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<br /> -=;��{� COVF.h1ANT8 ���������
<br /> '� � 1, p�ynbnb, @orrower �prna to m�k� �N p�ymsnt�cn th�s�cur�d d�bt�et� duR. Unles� Borro tt and I.�nd�r apr�e oihorwiso anY
<br /> �i..
<br /> ,�;r.i�� paym�na l.andrr reeeives Irom Borrouwr or Tor Borrowss't t�nettt wltl bt�ppIlad ttr�t to sny amount�Borrower owe�on the�ecured dsbt _
<br /> exeiusive ot Inarest or p�ineipat,ucond ta in�rut,,nsl thtn toRrk�abU.If p rtiMl pnp�Ym�nt nf th��eeurod d�bt oacur�for any reaton,It will �
<br /> i+�;� not roduee ar excu�s any sah�duUd paymiht U•th aKsanW�ErCt I+D�I4 tn�utt. -
<br /> -..., �:-
<br /> -_=' Z,prm�ApikMt Titl�,8orrow�r w1i1 pW dl Uzet,�tnssm�nU,and othn ch�rpn ettributaiDq to th�propsrty when dus ond uvitl defmd title
<br /> v-� to th�pro�ty�p a2�ut�ny at8ms whiob wou�d Itnp�4 th�W o}thlo dwd of qwt.Lendsr m�y nquln Bottowu to nslnn enY rIOhU,ct�ims or -
<br /> :�=:�� defmsa�urhicb 9onower may h�w apainrt p�rtios who supp�Ubor or m�tai�ts to Improv�or m�tntUn tM prop�rty.
<br /> -"�� S.Nwx�r�e�, Borrow�t wlil kap t�propaty ins�t�d undu tecros�cc�pt�bt�to lefM�t�t 0otrowu's exp�n:s and �or Ls n dor'a b ane 4 l t. A t l �
<br />_.�� ima�na poUcNe shd inaludn��U�dard morto�p�cl�us�in t�vot of lsndK.L�nd�r wOi M tf�mM u lott p�YM o�as the inYUr�d on�ny such _--
<br /> Insur�nc�po1.aY.Any�qs�wanc�proc�eds m�Y b�•ppIIM.within Ler�d�r•�d4a�tion,to�ithn t ���tontlon or�eptir ot ths Etm�Oed P►aWnY
<br /> - o►to tM ucured dabt.�f 1.�ndar t�puka mortp�ps intursnce.Barowu�grtes to mNntatn�uch�suanw fo►a lonp a�LsnQ�r nqulra. �_.
<br /> —�� 4.�ropwty,Borrower wfil kap ths praperty in pood candiUon�nd mdu aU reprin�aawnably�eeasury. 4
<br /> �-:`a g,E�xa.6orrower aproe�to paY alt LendeY�ox�rue� Ineiudfnp rossonabl�aKOrnsy�'fse�,if 8onower broalu sny covenanu in this d d ���
<br /> a,�_-
<br /> `�'��� o!trust or(n any obtip�tlon tscund by thta desd of trutt. �or►ow�r wUl pay thsts emounte to Lender�s provided in Covantnt 9 of thfe 4 ot =_.�
<br /> e--
<br /> =��-y 1TUt1. --
<br /> d�p�{or g�� Ir��sb.Untsu Bonower tirst obUfns UndePs virtitten aonnr�t.Bonov+�r wIU not msk�or permit any�hanyes to my prlor
<br /> °`�`��' jriCl�u�ijiT�ip�6orrowar's ecve i�mito m�ks paypin�enU�rwhen d��ie.�b�p�oni unde arry prior mortgeps, deed of trust or other�eourity apreemsm, -
<br /> --° �.As�t of R�nts�nd P�oltt�•Bor ow�r aatpns w Lendor tNe rorK�md profits of tho ptoperty.Unteas Bonower�nd Londer hav�ay��eed �
<br /> othww ts(n vrridrg,Botrower may col�ect and ret�in the renb as lonp a�Bor�owar is eot in defsuR.If Bonowsr defauite,Ls�der,
<br /> ��ent,or a court appoint�d rocsfvsr me take pouessbn and marup� the properh►�nd eollect the�ems•A�Y renru�tqlender coileats�h�Q b
<br /> — nam���uAted expert�isee iTM ie�msTntn�g �wu�rtt of ronto wi11 dron�APh t PaYrt►e�o»df ie eecured de:bt�as�oWdsd�ln Cov�ena�r►t�lany other
<br /> -- 8.�f��msi q�rpo lh�it p�y�lop�nNlts.9afrowar�prea to compty wi��p�rtoDwraer�wt�i peitot6tn�ei�of d8 ort wer s dii tles
<br /> ;.,., n�a�.�ho!d.N thls Qeed af ttuet h on A unit�^�ranclo�++Ufum er e planMd unft devet� .
