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<br /> ., , .: CmVENANYB ' ���1 �/� %r�::
<br /> ' � %: 1, p�yrnatlt�. Botrovsar �groa to mak��ttp�ymsnU on the eeeurad debt wMn due. Unteas oorrower ano 6endor aproa ot ioRw:so, e��Y =� ,;;�
<br /> , : :. �. p�yments und�r rscdver foonJ Borrow�r m Tor Borro�u's benofit wlll be�0pSled firet 4o any amounte Borrower owes on the securod debt
<br /> ` exclwivs o}IMUttt or prinot�l,a►COnd to(�t�tast,and then+to princlpat.If p�rilal prep�yment of the�ecured dtbt accurs tor any roeson,It wllt ,
<br /> .'i j .�•i;? not teduc�or�xauts�ny seMdut�d PWtt�nt unbt tiN��c�►�debt b ptld tn NII. ,.;'•�..•;
<br /> �:firv• ;•�: �, .�,
<br /> �TL:� Z,qY�A�ftt Titl�.dorro will•�p�Y��l�t�xar+��9��M��and othor charpe�ettributabls to the property whon due end wilt defend titls .
<br /> � , , to tM prop�ty��0Ainst Iny��hich Woq101mptir thr Itan of thp dnd of uust.Lender m�y raquire Bottowa to a�ip n am►riphts,oletm�or r.�.;,
<br /> " defenaei v-filah eorrowet msy h�ve�yetnst ptrtles who wpply tabor or m�tedtN to improve or mafM+�in the property.
<br /> --;`^"�;�•�`? 8,Mwr�, Bnrrow�r wiU knp tM proparty insund under terms ecnptaWe to Lender at 8onower'o expenoe and 1ot i.andcr'a bunofft.Ali '
<br /> �- ' Intuanco po�i�.Na sh�it Inotad��stmdsrd moKoape ci�ws in favor a}l.uidar.Lsnder wili b�nemed a�loat pa�rss or st th�insured on any tueh %; L�
<br /> Inttu�ncs poilay.Any tnsurana proc�sds may bs applied,within LendePa dbaetion,to aftMr the reatoratlon or repair of tM damsQed property Y
<br /> .�; ' or to tM stcured debt.If Lander reQulrea mortpage inswance,8orcowar apreet to meintein sueh inturence for ee Iong e�Lander roquiros. -
<br /> ���°�� 4,prop�rty.Borcower wiq koep ths property in good condiNon end eneke�1�apNrs rasaonsbly neceseary. �.P �'•.
<br /> � �;� ��;, B.Expmsa.8o�owe�sgroas toRaY all Lnnder's expanaes [ncludlnp�easooebis eKoineye'fees,if @orrower bronka any covenante in thts deed A
<br />-- ot wst or in any obllpaUOn�ecured by thb deed of iruat.�orrower wili pay these amounts to lender as provtded in CoveneM 8 of ihia dead of �,_,�,�;
<br /> .�•:��'.s',1�°.. tRtBt.
<br />___`w`�rtQ��
<br />:•;.i�;r,�.,�ry , 8.Pelor S�cu�(�y kK�nsb.Unt ss 8onower flm obtatna Lender's writton eonseM,Bortower will not make or permit any aAanpes to eny prior ,�;R��_
<br /> �. security tr.tereate.8orrow�r�It peAorm all of 8ortaweYs obUgstiona under any prior martgsge, dead of uuat ot other eecurlty spraemern.
<br /> ,���Q, Includinp Bonowsr's covenaM�to make paymenta when due. �;,�,_
<br /> a �� 7,A���ot Raob�nd Proltb.Borcower assipns m Lender the re�and profits of the property.Uniess Borrower and Lender have epreed �
<br /> _.,_�=, .,,
<br /> �`' otherw af s tn writinp. Bottower msy colleot and retein the rents aa Iong ae Borrower Ia ttot In defauk. If Bonower dafautte, Lender,Lender's ��r.-=-
<br /> j���u apsnt,or a aou��ppolr�ted roesiver maY take posaesalon and manage the prcperty and eoUeat the ronte.•Any rorne len�der eolleata shell be
<br /> +-��+�y�� nep��ceasary iela ed ex�p�ei asa fThe tn�in�nining amouBM of re�wAI th ne eppty to paym nts on the secured deM as p ovld d�i�Covenetn teny other —
<br /> vu t_:s.c=
<br /> •^��e.LL'� � —
<br /> '�"�••'�• a,L�u�f�otd� Condon4ntum�s P1anMd udt O�vNaprtMm�.Bo►rower egrees to eom !y wRh the provisiona of any Iease If thie dead of miat is on
<br /> �u t
<br /> --_-.-=.--� �t�aqhoW.if thia dNd ot trutt te on e unit In e eoM�Qmif1Ium or e pknrsed untt evetopmant,Bonowm wili ponorm ail of 8ortower'a duUea __.
<br /> :��_.i���-r UtIQ'uT tib3 CGYCR'�•flRl�bjhlSHfQ�M ro��Of th0 CQIftlOmirtlum or Pinrvqai wiii dbYoSBp�iioilt.
