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<br /> } � ,;��,•.�:;{��`,;;;,F3 '.a'-�crn�����s.�.
<br /> . _ ^�Zari�ir.c..:r����� .t,.ii,..��';Li`�;i.�,
<br /> _....�..,+,L..��.�. ..11,_ _ _ t.�.-,f.�T-����,T r-----R Tn.��,�„ __ a =.-.,�,�-..
<br /> u.i� �L`�•_-� xES.�.I'�.:"___u'
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<br /> _.._.°° ���,.�� ' . ' . . . • , :. J;
<br /> .z_�:����_� � Moa�aAa� � $5 ��y,�p
<br /> �-:�,{--��.��� t --� � . . ..._� . - -
<br /> .. .... .:..:... y1 .. _�w �� ---
<br /> . .. , - - - - --
<br /> . .. .. C.. �{I��fYI����Y�l�w'YSQ• T�r'�'�Y�J�+s'�rF1�T��f1f3 C�A�IAx�Y � �a►N�O� ti-.
<br /> _;''i�;=�,:�...=:�'� �Elusban� and i13fe – (h�rtn•'Mmtp�,�)u�d
<br /> 1 .:.�.., : �.._....
<br /> �"« '" – –
<br /> ,y,;�r_._;�;:�, ,. Pive Points ��lt. a Nebreska Coacao�ntioa (hereia"I�ort�pt°� __-
<br /> - --*,..;;;.;.�•'
<br /> .-�::;=f��� 6.52S.50 ,��t�d by!1(�►�tp�oi'a nob
<br /> Mott�►t U[nd�bted to I�oat�es In the pila�ip�l eum�f� ��•�.,r,:;::ro�-�—
<br /> ' " ' �--_ _ _
<br /> ^,` . ' ��„�;� ', .Tune 26, ,1995 �•�p��•)p��i toi WYment�of prindWi�nd tntereat�wIW W�bwac�o?the
<br /> } #-'t"r� 5'.. � �d �������.'� �...��..e._.
<br /> �, ' � .�..,..�,—'-
<br /> � � �. Wdeb�tt not�oc�r p�,due and psytbl�en......t"�° � _ �QQR , 'r"`-`�--�'---_�
<br /> � . '�R.r7�a���-rt:��.�. --
<br /> �`' ,i��.._...�..�_...:�;.�
<br /> � F�r�^'�i�_.
<br /> i,��. : • e To eecure the pymR+nt ot tlte Note.rrltb intemt�s provtded tAenln,the pty�»at of W ot,het�ums.witb tateteat. :1;"..�. :.,�,,'�;�w,i=
<br /> • • tdv�nced bq Mort�ee to��tha seeueltS►of tAla MortVle.md thQ peitoncance o!tbe coieiun�ana ap�eemepb ot. . ,•,,:�,r,:,it1�*.�
<br /> � r cantdn9d hc�efa�'Mortza�or doee hereAy mortP�e ead convey to Mott(,qee!he fotlowin�derc�lEed �:`: .:�;�:�`�''
<br /> . . the Mort�o �.r�, ,:�,.:-,t�°£-:',�
<br /> ., , . Coun NaOr�ed: 1'• .,,,„" 'r
<br /> proyQeL3►locatad iA � �1 . -
<br /> ,, Hs Ly� 'S,�.�;�,:>��'r;;y� ..�;,�-
<br /> �,�,>;� .. �� �.
<br /> , .. ftorthwest Qusrter mf the Northweet Quartec (NW�NW�) of Seation Tttfrteea (23), - r��..,.,.,�, d ';:;�'�',�,
<br /> ;�. ,,, Township Nine (9)� LJaaW, Range T�ral.ve (I2), West o� the 6th P.M., Hall County� '�`,;;,�.•- ��,.;� �� •••
<br /> ' ' ' Nsbxaska exaeptiag�;a certain tract more particularly es follows Part of ch� .��., , .�;�:��, �-„�<<
<br /> � " ' Northwest Quarter og the Northaest Quarter (NW�CN41�C) og Se¢tioa•Thirteen (131, ` ' '� ��`�`��'� r�l-
<br />_� -'.., _! .. _ ,�4�'—
<br /> -- . Toc�nabip Nine (9) North, Range Twelve (12) West of the� 6th P.M:, Hall County, , _ ;:�-n---
<br />:�Ei , Nebrasica, moxe pa.rticularlq described as foliowa: Begianing at the Northeast �°��,��=;=
<br /> ~ eosr�er of the NW�N6l� of Section 13, ToWnebiU 9 Nosth, RBaSe 12 Weot of tiie 6th _ f��-�r` `
<br /> .__,.,.,...__:.:_.:� _. -_
<br /> '�+ p.�l., xell County, Nebraska; tteeace runaiag w�et�riy �u et�a Nori.b line af tha = �`�-- . .. _
<br /> �� NW�NW�C of Sectioa 1S, g distaace of Pive Hundred Fifty Feet (550') to ehe actual .';' � r''�
<br /> . �;:�,,. �,
<br /> ',: �i. .+�
<br /> � Boint of be�inning; thence running Southerly Three Eiundred Thirtq Feet (330") •
<br /> � ° '. thence running weaterly 1'hree Huadred Thirty Fest (330'); thence runuing � ' �'�j"
<br /> _�.,.
<br /> Nostherly Thrae Haadred Thirtq Feet (330'); thence runniag Easterl.q Thxee Hundred � r�
<br /> � �; ��.
<br /> ., � •., Thisty Feet (330') to the poiat oY begiuning. '�:�'��� �' "
<br /> ' `'`,,� „��, .�
<br /> . ' .