<br /> -_-,. unde�the covenerno,by-lewa,w regulatto�ot the condomintum or ptennad unk development. _
<br /> s 8,�utlprltr p}��ndK to PMam tat 8ormw�r. It Bonowsr falia tope�form am!of Bortower's duttea under thla daed of trust, Lender mey
<br /> parfom� hi dutMs or cause them to bs pertormed.I.andar may�ipn eonower's��me or psy any pmouM if neceasery tor perfarmencs.tt any
<br /> siaKity iMK��it fn�t�pro�p�r y Thi�m y incl�ud�i�mpl�tl��ie cooiui e�tl�onm��r.Lanaer mny do whstaver is rncssuiry to poteat Lenda'�
<br /> Lender'�taHwe to perferm wllt not preetuda 4ende�from exerdtln�any of hs other ripMs undsr ths 1ee�or thl�Qssd of truat.
<br /> an�wtil beu i��om t�h�a ds e otf t�hs�W r eni�ur�itil�pa d Inrt�ull a���I�estr a e n Uette�at on ttie sscuid dobi uMS wfll bs due on demtnd
<br /> - 10.Wtault�nd Aa1�rtt1Q�►. tt Bonower fatle to m�ke�ny paymen4 wMn dus or bredca�ny covantnu under thb deed of ttu�t or any _
<br /> - obllpatton secursd bYc it+tt ue�d o�f��o����u of�i ts and edi+y other e�med�l�t per rmtttaa by opp�lEeab s�W ty��iBCUTAi1 dlbt�tld
<br /> '= t�bi�imii3 .#.'iiii8��L28�l�t , .
<br /> _-� �aptRo,�rt�the�d/�pf ea�ttucl��psnon;a�et fo�rM�he ein.�p�of the noUces ot detault�nd�ate be sem to each penon who!a�parry
<br /> 12.Paw of S�N.�t t1��endsr invm�es ths DuNnr ot ae�o,the T�uteo shall flnt racard in the oHtcs of chs reqister at daeds of�ach county
<br /> - wherei��trua ProP�Y or soms put ar parcel thereof i�sitwted o notfee ot detault coMainlng��M����Q��o���•T��d�
<br /> s1uU alsa mall c4ptw of d�nottc�of defeutt to ths Bonower,to e�ch penon who Is a psrly her pro
<br /> —_� �pplic�ble lew Not ws�thm n�momh tlta the Trust�s reeord�the notics of defsuM. or twa rtwMlu+If ths wst propsrtY 1s not(n ury
<br /> - incorporated eiry w vlUape�nd�s ussd in faminp op�►itfa�wrtlsd on by U►e trusta,the Trun�s she1�4�w pubito nottcs of ak to the penonn
<br /> - and in ths ma�r�er lxacrtbsdby�pppllu6l�I�w.Trusdte,wkhout dhemond on Bortowsr.thalt esll thpb�Pro�s�y At publia suatio�ta!he hlpMtt
<br /> - bldder.If requlred���e���a in�y pxee/ol�tM�Orep�►tY�by�P�b1Ec an�nout�ieem�er�t at�ie dme end plea�e of any��vla al�jr sch�o��dW�atwi.
<br /> Truatss m�y postpo
<br /> - trnd�or tu dodpnee m�y p�rcchns ths propenY et any e+te.
<br /> 4hs rocltiata coMUned In -
<br /> Upon ncel�t ot pa aM of the pHes Did.Truatee sheQ dellver to the pu►cha�er Truste�'s d�sd�onveyinp the property.•
<br /> -- r�.t«'s dsed tha�bs prima facis evidlence of the truds of the stetemenb eoM�ined lhenln. rusus shntl apphr tM proceeds otth�pk tn ths
<br /> r I�mir�i��tb�o ill s ms ssse xfed by�li�dee o��bu��t,and(e)t'Ii�itbitu�ioe,M ny bto dro�prsoro legilly en��ed to ro�eern�y'�Tess and
<br /> q3,Fa�i��n.At lend�ra opdon,this deed oi wst m�Y be foreclosed In tha mnm+ar p�ovide by nppllaabte�aw tot foroctosuro of mott�ape�t
<br /> on�eal prop�rty.