<br /> --��4:.,,:'�_� �~'�"
<br /> 8.Audwuitll o�f lwd�to P�Aorm for BortowK• If Sor►ower falla to�perform any of Bonower'�duties under thls deee}o}ttust, I.ondM rnay
<br /> perform tM duttsa or auss ttum to bs performed.Ltttder m�y slen 9ortower's n�me orpa y any amouM if aeces�ery�c►t►eKormanae.it any -
<br />���=�:�_,;:.�'+,;,;�,^ consduatton on thspropeny is dlsco�tinued or not aRted on In s�asoruble ma�er,Lender mey do whateve�la�eceesary to proteae Lender's �
<br /> - _ �earriy intaro�t tn the aApartY•Thu may Inoiude compteting ths consVucticn.
<br /> -���-`"�-� tender'o hliura to pe►form w11i not prectude Lender ftom ezerclsl�eny ot fte other righta unde►tlie few or this deed of Vwt.
<br /> `"`-�� AnY a�rtounu pafd bV�nder to proteot LendeYe security U►terest wiQ be secured by thts�eed of uuat. Suah emountt wlil be due on demnnd
<br /> r.,._;4�� ana will(oear[ntateat trom the dets of ths paymert until patd in full n the interos4 rate in e ect on the aecured debt. _
<br />.�.:��;lii,�s�" R---
<br /> ___��� 10. D�t�uft�nd Accd�ration.If Bonowe� fetis to meke any psymem when due or btesks any cpvenents unda tlds deed of hust or any _
<br /> _ „r�;,,;� oblip�don ascured by this dsed of aust or any prior mortpeqe o►dead of trust,Lendu m��y accelernts tNe maturity of th� c�cu�ed debt and
<br /> ��s������m.y Involce the powar ot sale and anV other�ensedies permitted by oppqwbte��w.
<br /> --- � ' ��,p�wg{a Hotic�of Wiwlt.R f�hereby�eqpeated Met cophs ot the noticea of default and sele be sent to each person who is a pariy
<br /> ::_a.�,�y-,,,_;� hereto,et the addnsa of eaah�uoh penon,as set To►d+heroin.
<br /> _,,�,,�r��m�; 1Z.Pow�r of SaM.if the Lender Invokes the powsr of�ate,thn Tnr4te�sh�U first�eeord in the office of the replsto�o?deeda ot etoh county
<br /> � wMretn the tr�st P�aPerh►or�ome part or pueet tfianof is ekueced e not[ce of defnult contatninp the intatm�tion�equirad by I�w. ?hs Tru�tes
<br /> -- �hnll alao mail eopies of ths notics of detsuh to tM 8onowar.to each panon who It e p�rty hereto, and to od�er psrtons aPre�aribed by
<br /> - �-�� appiteabts f�w.Not te�Uun ons month att�r th0 Trustas recorda tAe�p�¢e of dehult or two mor�ths if ths tru:t properW 1a�ot In any
<br /> incorporated city or viliaps and ia uaed tn ferminp operatlons canied on by tla truetor,tha'F�uatse�h��l givs pu6tla notiae ot sale to the penona
<br /> --- md in ths manner protaibed bv aDOPilabte Iaw.Trustee,without demend on Borroweerr,�yshati eai)the P�rotPe►tY at puONe auation to ths hiphe�t
<br /> _- biddsr.If roquksd by the Farm Flomsst�sd ProtsaUon Aot,Trustse�bilo e�n oun eme t at the��rnsa n�d piscs of anyrp�rovlo�usly i pat�uls�d iale.
<br /> - TruaN m�y postpons�ats of�Il or�ny par�sel of dw propsrtY b1�p►
<br /> _--��� Lender or ib dssipnee may purchaa ths property at�ny sals.
<br /> Upon roeetpt ot pa rrt of the prtee bid,Truatee shatl deliver to sfie purcha�er Trwtes'e deed eonvsyinO tlx►propertlr.Ths roaideis eontalned tn
<br /> ------ - 7ruste�'�da�d eha�primt tact�evidlence of the mith of tha atatements contatned tAerain.Truetas ahdl appty ths pnsceeds of th ulo in tM
<br /> ieinit�atemir�it ees�tti� a al!w��securod b this dea0 M�mut snd�ce I t�ee batance,it a y bto ths penoni legilty er tiUed to m�oei�ve�k.fses snd _
<br /> 13,For�down.At Lender's aption,thir deed of uvat may fre toracloeed in the menner provtde by�pplloabte law tor foracloaure of mortpepem
<br /> _ � on re�l property.
<br /> 14. lender may aMer the property to inspeat it it le�dsr givaa Bonower nottce betorohend.The notice mua�tet�the raesona�M
<br /> cauas�er'�insp�otlon.
