�w�����!NflN�i tM flOt t0�iIC��q�'P�fC�L
<br /> :�.��
<br /> t4Xf ot tfia p�'oss a�t�P�'te�j --- .
<br /> _ --°"°°-"�=°+ �� so ths paya�ent ot et�a obttwttan aama e�► tN,. o�ad ot Tw�t +ne Tnws o�Maat
<br /> ---�..�� �ior Ttust ONd�. �ortppR�, a'ottwr lt�nNold�rsf ��,..
<br /> __-- --� �3) To dw p�y�nt af 1 ���:::;;
<br /> -_-�%,"�$a roan or r�ons teWttY�ntitted th�roto. �R:i�-`_
<br /> �-.�.._.�� ��) TM b�l�na, if �Iry. W tM po p� ___
<br /> - .•_�:�;�� —
<br /> - ------ �. ��on ths oceurr� of �rry default herwndsr, BEMEFICIARtlf Nntl haw. in addi8lat 4o a�eh oth�r
<br /> -- _�� �dd� t�iw� �}�ore�alosures of�or Q�a�real prop�ert�jrl� �1s Dud of Tavsi in tON�rntr
<br /> --n-:��?"'
<br /> ;m_;,�t� ru�d haroin �---
<br /> 'r.�,�, . p. �WE�iC1ARIES�fr fear ttr to tiae s�stitate�wee4ssmr or wce��°to tM�xc��r TRUST6Q. tM
<br />_.;-:�;�•����'� or �atlnq liae'a++�det. t�a� � �ppo int�x►!o �nd�ithoat �►+we =--
<br /> , - tntser en�u tr vearad witfi el0 tisto. p�.=rc. er�elrties eoaterrsd�r+f�T1u1�'�E2 henin nsnd c� -
<br /> ,` � ! �,-��. �ot9mD Nraa�d�r. E�ch weh int�cnt md eu�.r+tiicut3a,► �Iwtt Es � b7 r.rltmt fnetn_rs!�,ia: sxi
<br /> ;�.;,;�'�`�'"�;��R o l t e e i l t n�9 b Y Y H I I�F1C1AitiHi, contm nir�nferaica to thi��and ot Tn+at�nd its plaee o!neord. �AIiCh� � '•„i_`
<br /> ,..:
<br /> �;�,:,:,�•...•,, ` x��wcorded in tiro offtee o4 tAe Ra01s4e�ot Oeed�at the ean o�ean t ln t��l h 9 t A s s l d p r a p��t Y �
<br /> w
<br /> ,�':tis;�.;�,��;-. .. is�itu�ted atraad be con�tueiw pPOOf of prceper �oiatr�ant of t a�ecastar 7fd18TEE. 1'!�e taropolnD ��
<br /> ,.�u7::.��`. �.7�,';` poaer ot eu�tttn�tion �nd tAe proceduro thae�ator eMtt �ot t�exetwtvs ot tha por+N' �d Proe�'Q ;,�.:�
<br />':�ty�;'1��:'' ' ,:, p'dvided Mr hy 1ai for the w�:tttution of e TRUfiIE� io the pl�ee of tra tRtfiT� n�Md Mhin. •.'�<<
<br /> �..-_...
<br /> � ',h+� �, ��`.��:.
<br /> ':��, ;;� 0. TRU8iQR eovanntm aal�Oress th�t�pa►rrY+ttaipt�d emnray�e. u�ifl��t.P��dW or trensftr ot+nf► rlt±`�,
<br /> . ' . �i.1� , of hi+ intere4t tn ths pre�la� drrirq� ths t�r�of the la�+ aaned MrebY. tAe BEIFEiICiARtas �h�tl :.�,Tu
<br />.��,,;'fF�', ,'�:,� ''` hava tAe optian of deelstie�tfie u�p�id bet�nce l�edietsty eLe and pr1►�ble, �rM if a�id�nw�i� •�
<br /> r 'ir� •� ' upnid for fiiteen(15�dy�t4rereafter. B�FIEEICIJV,ttE9 cmn cetlp Notiee o!O�iMUIt to b�of��� ��?
<br /> rt� rr , �Fs�i Q�53� 56:�7f9}`lnY���!!�!!11�. ,ivl�t�:
<br /> ,� ,y?!�� �: ' f�r •
<br /> !,,x:r^ _�� • -_ _-
<br /> • r .. H. A1 ilddlti0filll Aild COIIItlEPOI sQWI'1tr io1'Lh0 IOQI� Y�09AOC41vr tottQlMl�i1 t;90fl 1f11111p Ot�N04U�L O
<br /> �, Detalt, tA1s fnst�ubnt shell aerve es an essit�Mant by the TRUBTOR to the TRUBT�E. af�ll ront4 ard _---_.
<br /> • ravenues lywltie� frow thspraperty, aM TRWT�E i� authori�d Lo take passealon of ths p�'op�rh►. :.__
<br /> ront or lea�ths aw an ten�s be deas best end to collaat the rents+nd revenuss end+�pply tM a�s
<br /> ... .�• upon updd iRtenst,prinaip�l, t�xes or fnsur�na pre�lu�or for w�einta�wrc�md preieMntian of tlM _
<br /> ' ;,, , �',: pra�las. '"--
<br /> , ,,
<br /> '-'`°`�-`�•,:�I°":."� t. TM wiwr bp TRII�TBE o� BENBFiCiAl1IB9 of �nfr dtlwtt of TRUiTdI under this Oa�d of Tntst� an orN �`�.
