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<br /> �`�'�' 4.Elre�F'l�ood and OWcr Hwrard InsuPaace. Borrower shaU insure a11 imPmvementa an tho Fraperty.whe�ther tww in �
<br /> -. o
<br /> ___:";� ea�isunco or subsequcntly erecad. a8�inst�c►Y tia�ards�ca�ualdes�end oondng�ncies,including[ira� for whi;,h Lct�dcr rcilulres �
<br />_;�,�� insaranca'lhis inswanae shall be msintaincd in tho emaunts and for the pcdods that Landrx�quires.Boir�owu shaU also fnsuro _
<br /> - --- all impmvanc�nts cn tP�o Props�rry.wlrethu now in a�oa or subsoqusndy ercctod.against toss by ilooda to ths oxw►t requlrr,ci
<br />-,°:_;�� by the Secretary. AU Insuranca ahall be carrltd with aompanies apptoved by I.enda.Tha insutence poficies at�d any tatawsils _
<br /> --._�_-=-� sba:l ba heW by Lendcr sad shalt includa toss payuble clu�es ia favar of.end in c�faAm a�cepteble[o�Lender. ,
<br /> --__— In the Rvent of loss.Borrower sball g[vo Lendu immediate notica 6y m�ii.Lendu may make proof of loss!P not mado
<br /> _�� P►'�P�Y bY B�mwu.Bech instuenoe company coACemed is hereby auttt�otiztd and dic+ecud to m�las paymant far such bss
<br /> _-_-�• diroctly to I.ender.instead of w Bazmwa ead tA Leatder joinfly.All ot any part of�he insuraTtco pi�o�ed9 msy be applied by
<br />--, .�. � Leackr,at its optlon, eidicr(a)w the raductioa of the iadebtedness unda the Note aad idL4 Seaulty Inswment,Citst w any
<br /> '��'���..'•� deUaqueat euzow�ts a�plcd in the order ia p.�tgmph 3.and thea to prepayment of principat,or(b)w Ihe c�smiadon or repnir of
<br />_;;i�� the da�°ag°d pr°paty.My applle�ion oF�he pmaeda to the pilnctpal sball aot eutrnd or pnscpone tdo due data of tho montbly
<br />�;_:��;�cm PaY�ta whlch aro refeaed w in p�ag�agh 2.or cbanga the amonnt Qf such payazeats.Any exe,oss insnrenoe pmcoods ova en
<br /> _- = -- amaunt requi�+ed to pay ell outstanding indebtedncss under the Note aad this Sacurit'►Instcument st�aU be paid w�ha eaidty IegailY
<br /> :� ettdtledtbereto.
<br /> � Ia ttus event of foreclosure of diis ScauIty L�suumes►t or otha uaasfu of dtla tu 11�a piopaty tdat exdnguishes the
<br />----- - indebtsdaess.all dght,tW�eM lat�est of Boaower in aad��oe polkies ia fc�rce st�ali pass tn 1t�patt�asa. �
<br />;��� 3.Qrrapar:ry�PersxrvetFca,14lsEaM_rnace end Protection d ti,e P.�Lyi�ro.�'s L�stn 1�p�ltcatEani d.e��. �
<br /> •,�� Bozmwer shall occupy�estsblisb,and use We Property as Bomowa's pdncipal nsi�oe w8bin skty Gays afta the e�caaqion of
<br />-;''� tbis Seauity Insb�ment and shaU candaue to ooc�py the ProPe1t�►as Bomowet's principat iesida�oe fa at least one year afta die c
<br /> ` data of aoraipancy. unless the Seaetary dete:mtnes this z+equitrmeat a+W cause undue daodship fa Aonow�r► a ankss _
<br /> .�-....�--- �a�a�tng � exist wd�Ch am beyond Bottowet's oontroL Barmwa st�aU aolifY I�cada of any o�auadng -
<br />;��� . ci��ces.Bouower st�all not aomidt waste or destroy.dama8o a subs9aatially chaage tbe P�opaty a�llow tLe Pmpaty to
<br /> -_ �Stacior�te.t+easonable ar,ar end tear wcceptad.Laidet may Inspxt the Pmpaty if the Piopaty is v�cant ar ab�uWoned a tbe baa
<br /> - is iri defanit.I,es�da may►mtus reasonable actlon to ptotxt and presave such vacant or abandoned ProputY.Boaowu sh�ll slso
<br /> ba�n default it Bomawer.dwria8 dM lo�appli�aoton pmcess.gave matc�aliy falsa�inaccurate Infoem�tbn or�ts tn
<br /> ' J.esufer tor faiktl toy9ttovlda Lreader wit�any maDaial ini'a�u�atioa)in cixm�;3lc��t it�s itt�t�3sY i3x I'=ois.f�3�iQS. °
<br /> but not limitai to.r�xeseamt�ans coacunin8 Bonower's ooaipancy of the Pmpaty a4 a prind�al resida�oe.If this SecucItY
<br /> ,:"--'��'� Insaumer►t is on a leaxhold. Borsower s6a11 oomply wItb the provisions of t1�se kaso. 1f Bo�owec soquires fee�tk to the
<br /> �:�■� Peeperty�t4e lea9el�oid and fee riti�shaU not be maged unless I�der egrees to tba mager in wrttfig.