<br /> c�ise f Lei�der'�Int�satlon Mer ths property to Inspeot It If lender gtves BoROwer noUce Det�rehend.tM notice must etete the reasonebt�
<br /> 16,�a►d�nwlbn.8or►owe�as�l m m Lender thep►oceeds of eoy�ward or clalm tor damspn conneotod wlth a condemmtion or otAer taking
<br /> _� o�M��it che aopamr.�ueb ptoeveds wlll De apPlied as provlded in Covsrurtrt 1.7Ate asip�msnt Io subJeot to ths terms of anY prlor
<br /> �iim�u�pon B�Rawsr�'s default,Larrvid�ei do�ei no wiNe�a y rt M to 1�0ete�icYro•niltler thr�an�nnt i�dn°i4auh It k happ�eni eqaM��� sxerclatnp '
<br /> 17. Jdni�nd Sw�rat W6pitYi Caa1An�+= Suae�aso�s�d A�� ea�•Ali dutits under thlo dse�at truat arc Jalnt enA �werat. Any -
<br /> 8omowsr who eo-slpns thti deed of tru but does not eaalpn the undeAvinO de6t I�trumer�tls! does so onhr to praM and eonvey th�t
<br /> � � � - Barower's iMerost In the ptopettN to the�nutse under the ten�nys of thb deed oT mut.In addldon,such e Barcower eproot th�t Uha�ende►md
<br /> -- dept°�Uiou�ti etMBoc�ro�ixeit s�consetln arW wlUauvtroleasliq tl�+ttBaoirower imm the��m�ia of��li de�ed o�q�.f this deed of truat or ths seaund _
<br /> _ '(tis duties�nd bsneNa of thio daed o4lrust ah�ll bU�d end beneflt the suecsasors and settpns of Lender and Horrowar. .
<br /> tt.No6a�.U�nkss opth�retryw�s repuired by taw,sny noncs to Bortower shdt De pivm Ey d�llvarinp h or by�y mslllnp h by c�eQnified m�i!�ddraund to
<br /> --�-- - m�j io urMsr'��d�ss a�n pa�ps W tF►I�deid�o�truK,�or to�anY o�tl�snr addru�siwolN�ehLenA�hai desipnsu�d�Any oth�r mUcs��lbeynd� _-
<br />_-_�--= be saK to lenda'e edd�ees ea statea on pape 1 ot thl�deed ot�wt. -
<br /> --�� Aay nottc�shNl be ds�mod to hsve bem phron to 8orrower or lender when given im tha mnnner eteted nbove. _
<br /> -�:�?-�
<br /> �� ;• 19.Tnnt1K of t!N Prop�tW a�Owwdbe�r Mb�t M!M 0°R°°r�r•�f aIl a any part of the ptoperty o�any Intenat tn R is sold or Vansterred
<br /> "`• wNtfout tonder'e prior wrltten conserit, LerMer may demand Iaemedtate p�Vment of the aecure-d debt. Lender may aleo demand Immedlate _
<br /> ' demand payi�moent�En tl+�ibove 6ltuetloi►st it k Is proNbked y i�eEe�ral Inw aa ot the�dM�e of�dels dea9 ot 4nt t��Red. However. Leadar rtwy not =
<br /> �":.'.i —
<br /> 20.R�eo�rr�y�nc�e.WPten tho o�llgatEon sacured by thla dcsed of truet has been pald and lander Aea no turther obtigatlon to meke advancea =
<br /> ... ••��••-- tltluoi v�o nna�n.�v....w
<br /> ._...�......�w�di hv thta ddd nf trust the TtusteB 6h31� uoon vrtitten roqueat by the Lendor,.roeonvey Uw tr�st
<br /> - pr�o�perty.Tho londot ehn0 aetiver to tfw Bomwar,ot t0 80rrotvat'o 6ttCCOS80►In lnYereaL the Vult QeeG ano Lne note or omar avidarrt�o�n.�"v
<br /> _�� abNfliUon so ut[stted.Bottowet shotl pay any recatdaUon coate. o
<br /> :�r�`: Z�, g���Tn��, Lender, et lender's o�on, may remove 7ruetee and appaiet a eua�.�esam uustee by Hret, meUUg e copy ot the
<br /> '.!�-a�, eubst(tudon of truatee as repulred by eppttaable aw,end then,by flllng Me subatituUOn of watee for�eeord in the offteo of tPee rogiotar of deeda _
<br /> ''!�C?�• � o}e���y tn whfeh tAe truat properiy.or Bome yart cheroofi,ta aituMed.The succeeaor trustee,wkhout eonveyance of the properiy.ehalt
<br /> �.:,,;� wcceed to ati the powe►.dutles,authorky nnd title oi the T�ustee�amed ia the deed of trust end of any succoasor trusteo. _
<br /> '��� -.
<br /> . _rti:. _
<br /> � .u.
<br /> a�!• rc,y.s o�ai
<br /> :i���., - -
<br /> �-u� ;,, e�euteis srs�o.�wc..sT.e►ouo.Nw eesoti naooaas•us»Fo�w ocwrc►+�ene�s�
<br /> .. ;
<br /> . � �
<br /> �
<br />