<br /> _ -. . .{� oe�ion. sh�tl �ot be or b� dn�ed to bs a w�fw� ot rry otMr or siwli�r dsfautts �+�Rlr �:�
<br /> .•.,,.r ,..��..�y OCWI'M11p. � _w-
<br /> "•�+p J. lf titl� to any pu�t of th�praperty herein �hdl be trken in ca�de��tion proeeedinp�. h��1pM of :Y:`
<br /> . ., , winmt doMfn, or siwil�r acelan, or rh�ll b�eotd��chrat of ean�lrrntion. �tt wud�, d�On t
<br /> �,•, Y ..: •� �nd p�oeMds ay hetyby�asi�ed end shall b�psld t0 th�BENBFICIIIRIBi,wAo stisll�pplr weh pqn�nt. ,
<br /> ^''= - ' or ml►pKt thsraot. in tPai� �ol�diaroNon, to the w dw at thst tiwe m tbi�Oo�d ot Twat wd
<br /> Tnat Deed Note. Mith �► b�lance�bow th� �nt du� Iwn�+der p�ribte to ths TRUSTOR.
<br /> :..,.•.��-,•:•.,..� .. .
<br /> :�.,: K. TAs BEUEIICIARIE9, thsi�+�ente or repretentattvas, are hereby�uthorised W enter, et ry ro�aon�le
<br />,''. ';,� tiw�.�an�n�►P�'t of the trust prap�rty to�tM p�+rposn of impecein0 the s�we rd fo�ths p�u�poM .
<br /> ��'.�^, . of perfawin0�ny of tM eats they�ro�uthorised to perfon�u�de� the te�ws ot this Oead ot Tntst�nd
<br /> otMr aaa�rytnp dxuknu.
<br /> . .1 L. 'fNt�Deed ot Tn�sL�nd�ll aeeaiprry���doe�wents�ro wbleet to, ea�streeied end 9ovemad bp the lrrs
<br /> ,:c. . 04 tho 8t�ts of M�ask� for all ,
<br />.` '- ." �,_-•+° M. In the event ary ane or woro o4 t��e provisia�xs sentelned iR thte�eed of Tnnt. Tnwt Deed Motes, o� _
<br />:�:�; . " t,� eryr other ieat�uent 91ven in eomectim rith this trenotetian. ehelt tor an1► retson be held to be I "`
<br /> . ;,�;�'� . 4 irnalid, illeQal or unenfo�ee�ble in an�r re�peet, sueA invelidity, illea�tity. or u�a�fora�bttity
<br /> " �4 shsil, et the aptian of she BEMEFICIARtEB, �ot aftect any otherprov istaa of tht� Oead ot Tnut o�
<br /> " ;.� •• T r u at Oeed Note, but thls Oee�Ot TI'u�t end T1'ust OeCd Mote sltdl b0 CoMtt'und ss 1t aeh trnstld,
<br /> . ` . 1tle�st o� uienforeeable provision had navve� been ea►taioed theroin, tt beinp the intmt ia► o f t h e
<br /> � � p�ties th�t tAe provtsioro of tMs Daed of Tnat are deolered to 6e sew*�b�°•
<br />. .,�.4.
<br /> .�;f,�i!•:: ' � M. This�eed of Truat�hdl lnure to end bind the hoiro, deviseee, persa�t eeaesentatires, sueeesson
<br /> . , and asst�s of the prrtles heroto.
<br /> ., � . The TRUBTqt�eqaest�tA�t�capy of eny Nattee of Oefault and of orry Ibtiee of 8stt hereu�de�be piled
<br />_ ,. �. . . � to At� at tAs �d�ess herote set torth, or aueh other eddresa es he m�Y Pro+rid� �° t� 1� °"d
<br /> BEN�1ClARiEE. TIp1STOR turtAer stetes thst he ha 0��tM BEkB�ICEARtEB�wNtten Aclmortadp�ent whteA�t�tes
<br /> thst as TitU�TOR. Aa u�de�'�t�nd� that the doeunnt thot he 1s exeeutina Aerotn is s Oead of Tnnt end rot �
<br /> . � � :�. eo�t�e, �nd th�t the power of sete ptovlded for in tMs Decd ot Tnut providea wbstantielly diftercnt riyhts
<br /> ' end obtiQat{ans than��ortpepe and in�n erent of def�ult or breeeh of the oblt�ptiau eet torth heroin, the
<br /> ° TRUSTEE end the BENHfTCiMlHe aiy t e ke eueA acttan as Reroin provided, tneludinp the exerctse of the power of
<br /> � sele.and the p�rties eQree thst oaid Itektawledonent above roter�d to�as�b�n�e�+�ed�ter to the executian �„
<br /> — . _- - o} t11it DlEd oT TI'YUt �WW�It�tl 00 PEW�oeo privi' w ioi ivw..�.....�. r...- ---- -• -- -- i _
<br /> ;1�.,�•� �
<br /> � �;, plEplTED tha date tirot a6ove written. '
<br /> :''�`.�iv?, j
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