<br /> � � ' 6.Chorges to Bon�o�rer and Pro3cc�on N'Leader's Righis in the I'�perty. Bomower s6all pay aIl govaommtal a
<br /> aauaiaipal char8e��nes m�d irapasiaons that are aot included in pa�ph 2.Barowa siwll pay these obllgadons an bme -
<br /> dic�tly vr tha ea�tity which is owed the payment If feilurs to pay would adMUSely a@'ect I�onda's inoa�st in tQ�e Prapaty.t�n
<br /> I.e,��da's�e;quat Ban+owu sha�U pmmptly fiunish to I�Wer moeipts evtdendn8 sb�s�PaY�►�
<br /> If Bon�awer fa�s w make d�eae payments ur tha paymentv requimd by�aragna�h 2.a faits W pafomi any otber ouveaaat�
<br /> end�gcaemesttt cou�ia thtt Soctulty Insnum�artt,or tbece ls a kgal p�ocex�g t1�t taay sigoit'r�ntly affecL It,t�det's r1gAt�in
<br /> tl�e Propeity<a�A bs a proc�ing ia banlauptry�far caade�nnation or w r,t�'�ce lswa or t�egulatiot�s).thea I.endet msy do aml •
<br /> - pay what�va is nexss�ty►to pate�ct the vatue of tho Proputy aud I.atder's tigdts in tha Property.includiaB PaY�►t.of taxes�
<br /> hazatd insotanos and ott�ec iums mentioned In�eag�ph 2. .
<br /> Any amounts disbuesed by Lendcr undESrr t�ls paragrapb shall bac�ne an addidonnl debt of Boaoare��be sxured try ILis
<br /> _ _ Sxuslt}►Inst�ument'Yf�cse amounts shall bear iuterest fmm the dane of disbwrseanuu,ot Ihe Note sate.sAd ai the ap�idn of Leadar.
<br /> sLa11�a 3mmodlataly due and aayable. �
<br /> ---� 7.Contls�na4fon. 'Ihe prooeeds of aay award ar c�n fi�r dam�ges, dirat wr u�lueut3el. i�c�n�itan wht+ enY
<br /> _ oondem�tlon ar o�rr talciag of aay ps�t af tha Property.or far oonveym�a in plaoe of eondnrmation�am hae6Y as�od aAd
<br /> _ st�sll be paid to LeaBa w thm axoent of the fiill anmunt of the indebtodness Wai m,�na3ns unpaid under the Note�nA thia SecUrIty
<br /> - Lesir�rqent L�ender shall spply s��L pmoeads to the reduabn of tha indeba+dnas under the Nota and this Sacuraty Inst�uma►t,
<br /> fnst Lo eny dellnquent amouats appllod in the order ptovided in aaregraph 3�ertd thcn to pa�epaymeat of princ�al.Any applicatbn
<br /> _°� ef the pmoeeGs to the piincipal shall not e�ete�d or pastpone the doa date of the montbly payments.which are rafared ta in
<br /> ______ ��4A(NL�10806) Ptp�9o18 MRIW: _
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