<br /> — 1a,Co�wf�nfmtlon.Bonower eta!pna to Lender thsproceeds of e�►r award or atalm for dsmape�connected with s condamn�tion or other takinp
<br /> - `-�� eui�rity aproament��operty.8uch procaeds wili be epplied es provldad In Covensnt 1.This assipnmaK b subleat te ths tarma ot emy pHa c
<br /> 10,W�iv1t.By dxerel�inp arry ramedY avatlabte to Lender,Lender doea not pive up�snY rtphu to Isier uss an�r other romady.BY not exerelslnp
<br /> -- --- eny romed�r upon Bonower's Eef�utt,lender does aot walve any ripht to totar con�Wer the evem�deteuh M k t�eppens sQein. -
<br /> - ---- 77.Joint�nd 8�v�a1 UaDMtty.� Co-siOrNn: Succ�on �nd As�u Qound. AII dutles under 4his deed of trust are �oint �nd severat.Any -
<br /> Borrawer who eoeipns this dead ot uwt but do�a �ot co-aipn e ursderi�in debt tnmumeMte)do�� w onty to pra+t md convsY tF+�t
<br /> � BonowePe int�nft!n ths properiy to ths Trustes under tha urm�ys ot thU da�d o�trust.In addkio�,wah s Bottowet�pres�that the Lende�and
<br /> �+:a dsbt��khou�t tl�►t Bortower s�COnieant anduwkho�t ro eaa np�Met Banower�hom�tem�i�of�N�dee of tru t}�is de�d of truat or ths secured
<br /> - --;
<br /> =�;;,;�� The dutiee�nd b�n�fks o!thf�doed of uuat�hell bind end b�naH[�he wacedaors end essigns of lendu and Borrower. _ _
<br /> ,_ :
<br /> -�� 18.Notic�.Untsss otMrwise requlrod by Isw,enY notics co Bottowor ahett be Qiven by deilve►ire It or by reatilnp R by osrdfled meii a6dreaasd to
<br /> � � Borruwqr at Ms propurty sddress or any otfier addroaa Met Borrower haa phran to Lendsr.Bonower witl yfvs any rtoUce to Lande�by cenifled "'v
<br /> .,�,�;;•�,�;.�� me8 to L�nder's addnst on p�pe 1 of thit de�A of uuat,or to�nyothu sdtlreas wRtch Lender hms desiQmted.Any other�otlee to lender ahtl�
<br /> bs smt to lender'e addrose a�stat0d on paps 1 ot thi�deed of trua. �--
<br /> _ _-�:,�,� `'_.
<br /> _ __ -=_' A n y n o t i w s h U t b s deemed to hsve bsen yiven to Borrower o►Lendsr whnn phroe In the manner eteted aDove. F--
<br /> -�-��r=`� � _-
<br /> -_,m:,"v�
<br /> ,..,�.� 18.?►�rufw of tM Proporty a�Gnsfleul ht�ut in th�Barow�r•U eil a an part ot the ptope�y or an inte�eet in is RoI0 or tran�tened
<br />:y.��"-• •- . w�thout lander�o prior written conaent, Lende�mey deman8 Immediete peyment of the securad debt. Lendet m�Y At`o demnnd immediate ,,
<br /> .� :��.'��'.� d¢m,�plYmeM nt U�i above situatfor�is�l�it le ptoMbhed by f daTQ law ia�dte�d�of Mis dced far�Vanateaed.Nowever,Lender meY not
<br /> � . •,,;y�, 80�R onwymc�.WAan the obilgetton securod by thle deod o t Vust hoa been patd and Londer hao eo further oEllAetion to mako advancas
<br /> __�_�...._Y.... _...._.......�....�..�n...we.�f ot nwe_ �1m 7ruatoo ehelL unon written roquest by the Lenda,_reconvey the truet
<br /> ,•:�v , _- :�wa. ...o...o.............
<br />�:"---r.. . property.The lender shaO�eNvar to tlw Bor►ower,or to Bortower's suoceasor in intarest,tha truat aooa ena me rtoce w omer aridm�ce vP i�o
<br />- ��r`� ob►pt etton w eaUett�d�Borrowor ahall pey any r000rdation coots.
<br /> �.f,riisfi�.,,
<br /> �� �`'i�`b��'K;y.� Z�• 8�� T��• �nder, et Lender's opUon, meV remove Tru�tee and appoint e succeaeor truatee by fErot, melllnp e eopy ot the
<br /> -:,±n-__�.,;,.;�,, substkutlon of Vueteo es requlred by eppilcabla taw,and then.b1t Hlinp the subatitutton of trustoe fot record tn Me ofNce of the rogiater ot deeda
<br /> ..- �r=� �' aucceehd io er I,the pwowei duUqs suNior�ity�end�tiUo ot�tl►e T�rueteo•n8�e�dit the d�d ot aueet er�idaoi�eny aucc�essorYet uatea of the Properiy.ahall
<br /> !.y6:r�7 .•v
<br /> _ - e.�
<br /> .y: ���,'
<br /> . : +�
<br /> .�
<br /> - ,�:+`a.K`;f Ip.p.�ot?l
<br /> -.•.jr; .
<br /> s:'i}���'•,,� SANKQI8 8n8TEM8.MC..8T.CLOUD.MNl6EO111�604a97.4�tt)fORM OCRMTGNB E11B/91 �..
<br />