<br /> ;. �
<br /> __ . ._, , �,.� , �. , ',?.,_,
<br /> . � , 7bgett�e=voitt�tll buUdinga,improvements,fiztures,etreets.aUeys.PtssagewaYs, eaaementa�rlgAta,pdvlleges end t��3 �D,
<br /> appurteawces Ixated tAor�on or in anywIs�pert�lnin8 tbe�eto,�nd the ceats,issues end pmtite,cev,eislons aad:emalnde�s ,,;i�::��::. :.t%� � �
<br /> , „ thoreof;lncludiug,but aot IGnited to,hesttng and cooliag equlpinent and suth persanel pioperty thnt ta atttched to the :�:�.�.
<br /> „ � improveaients so av to constitute s 8xture:�11 oi wWcd,ineluding replacements�ttd additions thereW,ia hereby declared :�.`.:''�i��.' � �� ,,.:l ,
<br /> to be R patt oi the real estste sec�red by the lied et tdls Mortgage Aad ell of tde toregoWg belag reten�e�to hersln as the , , •r1,'�} '
<br /> `��P��Y��• � r`�r
<br /> •� �
<br /> . Mn�or furt6er convenwta and agrees,with Mortgagee,as follows: : �:.�• ''',;'•���
<br /> ,;'�•,.:. .
<br /> . : , 1� pa}naen� 'Ab pay thelndebtc�fness and the interest thereon es provtded in thls Mortgage end We Note. '•�,:'' _ � .x �,+��`
<br /> . .. 2, Tifle. Mortgagor ia the owner of the Property�hes the dght and autbority W mortgage the Yroperty.and � ��;-
<br /> ' Wurtpt�thnt the liea cceated bereby is a fltst and prior lien on tde Property,except as may otberwtse be set torth hemin. ,;. . -
<br /> Rtvcs Pnlnta Rank ,r�/
<br /> �'!he Property Is sub ct to a Moxtgage�vherein •
<br /> ' Is the Mo .recarded nt��in� - 00 7 of the Motigage Reco:ds of uA�L County�� � .
<br /> Neb�aslu��w h i�c b Mort�Itge is a Iten prior to t he Uen ciea t e d here b y.
<br /> • � 0 piher pcter ilens or encumbrances: �
<br /> � „ _ �!1"'�.
<br /> , . . _ :_•"„ I
<br /> . g, Tues�p�ee�smeafa, '!b pay whea due all taxes,special assessments and nU other charges aptnat the Property � '
<br /> tud,upon weittea demand by Moryp�gee.to add to the payments requised under the Note secured hereby�auch amount as �
<br /> .. may be cuf6clent W eruble!be Mo:tgagee to pay su�h wces,�menta o:other c!►er�es as lhey beconae due.
<br /> " •� 4. Iauteauee. To �eep t�e lmpiovements now or hereatter located on the re�i estate desc�tbed heretn tnsured I �
<br /> . � apfnat dempge by tire'md eucls otAer haa�rds 8s Mortqtgee msy tequiie,tn amounfa utd wlLh compantea accepLeble tn the i
<br /> Mort��ee� �tnd wfth loas wyable to the Mostq�gee. In ctae of lots under such polides the Moit�gee is autAo�lzed to
<br /> . � atijust,cdtect aad compiamise.in lm dlsceetion,all cWms tbereunder at lm wte optton, auWo�ized W eitherapply the �
<br /> • pYOOeeda to Me ratoatlon of tne Pmpetby►os upan th�tndebtednesa secueed Ilereby,but p�qonanb iiereuud$r ehell con•
<br /> • , linue+untii the sums secured hereby ue patd in NU. ' ' I
<br /> b. �Escra��v Foz 7'�es md Icsunnce. Notwitbstanding myNtng conta[ned in para�apha 8 aad 4 henwf to the
<br /> � � oonqraiy,Moitaagor sh�ll pry to the Mortg�ee at the tlme of psytng the monthly iastaUuienta of p�nclp�l and iaterest, ;
<br />- • onatwelith of the yeuiy texes�assessments,h�zard tpaunnce p�+emtums,and�ta�nnd tebte(tf.any)which may attttn a
<br /> - -——-___ "--._.,�._�...w�ik.:.�:..4.�'Qin^..w�Tta cn natd chall he .
<br /> ---- - -_ _ p1102it51 OY@!tilffi 11SD7t�lge��lt�iC7ROnauiy eaaiti8idu icvu.awv w....F.q�....»....d.�... �,.- �
<br />_ . : ., held by the MortpBea witbout fntezest aad applied to the psyment of the lte�s'in�ect to�rhtch�sudi unouats wern '
<br /> e
<br /> ` deposited.The sums Wid to Mottatgee heisunder ue gledged�s�ddlttoatl sesuel4y for the indebt�dness secured by thia
<br /> Mortgege.�ort�or ehdl p�y to Mort�ee We unount of my deficlency between tRe:ctud t�ucea.as�easmenta, tnsurance
<br /> - � ' �� � p�eminaos and @connd teate and tde depoelte hereunder wit�tin 10 days attet deraand is made upon Mottg�gor requestiag �
<br /> ' payaaent tbereoi.
<br />--' " " ' 6. Repalr,MdnnLen�nce and Use. 7b promptly cepair,reaWre or rebvlld anY build[np or improvementa now or
<br /> hereafter on the Property:to keep the Property tn=ood condltion tnd tepitr,withaut w�ats.�nd iteo tMm mecheNds or
<br />— other itens not eapresaty subordlaat4d to tAe llea tiereof;not to make,su[fer oz permit�ny nutunce to exiat,nor to dimia•
<br />'— lah o:imp�it the value oi tde Proporty by any act or omisalon to act;sad to comply adth tU tequiie�rtents of law wtth
<br /> , . . rctepect to ttte 1'[operty. ,
<br />—_i. • i.
<br />__ ,. . � - _ .
<br />